How many calories should you eat?

  • My husband and I started a calorie counting lifestyle change this past Sunday. I just want to make sure that we both feel satisfied, and never hungry, so we stick to it. My husband is doing 2,000 a day, and I am doing 1,200 a day. We watch Biggest Loser, and I know that sometimes they say the people need to eat a little more to lose weight. So, what is everyone's opinion on it? I used a calculation figure that I found online, and according to that the calories that we both need just to breath are 3,000 for him, and 1,500 for me. Do we just need to see if we are hungry and adjust accordingly? I hate counting vegetables as calories, but I think fruit should be counted, because some fruit is higher in calories than veggies. I guess that I have never counted calories before and only on day 4 I'm feeling frustrated. We have both done carb counting before, but I'm thinking I don't like all the fat they you eat, meat and cheese, etc... We are doing this for 2 weeks and see how it turns out.
  • How much do you weigh and how tall are you? Your age and physical activity level also need to come into account. Your 1,500 to breathe likely does not include any physical activity. Someone who sits in an office for 10 hours a day needs fewer calories than a teacher who is on her feet all day.

    I have read that dieters who try to cut below 1,600 are more likely to give up since that is pretty low. Others do fine on this amount. I personally strive for 1,600-1,800/day when I'm not doing a lot of exercise, and I'll eat anywhere from 2,200-2,600 on the weekends if I'm doing a lot of bike riding.

    Also, don't be afraid of fat, but make it *healthy* fat. Walnuts, avocado, salmon and olive oil are very healthy and also have weight loss benefits.
  • I have been losing weight on 1400 - 1500 calories/day with moderate exercise (Curves/walking several x/week). I have a hard time covering all the nutritional bases that I want to include at that level (dairy, veggies, fruit, whole grains, protein etc). And there are certainly many days that I have had the hungries and toughed it out.

    A rule of thumb I've heard is that you should eat at least your weight x 10 in calories. In other words, 1200 calories might be appropriate for someone who weighs 120 lbs but is low for someone who weighs more. That's just a rule of thumb, but 1200 calories is awfully low.

    BTW, I second the suggestion of healthy fats. They are *very* important; just be sure to measure their portions carefully.
  • I am 5'4", and right now weigh 145 lbs. So, if the 10 x 145 is right, then I should be eating 14,500 calories a day. I appreciate all of the help everyone. I think I will up it to 14,500, and see how I do, maybe I won't feel like I'm not eating anything. Another thing is, I don't see why we should have to count our veggies? I know everything has calories, but why not just count the ones in everything but veggies? What do you think?
  • Veggie or not a calorie is a calorie and they do add up. I was facing this issue with some hot sauce.. i mean really, 10 calories? Why bother counting it... but, 10 cals for that a couple times a day, and then all the veggies and that's 100 calories or more.
    Good luck! I just started counting and i'm just below 1800 but i rarely get them all.
  • I'm assuming you were kidding that you were upping to 14,500 since 145 x 10 = 1450
  • Yeah, a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, you have to count veggies.
  • Oh my! Yes, I meant 1,450 rather than 14,500. I would gain a lot and never feel deprived. I am going to say 1,200-1,400, and if I only eat 1,200 or if I'm hungrier one day than 1,400. I forgot to say that I'm moderately active depending upon what day it is. From May- November I'm extremely active. We own a motel, and run it ourselves, so, I am the maid, mom and the office gal. Whatever needs to be done. We are just finishing building a new motel with more units, which means, hopefully my activity level will be extremely very active. The winter months are slower, so that is the time of year that is harder not to eat, because of boredom. I worked as a Bakery manager for 12 yrs, and that was hard not eating everything, but you have to have some control, or you eat it all, when you are baking. Bakers run around like crazy all day though also. So, I love my sweets, so I'm trying to only treat myself once or twice a week, with small stuff. Like for Easter, I'm going to make a cake, but cut the pieces small and put them into baggies for later.
  • I'd calorie cycle 1200-1500, more on workout days/less on non-workout days. Some people don't see the point in eating more on workout days, but your body needs that extra energy and enough protein.

    As for your hubby, above 1500+ is good. My DF eats between 1500 - 2000 and has seen great loses. He's lost about 30lbs the last 2ish months. He is 220, 6". He was 250.

    But it's all about experimenting. I've noticed I lose more when I eat more (roughly 1600 avg for the week). If it doesn't work in 2-3 weeks, either take away calories or add some!
  • I use the daily plate and I love it. I am losing and average of 2lbs a weeks since I started it. It will tell you how many calories you need.

    Also it is not just the calories that keep you full, protein plays an important part. I can have a protein shake in the morning and not be hungry for 3-4 hours, but if i have a bowl of cereal I am hungry in 1 hr, although they have the same # of calories.
  • What is the daily plate? I have never heard of that.
  • It's a website where you can track your calories. It has a huge food database, and also can be used to track your exercise.

    It calculates what you eat, shows a pie chart with the percentage of fat versus protein versus carbs you've eaten, and tells you how many calories you can eat based on your height/weight and physical activity levels.

    I've been using it for about a year.
  • I realize you should but I dont count veggies either.I have never binged on veggies though.LOL
  • be careful with your math
    Quote: I am 5'4", and right now weigh 145 lbs. So, if the 10 x 145 is right, then I should be eating 14,500 calories a day. I appreciate all of the help everyone. I think I will up it to 14,500, and see how I do, maybe I won't feel like I'm not eating anything. Another thing is, I don't see why we should have to count our veggies? I know everything has calories, but why not just count the ones in everything but veggies? What do you think?
    Be careful, 145 x 10 is only 1450 calories a day.....