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Leenie 10-02-2004 08:51 AM

Weekend Chat - October 2nd and 3rd
Good Morning Ladies,

Well its dreary out and dd isn't feeling well so we will be staying in today relaxing and cleaning.

Watcha all up to today ?

lady_adnerb 10-02-2004 10:57 AM

Leenie: Sorry to hear your DD isn't feeling well. Hope she's better soon.

I'm debating whether I want to go to the bigger wal-mart or the weenie one here in town. I need a new cordless phone (the one I bought was junk. Couldn't turn the volume up so couldn't hear people) and they don't have a decent selection here. Most have caller ID....and I was thinking of just getting a caller ID box and then a regular cordless phone.
Another day OP!! WOOHOO!!! And another pound gone!!! WAHOO!!!

lady_adnerb 10-02-2004 11:06 AM

Hey all you runners out there on Atkins....can you answer this post?? I don't know anything about running and what to do w/Atkins. lol


mammasita 10-02-2004 11:26 AM

New to the LC part of the forum.......Thought I'd jump in and join the chat.....

Its a beautiful day here in Va.....Just got home from my son's soccer game. Nothing is cuter that 3 and 4 year olds "playing" soccer.


Originally Posted by Leenie
Well its dreary out and dd isn't feeling well so we will be staying in today relaxing and cleaning

Hope your daughter feels better and enjoy the cleaning - and I use *enjoy* lightly LOL.


Originally Posted by lady_adnerb
I'm debating whether I want to go to the bigger wal-mart or the weenie one here in town.

I would opt for the bigger walmart - it just sounds more fun :D


Originally Posted by lady_adnerb
Another day OP!! WOOHOO!!! And another pound gone!!! WAHOO!!!


Sonnet 10-02-2004 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by lady_adnerb
Hey all you runners out there on Atkins....can you answer this post?? I don't know anything about running and what to do w/Atkins. lol


Hi Brenda, I used to be a long distance runner until I hurt my back, so I still like to read up on it a little. I noticed what Atkin's had said in his book about it. It's been a while, but I think it was in a Q & A section from the old yellow book, or it could have been once when he was on TV.

He said if you are a even a marathon runner, but still over weight, watch your carbs like anyone else who is over weight and not to add any since if you're over weight, you don't need carbs. He said overweight marathon runners do exist. There is no need to add them then--that's a myth.

And I run into this all the time. People tell me to be sure and add carbs when I'm active with exercise...Why would I want to do that? To maintain my overweightness?

Sonnet 10-02-2004 01:59 PM

Oh, I see now. i'll copy my post to the other thread. :dizzy:

Sonnet 10-02-2004 02:59 PM

Hi everyone. It's sunny here today. It seems like we always get the nicest days in October, but cool nights. I love this time of year.

Leenie, I hope your daughter feels better soon. I'm doing aobut the same as you...cleaning and relaxing--actually hauling out junk I don't use anymore and organizing.

Brenda, We're supposed to get a Super Walmart one of these years. I've never seen a big one with groceries and all. :dizzy: Congrats on your pound! :clap:

Hi and welcome mammasita! :wave: oh, our little 7 yr old neighbor girl plays soccor and she's so cute in her crisp black and white uniform. All the kids seem to love to go play in the games.

Well, Yesterday I had lost 4 pounds and another 1/2 today, so 7-1/2 total pounds lost this week. So off to a good restart. I'm serious this time. I've been living in elastic waist shorts all summer, had to put my jeans on last week to go for a back doctor check up, and my pants wouldn't touch in front to zip! I even tried the lie-down-on-the-bed-trick, and it didn't even come close. :nono: I'm thinking what did I do to myself??? Hubby kindly found me a pair of his big old jeans in the back of his closet for me. I had lost over 70 lbs a few years ago and 50 are back! :stress: I hate to even adimt this to anyone, but it's the way it is, and it's me I have to be honest to and own up to it. I feel awful and embarrassed, but I'm a good loser again and that's all I can think about now. I'm doing it now.:dancer:

mammasita 10-02-2004 04:01 PM

I just made the fried chicken.....
where you bread it in pork rinds. Someone tell me this isn't allowed.....SO so YUMMY. I made the chicken as chicken nuggets and also used honey mustard to dip in. Hopefully mustard is not on the "dont touch" list? The label has no carbs and no mention of sugar....???

Leenie 10-02-2004 04:11 PM

Hi Ladies,

Brenda go to the super walmart :yes: we have the dinky one about 20 minutes from me and the super one 40 minutes, I much rather take the ride :s: CONGRATS on the WL !!!! :D

Mammasita, welcome !!! The chicken sound wonderful. One thing to look for is sugar alcohols, those things are just as bad IMHO that is. 4C's BreadCrumbs also has a LC breading made of soy that you can use. I think I posted it in the LC food area, but anyway, boy is it good !! I tried the pork rind coating but some pieces got so hard, I thought I was gonna bust a tooth lol.

