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lizziness 01-08-2004 12:11 AM

Alternasweep challenge
Thought I'd repost my challenge to everyone to see how much crap they can declutter for the new year.

Please feel free to post what kinds of interesting things you have gotten rid of ....

ellis 01-08-2004 08:41 AM

Just wanted to remind everyone of the couch I cut up and bagged and threw out. :D

sflake 01-08-2004 09:59 AM

I got rid of a ton of empty boxes from the attic. I seem to have an empty box problem, why in the world do I save so many of them??

Noodles913 01-09-2004 02:39 AM

I am going to attempt to clean the kids room this weekend. ATTEMPT being the key word...hope to weed out ALL that junk she has!! (wishful thinking). hehheeh

I got rid of 300-400 pounds of crap Jan. 2nd. Donation guys came and hauled it away. I want to get rid of even MORE stuff now! Clean it all out!! Feels like a big relief when you see it get hauled away...ahhhhhhhh. :smug:

mauvaisroux 01-09-2004 10:26 AM

My intention is to clear out my kitchen cupboards and drawers this weekend and give them an organizational overhaul :)

I will post what I get rid of :cb:

mauvaisroux 01-10-2004 03:10 PM

I have been working on my kitchen today-
cleaned off the shelves holding my jars of soup making goodies and pastas. Threw old stuff away washed the jars and filled them with the bags of new stuff stashed in the cupboards :D

DH and I also went through all of our glasses and bar ware and kitchen gadgets and knicknacks and purged!

We have thrown out 2 bags of garbage and put the usable stuff into the charity donation box in our building.

Feeling good about getting rid of the junk! :cb:

dentrassi 01-10-2004 11:51 PM

Threw out lots of old makeup today. SERIOUSLY! Some of it was about 10 years old!!!

lizziness 01-11-2004 10:45 AM

Den - I recently did a bathroom/make up purge and it's weird because when you have the stuff you don't think about how old it is and how they advise you only keep makeup for like 3 months or something but as i was going through it I was thinking -
Wow, I've had this since high school. I am a grown up now. Why do I have this? Who in the world still has a tube of body glitter?! I mean i'm not going to the prom any time soon, or a rave! *LOL* That was my big one - giant tube of body glitter six years old!
Damn, I feel old!

sflake - my husband will not throw a box away! It's insane. Our garage is full of them. He orders stuff online all the time and keeps every box - just in case he may need to send it back. Now the product box is one thing- break it down and keep it til the warranty is up. I agree. But the brown box that it was shipped it? Do we really need every one of them?? I sneak a couple out every month and he doesn't notice it. hehe.

ellis 01-11-2004 03:15 PM

:lol: I can totally relate to the old make-up, Den and Lizzie. :lol:

Do you ever look around your house and think, "I could burn this place down and just start again FRESH!" :D Well... except for my books. And my Hoosier cabinet. And a few other things...

mauvaisroux 01-12-2004 01:07 PM

:lol: I have felt like that a few times Ellis!

Just when I get things to my liking we end up moving :rolleyes:

Sojourner 01-12-2004 02:59 PM

I still wear body glitter... I don't know if I will ever "grow up". :p So I started to clean out my closet and stuff boxes full of stuff for Goodwill. Does anyone else have the problem where their closets are full of many sizes and you don't want to get rid of the smaller stuff because you are in the process of losing weight? It makes me crazy. I keep telling myself that if I lose another twenty pounds, I will deserve new clothes anyway. So I've been slowly clearing space. I have more stained t-shirts and sweatshirts that I never wear, stretched out and shrunk turtle necks, shoes I haven't worn in years, clothes that need mending... its overwhelming. I really need to get my crap organized... I just can't stand it anymore! :stress:

Noodles913 01-13-2004 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Sojourner
I still wear body glitter... I don't know if I will ever "grow up". :p So I started to clean out my closet and stuff boxes full of stuff for Goodwill. Does anyone else have the problem where their closets are full of many sizes and you don't want to get rid of the smaller stuff because you are in the process of losing weight? It makes me crazy. I keep telling myself that if I lose another twenty pounds, I will deserve new clothes anyway. So I've been slowly clearing space. I have more stained t-shirts and sweatshirts that I never wear, stretched out and shrunk turtle necks, shoes I haven't worn in years, clothes that need mending... its overwhelming. I really need to get my crap organized... I just can't stand it anymore! :stress:

