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BillBlueEyes 04-07-2013 05:59 AM

Welcome Carol Sue (slmn11)
:welcome: Carol Sue (slmn11) :welcome:

Even though you've been here for two years, :wel3fc:

How did you find out about The Beck Diet Solution by Dr. Judith Beck?

And how did you wander over to this forum on 3FC?

BillBlueEyes 04-07-2013 06:04 AM

Sunday - World Health Day
Diet Coaches/Buddies – Good stuff happened. When out walking (CREDIT moi) to see if any early migrant birds had arrived, cookies appeared; I passed, CREDIT moi. The warblers aren't here yet, but a Brown Creeper was actively climbing up a tree trunk pecking for unlucky critters. It was just too cold for birds seeking flying bugs.

We toured a new greenhouse - LEED certified no less - where more cookies and Italian Pastries appeared. Again, I passed. One resistance of the day made the next easier. Dinner was a wash. I expected a simple take out for four of us looking over some recent renovation and, after a few false starts, ended up at an Italian restaurant. Ouch. I haven't been to an Italian restaurant in a couple of years. Food wasn't memorable - just Italian caloric. I remained within my bounds for a restaurant meal, but higher than needed. I did leave ALL of the parmesan potatoes on my plate which was a good step for me since I get into gotta-get-my-money's-worth at a pricey place.

onebyone – Congrats for finishing that "BIG PRINT." BIG KUDOS for accepting Looloo's bed wetting without falling off your own plan.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Forty years of accumulated guilt for not being taken care of is enough for one house. Kudos for moving forward. Love the use of NO CHOICE for your exercise.

Ann (Newlifestyle) - It's gotta be a good day when you've gone "shopping for fresh fruits and veggies."

spanky - Making a decision is stepping forward - Kudos. Sending supportive thoughts as you're 'letting go of Finn.' The name of the Paleo diet has always appealed to me for some reason. Hope the new shakes meet your taste.

nationalparker – Great visual, "Don't push the river." Love being reminded of the book of poems by that name from the sixties (looked it up, 1970). Kudos for keeping to your path through the challenges of your step DD.

IBelieveInMe2 – Welcome back from your Florida beaches. Yep, it can look like a mountain when we look at how far we have to go. That's why an immediate goal of, say, five or ten pounds is so helpful in freeing the mind.

In the Groove (LuLu01801) – Love the notion, "none of this is a struggle because I put my mind to it and that's it, I'm doing it" - once the decision is made, moving forward is easier. I'm not a Cleanse person so don't have an opinion there. Hope you see some of the Bald Eagles up on the Merrimack River.

mercer1122 – Kudos for giving yourself credit - that was one of the hardest steps for me initially. Sounds like a good day.

Carol Sue (slmn11) – Kudos for charging forth with your Advantages Response Card already. The daily quotes in my post are currently coming from The Beck Diet Solution so you'll recognize them. Glad you've joined us.

Readers -

chapter 5
Get Ready: Lay the Groundwork

day 1
Record the Advantages of Losing Weight
... The card you create today might be the most important one of all. On it, you'll list the reasons you've decided to diet. Right now, I'd like you to think of all of the advantages of losing weight and write them down while they're clear in your mind. I want you to read this Advantages Response Card (or cards, if your reasons don't all fit on one) every day.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 54.

Beverlyjoy 04-07-2013 07:05 AM

Hi coaches/friends... Friday and yesterday went well. Credit. The FB newsfeed from Friday was helpful... about not waiting until Monday. It has often been my MO. Those thoughts were helpful on Friday and Saturday.

On Friday night folks and kids ate pizza around the campfire. I had some raisin toast with pnb. Credit. I told them I can't eat pizza very often because I am watching my sodium. I've said this before... but, people seem more 'receptive' to hearing that then you are on a diet.... especially if there are others there who are overweight.

Yesterday went well too. My SIL came from out of town. She and my DH dove into potato chips when she arrived. I ate my planned dinner before going to the performance. That went well, too. Afterwards, DH and SIL wanted to stop at White Castle for sliders and fries. It's a throwback to their youth.. LOL. I held the bag on my lap home... but, didn't eat any. I ate my snack - along with a little extra cheese and some apple.

