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lynnar 07-08-2008 11:49 AM

Low Carb Lolita's- 7/8
Hope I didn't overlook the thread. I looked yesterday too but didn't see it and here it is Tuesday morning! I guess we all had a really fun, long weekend and needed Monday to recover!
I had fun on the lake, but now it's back to work and back to behaving myself foodwise! I stayed pretty low carb, but I managed to sabotage myself with some grape salad. A friend had given us some a few weeks back and DD and DH were fighting for the leftovers, so I found a recipe and made it for them. It was way too good. I couldn't stay away from it and it had (OMG) real sugar in it! As well as lots of grapes. The rest of the dressing, sour cream and cream cheese would have been all right without the added sugar and the grapes!!
So I hope everyone else had more fun with better food choices!

stayincalm 07-08-2008 06:38 PM

Hi Lynnie: Where are all the wild women at? Tee hee. I'm posting from work. Crazy Sunday and Monday here. The smoke from the fires in California has become NNNNNaaaaassssstttttyyyy again. Add it to the 104-107 heat and it makes me just want to go to bed.

I had my standard on plan week and weekend. Made tons of homemade ice cream for our little fireworks block party but did not partake myself. DD was chomping on some smashed up frozen oreos that were left over from the toppings the other night though and let me tell you I was kinda tempted.

Out of laziness I made another batch of the chicken soup sans noodles so we ate that on Sunday and Monday.

Love to all.

snapless 07-08-2008 09:30 PM

For some reason I'm really struggling this week. Not with carb cravings or sticking to WoE but just with being motivated to go to the gym or even go to bed on time/get up on time. Nothing stressful going on right now so not sure what is going on.

Maybe part of it is the ugly little cold I have...

It's cooler today, 65 F outside right now. I'm actually looking forward to my workout today. :)

Lynn: Glad to hear you had fun at the lake. Sorry to hear about the grapes, hope everything is going better for you now. Remember to get right back on that horse. ;)

SC: Frozen oreos? Interesting, my husband would probably like that....so I'm not going to tell him :lol: Sorry to hear about the smoke and heat, any idea when they think the smoke might be gone?

snapless 07-09-2008 02:12 AM

Well, I now know why I'm struggling this week.


Right before I started this I had an IUD put in because evidently I'm too old (and a smoker) for the pill anymore and the doctor said after an 'adjustment period' it would actually be helpful in combating the extreme hormone problems I was having during my cycle.

Massive cramping, heavy bleeding, extreme swelling of lower limbs, aches and pains, migraine headache and just general feeling horrid were some of the symptoms.

So, he put it in (2 months ago) and I went through my 'adjustment period' where, as he predicted, I'd spot for a month or so. I never had any pain or problems during this time period, and I finally quit spotting about 2 weeks ago. Because of this entire fluctuation I had no idea when I was due for ToM.

Well, it started today. The swelling in my calves/ankles/feet is as bad as always. The good news is the pain is still bad but not anywhere near as bad as before.

So...that explains (to me) why I just want to crawl back into bed and sleep instead of following my normal regime.

aud 07-09-2008 11:39 AM

Hi Ho Lolita's!:carrot:

Back from Coaster World Ohio - gosh - feel like I'm typing the same thing everywhere I go here @ 3fc???:dizzy:

Just wanted to pop by my gals and see how you're all doing - I'm still bloated but not as bad - off to the Dr. to w/i . . . then off to camping tomorrow! Can't wait/weight!:p

I LOVED my IUD . . . dearly and intimately,snaps . . . took a bit of adjustment but had one from about age 38 to like age 43-44?:?: Can't remember.:^:

Tx for starting the week lynnie :hug: - looks like everyone is vacationing/busy . . . Hang in There stayin'smokeycalm!:p . . . looks so horrifying on the news out there!

bbl . . .

