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marie8674 01-23-2008 01:41 PM

The best thing for breakfast
(I'm new and full of questions for you chicks)

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

Yesterday I made egg beaters with onion and green pepper and 1/2 of an english muffin.

Today I had Quaker Cinnamon Roll Oatmeal and a banana. Protien is good for breakfast right? What about the weight loss oatmeal, has anyone tried that? And why is that better than regular oatmeal?

FluffeyNutter 01-23-2008 01:44 PM

I like oatmeal or whole wheat toast with peanut butter. yummmm

lovinlifex2 01-23-2008 01:51 PM

I have tried the Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal and it is YUMMY! I really like the maple and brown sugar. It is very filling - I eat it at about 9 and keeps me going until lunch between 12 and 1. It has 7g of protein and 6g of fiber. I think they were talking about it last night on TBL too.

I also really like the Kashi Go Lean. It has just a hint of sweetness and packed with good for you stuff - not to mention 10g fiber and 13g protien per serving.

I don't like eggs so I can't help you out there...sorry.

Switzie6 01-23-2008 02:22 PM

I usually do cereal with light soy milk and a serving of fruit. Lately I have been on a kick of having Grape Nut Flakes, but I also like Kashi Go Lean crunch.

scgirl32 01-23-2008 02:31 PM

I pretty much eat the same thing every morning for breakfast. It totals in around 400 calories. It's my highest-calorie meal of the day, but it gets me through until lunch time. I usually have 1 container of Egg Beaters (the little packages that equal to two eggs, 60 calories) scrambled. I put this on top of a 100-calorie toasted English muffin. Then I top it with a FF cheddar cheese slice (30 calories. I also have a container of yogurt (less than 100 calories) with 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal (60 calories) stirred in. When you add in the coffee with a little bit of skim milk, you've got right around 400 calories.

Occassionally (when I'm feeling crazy -- or when I'm out of yogurt) I'll stir some salsa and black beans into the Egg Beaters. Lots of filling fiber!

mandalinn82 01-23-2008 02:46 PM

My breakfasts:

Yogurt with all bran and fruit
Two slices light bread, soaked in 1/2 cup eggbeaters and cooked as french toast, with 2 tsp pumpkin butter on top
Quick omelettes with eggbeaters, leftover cooked chicken and veggies (or quickly microwaved chopped veggies)

Very rarely I'll have oatmeal, but find it doesn't hold me over as well because it doesn't have much protein.

I also will sometimes take an Alternative Bagel (from Western Bagels - high protein/fiber and only 110 calories, but so hard to find!) and top it with pizza sauce, a little lowfat mozzarella, and some pizza-y toppings (chopped broccoli, chicken, olives..etc), then cook for 8-10 min in my toaster oven. This is great when "Breakfasty" foods don't sound good. You can do the same thing on a 100cal english muffin.

FlabulessPhyllis 01-23-2008 03:10 PM

I eat a boiled egg and a piece of low fat cheese or oatmeal or kashi cereal

crbowles 01-23-2008 03:12 PM

My fav is a Blue Bunny no sugar added strawberry yogurt and 2 Nutri Grain low fat waffles with Smuckers sugar free syrup. And since I'm on WW it's only a mere 3 points. WooHoo! But tomorrow I am going to try the new Fiber One Caramel Delight cereal that just came out.

baffled111 01-23-2008 03:29 PM

I eat omelets pretty much every day: 1 whole egg plus 1/2 cup of 100% egg whites. Fillings include sauteed veggies, mixed mushrooms with goat cheese, black beans and salsa. If I'm lazy or forgot to saute my veggies the night before, I'll just scramble my eggs and have them with a piece of toast.

Very occasionally I'll have a bowl of kashi golean with milk and yogurt, but I really don't find it filling enough.

Breakfast is 300 cals or under.

blueyedlvrgirl 01-23-2008 05:19 PM

Here are a few of the things I eat for breakfast:
*Fritata(sp)- I throw some steamed veggies from the night before into a skillet with 1 egg and 1/2 c egg whites and pop it in the oven while I get dressed or start my hair, then when I take it out I sprinkle ff cheese on it.
*Cereal with ff milk and fruit, I throw some nuts into it for added protein
*FF yogurt with fruit and puffed brown rice
*1% cottage cheese with fruit on ww graham crackers sprinkled with a little bit of cinnamon mixed with splenda (this is delicious!)

goodbyethighs 01-23-2008 11:10 PM

I did this the other morning, it was good.

2 eggs (70 calories each) 140 calories
1 slice 2% cheese 50 calories
on top of 1 special K plain waffle 80 calories

Total 270 Calories

zenor77 01-24-2008 01:59 AM

My usual breakfast is one of the following:

~steel cut oatmeal (cooked the night before and reheated) with 1T flaxseed meal, 1-2T raisins, 1t maple syrup and 1/4 cup soymilk

~3/4c plain yogurt with 1/2T maple syrup and ww toast with either jam or pb

~poached egg on toast with lots of hot sauce

~1 whole egg + 1 egg white scrambled and stuffed into a ww tortilla with salsa and a small sprinkling of cheese

~smoothie made with 1/4 pkg of lite tofu, 1/2c frozen berries, 1/2 frozen banana, a splash of vanilla and 1/2c soymilk

Tamsie 01-24-2008 07:35 AM

My usual breakfasts are...

- 2 boiled eggs w/ a piece of fruit

- 1/2 c oats + 1/2 c eggwhites + 1/2 c water + 50g blueberries + cinnamon & splenda cooked in microwave - has about 19g of protein. The eggwhites make the oatmeal creamy and bump the protein.

- 1/2 c eggwhites + 1/2 block thawed spinach + chopped grape tomatoes baked at 350 for about 45 min. Right before eating, I add 1/2 oz sharp cheddar on top and melt in the microwave

- omlette with 1 cup eggwhites (or combo of 1 egg + whites) and whatever vegetables I have around + 1/2 oz sharp cheddar or a slice of american cheese

- oatmeal pancakes made with 1/3c oats, 1/3c eggwhites, 1/3c ff cottage cheese. Topped with frozen strawberries (or blueberries) that I nuke for about 2 minutes to make like a fruity syrup.

lorilove 01-24-2008 08:54 AM

The important thing about breakfast is that it works for you. There are some plans where people eat meat and veggies in the morning and cereal at night.

You want to make sure that it is something you will take the time for and that it will hold you comfortably until lunch (or your early morning snack).

I am a total happy cereal person. I eat a big bowl (actually 1 1/2 servings) with skim milk and 2oz of pomegranate juice. on the side. Of course I need by black coffee. My morning snack is then typically a fruit.

Depending on whether you workout in the monring might have some play in how and what you eat as well.


Rikku 01-24-2008 11:08 AM

I am currently having some creamy tomato soup. I love soup because it is very filling and I stay full until lunch. I also drink silk milk with Special K berries cereal. I try and stay away from toast. But since I have only been dieting for a few days yet and have yet to lose a pound, I may need to cut down even more. ? Put a question mark on that! lol :)

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