I got on the scale today and I am back down to my ticker weight. I've written down all my food daily, drank lots of water, did my exercises, have been mindful of my sodium, read my advantages daily. Credit.

Today will be the hardest. I have a baby shower/brunch today. Immediately after we are going to my cousin's for a visit and dinner. I did find out that my cousin is cooking steak on the grill for dinner. I can have some of that. My plan is to make the best choices I can today.

onebyone - you had so many credits yesterday - kudo's and YAY. I hope that Looloo has a good night and day. Glad you got your big print finished. I know that feel good.

Ibelieveinme2 - I am glad you had a good time on your trip! Good to be home and in your surrounding where you have more control over what you eat. Hop back on your plan and you'll be OK. When I get back from vacation I like to plan, plan and plan some more. I understand how it is to look in the mirror and not like what I see. But - you are so much more than that reflection... it's just a small part of who you are. Be kind to yourself. And now you are learning to make good changes and learning to 'live' with food in a better manner via Dr. Beck's techniques. Carry on.

nationalparker - I love the quote: "Don't push the river" ... things happen in their own time. That's a good approach in your situation with your stepkids. I am glad you made the healthy pretzel bites. I find that making delicious food is worth the time. Carry on.

newlifestyle: glad you checked in Credit. It's true...we don't always have time for personals. Eating on plan and making a food plan are key. Credit!

lulu - good to see you jumping right into the things Dr. Beck suggests for getting started. Credit! Your spiral index cards sound like a great idea. Thanks.

billbe - YIKES - sounds like the 'do not touch' person at the gym has issues beyond getting bumped. Credit for staying OP at your friend's dinner. Double credit for not eating any tree nuts. We were posting at the same time...Credit for:I remained within my bounds for a restaurant meal, but higher than needed
- sometimes it's harder than other times. Carry on.

slm11 - WELCOME!!! - so glad you posted. You will find folks here very friendly and helpful. Yes, it's important to read your advantages.. helps put all this in perspective.

spanky - lots of folks have shakes or smoothies for breakfast. It's true what they say... having breakfast is important. I bet your Finn is playing with my Riley & Bandit. Sending a hug at the loss of your furboy.

mercer - WELCOME!!! you have many credits - kudo's. Looks like you are on your way. So glad you posted.

Lexxiss/Debbie - credit for being OP. And to saying No Choice not doing your exericses. I can relate to not always wanting to do it. I need to remind myself that I always feel better afterwards. Good luck in your renovation.

- I am glad your surgery went well. Credit for being mindful of your food while you are in bed. Do the best you can. Sending you healing thoughts.

I must go now. I have read what folks and said... I don't have time to respond to everyone. But, as always, thanks to you for your continued support and kindness.

I'll let you all know how my day goes.

Lexxiss 04-07-2013 07:34 AM

Hi Coaches!

OP and I have weighed and planned my day. As I suspected, there was a big box of pastries at work yesterday. I didn't touch them even after being offered...and offered. There was one left when I went home and my guess is that another box will appear this morning. I'll stick to my plan which is "not about me". credit.

Welcome Carol Sue (slmn11)!

Welcome back, IBelieveInMe2. I can relate to the feeling of things being more manageable at home. Glad you hear you are regrouping...me, too.

BBE, you said, "One resistance of the day made the next easier." So true, and such a great reminder. Credit for resistance of non essential cookies and pastries and kudos for being mindful at the Italian restaurant.

Beverlyjoy, such great use of your Beck skills this weekend. Sending supportive thoughts as you deal with today's events.

Hi ho...it's off to work I go!

maryann 04-07-2013 11:29 AM

Good Morning, Coaches.

Welcome, Simn11. There is a new way of life here and a peace with food to be found.

Thanks to all for the well wishes. I have the second round of testing tomorrow.
I am happy to put last week behind me. Today is Sunday and I rise from the battle bloodied but not beaten. I have finished all the revisions. Today through Thursday are simply proofs and printing. Food is not great.