lynnar 07-09-2008 12:00 PM

Snapless, that sounds bad. I've had kind of hard time accepting some aspects of aging, but you've reminded me that I don't miss my TOM on the months when it doesn't show. Of course being a quarterly schedule means a few surprises..... But overall, I feel much better.
Calmie, I hate thinking about the smoke! My whole family is north of San Francisco and I haven't heard much from them lately. I'm pretty sure they're fine, but I hate thinking about it!!!
Aud, I so wish I was in Cedar Point!! I've got great memories of it. I read in the other thread about issues with the size of seats and I just gotta tell you that at our little theme park I had a scary experience. It was the biggest, scariest ride they have and I got in my seat and they pushed the bar across, but then the guy came back. He goes, "I think we need just one more click to be sure." So he undid the bar and did it again, walked away, and immediately started the ride. Well, I tend to be a little paranoid and I was SURE that I hadn't heard even one click the second time he did the bar. So I'm thinking, "OMG, I'm going to fall out and die, splattered on the ground like a giant slug." Needless to say, I did not enjoy the ride. I spent the whole time clinging to the sides of the seat - which never would have saved me if the bar had given way. But it didn't. I don't know if I'll get on the ride again unless I lose a substanial amount of weight. We're going there this weekend.
This weekend will be interesting. DD16 is there all week for a dance competition. We'll see her dance Sat. night, but DH and I are free all day Saturday in the little theme park. Going to a theme park without any kids at all.... We may kill each other. Then she dances several times on Sunday, so DH and I will be stuck in the audiotorium most of the day. If we're still speaking to each other Sunday morning, watching a full day of dance competition may insure that we aren't speaking to each other Sunday night. Actually, I know we'll never make all day. We'll be sneaking in and out. If there's bar nearby, DH will spend his day there.

lilybelle 07-09-2008 12:19 PM

Hi everyone, it sounds like everyone else did better with the holiday weekend eating than I did. We hosted a large cookout and fireworks show at our home. It was fun, the food wasn't OP. Also had birthday parties this past weekend for my youngest grandson and granddaughter. Today I'm struggling to get my butt back on plan. So far, so good.

My older Labrador Molly had a seizure on Friday and required an emergency trip to the vet. She is doing OK now, it was her first seizure and the vet didn't want to put her on med's just yet. It really scared us though.

I heard from my son on the 4th. He said 4th of July in Baghdad sucked. An occasional flare was all the fireworks he got to see. He always loved doing fireworks. Other than that, he seems to be doing well.

Lacy got a job at Pizza Hut. She starts work today at 4PM. I really didn't want her to try to work due to her upcoming surgeries. But, she badly wanted a job cause it makes her feel "like a normal teenager". I do plan to hit the gym each time she is at work since it is in the same town where she will be working (about 15 min's from home). Plus since she only has her driver's permit , I have to take her to and from work.

Hope everyone has a great day.

lynnar 07-09-2008 04:12 PM

Hey Lily, saw your post when I checked back to make sure I'm not talking to myself. Our lab (now age 9) is epileptic (sp?). Evidently that's not uncommon in labs. She'll go for months without a seizure (that we're aware of) then she'll have a couple right after each other. Then another gap. I guess it's been going on for four or five years. We chose not to medicate her for a couple of reasons. First, the vets (we got a second opinion) warned us that the medication should be given at the same time each day. We don't do anything at the same time each day. I didn't think we could possibly do it correctly. Second, they said it might change her behavior some. It doesn't seem like the seizures bother her too much. She'll get up and go on like nothing happened. They warned us to watch her closely if she goes swimming, but that's the only real issue. I guess if she was having seizues more often, we might reconsider, but I feel like we're doing the right thing for now. Just thought I'd throw that in while you're thinking about Molly.

stayincalm 07-10-2008 12:51 PM

Food Hangover!!!! Hi All: I went crazy yesterday but it was fun. I was inflicted with voracious ravenisitus at about 1:00 p.m. I broke all the rules and then some. I shared a sushi castle roll with someone, had a diet coke, ate a few peanut m&ms, came home, had a glass of wine, ate some roasted chicken, followed up with some pasta alfredo and THEN had about 4 frozen oreos. Lordy. Oh, I also got up at about midnight and had a piece of regular toast with extra sharp cheddar. It's over now. Surprisingly, I don't feel bad about it and it has not triggered any cravings that I have noted. I just seemed to have massive hunger yesterday.

All is well today. Back to normal. Right now I'm having an iced coffee and getting ready for work. I'm going in late because I have a Dr. appt. at 10:15.

The smoke here yesterday was just horrendous and coupled with the 108 temps everyone was in misery. You could even smell the smoke inside of our office on the 3rd floor of a 5 story building. I have never experienced anything like this before.

Hope everyone is doing well!!! I'm missing Petra. Love to all.


lynnar 07-11-2008 09:39 AM

Wow Calmie, Pasta Alfredo? You're making me hungry. I'm eating cold chicken for breakfast since we're leaving for the weekend and the chicken would go bad. Not really a delicious breakfast, though.

I'm having a major sleeping problem and I don't know why. I don't think this is food related though. I've been doing the same stuff for months now and all of a sudden I can't sleep through the night. It gets to be a cycle. Like today, I was so groggy when I drove into work, I only did half my workout at the gym and I got a cup of coffee. I'm supposed to be down to two cups a day, but when I don't sleep at night, I often have the third cup and then (sometimes) diet coke in the afternoon. I know it's crazy, but I have to do something to stay awake at work.

