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Azure 08-18-2007 10:34 PM

Well, the day before I got my IUD put in (Thursday) and the day I got it put in (Friday), I ate pretty much however I wanted to. Friday night I had cinnamon sticks with frosting and a couple slices of thin crust pepperoni pizza. I was planning on having that pizza meal when I moved back to college--the day I moved back. I had planned on it ahead of time...but since I had it Friday, I'm going to just be on Induction 100% from here on out.

I've said it before, but I've really just got to crack down. I haven't been pre-making my food in advance, which I think has been a detriment because when it comes time to eat, I'll admit it, I'm lazy! And when your parents own a restaurant a 5 minute drive away, where I have a key any hour of the day/night, and they have plenty of readily available sugary/carby foods.... well lazy and that make for disaster. My first two weeks on Atkins, I was SUPER on plan and successful the whole time, and looking back at it, it was because I pre-planned ALL my meals and pre-made enough food for about four days at a time!

When I pre-make my Induction-friendly food, I can be lazy AND on plan at the same time ;) So, I'm working at my parent's restaurant for the next five days. I can have on plan breakfast foods for most of the day and a salad for lunch...when I get home tomorrow night, I'm going to bake some chicken breast, make cauli-mash and make sure I've got caesar salad fixins :D I may only have two weeks before I go back to college, but I'm going to do them right.

:hug: Thanks for a place to talk about this, ladies. It's hard to talk about my struggles with the people in my life. They just don't get it.

lilybelle 08-18-2007 11:37 PM

Azure, I always do best when I plan ahead. Otherwise, I will eat out of convenience. Today wasn't great for me either, but tomorrow will be better. (I let the girls talk me into having an ice cream at Braum's today.) The rest of the day, I was on LowCarb like I should be.

We went to Old Navy today, I didn't like their new line of jeans at all. I did buy me 2 more polo type shirts. Plus, I went to Walmart and bought me a new purse. Then I went to the pharmacy to pick up my med's. Plus went and got a lotto ticket. Just now came from washin and vacuuming my new car, (LOL, like it really needed it). I also went and picked up household cleaning supplies. Lacy and I have just used any excuse to go anywhere today just to get out of the house. We are alone and bored.

I think my dinner was LC tonite. I put a bunch of brocolli and cauliflower and turkey smoked sausage in the steamer, then melted cheese over it all. This is one of Lacy's favorite meals.

nasus40 08-19-2007 09:34 AM

went to sil this weekend and it could have been disaster, but I ate my burgers with out a bun munched on vegies and dip and passed on cake and icecream. I am proud. I have held steady on the weight for the last few days but I am happy with the weight. I do not think I will hit 199 by labor day but one can hope. Probably because I have not exercised since the begining of july when I went on vacation, i guess I need to start again. I was doing so good. I know if I start the weight loss will slow down but I should shrink faster.

Shellie I had to laugh at your post. I used to (and still do ) get on the scale slowly (like that is going to help) and stand really still and peek over my boobs and gut and pray that the number has gone down. (the funny part of that is once the weight is locked in you can move and get off the scale and it stays there. I did have one that I would lean slightly back for the lowest reading possible. :lol:

aud 08-19-2007 11:25 AM

I've got some challenges ahead of me this week on the LC front - First, we are taking a strike vote Monday and I'm manning the Polls for about 15 hours so that will be totally off-schedule - THEN T/W/TH I'll be on the Gambling Junket with my two Big Sis's and My Molly who's turning 21 Wed. Aunties have rented a van for us to make the 6 hr Trip to Tunica MISS - where luxury suites and other comps await!:carrot:
Right now I'm mentally planning how to navigate the endless buffets and also taking advantage of the Pool/Weight Room and taking the stairs at times if possible. Know that its a fine line for me on enjoying myself vs feeling deprived, ya know?:dizzy:

WTG chickadee - congrats on your loss!:D

This time around I've been w/i on Fri AND Mon's - weekends used to be a huge problem for me and this system has been keeping me "honest" - so to speak - on some mindless weekend eating! I've been adjusting the ticker accordingly - gained almost 2lbs with ChipAThon Thrs - am hopeful that tomorrow will show the CarbSodiumBloat gone 'cause I've been back OP ever since.

