Food Mover?

  • I flipped through the other boards and didn't see any threads or boards for people who are using the good old Richard Simmon's Food Mover.
    I bought it a long time ago - actually I think I bought it twice - and never used it at all. I suck. *LOL* I was thinking of starting it up and was wondering if there were any opinions on it or anyone else out there working it.

  • I loved loved loved Richard Simmons informercials. I have no idea why but they always made me want to buy the stuff that was on the screen. I bought sweatin' to the oldies when I was soooo poor that the check bounced! OMG, how embarrassing.
  • it's apparently like an addiction. My mom has just about everything he ever sold. Half of it still in original packaging never even opened! She had some success with his stuff, but he's so annoying i couldn't do the vids myself.