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fruitster 02-12-2006 12:48 PM

Shirataki noodles & FitDay
I heard about these noodles in an earlier post by Kimberly, and I found some at Whole Foods yesterday. I can't wait to try them because I love noodles!

But when I tried entering the nutrition info into FitDay, it tells me that the carb, protein & fat count don't match the calories.

What should I do in this situation? I'm not sure which nutritional data to adjust in order for FitDay to accept the food.

fruitster 02-12-2006 12:58 PM

I should add that FitDay tells me the serving should be 13 calories instead of 20 to match the # of carbs, protein and fat. I'm not so much concerned about 7 calories as I am that perhaps the carb, fat or protein grams might be off.

Also, on the front of the package it says "Net 3g Carbs." So maybe the "gross" number of carb grams would be what I need to figure out?

Thanks for any advice you have!

LLV 02-12-2006 01:50 PM

Yeah, I get that sometimes too. It makes you sit there going, "Well great, according to fitday, this nutrition information is wrong."


I usually just play with the numbers a little bit. Like if something has a minimal amount of calories and 0 fat, I'll go ahead and maybe add 1 gram of fat whether it says that on the nutrition label or not. Or maybe add a gram of carb, etc. Just play with the numbers and it will eventually take the information.

srmb60 02-12-2006 02:03 PM

You can enter that food with all it's own info. Just try 'custom food' and fill in the blanks.

KimberlyinMN 02-12-2006 02:11 PM

I think what they are referring to as "net carbs" is for the diabetic or carb conscious people. Net carbs is the total carbs minus fiber.

I am SO jealous that you found them locally. :p I went to the Asian Food Market on Friday and discovered a lot of weird (or unusual) foods... but not the noodles. At least I know now where to get frogs' legs should we want them. (NOT!)


fruitster 02-12-2006 02:21 PM

LLV: It worked! I added 1 gram of carb to the data and FitDay accepted it. Thanks!

SusanB: I was trying to enter as a custom food, but FitDay kept telling the numbers didn't add up, despite my going straight off the package info. "Fiddling" with it a bit, like LLV suggested turned out to do the trick.

Kimberly: I'm so glad you wrote about these noodles! I'm not too concerned about the taste; it'll be great to have noodle dishes without feeling too guilty about the carbs and calories!

1dayatatime 02-12-2006 03:09 PM

This is one difference I have found in the FitdayPC and Fitday online. The online version forces you to use their formula rather than just being able to enter what the label says. One reason I'm glad I spent the $20 on the PC version. :)

LLV 02-12-2006 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by fruitster
LLV: It worked! I added 1 gram of carb to the data and FitDay accepted it. Thanks!

You're welcome, and I'm glad it worked :)

LLV 02-12-2006 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by 1dayatatime
This is one difference I have found in the FitdayPC and Fitday online. The online version forces you to use their formula rather than just being able to enter what the label says. One reason I'm glad I spent the $20 on the PC version. :)

Funny, that's one of the reasons I hate fitday PC, lol.

srmb60 02-12-2006 05:05 PM

Forces you to use their formula ??? I don't understand ....

lizzbabe 02-12-2006 05:29 PM

Like, if you were entering the data for a certain product Fitday does the math to reach # calories (multiply fat grams x 9, carbs and protein x 4 etc) is my understanding. And if they don't add up it flags it and makes you change it to put it in your custom foods list.

LLV 02-12-2006 07:14 PM

Yes, and that's why I didn't like it, among a couple of other reasons. Maybe fitday is right, maybe the food labels are right, who knows. The point is I want to be able to add my foods as I see the information on the label. And for many of my custom foods, fitday wouldn't allow me to do that. That's one of the reasons I quit using it.

1dayatatime 02-12-2006 08:20 PM

My PC doesn't do that but the online (free) version did.

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