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Trazzie 04-28-2004 07:24 AM

Wednesday's Chat - the 28th
Good Morning,
I have so much catching up to do! I missed you all so much when the boards went down, I was gong through withdrawls :lol: However, I'll have to postpone that for later, it's soon time for me to run off to work (oh the joy)
I hope everyone has been doing well. I've been Ok.. I've had a cold and I'm overdosing on cough drops, which I think have slowed down my loss. Today's weigh in was 1.5 pounds instead of my normal... but a loss is a loss so no complaints :)
Have a great day everyone, I'll chat more later :wave:

Mrs H 04-28-2004 07:55 AM

Good Morning Trazzie!!! Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling the best! Summer colds are the worst for me. Hope you are feeling better very soon! Congrats on the loss. Any loss is better than a gain! Keep up the good work!

Well, it's finally Wednesday. Getting closer and closer to the weekend!!!! Off to Wal-Mart shopping after work today because I am almost out of clothes that fit! Don't want to have to go around naked scaring everyone :lol: Hope everyone has a great day, as I am off to work! I'll check in later this afternoon!


Shimma 04-28-2004 08:20 AM

Morning all...
Well, I went to the chiro last night and by the time I got there, I was in misery. I've been miserable for a week. So I fill out all this paper work, watch a STUPID video, get some x-rays and get sent home so she can "evaluate everything properly". Meanwhile I'm in tears because I'm in so much pain. So, that mixed with the fact that I now have to pay another copay for an office visit which means 40 bucks instead of the 20 I thought it would cost and add that into the 30 I'm paying today to put this stupid guinea pig down and I'm broke. So I left the chiro last night all sorts of upset. Called my mom crying (ugh, I never do that, she was so upset and didn't know what to do) and before I knew it... I had stopped off and bought cookies and chips. I had a total stress binge last night. :( I feel awful this morning. I'm up a pound from yesterday, which I'm sure is water but still. I probably just sabotaged my weight loss for the week. Ugh!

Shimma 04-28-2004 08:39 AM

oh god, the girl that gave the guinea pig to me is in my room crying now. I can't handle this.

lady_adnerb 04-28-2004 08:46 AM

Trazzie: sorry to hear about the cold. Hope you feel better soon!

Lisa: have fun clothes shopping! I still have yet to get brave enough to try that! lol

Rhonda: sorry to hear your chiro didn't help you. I can't believe they wouldn't start treatment right away. Mine always did!! Sorry to hear you're broke and the poor guinea pig. People like that should be up on charges of animal cruelty (or neglect).

I'm determined that no matter what I'm going to be on program today. No snitches of this or that. STRICT on program (can't say strict induction cuz I can't seem to do that anymore). The social should be interesting today. :lol: I'm not the "social" type. Jeans and tshirt (which is what I'm wearing :lol: ) are my clothes of choice. RARELY will I get into a dress (should I mention I protested having to wear a wedding dress and veil?). I've been looking at these skorts though--but decided my legs are too chunky yet (how do you get them so they don't rub together??). Unless I buy one and get in "the" mood where I don't give a flying..... :) Anyway, I imagine I should go and brush the tooth and get ready to go.
I think the comp problem I was having is fixed now so hopefully later I can do more personals :)

lady_adnerb 04-28-2004 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Shimma
oh god, the girl that gave the guinea pig to me is in my room crying now. I can't handle this.

WHY is she crying? Could she not see there was something WRONG with the poor thing??

jane8760 04-28-2004 09:25 AM

Morning ladies. Jane is really cranky today. Seems like everything is buggin me. Here is my list:
1. Haven't slept well all week
2. Need to find a dress for two weddings next week
3. Can't fit into any of the freaking dresses in my closet yet
4. Been having too much wine this week
5. Husband was snoring up a storm this morning
6. Pain in the @$$ interview yesterday was such a waste of time
7. Friend and co-worker had a mild heart attack and is in the hospital
8. Rain, rain and more rain

Ah, now I feel better....NOT

At least I am eating ok. Haven't lost anything this week but not worried yet. I am meeting a friend for dinner tonight. I'm sure I will be high on the carb count today....made sure I brought really low food for today during work.
I am actually going to wrap my tuna salad in lettuce leaves. Who is this person and what have you done with Jane? :lol:

At least when I couldn't sleep this morning I got up and went for my walk. Got that done at least.