Barbie congrats on your wl too, boy this board is rockin !!!! WTG :bravo:

Leenie 10-02-2004 04:13 PM

I found it .... (the 4C thread) lol


DonnaD 10-02-2004 05:02 PM

Hi everyone. I've been MIA for awhile. Hurt my back and neck and then went into a stomach virus....ugh..it was awful.

Leenie, sorry the wee one isn't feeling well. Hope she's better real soon.

I've been back on carbs since last Sunday. I was on induction for 11 days and my sugars were no better and the scale wasn't moving and I got disgusted as I was doing so well with no carbs (very very low) I could not get into ketosis no matter how hard I tried. I was starting to get really frustrated and then the back & neck went out and I was just feeling really low and gave up. Then with the stomach virus I only wanted toast and carbs. I really do want to try again. I've been on a lowcarb site and a women there has been really helpful. She thinks it was too much cheese and not enough veggies. I was avoiding the veggies because I couldn't get into ketosis. But I think I need to try again.

Barbie, 70lbs! wow. I've never lost that much and regained. The most I lost was 30lbs, but I did gain that back. It's a vicious cycle. That's what I worry about is going back to carbs and gaining. But first I need to get Atkins to work :lol:

Brenda, I'm sure the super walmarts near you are great. Whenever we visit anywhere outside of our area I go to walmart. The super walmart closest to us is a disgusting pit. I think if the corporation saw the condition of that store inside and out, they would shut it down. Garbage everywhere. It smells like a garbage dump. All the employers hang around the front doors smoking and you can't even get by them sometimes. And inside the boxes block isles and sometimes you can get trapped in a dead end. It's a fire hazard. Boom boxes are blasting while they unload boxes. It's really a disgrace. It's a shame
because the reg walmart that's closer to me isn't open 24 hrs because it's not a super walmart so I end up at the other one. But it really makes me sick sometimes. I feel like I should report it.

Anyway, dreary here too today. Going food shopping and then to see Ladder 49. I can't wait. Looks good.

Enjoy the rest of the day.
ttyl :D

lady_adnerb 10-02-2004 05:17 PM

Barbie: at least you're back on track. That's the hardest part--IMO!! You'll do great again in no time!

Mammsita: I noticed some pork rinds has carbs in it. Same for mustard. Usually a low amount....but it's something to watch for if you don't want to have to add those to your carb count. I'm not a pork rinds fan. lol

Leenie: :wave: hi again

Donna: Sorry to hear about the problems you were having. And you should NEVER skip veggies. It's more important to have veggies (to even go over on them. Which I tend to do) than to have the cheese. Definitely cut back on the cheese!! Glad someone could help you :)

Making chicken (again) for supper. Getting to where I'm wondering what to make new. It's gotten cold out---so I'm SOOOO tempted to make chili for supper. But MY chili usually has kidney beans and noodles along with the V8 juice and spices. I'm going to end up having that at least a couple times this winter. I know, winter's not here yet, but cold weather brings out the "chili" in me :lol:

mammasita 10-02-2004 05:41 PM

Leenie: Definitely, I have a co-worker who has lost about 90 lbs on atkins and has told me the exact same thing about sugar alcohols.....I'm gonna have to check out those bread crumbs......A while back I found a website that has low carb bread crumbs and bagels and such ~ oh and a low carb chocolate/raspberry roll that looks so yummy ~ SynergyDiet.com

lady_adnerb: LOL - yeah normally Im not a big pork rind fan either, BUT had to try out that recipe.....The carb count is like <1g per serving.

Does anyone here use ketostrips on a regular basis? If so, do you find that the "purpler" your strip is - is directly related to how many pounds will come off?

Sonnet 10-02-2004 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by DonnaD
Hi everyone. I've been MIA for awhile. Hurt my back and neck and then went into a stomach virus....ugh..it was awful.

Barbie, 70lbs! wow. I've never lost that much and regained. The most I lost was 30lbs, but I did gain that back. It's a vicious cycle. That's what I worry about is going back to carbs and gaining. But first I need to get Atkins to work :lol: :D

Thanks all for the congrats and getting back with it. :D i'm high just over that. haha

Hi Donna, I'm glad you were able to come back, and I hope you feel better soon. Luckily I (((only))) gained back 50 and not the entire 70+. haha :lol: I have a terrible back and neck too, so I can sort of know how you're feeling and what it's like to have to diet.

