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RangerChic 10-06-2009 08:52 AM

Red Team Week 4 Chat Thread
Here's a new thread for everyone. Hope you all are having a good week thus far.

sweetandspicy 10-06-2009 09:14 AM

Good Tuesday to you all!!!

WishI would have had more of a loss this week, but I have been somewhat off plan, not exercised enough and TOM hit hard Sunday night. Well I sure am full of excuses today. Anyway enough with that. My plan this week is to start walking again and get back to jogging and to not eat anymore chocolate. This summer I was so on plan and since it has cooled off I have just lost my way. I need to get back on track ASAP. I can not stop now!!!

Ms Perception 10-06-2009 09:19 AM

Mommyofsix-Funny how the cold weather or change in weather makes us want to turn to comfort foods and laziness, huh? I have been fighting the same things!

Glad to get on with this week. I'm trying to tweak my food to accomodate some new info on what works for me. It's a bit of a challenge, but it certainly does have me really examining my food lately which is probably a really good thing!

tinabinab 10-06-2009 10:26 AM

Wow, is it week 4 already!? Things are going well - my exercise tends to all be outside - I prefer to walk and jog on every day that I possibly can. The weather has been great for it, but sunset at 7:10 is starting to be a bummer. The time change is coming soon and I may have to join a gym soon just so I can at least hit the treadmill on the days when I can't get outside.

Had TOM last week, but since having an ablation back in May it's almost non-existent and doesn't seem to wreak near as much havoc on the scale as it used to. Yay! Would *highly* recommend it for anyone with heavy or long cycles, provided you are done having kiddoes. It's the best thing I have done for myself, maybe ever. :)

Had my first NSV this morning. Am wearing an outfit today that I bought just two months ago. At the time it really was a snug fit and I was a little self conscious in it. I'm wearing it today it feels like a great fit now. Looking forward to it moving over into the "too big" category, but for now, I am enjoying that I feel good in it.

Hope everyone has a successful, on program week!

shea5 10-06-2009 12:58 PM

tinabinab - :carrot: for good fitting outfits, that is always an awesome feeling!! NSV, especially clothes ones always make me very happy :)

I had an awful day at work yesterday, but I didn't cheat...and I really wanted to, so I feel pretty good about that. Didn't get any exercise in, but am planning to this evening while I'm watching biggest loser :)

Ms Perception 10-06-2009 01:30 PM

I'm looking forward to the show tonight. I just need another boost of positive weight loss inspiration. I've been POP and feel good, just all the rain and cold here makes me want to snuggle in bed all day!

KimL1214 10-06-2009 02:59 PM

IgetfitNStrongforme~ Wow! You must have really needed the sleep! I don’t know about being the Biggest Loser, thank you though!

Bette k~ Have a great week also!

Cape Breton Chick~ Congrats on 0.4lbs!!!

~ No stopping, less chocolate, more moving, you can totally get back on track!!!

Ms Perception~ Is everything okay? I’m psyched for the TBL show tonight too!!!

tinabinab~ Congratulations on your NSV!!! I can’t wait to start fitting in smaller clothes!

~ Great job staying on track!!!

So we hiked into the woods again today and I noticed that I really trekked right in and didn’t have any issues with feeling tired. There was a lot of jumping and wandering through random tree branches in attempt to avoid the mud. I admit that I used last night as my cheat night (since I do both my weigh in for here in the AM and official WW weigh in on Monday), where I just kind of eat whatever I’ve been craving for the past week, but it appears that this may be the last week where I can! YAY! I am actually happy about this as our weigh in at work for our work TBL challenge is now Tuesday mornings. School is structured enough so that if I can make it through Tuesday day, then I should be okay by Tuesday night. Rambling, yes, good day so far, so I’m psyched! I just need to keep the momentum going through work tonight!!!

sweetandspicy 10-06-2009 03:31 PM

I can get back on track you ladies are so right!!! I am excited about the show tonight too. It always inspires me to try harder.

chiquita623 10-06-2009 04:46 PM

Amy - you can do this. I know you can. Look at what you've accomplished so far!!

