Low calorie snacks

  • I'm looking for snack ideas for in between meals. preferably 200 cals or less. Any ideas? Right now I do yogurt, cottage cheese, oranges etc but its getting kind of boring. what are your thoughts?
  • Three 7 Grain Wasa Crisps and Laughing Cow Spreadable Cheese Wedges - 100 Calories

    Fiber One Brownies - 90 Calories

    2 Tbps. Hummus and Celery Sticks - 90-110 Calories

    Single Serve Low Fat Popcorn - 100 Calories

    Goldfish Crackers - Varies, but usually 120-160 for 50 pieces

    11.5 oz. Low Sodium V8 - 70 Calories

    30 Special K Chips - 110-120 Calories
  • Maybe up your meals by 200 calories to keep you going until the next meal?
  • I like to make little bags of trail mix. Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries. You can make them whatever you want and however many calories you want. Mine are about 200 cals per bag and are an awesome snack to keep in the freezer/purse/desk/wherever!

    Apples are another favorite of mine
  • My favorites are:

    Chocolate pudding cup - 100cal
    Laughing cow cheese wedge and turkey stick - 75cal
    2 Garlic dill pickles - 10cals
  • tuna on cucumbers made with olive oil mayo

    1 can tuna in water = 100 calories
    1 tbsp olive oil mayo = 60 calories
    1 small cucumber = 45 calories
    altogether 205 calories, and tuna is very filling.

    also for your sweet/greasy tooth, 5 dark chocolate hershey kisses are 128 calories and 2 slices of bacon is 90
  • I love to put 17 slices of Hormel turkey pepperoni in the microwave for a minute or so to make them crispy. Sort of makes pepperoni chips. 70 calories. I halve campari tomatoes and am loving the small sweet red, yellow and green peppers I'm finding at my local Kroger. I can make a big plate of snack for 150 calories.

    Also love lots and lots of strawberries with a tablespoon of nutella. 200 calories

    A 100 calorie bag of kettle popcorn with a tall thin glass of diet cranberry juice. 140 calories

    3 boiled egg whites come in at just 51 calories and I am full forever with them

    Just a few of my faves!
  • http://www.kindsnacks.com/store These KIND bars are amazinggg. So many different flavors to choose from and they're perfect if you're busy/on the go/etc. Almost all the ones i've had so far were around 190 calories. They definitely hold me over till my next meal.
  • Something I've recently discovered is strawberries dipped in sugar free maple syrup. I usually do 10 large strawberries + a 1/4c serving of the syrup, which runs about ~95 calories; it'd be less if you got the syrup thats 20 cal instead of 35. Great for your sweet tooth!
  • I don't eat clean, just low cal so check all nutrition list on the following:

    S'more in a bowl. Empty one fat free chocolate pudding cup in a bowl, put a marshmallow on top, microwave it for 15 secs, crumble 1/4 low cal gram cracker on top. About 120 cals

    Brownie a la mode
    Fiber 1 brownie microwaved for 15 secs, one tablespoon no sugar blue bell ice cream on top. About 135 cals

    Breakfast burrito
    Scramble 2 eggs, 1/2 slice of cheese, 1 thin slice ham. Wrap in flour tortilla. About 180 cals

    Andy cap hot fries, chips, you can have 50 for 130 cals

    Special K 90 cal bars, skinny cow ice cream sandwiches(150), and WW candy bar ice cream(140) all yum