Red Team Fall Focus Chat Thread Week 7 (11/1-11/7)

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  • Here we go team! Another week. Keep up the good work. Will post results soon. Unfortunately, we lost another 3 members tonight.
  • Awe, sorry to hear we lost more members
    Though I understand when life gets in the way.

    Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

    Shan-looks like the food delivery agrees with you! Happy 1y anniversary to you & the bf!!!
  • Hey Mel,

    Thanks! I'm going to change my avatar now. He sent me some gorgeous flowers to school today. Tonight he has planned an evening out. I'm excited!

    Hope you have a great start to the week.
  • Aww, too bad we lost more members.

    Have fun on your night out shan. And way to go on your loss!

    Halloween got the best of me. I'm still trying to drag myself out. At least I'm still going to the gym. I maintained, which is better than a gain. Oh well.
  • Hey everyone..

    Sad we lost some more red team members... I'm still here, in a bit of a fog.. We lost a dear friend on thurs of last week. That's why I haven't been posting much..

    I caved yesterday into some Halloween treats yesterday. Not much, one recces peanut butter cup and a small slice of cake for a friends birthday. I gave up sugar back in May, and let me tell you after I ate it I literally felt sick.. Hmmm, it stunk but I learned a valuable lesson..

    Hope everyone is off to a great new week...
  • sha25-Sorry for your loss.

    julie99-Thankfully Halloween is over. Now is the time to get a handle on things before the eating fest in a few weeks, right?!

    shan84-Your flowers are very pretty. Enjoy your special day.
  • Shan - Very nice flowers! Happy Anniversary

    Sha -- I'm very sorry about the loss of your friend.

    Hi everyone else
  • Our week 6 results:

    Team percentage and lbs lost -16.4lbs, -.42%

    Biggest Loser:
    shan84, -8.5lbs, -3.11%

    Honorable mention:
    Angie, -4.2lbs, -1.78%

    Great job team! Let's keep it up this week!!
  • Good job Shan -- That new plan is working for you!
  • Angie- Thanks! Yeah I would say its working for me for sure. Still dropping weight this week too.

    I don't expect huge numbers each week. I am going to be happy with just a steady loss each week. This week I'm going back to the gym too, so should be good.
  • Results are posted....
    Congratulations Red Team for winning week 6 and congrats to shan for being the over BL for week 6
    Keep up the good work
  • Hey guys, sorry for the extended MIA, I don't know where my head was. I had a bit of a gain during my absence and used both freebies, so hopefully I can do well enough this week to post a no-gain. I think a loss from my last weigh-in is pretty close to out of the question. My wellness competition at work started Monday, so I have some extra incentives for my healthy choices.

    I hope everyone's having a great week. I'll try to be around more.
  • Aclai- Welcome back! Hope the challenge goes well at work.

    Congrats to the team for winning the week 6 weigh in!

    Hope everyone is having a good week. It's awful quiet on here this week.

    Today's question: Paint a picture for us with your words. If you look outside a window in your house, what do you see?
  • I'm not sure if I'm eliminated or not. I know there's no excuse, but I've been in a real daze here lately. I had insomnia all last week, and was kind of in a groggy daze. I've also been binging on halloween candy, so I don't care so much. I'm not doing good at all, anyway.
  • Today's question~ Right now it's the blah time of year in Vermont. Gray skies cover dark brown, almost black bare trees. Only the pine trees and the grass still hold their green. The apple trees to the right still have bright red apples, but no leaves. There's a small stream just past a long line of reddish yellow leaved blueberry bushes. The dirt road that runs along the width of our property kicks up dusty dirt as cars whiz down it, way too FAST. If I really stretch my neck, I can see snow on top of the mountain, I wish it would make its way down to where we are, so the gray dreariness would disappear.
    Other then that, nothing exciting... not that that stuff is exciting. I live half way up a mountain, and fall is such a boring time of year once the leaves have fallen.