Good morning Trazzie

Lisa: have fun shopping. I love shopping :cool:

Shimma: Don't worry about what happened last night....just get on with today. I am sorry about the poor guinea pig. And tell the cryin kid to.......oh never mind. I remember being that age too.

Brenda: You will be good today, you will be good :lol: Have fun at the social. I am actually trying to picture you there :lol: jeans and a t-shirt with white gloves is how I am picturing you :lol:

Will check in more later.

Theo'sgirl 04-28-2004 10:26 AM

I posted this really late last night so I just copied it over to here for the people who were looking for me yesterday!! I couldn't get back in the forum for days!!

Herrrrrreeeee I am!!!!

Dang I finally am able to log back on! What the heck was going on with this move of domains!!! Messed me right up.

The only thing exciting that happened to me over the weekend if I fainted!!! I had had some egg salad for breakfast like 1/2 cup and then did my shopping & went to the gym and had some roasted chicken for lunch, went outside in the sun and was planting and digging sod in the backyard, When I went to stand up I fell over. It was really freaky!!! Well by this time it was 5pm and I had only had about 1-2 carbs for the whole day...I had forgotten to eat!!! OMG DH went inside and got me a SF popsicle and some cheese and after I ate and drank some water I felt better!! WHOA!!

Still on induction, the clothes are LOOOSE and people all over keep saing WOW you have lost weight. The only thing I haven't had in the past 16 days not on induction was a LC pizza Sunday, I splurged on my 15th day!!!

I am down pounds this morning, I am at 237, so I hate to really know where I was after my Easter fiasco BUT I will take 237 in a heartbeat, that is probably about 5 pounds the past 2 weeks. Yeah I fianlly broke the dreaded 239 I was stuck at for soooo long! :)


Jane Great job getting your walk in early and great job to make a list of the things that bother you and then they don't look so big and you can deal with them!!

Breanda you go girl!! You can do it!

OOOHHH Shimma back pain is the worst! I am so surprised the chiro didn't do anything mine would have started treament right then! Sorry about the G. Pig, if you have a local human society they usually do euthanasia for free or for donation.

LIsa have fin looking for new clothes!! How exciting! I love to shop.

Trazzie Hope you feel better soon girl!

StarPrincess 04-28-2004 11:16 AM

Good morning, loves!

Trazzie - good to see you back!

Lisa - I like your anti-nudity policy! I have the same one ;)

Shimma - I'm so sorry! :grouphug: TG's right - check with the humane society. And why is that girl crying? She's tortured that poor animal for weeks!

Brenda - I'm a jeans girl, too! But I'm learning that I love wearing little short skirts now, too. It will happen! As for staying OP, I know you can do it!

Jane - Hello, my little grumpy-butt! When I get feeling that way, I force myself to do something aerobicly challenging (like a really hard bike ride). Those endorphins are the best drug around!

TG - Glad to see you back! I was starting to worry about you!

I had a tough time sleeping last night because DH was working graveyard, so I ended up having one relatively weak raspberry schmirnoff w/diet sprite. Not good of me, but not too bad either. I'm supposed to go to happy hour today with a co-worker, so maybe it was just training ;)

I'm wearing regular jeans today. As in - no stretch, no lycra, no give. OMG I think I'm going to bruise my hip bones! On the positive side, they're Express and the tag says 5/6. I think that means it's official! Yippee! How is it that I can wear pants this size and still feel like a total chunk when I look in the mirror? :shrug:

Anyway, I've got meetings today! Have a good one!

lady_adnerb 04-28-2004 11:26 AM

Star: Congrats on the 5/6. I've NEVER been that size (smallest has been a 7/8). I don't think my thighs would qualify for little short skirts. They rub together too much. :lol: OH----and I feel like a cow yet. Why is that do ya think? Self-image seems to be a major problem.

