Looking for inspiration?!

  • I had no idea that the entire 1st season of the biggest loser Australia was on You - tube. I've been watching it here in Canada on the slice network, but I know lots of you have said that you couldn't find it in the US. Search for The Biggest Loser Australia 1.

    The episodes are each in 4 parts divided into 10 minutes each. No commercials! And there's tons of episodes to keep you going...since in Australia it aired every night for 1 hour episodes.

    I have found the Australian version to have so much more of Bob and Jillian working out with the contestants, and I have loved it. More twists and turns. And there is one episode which I now re-watch over and over because of one person - episode 26, part 4 - which I call "Christie's moment"......it moves me to tears and makes me believe that I too CAN succeed.

  • Thanks for the tip! I'm going to watch them!
  • Thanks! I've watched almost the whole season and LOVE this version. So much better than the American one. They show much more working out and the trainers are protrayed so much differently. Love it, thanks for posting or I would have never found it!