I still feel very punky so I am going to post something from my old OA days that I need to hear. This is my plan for the day:

Just for today, I WILL EXERCISE MY SOUL IN AT LEAST THREE WAYS: namely, I will do somebody a good turn and not brag about it; in fact, I will seek to keep myself from view. I will do what William James once suggested: do at least two things that I do not want to do just for exercise. And then, I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt, if in the course of the day somebody hurts them.

Just for today, I WILL BE AGREEABLE. I will look as well as I can, dress as becomingly as possible, talk low, act courteously, not withholding a word of praise, will not criticize one bit, not find fault with anything, and not try to regulate or improve anyone.

Lexxiss: Congrats on the pastry. I have a bunch of easter candy going to school on Tuesday. until then, they are not about me.
Beverleyjoy: It sounds like you practice a great deal of restraint the first day of the visit. I know the second day will be difficult as well. Keep building the resistance muscle.
BBE: That food appearing stuff is tough.Credit for resistance.

Wave to all.

LuLu01801 04-07-2013 06:56 PM

hello everybody!!
no time on the weekends for personals but I so enjoy reading all your posts and will comment soon.
I had a great weekend!!
on track, exercising, losing weight, doing what I say I'm gonna do.
today I met a friend and we went for a long walk, so gosh darn windy, almost blew us over!!
then we went to Laughing Yoga, what a hoot!!
now I'm doing laundry, getting organized for another work week, and just bursting with energy!!!
I'm grateful for this moment in time that I have my act together.
it doesn't always go like this and I know I'm in the honeymoon stage and I am working hard to prepare myself for the near future when it's more of a struggle for me.
I want to win the battles.
thanks to all of you, you show me how important it is to just keep doing it.
nobody graduates here.
behavior modification . . . been hearing about that for years and years.
and how we need to change our lifestyle, blah blah blah, in order to lose weight and keep it off.
how many times did you read that?
for me, over the past 40 years of dieting, a million times.
I understood it but never felt I had the specific directions for it.
now I do, thanks to Beck.
I'm taking the time to go over everything, one by one, until I feel it enter my soul and then I can continue to practice it until it becomes a habit.
I'm not beating myself up if I don't do one chapter each day.
I'm still on chapter 6 or 7 and I've been around here well over a month now.
what I am finding extremely helpful is journalling every morning.
wow, is that ever powerful!!
it's when I'm feeling things sink in.

I'm feeling grateful that I give myself so much credit today for so many things.
Beck taught me to give myself credit!!

I enjoy this forum and find it extremely valuable.
I will write again tomorrow and hopefully connect with some of you personally.
welcome to the newcomers!!


spanky 04-07-2013 08:14 PM

Here and eating well. Working the dogs so getting some walks in. Sad.

I weighed in 3 pounds lower since I started this week--the usual amazing drop after I stop eating stupid and lose all the retained fluid. Still, it's a move in the right direction.


Beverlyjoy 04-07-2013 10:06 PM

Hi coaches/friends - checking in. I made it through my major food day today well. I am so grateful.

At the baby shower I had a tiny portion of egg casserole with asparagus, 1/4 of a bagel, and some fruit. I avoided the pastries/potato & cheese casserole/punch .... and the cake afterwards. I was happy with what I ate. Credit. The baby shower was so nice. I love looking at things for new babies!! They handed out pretty baggies of M&M's at the end of the shower. I gave it away later in the day. Credit. That was the hardest thing to do today, really. Give away that chocolate. LOL

After the shower I met DH at our cousin's house for a visit and cookout. I was happily surprised that my cousin, Mary Kay, is also watching her calories and food. YAY!!!!!!! The dinner was so, so healthy. They had steak/baked potato (I used nothing on it)/garlic bread (she made it with no salt)/grilled asparagus and strawberry shortcake for dessert. However, I just ate the strawberries. I had some veggies. I did eat one jelly bean. LOL.

I've had a successful food weekend. Credit. NOW... the key is to not eat extra tomorrow as a throwback for a good weekend. That will be the test.

I feel proud that I got through it all with food sanity.