You can do it! Just start slow...and do what you can within your limits. You can set a goal like....OK Today I will go through my closet for 20 minutes. Take a radio with ya and listen to the tunes while you sort and pitch. Pretty soon that closet will look all spiffy and organized! :yes: :smug:

mauvaisroux 01-13-2004 08:50 PM

Ummmm....:o I still have body glitter too -but it is only 1 year old from last summer - it is copper coloured and smells like cinnamon :D

Hee! Hee! I recently bought a batman girly T - I too will never grow up :devil:

Noodles913 01-13-2004 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by mauvaisroux
Ummmm....:o I still have body glitter too -but it is only 1 year old from last summer - it is copper coloured and smells like cinnamon :D

Hee! Hee! I recently bought a batman girly T - I too will never grow up :devil:

I LOVE Body Glitter! I wear it when I go out bowling or skating...Actually I steal my daughters...hahahaha!!

Noodles913 01-13-2004 10:30 PM

ARTICLE-10 Ways To Kick The Procrastination Habit!
* ARTICLE: 10 Ways to Kick the Procrastination habit! - By Julie Plenty *

I recently read about a survey (by the University of Chicago) which
suggested that those who relish challenge are more likely to live up to 10
years longer than those who spend their lives inhibited by timidity.

Trying to realise our ambitions, even if we don't always meet them, is
preferable to not having the courage or motivation to take the risk. So
not making any resolutions because we fear that we'll break them is having
a defeatist attitude, as we allow procrastination to become an insidious
habit which stops us from leading more fulfilling lives.

The following offers 10 ways to kick the procrastination habit!

1. Personal values development.

Take the time to find out what you really want in life, what your personal
values are. Do you want more time, more money, better health, greater self
esteem and confidence, more fulfilling relationships, a different career,
set up a business? When we procrastinate it's often because what we are
planning to do is not really aligned with what we truly want. We may be
scared of our skills (or perceived lack of) or fear ridicule from others.

2. Make health a priority.

Without good health we are less likely to have the energy and dynamism
needed to make positive changes in our lives and it's easier (and
necessary if you're very ill) to procrastinate. So ensure that you have a
nourishing diet, sleep well, exercise and meditate. Incidentally, it is
thought that regular meditation helps delay the worst effects of the
ageing process.

3. Visualise your life without procrastination.

See and feel the benefits in your life if you didn't procrastinate. What
could you do and achieve? Begin to act as if you're not a procrastinator.
Write down, draw, imagine your life as a film. Use affirmations to help

4. Banish the Gremlin.

That little voice which runs on auto in your head - that dismisses any
idea that you might have. It says things like "I'm not in the mood" "I
don't have time" "I can't do this". Stop running on auto, replace the
"should's" "oughts" "have tos" with "want to" "desire". You have a choice.
Acknowledge your choices and banish the Gremlin. Again, using affirmations
can help you replace the Gremlin with more positive alternatives.

5. Overcommitment.

Saying "yes" to everything - often leaves you feeling tired and without
the energy to focus on what is most important to you. This leads to
procrastination as projects and tasks are dropped. Identify what is most
important to you and only focus on those areas which will make the biggest
difference to your life. It will enhance your focus and motivation.

6. Setting personal professional goals.

It's hard to motivate yourself when you don't have a good idea of what you
want to accomplish. So when setting goals think about what you want to
achieve in the short term and long term. Techniques for doing so include
the SMART strategy. S = specific M = measurable A= Action R = Realistic T
= Time based. Use goal setting software to help you in goal planning and

7. Prioritize Your Goals.

Develop a plan or schedule to help you reach your goals. In doing so you
will begin to identify whether some elements need to be included or
enhanced or dropped completely. Also remember to be flexible, revisit your
goals regularly and modify or drop if appropriate. Just because a goal is
written down doesn't mean that it is set in stone!

8. Divide and conquer.

Once you've prioritised your goals, divide them into smaller chunks.
Sometimes we procrastinate because a project seems really large that the
scale of it overwhelms us and puts us into a temporary form of paralysis -
you don't know where to start, so you don't start at all! Approach each
project - especially large ones - on a step by step basis.

9. Reward yourself.

Once you start to complete tasks, reward yourself by giving yourself
something that you want. So instead of seeing a film before you complete a
task, see it afterwards and make it a reward for you.

10. Just get started.

No excuses. Don't wait until you're "in the mood". The mood never comes!
It is a clever camouflage and a delaying tactic. What you resist persists!
Start with what is easiest, so that you experience immediate success,
which will give you the fuel and motivation to upgrade and take on larger

Do any of the above and you'll be well on your way to Kicking the
Procrastination Habit. And if you're procrastinating over doing any of the
above, just remember that life is the biggest deadline of all!

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