Blue Team Fall Frenzy 2011 Chat Week 12 (12/05-12/11)

  • Hi everyone,

    Wow some of you had an awesome week.......WTG!!!!!!

    We did not lose anyone this week so that too is awesome!!!!!!!


    Blue Team:

    Biggest Loser:
    LeslieB, -7lbs, -2.40%

    Honorable Mentions:
    ennay, -2.8lbs, -1.74%
    megmix, -3.6lbs, -1.44%
    Somni, -2.2, -1.06%

    Well not much new on my end just been crazy at work, I had a few days off and was supposed to go to Vegas but couldn't find a good deal, so stayed home and watch the mountains of snow pile up. I can hardly wait for spring

    Have a great week and I'll post the full results later.
  • Hip Hip Hooray! To LeslieB!! Congrats to all the losers!

    We only have two weeks left! I gotta try harder! We gotta try harder!!
  • Howdy Blue Team !

    Congratulations to all the losers this week ! We did awesome and we didn't lose anyone... that's great to hear.

    It's hard to believe there are only 2 weeks left... not to mention how fast the holidays are approaching. This week should be another good week... planning on Zumba again this morning then making some chili for a potluck on Wednesday.

    Have another kick butt week all.
  • Quote: Blue Team:

    Biggest Loser:
    LeslieB, -7lbs, -2.40%

    Honorable Mentions:
    ennay, -2.8lbs, -1.74%
    megmix, -3.6lbs, -1.44%
    Somni, -2.2, -1.06%
    I'm just going to ditto what Bigmid said- Congrats to all our losers this week.

    My goal for this week is to exercise every day for a minimum of 30 minutes, and a requirement to ride on the exercise bike if I'm going to watch any TV. None weight related goals: sort and organize clothing and kid's toys for donation and to not spend any money on non-essential items.

    Have a super week, Blue Team!
  • Congratulations, losers! You're all heroes for keeping it going this many weeks later! We're almost to the finish line!

    I don't have any specific goals for the rest of this week, but I'm certainly trying to be more active. I walked the two miles home from work last night, and did some kettlebell exercises. Planned to swim this morning, but couldn't force myself out of bed early enough, being that it's my day off! Thinking I need to move into an apartment building with a pool so I'll have no excuses!

    Hope you're all enjoying this first week of December - it's sunny and 80 degrees here, so I really ought to be out enjoying it! Stay warm, those of you in the chilly parts!
  • Congrats to everyone for their hard work.
    I want to apologize for being MIA for the past month, I usually don’t start a challenge and not complete it . I am starting my journey of weight loss again so the next challenge I will be joining and completing. Do anyone know when the next Biggest Loser Challenge will start?

    I will continue to check in....GO BLUE TEAM
  • Yay! I got to change my avatar chick from 135 to 140 pounds lost. I weighed in this morning at 151.6; I'm getting so close to goal!

    Onward and downward, Blue Team!
  • Howdy Blue Team !

    Hope everyone is having a great week. It's been a good week here, although it's definitely getting busier with holiday stuff going on.

    slowrunner - How's the activity level? Your weather sounds wonderful... I could go for that right about now.

    Caramel - Good to see you checking in... and glad to see you'll be joining us for the next challenge. Not sure exactly when the next one starts quite yet.

    Beck - Congrats on the changing of the chick !! You are doing so well... you're very inspirational.

    Off to wrap some more presents, make some more candles and taking a beading class in the middle of that.

    Have a great rest of the week !
  • Congratulations to everyone making it through another week! Almost done!

    I lost 1.0 this week. Glad I lost this week but getting close enough to onederland that I'm starting to get itchy about it. I've really hoping to hit it by New Years, but hey if I don't, I'll get there soon after.

    Hope we all finish strong next week!
  • Housework to lose weight. Cleaned carpets yesterday. Went through two bandana's of sweat. Getting the house ready for x-mas and a brother visiting that is allergic to half of my household. The cat half. So it's a definate workout.