I've resized my pic and it won't load

  • Help I've reduced my pic to the proper size and even made it small but every time I try to save in says: "upload failed". I followed the directions and it still isn't working.

    Whats up? Help?
  • 54 people have read this and no one has helped me...

    Come on where's the love? ha ha ha
  • Maybe the 54 people are not techie or even not registered. We get lots of browsers who cannot post.

    OK - so what picture are you trying to load? If it's a profile picture, it is there. Is it an avatar?
  • Hi, it's just a jpg of my face that i've resized to the proper measurements that fails everytime I try to load it.
  • Instead of doing it as a profile pic I did it as an avatar and it worked!

    Thanks for the help!!!!!!!
  • There is a slight glitch in the system. When I upload a new avatar, I get that message but it actually has loaded correctly when I check.