3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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CruiseCAT 08-11-2009 06:04 PM

Red Rockets Week 12 & 13
Thought I would start this before I left. This is for this week and next seeing how there are only a few of us chatting.

I'll be back Thursday the 20th.

Bette k 08-11-2009 10:46 PM

Hi Red team,
Sorry I was unable to post this week, but it was nuts this weekend. Hopefully the last few days I haven't been doing so well, blame it on birthday cake and lots of emotions. Tomorrow I start again.

Shannon, Congrats on being our new leader for the next challenge, I look forward to it.

Cruise Cat, Thank you for stepping in and being our leader.

Everyone Else, Have a great week
Bette K

MonteCristo 08-12-2009 08:33 AM

Hi Ladies! Sorry I haven't been around, but things have been crazy.

I'm looking forward to the fall challenge. I've been so busy lately that I haven't taken time to eat properly (I should know better by now), but I'm about ready to have a fresh new start. The rest of this week is going to be a bit hectic, but I'm going to jump right back in on Monday.

I hope everyone is having a great week!

Robot 08-12-2009 09:47 AM

HI everyone! I'm also looking forward to the next challenge. Congrats Shannon on being the team leader for the next challenge.

sweetandspicy 08-12-2009 10:11 AM

CAT_ thank you for leading the challenge, you did a wonderful job and I hope you have a great vacation

Shannon- good luck being the challenge leader.

Yesterday my 11 year old had practice/ not a game. My husband was late and he is the coach that is always there first to get them warmed up. So he called me and told me to get them to do the strechs and to keep them busy. I of course had no idea what to do so I decied to do the Shred from memory. They did not have weights so I skipped the strength training but we did everything else, as best to my memory. We did not do as many reps but we did work out for 20 minutes including running laps. I assume it was funny to watch because some of the boys were so off. I did do everything with them instead of walking around talking like they do on the DVD. So when my husband go there he was mad because he said I wore them out. I moved down the field to watch my 9 year old play in shi scrimmage and a lady walked up to me and said did you just have my son do the 30 day Shred. I just laughed and said yes they told me to work them out and thats the only workout I know... She laughed too

mtiger 08-12-2009 09:08 PM

That is so funny that you had them do Shred. I bet they were tired. It was good for them.

I have seen a little loss today. Still not back to my lowest but I am still hoping to get there soon. It has gotten very difficult to lose lately. I only want about 35 more pounds. This body cannot quit on me now.

Luckybustert 08-13-2009 02:58 AM

Amy, that is so funny that you had the team do the Shred! I just got my Shred DVD in the mail today....thinking about holding off until Sunday to start it, I've got a party to go to Saturday night and I'm afraid I'll be too sore to move!

CanadaMel 08-13-2009 09:33 AM

I've got my name on the waiting list at the library for the 30 day shred. I'll see if I can actually do it before comitting the $

having a good week food wise

looking forward to camping next week though that's where my troubles begin & I typically stray WAY off plan :o

cat thanks for reposting the link. Great photos. Can't wait to hear about your next trip.

Have a great day everyone!

sweetandspicy 08-13-2009 09:59 AM

Well the boys do not practice on Wednesday so I will be anxious to hear if they were sore or not tonight. Yesterday I got a phone call from one of the boys on the team his name is Gavin and well bless his heart he needs to loose some weight ASAP. He said that my son (who would never tell me this) said you should ask my mom to help you she has lost weight really fast and she looks great now. So here an 11 year old asked for help on how to lose weight. I told my husband and he said we have to help him. So I talked with him for awhile about what he eats and when he eats. I think it is just to much junk not enough fruits and veggies. He said since football he has lost 2 pounds so the exercise has to help.

I know he does not want to "diet" and I am sure he would be embarrassed to try at school. SO I talked to his Dad and he packs his lunch everyday so I suggested a lower calorie bread, to take the 100 cal snacks, but take them out of the package and put in a ziplock bag so no one knows it lowfat and at dinner instead of dessert try fruit, lay off sodas and cereals?

If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciated it..

JasonsLea 08-13-2009 04:10 PM

:wave: girls!

How has your week gone so far?

Do me a favor and send good vibes my way, okay? I should find out this week if I got the fulltime position. If I did, that means rent is paid, I get my bed, and I'm back online! :crossed:


CanadaMel 08-13-2009 11:55 PM

fingers crossed :crossed: & many good vibes :goodvibes :goodvibes coming your way!

CanadaMel 08-15-2009 12:38 AM

Tomorrow we head out for a week of camping- hopefully I'll stay OP better than our last camping trip.

Have a great week everyone-I look forward to see/hear how everyone is doing in the final weeks of our challenge!

RangerChic 08-15-2009 07:23 AM

Woo! I broke my plateau! I'm now down to 130.5!!! I couldn't be happier right now. I kept thinking, "I hate being suck at the same darn weight for weeks..." thankfully, I think the zig zagging of my calories is helping. Now, just need to hit 130 exactly next weekend before my vacation on the 25th. :)

JasonsLea 08-15-2009 04:36 PM

:wave: girls!

Aww thanks Mel! But it was all in vain, it seems. :mad: It feels like they are trying to put me in a corner with the job and I don't like being caged. So it's job hunting this week! If the VA won't give me a chance to grow, I'll find a company that will!

WTG Ranger! :carrot:

JasonsLea 08-16-2009 04:30 PM

:wave: girls!

Don't you just love it when you have a good week plan-wise then TOM comes along the night before your WI? >.<

Here's to a hopefully better week. :cheers:

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