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PinkHoodie 08-13-2010 11:49 PM

I'm wondering if anyone on here has PCOS and has been successfully losing weight just counting calories? I am thinking of going back to this after trying South Beach for awhile. I just can't have off limit foods like that. I just need to have it in moderation. I lost weight calorie counting before, but slowly.
So, is there anyone? Thanks!

ShellydeFlores 08-14-2010 01:34 AM

Pink Hoodie.....we've seen each other around and I am also a PCOS weight loser. I am currently doing South Beach too but have recently thought about going back to calorie counting. I lost about 6 lbs my first week of phase 1 but now have had absolutely nothing my second week. I am getting a bit sick of the restrictions. I have lost my appetite several times on SB and now nothing sounds good. NOTHING! I don't want bread, I don't want meat, I don't want vegetables. I have to force feed myself and it is extremely frustrating. I'm constipated now and I have completely lost my passion for SB.

I have thought about going back to my calorie counting because I did lose weight, just slowly. Maybe when I need to clean out or get rid of some overbearing cravings I'll go back to phase 1 for a week.

Not sure but I believe the purpose of my post was to let you know you are not alone in your thoughts and struggle with losing weight with PCOS.

moonkissed 08-14-2010 04:16 AM

:hug: I have PCOS as well. Before last year I did calorie counting and lost very close to 25lbs with usually between .5-3lbs a week.

I had to watch my carbs as well though. I am diabetic but carb watching is also good for PCOS. I think that is the key paying attention to not just calories but carbs too. Not that you have to go all no carb or super low carb but lower then average I think is good. Like my doctor told me to not go over 200 carbs because she knew I was a carb addict and it would be tough lol but I try to keep it a bit lower then that even.

I agree I don't like having any off limit foods. I think moderation is the best but at the same time moderation is easier said then done lol. So some things I just have to stay away from for now or I will binge. I have to be very careful with bread and pasta lol

So sometimes I buy premade pasta dinners like lean cuisine and stick with whole wheat and make sure I make only small bits of pasta at a time so I can't go back for seconds (and thirds, fourths lol)

But bleh I gained it all back because I just went off plan :( but I am back again and doing calorie counting again and loving it. I like the freedom it does give.

Goodluck to you! :dust:

Shmead 08-14-2010 08:18 AM

I have classic PCOS/IR and I have lost 130+ lbs with calorie counting. That said, I do watch my carbs--I try to get 40-50% of my calories from protein, which limits my carbs to about 30% of my diet (gotta have some fat). Furthermore, I really avoid refined carbs (white flour, sugar, rice, potatoes), eating them in very minimal quantities.

But I think what has really made a difference was eating enough. My PCOS makes me ravenous--the way some women are before their period, I was all the time. So I could never stick to 1200 calorie plans. I started at over 2000 calories a day, and never went below 1600 for very long.

I should also note that I exercise a great deal.

One final note: losing weight WORKS, or at least did for me. At 75 lbs down, I started having regular periods for the first time in my life. Now, at merely "overweight", my testosterone level is normal (30, was 90+) and my insulin levels are normal (6.5, was 40+). Looking at my bloodwork, no one would label me PCOS.

ElizabethG 08-14-2010 01:51 PM

I have PCOS with insulin resistance too. In the past I have lost weight calorie counting. I agree that it makes me ravenous if I have my calories too low as well.

There is a diet called the Insulin Resistance diet (which most people with PCOS have) and they have a max of 30 carbs per two hours and for every 15 g carbs you eat 7 g protien. I haven't done it regularly but I try it for snacks and they seem to fill me up more. (cheese stick and an apple for instance).

PinkHoodie 08-14-2010 02:12 PM

I wanted to really try to have a carb goal I shot for. Maybe I will try to eat under 150 a day. I am okay with most the things that South Beach has you do, except I think its a little to restrictive in phase 1 if you stay on it as long as I tried to. So I think I am going to calorie watch, but incorporate some of the teachings of south beach which is really to eat healthy carbs and concentrate on eating more lean protein and lots of fruits and veggies.
I really appreciate you all taking the time to answer me. I will just keep experimenting and see what starts to work! Exercise is easy for me. But food is where I really struggle.
Thank again! :D

ShellydeFlores 08-14-2010 02:42 PM

Pink Hoodie-I am going to do the same. I love how SB has been able to successfully make it clear what is bad in foods. It really turned my stomach to sit down and thing about the unprocessed foods and what crap is in there. Geez, some of the stuff we eat..and think is healthy...really isn't.

What I would recommend (should you need advice) stick to the glycemic index. Eat protein and fibers with anything you know wasn't a part of Phase 1. This way, like the book said, will keep your insulin releasing at a slower rate so we don't store those excess sugars. I found it kinda funny that the first few days on Phase 1 I was still writing out my calories. I wanted to see how much I was eating. I eventually stopped but was surprised when I looked back on those days a couple days ago. I was eating like 900-1100 a day. i'm scared to go back to calorie counting because I do NOT want to gain back any of my phase 1 weight but I figure I'm still keep the basics of the program but just fit to my lifestyle and needs...with a max calorie limit.

kkazz123 08-14-2010 05:40 PM

I have PCOS and have lost 120+ pounds. I dont specifically watch my carb intake (that said as a general rule most nites i dont have carbs with dinner) I have more focussed on cutting out processed foods and that works a treat for me

kazz =]

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