I am tired and heading off to sleep.

bethFromDayton 04-07-2013 10:47 PM

Hi all,

I'm still hanging in here, with my foot up.

My appetite is down, so boredom or not, I'm not eating my way through it. I've left food behind (although for dinner last night, I pushed my plate FAR away from me so I wouldn't be tempted to continue after recognizing I was full.

Still no exercise--when I see the podiatrist on Wednesday I'm going to ask whether I can do a sitting exercise DVD.

On the plus side, I've learned a lot about WordPress this weekend, am getting better at typing lying down, and enjoyed watching The King's Speech with DH.

Take care!

BillBlueEyes 04-08-2013 06:18 AM

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Ended up grabbing dinner at Panera Bread; have wanted to try it out for a while. So, so. The attention grabbing items on the menu were all pushing 1000 calories. I found a good enough sandwich for something like 500 calories . . . but it just tasted like a sandwich instead of like a butter soaked grilled Panini. Oh, Well. CREDIT moi for making choices much better than at lunch. I got caught between two events without opportunity for lunch so ate some pastries that were available. Too much sugar for my brain.

Exercise was minor walking, CREDIT moi. I've been reading my Advantages Response Card (in an Excel file) daily all month in a concerted effort to get my brain back on track from thinking that extra snacking is OK. I was struck by: "It's nearly impossible to eat healthy by accident." Apparently, I already know that well enough to write it down; still needs to be integrated into the neurons.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – It's that "offered...and offered" that so bugs me. One refusal isn't sufficient. Somebody gotta eat the stuff.

Beverlyjoy – Honking Kudos for driving home with the bag of White Castle goodies under your nose and not indulging. Will of iron, there. Grabbing the strawberries off of Strawberry Shortcake let's the brain think it's had the whole thing -neat trick.

maryann - Good luck remaining sane with your testing today. Thanks for the OA Just for today thoughts.

spanky - Congrats on the scale drop from, so bluntly put, "after I stop eating stupid."

Beth (bethFromDayton) – Terrific skill, "typing lying down" - don't know how to turn that into a profession, LOL. Kudos for staying your path despite having to service your toe.

Lulu (LuLu01801) – Yep, that wind was vicious - even though it wasn't so cold. "Journaling every morning" sounds like a good way to get it to "enter my soul."

Readers -

chapter 5
Get Ready: Lay the Groundwork

day 1
Record the Advantages of Losing Weight
... Now that you know what you're supposed to do, are you thinking, Why write the reasons down? I'll always remember why I want to lose weight.
... It might seem hard to believe that you could ever forget these reasons. But, believe me, it's easy to forget when there's tempting food around.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 55.

Lexxiss 04-08-2013 07:14 AM

Hi Coaches!

I'm needed at work an hour early this morning. Fortunately, we have a pretty organized morning routine. I've weighed, smoothied and have a plan for today. OP yesterday and grateful.

BBE, despite my rush this morning I pondered, "It's nearly impossible to eat healthy by accident." What a great line...and how true these days. Interesting, at my restaurant perhaps the better choice could be a simple BLT/mayo on the side w/a salad. Food is so complex these days...the mountain burger takes up an entire plate (and probably my whole day calorie allotment). PS-I haven't ever tried one. credit.

Beverlyjoy, kudos for such great Beck inspired choices yesterday. Hang tough with the day after-I have to be very careful there, too.

LuLu, yay for journaling! I enjoyed your post yesterday noticing just how far you have come from several weeks ago. credit.

Beth(from Dayton), glad to hear your foot is healing and nice that your appetite is low (better than the other way in my book). Yay for intention to figure out some exercise.

spanky, yay for a return to sane eating!

Maryann, thank you very much for taking the time to post your message yesterday. I'm printing it out...definitely worth saving (and reading). Kudos for being down to your final proofs of your thesis.

PS. the one pastry from Saturday is still there. TheKrispyCremes were hosed yesterday. Credit for not one bite...when in my face quite often.

Ok, off to work!

