Let's get rid of our excess... STUFF October-November 2017

  • Ah. The decluttering thread returns.

    Once more I confess I still have boxes of stuff and bags of stuff and overfull drawers and shelves of stuff. My SO is getting cranky about all my stuff and I am getting despondent at not having managed to deal with my stuff yet again.

    I must make some progress on the home front!

    Anyone else need a place to come and commitment to getting rid of some stuff? What kind of stuff and from where? Write down the specifics, make a plan, commit to it and check back in here as to how you did, how you can improve.

    What positive changes can we make in our environments the 31days of October 2017?
  • Today's plan for my stuff: kitchen table reclamation
    Today I am going to deal with the kitchen table.

    At best, I will clear off the top of the table.
    Clear out whatever is under the table.
    Clean the top of the table.
    Sort through the stuff I have removed.

    At worst, I will simply move the stuff from the top of the table and below the table to somewhere else. No sorting or tossing today.
    I will clean the top of the table either way.

    I will report back on this today or tomorrow.