Binge-free challenge ~ Jan. 5 - 11

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  • WOW: to days in a row of good aerobic workouts, (cross country skiing) but they really make it hard not to binge. I am absolutely ravenous afterward. I took granola bars with me, and then ate a good meal at home. But am still hungry a while later. My body just isn't used to this.
    On the flip side, I want to keep this up, both for weight loss/control and because I do enjoy skiing, and have some holiday time coming up and want to go skiing for part of that. I will enjoy it more if I am in really good shape!
  • Way to go, fatmad! Are you eating enough protein post-workout so that you're not ravenous?

    Keep up the good work, 4dreams.

    How's it going, Onlywoman, MeganBeth, ICU, SpiritAngel, Spoz?

    I am sorry for your loss, paniania.

    Today is day 14 for me and so far, so good. I haven't lasted this long in a while because I sort of lost it mid-November, starting with my birthday and then through the holidays. I had one streak of 33 days last year - I think that's my record. Maybe I can break that this time. I am really motivated to get the remaining holiday weight off and be bikini-ready by spring break in April.
  • Starting a new thread.