Kim - I'd love to go hiking. Sounds like fun. So glad you're in the right frame of mind to knock it out of the park this week.

Congrats on the NSV tinainab.

And congrats on the losses to all of my team. You all inspire me. I may not be on here as much as I'd like but when I do lurk and check in I always read what all you've written and take it to heart.

Be back later.

IgetfitNStrongforme 10-06-2009 05:15 PM

Kiml1214: I wish I lived near a forest II could hike in, it sounds like heaven. Where I live there is just lots of concrete and buildings........

I am just relaxing now that I have had lunch. I had a great morning volunteering and tomorrow I have the exercise group with my ladies, we had so much fun last week, I am sure tomorrow will be just as much fun. I can't wait for TBL tonight; I want to see what happens with Tracey.

I feel very badly for Coach Mo because he seems to be a man of honor but is so tore by trying to be a supportive team mate to clearly an unstable woman. I don't think Jillian should have dressed him down at the weigh in that was very wrong. Both Bob and Jillian should have pulled him a side for a private talk. Coach Mo is just caught in the middle, and it's not fair.

jessicado22 10-06-2009 09:41 PM

Well ladies--finally got my old PC out of torage o I can get online without having to use the tiny screen on my ipod until my laptop get fixed. Good news i that my horrible neverending period finally did end (after 3 weeks of torture!) I should have a good loss this week to help our team this week...after that I am not sure if TOM is going to come back a it is due, or if it will leave me alone to make up for it's lovely 3 week visit. I am hoping for the latter! Well, hope everyone is doing good and the scale i treating you nicely!

RangerChic 10-06-2009 11:20 PM

Hey gals, results are into dixie now so should be up soon!

Nicki54 10-07-2009 05:50 AM

Down 5lb on my week 4 weigh in.:D:carrot::carrot:


ps I know I don't chat a lot but I'm 100% committed to the Red Team.:hug:

CanadaMel 10-07-2009 08:50 AM

Motivation is challenging as the weather gets cooler. I felt I was getting ready to hibernate this past weekend and am fighting the feeling again today where our high temp will be ~35 f, brrrrr.

The good thing is the dog always needs a walk no matter what the weather is like and he won't take no for an answer!

We're heading out of town for Cdn Thanksgiving. I'll work hard at staying OP though it's tough avoiding crap food while on the road.

Have a great week ladies!

Ms Perception 10-07-2009 09:39 AM

KimL-Yep, I'm feeling good! We just had a few days where the sun was not shining, it was rainy and I just REALLY wanted to snuggle up and read a book and do NOTHING else. I did eat OP and get my exercise in, so I handled it well. Today should be a little nicer, but then we're supposed to get more rain for the rest of the week. That plus the colder temps, have me wanting to hibernate, like CanadaMel! Heehee

Nicki-Way to stay committed and have such a nice weigh-in!

Igetfit-I also like Coach Mo. So glad he can stay. Tracy, on the other hand....my DH just keeps saying "She is SO unstable!" the whole show. LOL It cracks me up that you used those same words. They really sum it up though. I, too, wish I had some place a little closer to hike around here. When we move, we'll be closer to a state park with some nice hiking trails which I fully intend to take advantage of next spring-fall.

All is well here. My new running program is challenging me with some new drills which I feel good about. I'm a runner now, I might as well become a better one, eh? Food has been OP and the scale is cooperating little by little. I'll definitely take it, though. I often struggle mid-month with cravings (giving in to them, that is) and TOM stuff, but I want to make this month different...See if I can't stay more consistant and see decent losses every week. I used to not struggle with cravings so much the first 6-8 months or so of my healthier diet, so I'm not sure why it seems harder now. Maybe it's my mindset, getting closer to goal and thinking I "deserve" stuff more or what?! Anyway, I'm clearly still a work in progress!

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