Back to Atkins...hopefully the third and last time!

  • Hello low carbers! This is my third attempt at Atkins (been going about a month-about ten pounds lost!) and I have finally dragged my boyfriend along with me this time...makes it so much easier!
    I am a little confused about operating the message is big and confusing! And how to get one of those little ticker things. I thought I was more computer savvy then this! Anyhow, I have never tried the message board thing for support before, so since I have done atkins in the past and always fallen off the wagon, and gained all (and more) of the weight back that I have lost I am hoping this will keep me on track!!! Thank you in advance!!!
  • Jump right in and you'll figure it out as you go.
    To add the tracker, go to userCP (top left side of the pge) and click on edit signature, it will take you to it.
    Good luck . This board is a great place for insperation and support.
  • From 1 Jersey girl to another

    My advice to you if you want to be successful on Atkins is to read the book & re-read the book. Eat ONLY the foods on the acceptable foods list, drink plenty of water and get some form of exercise (walking is excellent). And above all, remember, this is not a quick fix...this is a lifestyle change!!

    You CAN do this!!!

    All the best to you!!!