lilybelle 08-19-2007 01:17 PM

aud, we used to go to Tunica 3 or 4 times a yr. when I was still working full-time and had money to burn. I was a big time roulette player, LOL. We really had to quit going cause DH would waste all his money the first day, then borrow from me. Gambling is like a drug to him. But, I know that we'd take full advantage of those comp. buffets, LOL. I think I could navigate the buffets pretty well now. I'd fill up on prime rib and salad. (I used to love all the peel and eat shrimp but I'm allergic to any type of seafood now).

Today is yard work day. DH is doing the weedeating and me the mowing.

aud, good job on getting back on plan after the chips incident. I seriously am trying to find my way back to the light today.

chickadee315 08-19-2007 01:57 PM

hey all - well i have been ill last night and today - did weigh myself 188 but i know thats not a reall number since i have barely eaten or drank anything since i cant keep anything down. im likely going to have a piece of toast - yeah ill be over my carb limit of 20g but i dont really care ill get back op tomorrow or when i can actually eat normally.
by birthday is in a couple wks and i want to eat cake - real cake - which means i need to stick to exercising daily and sticking to 20g before and after so hopefully i dont see a big gain...

ok i am going to pass out - but wanted to say hi - hope you are all having a fun wkend!

Bouncing 08-19-2007 06:21 PM

Cickadee, I'm sorry you're feeling bad!
Lily, isn't every day at your house yardwork day? Sure seems like a lot of ambition manifests out there!
Aud, fun and much luck on your gambliing trip! Fifteen hours on Polls? How would a strike affect you?

Spent this morning helping a friend paint his kitchen. He built his own house (it's fabulous), he has 165 acres bordering Boggs Forest, and picked a hill to build on with a view of the Sierras and Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta if it's really, really clear. He's sure sick of house building consuming his whole life, not to mention checkbook. He's pretty funny -- he spent 6 mos. agonizing over paint colors, finally picked one for the kitchen, and when we put it on he skidded out of control again on it-looks-different-than-i-imagiined-do-I-like-it. I don't know how he ever gets dressed in the morning. He's very logical and methodical, except in picking interior details. Completely out of his element, so he obsesses. I've been telling him for 6 mos. Tim It's Only Paint! If you don't like it, repaint it! That didn't help a bit.

I was running late this morning so I didn't eat before I went to paint. Sure was hungry when I got home. Had a leftover 1/4 chicken. The Atkins book I have has a recipe for roast checken with herbs and lemon slices, and boy is it both easy and GOOD. It says to cook it an hour at 350. Only if you like your checken still raw! I need 1:45, and my oven is accurate. Makes the house smell delicious. This is the 2nd time I've made it. The lemon keeps it from being dry.

Tomorrow's a new week. I wonder how long it will take me for the "high" scale reading to get to 242. I'm very motivated. I want that number back. Tomorrow morning I'm getting my hair done. Ah, vanity. Don't do well with grey roots. Makes me grumpy. TTFN,

lilybelle 08-19-2007 08:42 PM

chickadee, hope you feel better soon.

Shellie, it does seem like I do an awfully lot of yard work. Today I got my garden weeded and cleaned the upper and lower deck on the back of our house. Then, it rained before I could get the mowing done.

Now, I'm kicking back and playing on the computer while doing the laundry. Joy, Joy.

Shellie, my friend Vonda and her DH built their own house. They just built a little at a time as they could afford. Now, they have an awesome house that is totally paid for. She totally obsessed over every little detail of her house and it's furnishings. They lived in it 2 yrs. before she had any doors on her kitchen cabinets. LOL. But, she is such a neat-freak that even without the doors, there was never a single thing out of place. She keeps the most immaculate home of anyone I have ever known.

Bouncing 08-20-2007 12:58 AM

Tidy kitchen cabinets that show well without doors. I'm sorry, but that's pathological behavior. I think there's a 12-step program for that. Sniff.

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