
  • So I've developed this strange desire to start jogging/running. Does anyone currently do this? I'd love some advice on how to go about this. I did find an article about building up to be able to run 3 miles (5K) in 9 weeks.

    Does this look reasonable?

    Anyone interested in trying this plan out with me to see how we do?

    Ahhhhhh the questions!!!
  • Hey Star…. I’ll give you a chuckle for the day.
    My sister used to babysit by daughter from age 1 – 4 – before my husband quit work to be the stay at home daddy. Everyday she would pop Emily into her jogger stroller and run 5 miles on the beach. Emily loved it and it became routine.

    About a year later, I decided to buy a jogger stroller to start walking. Emily was dying to go with me in the mornings. I put her in and started off…. After about a block she turns and looks up at me and says…”Mommy, I think we need to return this. It doesn’t work like Aunt Sandi’s – hers is MUCH FASTER!”

    Once we got past that – and I was feeling pretty good with my walking routine, I decided to try to start jogging for ¼ mile then walk, then jog etc. As I began to jog, Emily again turned to me and said “What’s that noise?” When I told her it was mommy’s belly slapping against her thighs, the two of us laughed so hard I had to turn for home because we both needed to pee!!!!!!

    For now I’ll stick with my aerobics at night in the dark with the shades pulled down! But Enjoy your new routine
  • I've always been curious about jogging/running. I actually jogged almost every night in college -- maybe that's why I only weighed 150 then... Anyway, I would love to try it again, but it scares me. It was so hard for me at first! But, I'll be brave and try this plan!

  • I used to be big with the COnnectors of Oprah fame ( Making the Connection)

    I am starting to run now and I use this from Runners WOrld. It worked for me before... and I know it will work again

    30/30 Plan
  • Karen,

    I like that plan!! Even if I don't do the jogging in the middle at first, it's still a great and simple plan. Goes along with why I like Atkins so much - great and simple.

    Hmmm... think I'll use this with our stroller when the weather warms up a bit. For now, I'll do it when dh is home and he can go with me.

    Thanks for posting that.
  • I would love to run and have been afraid with my knees. Dh and I were actually training for a marathon for Leukemia in Dublin Ireland when they started to go bad. You guys have really helped me want to do something though. I don't think I could run off the bat but I think I can start with Karen's 30/30. Sounds great. I'm willing to commit to something like that!
  • Kim - that cracked me up!

    I'm debating starting curves as well. I think I should add one thing at a time so I've got some decision making to do. I think pilates is fantastic strength training - I want cardio, too.

    Karen - that 30/30 looks like it's really similar to the first 3 weeks of the plan I found. Thanks!

    Jina - I've been totally negligent. Your picture looks great! Dang, you're pretty!
  • Star: Thanks so much!! That's so sweet... I'm fooling people with the small photo, I think.

    I have actually been thinking about joining Curves as well. I'm like you, though, I think I'd better go one at a time. I'm going to wait until after the first of the year to decide whether to join Curves. Until then, maybe I'll attempt this running effort (OK... better be jogging for me.) I've just got to find a secluded area to do this in... a big, red, lumbering, puffy Jina is not a pretty site!!
  • Hey guys! Can you tell me a little about Curves? What's the premise?
  • Curves is a place exclusively for women to exercise. They function on a fast circuit model and combine strength training and cardio. Here's how it works.

    They have an assortment of resistance training equipment that isolates different muscles in your body. One for glutes, one for lats, one for abs, etc. These are arranged in a circle or oval. In between each piece of epuipment is a platform on some shock absorbing material.

    They play some wonderfully upbeat music and then start you on the circuit. You do the equipment exercise and then move to the platform to walk/jog in place, then on to the next piece of equipment all the way around the circle. Each "station" is 30 seconds. Depending on the amount of equipment they have, you take 2 - 3 laps around the circle. Afterwards, you stretch and then you're done. All together it's about 30 minutes of work.

    They also have fun progress markers and such. The one my mom goes to measures you all over and then puts a foot on the wall every time you lose a total of 12 inches. They also have low carb recipies at her place and a "goal tree" It seems like fun.
  • There is a Curves down the road from our home - and I am thinking it might make a good New Year's Resolution and present combo? I don't think the hours are that great (close at 7 pm and only open saturdays from 8-12 noon).

    I know there a few others around and I will check out their times as well - from what I've heard Curves has many enthusiastic supporters and as well all know - 30 minute is great with the busy lives we lead!

  • Okay,

    I confess... I am a Curves dropout.....

    I joined last Fall and went faithfully for 6 months. Didn't lose much weight, but lost almost 12 inches!! Then, life got in the way and I couldn't go as much... then just quit altogether.

    I only have my lunch hours when I can go and I like to use my lunch hours for lots of other things and I just couldn't do it all.

    Yes, it's great, but the hours do suck and it's not terribly convenient to work it into their schedule.

    I now prefer walking and resistance training at home.
  • A few times at the gym lately I've been using the treadmill and walking for 3 minutes, then jogging (albeit slowly) for 2 minutes and I do this for 30 minutes. I just started this but hope to increase the jogging portions slowly and once I make sure to do this with more regularity. I've always had this odd urge to be a jogger/runner - I've never been one, but sometimes I just have this urge to run!

    So...Star, I think I might be interested in trying out the plan you found - in my inexperienced and unknowledgeable opinion, it seems quite reasonable!
  • I can't run anymore, but used to run cross country (long slow distance) years ago, and I'm getting high just thinking of running. So I'm taking this on and will just modify it for walking. I have a tread mill, so I have no excuses. Thanks for spuring me on! I've saved these threads to the sites mentioned here too. Thank you. Barbie