TG: Sorry to hear you fainted. Hope you're feeling better now. KEEP EATING!! Congrats on the weight loss! Keep up the good work!

Jane: No gloves or hat for me. Maybe boxing gloves? :lol: Sorry to hear you're cranky. I know how that feeling is. Want my boxing gloves?? :D

The social was....interesting. I passed up coffee (which was easy cuz I don't like it) and I passed up free donuts. Yeah me!! We got a nice speech from the principal (she's pretty cool--and looks like she's lost tons of weight--maybe an Atkins girl? :lol: ) and a keychain. I got invited because of GS. I then went to the library where they were having a book fair, pulled my child from her class and had her pick out a couple books. THREE books and 2 pens (one for oldest and one for youngest--and the 3rd book was free) later I came home. Now I want to go to the store and buy some privet hedges. They're on sale again! WHOOPEE!!! I can't live in the country so dang it I'm making the country move to me. We're putting privet hedges (and forgot what the name of that other hedge was called) around our yard so NOBODY can see when we're out there. They're not growing fast enough for me :lol: So off I go to the store. You all have a great day!!!

marie. 04-28-2004 11:50 AM

Morning all- well, before i put my dillema on ya'll I want to say my hi's!

Trazzie~ 1.5!...I'd take that! you go!

Lisa~ Clothes that dont fit...music to my ears!...we need a trading post around here...Ive got tons of new stuff I'd love to give away!

Rhonda~ Today has GOT to be better...Today has GOT to be better.....If we all go to the same Heaven, my little girl will be there to snatch that guinea pig right on up!

Benda~ Dont forget to hold that little pinkie out!

Jane~ Husband snoring...grrrrrr...and then when you go out on the couch they get their feelings all hurt!

TG~ Forgotten to eat...whats that like?

Star~ 5/6?? *pounds head* might be bruising hip bones...but they're SKINNY hip bones!

*sigh* ok...heres my dillema...Im 2 days late on my TOM...please...someone tell me it's menopause setting in...Im 44 years old fer gosh sake! Tell me Im too old ( it'll be the first time Im tickled to hear it) tell me the chances are slim and none...tell me its the diet...tell me anything!...My oldest daughter is 24!

StarPrincess 04-28-2004 12:26 PM

Marie, dah-ling! You're too old. It's probably menopause. The chances are slim to none. It's your diet.

Feel better? ;)

Actually I've heard several people around here say that starting Atking messed with their TOM for a bit. I do my patches every week except for about 4 times a year, so I don't have to deal with it much.

It's only been 2 days. I'm sure your'e fine!

marie. 04-28-2004 12:36 PM

Thank you...thank you....all my life I've been a baby machine...all 4 planned ( one I lost) and when I planned them BOOM, pregnant in a month....

When the TOM does come I want all of you to cyber slap me in the head for being careless...deal?

jane8760 04-28-2004 01:27 PM

Deal.....one cyber dope slap coming your way!

I'm so glad my dh is fixed.....phew!

lady_adnerb 04-28-2004 03:02 PM

Marie: Yup, the new WOE is messing w/your system. Relax and "it'll come". The more worried you are about it the longer it'll be before it shows. Trust me on THAT one. You'll be fine and I'll do w/out the cyber slap :D And I agree with Jane, sure am glad DH is fixed!!!

The privet hedges are here--they'll get planted tomorrow (if it doesn't rain). All 25 of them. PRIVACY HERE WE COME!!! :lol: Well, maybe not THIS year, but soon!! They grow like weeds!! I've managed to stay on program today so WOOHOO for me. I know the day's not done but to get THIS far is an accomplishment and no fear of cheating now. :)

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