We shopped yesterday and spent $175.00 on LC groceries, so I think that takes care of my biggest problem of not being prepared. LOL

Chicken with porkrinds sounds very good. That's on my list to try; we bought Tangy & BarBQue flavor and hot and spicy pork rinds. I finally bought a blender/w little food processor on it which should broaden my recipe choices...instead of me. ;)

lady_adnerb 10-02-2004 10:21 PM

Mammasita: I've never gotten around to the keto sticks. Always was curious if I could get it to change colors...but the way my luck runs? I wouldn't get anything to change colors except my fingers :rofl:

Barbie: Isn't it amazing how all those deliciously healthy foods can cost so much? lol

Forgot to tell you all the kitty updates. They're home and healthy. Currently on antibiotics and I was supposed to do this "special litter" of oatmeal....but all they wanted to do was eat it--not pee in it. lol. So I just put their old litter brand back in there. They're walking a little stiff...but they seem to have forgiven me (guess that can of cat food helped to bribe them eh?) . :)

Leenie 10-03-2004 08:14 AM

Good Sunday Morning :)


Originally Posted by mammasita
Does anyone here use ketostrips on a regular basis? If so, do you find that the "purpler" your strip is - is directly related to how many pounds will come off?

Mammasita, the darker the strips, the more likely you are dehydrated. The shade really doesn't determine how much you will lose....at least thats what I've been told ;) I tried them but didn't use to much of them b/c they are costly $$$$

Barbie, I know exactly how you feel about losing alot and regaining. I lost 150 lbs and regained 100 of them :( its a total spirit crusher for sure. But you know what they say..... we can do it again ;) :D

Brenda glad the kitties are home ;) How did you do yesterday OP??

Hey Donna !! Welcome back :) its good to see your trying again.

Well girls, its time for me to hit the road, DH just came back from food shopping...YEAH I KNOW HAAAAAAAAAA!!!! LOVE IT !!! so I gotta help him get the stuff into the house.

HUGS !!!

lady_adnerb 10-03-2004 09:15 AM

Hi Leenie: Don't ya just LOVE having a house full of food? Gives you so much to choose from! Hope you're having a great weekend :) And I was OP yesterday except the little bit of crushed oreo topping I stuck on my LC ice cream. It actually wasn't that high in carbs. Something like 3 per TBSP. And oh YUMMY did it make the ice cream. ;) The ice cream is gone now so I won't have to worry about over-eating on it.

I was going to make chili today. But that means going to the store and buying the ingredients. I'd rather scavenge in the freezer and make something here I think. I want to wait until I'm REALLY hungry for chili to make it. TOM finally hit and so far is being kind to me. Hardly any cramps or cravings. And I think staying home on the weekends is the trick to me staying OP :lol:

DonnaD 10-03-2004 12:09 PM

Good morning all! :coffee:

The sun is out and it's crisp outside....gotta love it!

Leenie, My dh likes to do the food shopping too. Isn't it great? Unfortunately I usually go to get my stuff. He buys a lot of processed stuff. But he checks out the flyers and circles sale items and all. How's the wee one feeling this morning? Better I hope. Yes, I'm trying again. Funny, Mammasita brought up the keto sticks. I can never get those things to turn more than a trace. But I drink about 64-80 oz of water on weekdays. Weekends are bad. I just don't remember to drink it. At work I leave it sitting on my desk.

Brenda, TOM or Aunt Flo as many refer to her as, can make or break an eating plan. Sometimes I'm craving for days before. Sweet and salty, chips and chocolate. Other times I'm fine. When I was late this month(think I'm peri-menipausal(sp?) ) I ate for the 2wks I waited. Ugh :eating2: :eating2:

Barbie, did you do full out atkins? did you use the ketosticks and only lose in ketosis? Well, I'm going to give it my all. I don't think I'll turn those sticks though. I plan on eating more veggies this time and I couldn't turn them when I was eating hardly any. Time will tell.

Well, I guess I should get myself in gear to do something around this neglected house.

ttyl :D

lady_adnerb 10-03-2004 02:04 PM

Donna: Hope you have a good day :)

Well, I'm making chili. DH said it also sounded good so I'm going to get it out of my system. As long as I take a bowl that's not full of noodles it should cut down on the carb count. Took awhile to drop down in weight, so I decided NOT to count that last WI. LOL. I figure I sabotage myself. Why? I've no clue!! Wish I knew!!!

Sonnet 10-04-2004 08:24 PM

I know this is the weekend thread, but I had to say thank you Leenie for sharing that. I always think I'm the only one who gained it back. And you're right, we can do it again. :)

Donna, Yes, I go gun-ho when I'm dieting. I'm a "perfect" dieter with no mistakes until I hit a wall of social eating when around people who don't like our diet. It annoys some for some reason (maybe don't want to see me succeed, I don't know), so I cave to keep the peace. Then it's hard to get back on for months. I've never used the sticks. No drug store has them around here or wants to know what they are. LOL And I've never ordered them online and should. But I know I'm in ketosis when I'm following the plan to a tee. It all works perfect for me then. I could just give up people and be skinny. (kidding) LOL

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