Happy to be here...

  • Hello, I am just starting induction today and am very excited about maybe losing some weight once and for all. I have been doing lots of reading about Atkins and I also have the New Diet Revolution book that I read cover to cover. Also the Atkins Essentials book, there is some differences in the books...(not sure why.) but I am going to go with induction clean. I am leary of the Atkins products that they promote in the books because, I think they may set me up for a fall. If I am going to stick with this I have to do it whole heartedly and not with false sugar and carbs. If anyone has any suggestions or comments on my way of thinking, please do not hesitate...I am welcome to any help or suggestions. I want to be successful and for this to be my life from now on....

    Thanks in advance.....
  • Hi Barbie! Welcome to Atkins! I've been on Atkins since February of 2007, and I can honestly say that I have never once bought any of the Atkins bars, shakes or other products. It is a business, and i suppose they feel obligated to sell their wares, but I don't need them. And you're right, the whole reason carbs are limited is because they screw up your blood sugar and create cravings. Why eat something that will mimic the action of carbs? The whole point is to get to where you don't WANT sugar and starch, not to want them and every once in a while eat an Atkins product to satisfy the urge!
    I really like this diet, it works for me. I hope it works well for you too! Welcome!
  • Hi Barbie,

    I started back on Atkins almost 2 weeks ago. I lost 50lbs on it about 8-10 years ago. I feel better while I'm eating this way and I lose better on this woe than any other. I don't use any products, never really liked any of them. I do allow myself a cheat once a month so I can get it out my system. Usually end being nauseated if I cheat and that makes me not want it more often.