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fatmad 03-07-2010 10:36 PM

enjoying the boost
I was diagnosed prediabetic in early December. I felt at the time that Atkins would be right for me, but I couldn't stick it at the beginning. So I went with lots of exercise, calorie counting, and reducing carbs. I was doing about 60g carbs per day, and lots of exercise, 6-7 hours per week. I was losing weight but slowly. So for the beginning of March, I planned to change.
Read the book again, made plans for woe, and which carbs I wanted/needed to keep.
I am not quite doing induction in the usual way, I am getting about 30g carbs.
I have a cup of soy milk and 3 tblsp yogurt most days in a breakfast smoothie.
Other than that I am getting my carbs in veggies and salad, so am doing well.
THis has really increased the weight loss. The exercise was changing my shape if not the pounds, so I can actually see some differences too.
My sugars were doing well, but are great now too.
I plan to stick to the 30g til the end of March I think, and see where I am.
Unlike in December, I am not having trouble sticking to this woe, and have been able to plan my meals better and stay on track. The fact that its working so well makes it even easier.
SO coming to it a bit backwards sure is working. I may go from size 14 to 12 by the end of the month!

firefly68 03-08-2010 06:11 AM

I'm glad you found a comfortable entry point for yourself with Atkins. 30 nc per day is a good place to start, kind of like a modified OWL, and while it isn't technically Induction, you're losing weight and you've already seen improvement with sugar levels (and maybe other health indicators you haven't had tested yet.)

That is sort of where I am right now too. I went through a My Way Induction, lost a few pounds, then went on a Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution Chapter 11 Induction (very official!) and lost about the same amount again. Now, I'm in Owl and still losing, having a good time selecting back a few favorite things to add from various rungs.

Life is so flexible! :) Keep up the good work!

Violet73 03-08-2010 07:51 AM

Hey thats great! Keep up the good work! I am so jealous of you guys who are size 14 and 12! Good job! Hopefully, you can turn your prediabetes around :)

Torister 03-08-2010 10:55 AM

hey..whatever works that will allow you to get your weight off and your blood sugar levels in check is great! Congrats!! Sounds like you are doing well. :hug:

I am also jealous of the size 14 and size 12....*someday* I will be wearing them!!:D

HealthierLori 03-08-2010 12:07 PM

Congratulations, you are doing great! I always say, anything that works is just fine! I'm so glad your health is improving!

LeslieLou and Torister, please don't be discouraged. You guys are going to get there, and reach your goals!

It's just so hard being patient. I find that's the hardest part of all this. I want to be my best weight overnight. That's why I chose that signature of mine, mostly so that every day I will see it and try to remind myself to be patient because I really struggle with that.

Sending good thoughts out to everyone today! :)

fatmad 03-08-2010 06:29 PM

Torister, you are an amazing person to have worked so hard and accomplished so much weight loss. You WILL get to this size, and smaller as your journey continues. LeslieLou, you are doing great, and doing it right. YOU can do it, no question!
Thanks for the support, I expect I will be buying the new book soon too, and will tweak things over time.

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