Bootedkitty 04-08-2013 07:56 AM

Hi coaches and buddies!! I'm back after one terrible week at work, not only I'm doing 9,5/10 hours a day normally, but I had to come on saturday morning as well! I'm so tired, and the weather doesn't help! I'm definetely meteoropathic, and spring seems not being intentioned to arrive this year. It keeps on raining and we are still wearing winter dresses, that is quite strange for this period in Italy! I need the sun!!!!
So I wasn't able to read you and to "keep in touch" with you. Well, all these facts are not helping me with my staying OP. I realised that my motivation was lowering and going under the "alarm thresold". So last night I took in my hands again my wonderful pink book and went through some passages, the no-choice chapter is the one I want to focuse on these days. Then, like suggested by Dr.Beck, I wrote a general diet scheme giving me different options to have the same total of calories at the end of the day, in this way I'll save time because I already knows almost all the quantities and calories of my favourite foods, and don't have to calculate everything everyday. So I deserve credit for having engaged myself in this "job" last night which I hope will help me in the future.
I'm still fighting with cravings, as suggested by Nola I read something on line about managing cravings with EFT and I found it very useful, but I guess I should buy a book to go deeper in the subject.
Ok, time to go back to work again. I wish you all to have a great week!

mercer1122 04-08-2013 08:00 AM

Good morning friends! No time for personals at the moment, but will be back. Yesterday I had a bad day, I don't really know why, but it's a new day, the weather's getting better, and I have chorus rehearsal tonight (I'm a Sweet Adeline!). I have gotten into the habit of relaxing with alcohol in the evenings and it's way too many points so it is all going in the dumpster today. Extra credit! :) I did track everything yesterday including drinks, so credit for that. Just means more of my weeklies are used.

Have a great day everybody!


Beverlyjoy 04-08-2013 08:15 AM

Hi Becksters.

This came through on my newsfeed today from The Beck Diet Solution:

Monday Motivation: You’re entitled to make mistakes, but you’re not entitled to use one mistake as an excuse to keep making more. No matter how many or how few mistakes you make this week, what matters most is what you do right after. Learning to recover IMMEDIATELY from mistakes is a skill that will help you lose weight and keep it off for good.

I'll be back later.

LuLu01801 04-08-2013 09:29 AM

Good morning, Peeps!!
it’s going to be a beautiful day here in Boston today!!
nothing like a beautiful spring day to keep the spirit lifted.
I’ll get out there on my lunch hour and walk the Charles River again, I love it over there.

Credits for Lulu:
stayed OP yesterday.
walked with a friend.
attended Laughing Yoga (which was more exhausting than the long walk, it’s a lot of work to laugh for an hour, my abs are so sore this morning!! haha)
wrote in my journal this morning, I’m finding that extremely helpful and enlightening.
this morning I took the stairs instead of the escalators along my commute to work today.

Beverlyjoy, Being an all or nothing person, I will focus on learning to recover immediately from mistakes, thanks for sharing the newsfeed. WOW!! excellent food choices at baby shower and at cookout, and you should feel proud you got through it. And not indulging in that junk food with your DH and SIL . . . VERY impressive. You mean business!!

Janet, What is a Sweet Adeline? Good for you for dumping the booze. I found a full pack of cigarettes in my cupboard this morning and got rid of them FAST!!! Today makes a full week that I quit, hopefully for good this time. Dumping booze and/or butts is very difficult.

Kitty, Your long work days sound so stressful, and the rain and winter clothes too . . . you sure do deserve credit for engaging in making a food plan, and keep that pink book close to you.

Debbie, You inspire me to stay OP, you plan it and you do it, you resist the food. WOW!!

Bill, “It’s nearly impossible to eat healthy by accident” love that, just made an ARC with that. If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been maintaining your Beck weight loss? I admire your diligence long after reaching goal, as that’s when many of get into trouble, like me!!

Beth, Seems like you are recovering nicely, what foot surgery did you need?

Spanks, 3 pound loss? GREAT! Gotta "stop eating stupid" for that to happen, huh? (that cracked me up!)

maryann, Sounds like a great plan for your day (I’m a former OAer myself).

“Broccoli might get stuck in your teeth, but French fries will get stuck on your butt.”
just sayin’………


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