Running while on Atkins??

  • Hello my fellow Atkins followers, I was wondering if any of you are running while doing Atkins and how you feel compared when you eat carbs.

    I started the C25K program couple of weeks ago and I'm progressing slowly since I NEVER ran in my life. Now that I'm starting Atkins I was wondering how the diet can or will affect my running?? Haven't ran yet, I'll wait one week into the diet before adding exercising, hopefully running since I want to run a 5k i mid-August; will ketosis as good as carbs???
  • I exercise hard on ketosis, haven't ever had any problems.
  • My long runs are tough on keto but anything under an hour I find ok.
  • There's no way I'll run for more than 1 hour so I'm good!! Thanks girls!
  • Well, well that I've tested it I can say that YES running while on Atkins is possible; I just ran my first 5k this morning so yep it's possible and let me add I did it carrying all of my 193.2lb!!!
  • I'm not running while doing Atkins right now, but I do want to start running when I get under 200lbs. I also haven't been exercising that much. The day before yesterday I did a bodyattack class. It was tough but i did well. After, I was exhausted for awhile. I think by next week I will be able to resume my normal activity level (spinning 2-3x a week, aerobics classes 2-3x week, and weight training).