I'm back

  • Hi there! Most of you won't remember me... I wasn't around for long so I will give another introduction.
    My name is Nichole... I am 24, married, with a gorgeous 3 week old daughter. The last time I posted was when I became pregnant, asking if ketosis could cause a false positive on a pregnancy test
    Anyway, I completely stopped Atkins when I was pregnant and regret it. I went from 218 to 256. I am down to 227 and ready to jump on the Atkins wagon again
    I started today & I am feeling the "flu" already... excited for the next couple days to go by because I know I will feel better than I have in a long long time!
  • Nicole: are you breastfeeding as well? that always helps. This is the only time in your life when you are really "programmed" to lose weight, look how much is gone in just 3 weeks. You might find you don't need to stay in induction long, and that owl will work quite well for you at this time. It is safe to have mild ketosis while breastfeeding by the way. I am a midwife and have recommended atkins to some clients.
    good luck.
  • hello welcome back and congrats of the new bambino! also be careful about being on atkins if u are nursing. b/c dr. atkins does not advise pregnant or nursing women to be on induction. i just got the book and read that yesterday.
  • It's okay you gained weight, you were making a baby! My friend shot up to 249 when pregnant and was about 180 at the start, she's dropped 40 lbs already (it's been about 3-4 weeks) from breast feeding.

    I love the sentance about asking if ketosis could cause a false positive on a pregnancy stick, I actually went through a pregnancy scare a few weeks ago and was wondering if it would cause it to show as negative! (I have been spotting for a few weeks)

    Turns out it's just hormones.

    Anyways, welcome back!