What I need right now is a good clean induction with no coffee or diet coke, but this time of year, there's just too many temptations out there. Like this weekend with DH. He wants me to eat and drink just like him and gets mad at me if I throw away the bun from a burger. Today we're meeting the older kids at Subway for lunch and he'll ***** at me for ordering a salad because he has coupons for subs. He's already told me I should just have a wrap (the coupon will work for a wrap), but I don't want the carbs from the wrap. It's the constant pressure from him that gets to me. Plus, I don't want to spend more money either. I'd like to save the 4 bucks and eat a free wrap...

Didn't mean to whine so much. It comes from being tired, I guess. I hope everyone else is having a better morning!!! I'm going to try and stay OP while traveling this weekend even if I have to push DH out of a moving vehicle.

beach bum 07-11-2008 12:56 PM

Hi Ladies:)

Just want to stop by and see how all of you doing????? I'm doing fine but my DH is still have lung problems after hid lung cancer two years ago.

As you know,I left this board to go back to Weight Watcher and while on the flex plan[pts] I lost but only to regain,but fortunately WW has another plan called the CORE. Its a plan that you choose the foods from a food list for the 3 meals & snacks and if you want something thats not on the plan you still have a option to use 35 additional points for the week.

Well I doing nicely now by losing :carrot:4.3-lbs.:carrot: so far,3 in June and now 1.3 in July. The Core plan has a large list to choose from veggies,& starchy veggies,fruit,lean meats,poultry,seafood, grain[cereals,brown rice WW pasta ] and I'm never hungry. I currently going to the meeting and W-I once a week.

I'll check in and see what you guys are doing from now to than.

Hugs :) BB

stayincalm 07-11-2008 01:51 PM

BB: So good to hear from you!!!! Yay.

Lynnie: Being tired is the worst for me. I get so irritable. I hate it when I know I'm being all cranky and can't stop.

Back in the saddle yesterday and recovered nicely from the food hangover. Yesterday was clean eating again. I was so tired though (from the food hangover I think). I ended up taking the whole day off after my Dr. appt. and cleaned the house, made dinner for DH and DD and then went to bed at 6:00 p.m. Lynnie, you will hate to hear this but I slept through until 7:00 this morning. You know, I recall having the same sleep issue a month or so into my plan though. I was also waking up really, really early (between 3-5).

Anywho...the smoke here in Northern California is better today. Not nearlly as choking. It sucks to want the wind to blow out the smoke but since the wind will also reignite fires I'm just trying to be patient. Hopefully there won't be any thunderstorms or lightening in the foothills over the next few days. Almost all of these fires going on were the result of lightening. Ugh.


aud 07-11-2008 02:56 PM

Briefly back to civilization today - gotta take care of some biz for work and also got a call from my Docs Office - STILL not sure what that's about but don't think its ever good news when they call, is it?:^: I HAD left a mssge asking if she thought I'd be ok on roller coasters . . . now that I rode about 10 of the scariest pleading with God to save me on each one in a row - maybe the doc is getting back to me?:devil:

We shall see.:cool:

No cell signal at the camp - which I LOVE!:carrot:

Great to pop by and see Beloved BEACHIE!!!!:hug: You & Leo arealways in my prayers. Hope you'll keep stopping by when you can Gal!:hug:

Also glad the smoke is clearing a bit scalmie! - I joined you in a hangover - but was from frosty Camp Bud Lights!

My dh & I have an unhealthy relationship when it comes to food/restaurants too lynnie - going even a step further - he's a downright saboteur. I just jeep processing all this different info about him . . . myself . . . society . . .the world etc for when I truly get a grip and make this a wol - it's gonna be for good, ya know?

Ain't happening at the moment . . . but it will.

It will.


lilybelle 07-11-2008 06:58 PM

Lynnar, I find myself sometimes in a food cost debate too. It's pretty expensive to eat out when you eat low-carb. I can't eat at the cheap fast-food joints that my girls want to eat at. But, if we go to a regular restaurant so I can have my meat and salad it gets very costly. I have to keep reminding myself that eating right may cost more but it's worth it. After all, it's how I lost the weight and I managed to afford it then (and we made less money then than we do now). I often find that my best "diet-friendly" and cost-friendly meals are the ones that I cook myself. But, I do get tired of cooking all the time. My problem with ordering a burger and tossing the bun is that I end up not getting full.

BB, it's great to see you posting. I hope you like the new WW core plan. Great job on losing the 4.3 lbs.

aud, my girls are the saboteurs , not my DH. Sometimes they totally act offended when I order my OP meal while they "pig-out".

SC, that food hangover pretty well describes my eating this past weekend. I'm glad it's over and I'm back OP now.

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