Alternachat - October and Onwards

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  • Terri, welcome back! We missed you too!
    I'm so sorry that you really hurt yourself. I'm not laughing now. I'll say a little prayer for you... how about that...
    5 acres! Lucky girl! (ummm, what I mean is, I'm happy for you. I used to want to have land, but after living in the country for a while, I realized that I'm just a city girl at heart. But it MUST be beautiful!!) And your Poetry night sounds like so much fun.
    You take good care of yourself, hon. Tread carefully.

    The rest of you girls... I just came to welcome back Terri. I'm not really here, so just ignore me.
    hugs to all...
  • Welcome back Terri!
    Though sorry life doesn't sound like too much fun right about now...

    Soozie - I would rather stay home like your DD too. That is much more fun then work or school

    Den - Sorry son #2 isn't doing well. has the bully been a problem in the past? Is there anything the school could do?

    Ruthxxx- I guess twisting your OTHER arm would be ok, at least until you get the op done on that one too.

    Ms. barefootgrrrl - it is nice to know you share the love of the same 2 men I do. Ben & Jerry are wonderful aren't they I still have a little bit of One Sweet Whirled left in my freezer.
  • Hi All!!

    I spent most of the day sleeping and I'm STILL tired!!

    Squeak-This school is not very good. There are alot of bullies, and they don't deal with it very well. We are just trying to help him get through it as best as we and he can. Unfortunately he has the kind of personality that sometimes attracts negative attention too. A lot like his Dad who once told a guy who was banging his head on a concrete floor, "Real impressive picking on someone MY size." (At the time he was about my height, but skinny.) At least the bullying at DS's school isn't physical....Although that doesn't really hurt any less.


    Terri-WELCOME BACK!!!!

    Ellis-YOU ARE TOO HERE!!!!

    Barefoot-WOW!! BEN AND JERRY'S YUM!!!!!
  • Ok,
    I'm going to schedule in a treat once a week. You guys have convinced me.

    Ben & Jerry no longer send my favorite flavor (Chubby Hubby) to any grocery stores near me. But I have lost 40# since then. Coincidence?

    Went to the dr for this throat thing & they said my BP looked perfect. That was great news to hear, but it doesn't mean I'm going to go back to the old way of life. I get "formally" checked for that in 2 weeks, maybe they'll take me off the meds? They also said my weight is 290, same as @ my friend's house 2 weeks ago, but Aunt Flo is here today, so I'm thinking I might be less than that @ the next dr visit. *crosses fingers*

    Dentrassi: That bully will no doubt be asking your son for a job someday.

    Barefootgrrl: One of the knives is back in the kitchen this AM! Don't know what to think about that!
  • Can I hang around with you guys?
    I hope I'm posting this correctly....

    Of all the boards, I think I must belong here. You seem like a bunch of very bright and funny characters - I'd like to think I'm one of you!

    I'm a teacher and mom of 3 kids (8, 4, 2) and a fairly recent transplant to Oregon from the SF Bay Area. Oh, my dh is in education, too.

  • Welcome, Cheez. Are you sure you want to hang out with this bunch of nutcases?

    Crappy morning here but #1 dog and I are going to walk down to the Library - a half hour each way. So Ellis - stop nagging - I am a crip! By the way Hershey barfed last night so I'm pretty sure she is preggers. She's perky as anything this morning.

    Actually the wrist is getting more useable every day. This morning I cut an apple up for my cereal - onions next and after that, pepper squash. Life just gets better and better.

    Now would one of you chickies hook my bra for me?
  • Hey chickies! I'm still alive. Horribly off the weight loss wagon, though. I actually broke down and bought dress pants with elastic inserts at the side! I never thought I'd do that. But, geez, are they comfortable! And they actually fit my ***. Usually I have to buy to fit my waist and then they're too big everywhere else, but I bought a size 14 with just a couple of inches of elastic at the sides, and they look pretty good! Anyway, just my latest fashion dilemna.

    I've been working up to 15 hours a day and plotting ways to torture, maim, and even kill my boss and everyone up to the owner of the company. I shouldn't have to work that many hours without compensation. It's just wrong. I'm not working this weekend, but I was told I have to be available by phone. Guess who's going out all weekend and whose cell phone is going to mysteriously die?

    Ruth, glad you are recovering quickly and managing to do the important things like type to us wackos here! Who needs a bra?

    Welcome Cheez!

    Okay, girls....I need help. I need to get back OP before I gain any weight back. I'm holding at 175....and just 5.1 pounds lost would put me in the 160's!!! I just can't find the motivation. I can find pizza and ice cream no problem....but motivation? Nope. Of course working these insane hours is leading to a lot of take-out food and eating the first thing I can find. Again, I can easily find ice cream when I'm tired and stressed out, but say, a salad requires hunting. Treats once a week? I've been have weeks of treats! I need a good butt kicking! Any takers?

    I'm going grocery shopping sometime today, and I'm going to buy some good snacks and lunch stuff. NO ICE CREAM!
  • Welcome cheez! You will love it here. We are all a litle wacky, but have a lot of fun and have made some great friendships. It would be so much fun if we could all meet somewhere geographically centered to us all and make a weekend out of it. Of course it might be scarey too, to actully meet in person. Who knows? Maybe someday we will meet! I know we will all go crash at Ellis's place, we know how much she loves company! Just kidding sweety!
    Good for you Ruth walking to the Library. I need to get my butt into gear sometime today! I have not been to the gym in three days. Have been busy running here and there(figuratively speasking). Maybe I should really be running! Anyway after the alcoholic haze from last nights October Beer Fest wears off I will get it into gear.
    Think I will take a nap!
    Chat with you all later

  • Hello all

    The weekends here at last! Just been for a long walk, don't get the chance much in the week. I have to drive to work because it's too far to walk and with all the things I drag back and forward, certainly couldn't manage a bike! It would never take the strain!!

    Suchaprettyface: well done on your loss so far, 40 pounds is fantastic Let us know how your next weigh in goes.

    Cheez: welcome, I'm new here this week and also a teacher. Look forward to chatting with you.

    Ruth:Glad your wrist is on the mend. Take it easy What breed are your dogs? I was just thinking how much I miss mine today when I was walking.

    Wildfire: Sounds like you've been working far too much, hope you get a well deserved break soon. I too find myself finding the wrong foods, especially when I'm busy or overworked as you clearly are. Good on you for realising and making the change. Motivation? At the moment I find it helps to remember the reasons why I want to lose weight. Keep a diary and write in it everytime you are tempted - I write in mine a lot!! I've also set a mini- goal to help me on my way! Going to try and loose 14 pounds before Christmas (12 weeks away). Hope this was some help.

    Take care everybody
  • Virginia,
    It sounds like you had a good time at the Beer fest
    Glad you had fun-
  • Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Very relieved it's Saturday. My boss is driving me nuts - anyone out there plotting revenge on the boss, let me know. I'd love to brainstorm.

    My weekend? I have to take dd to yet another bday party today. Why can't my kids be more antisocial (like me!)? On top of that, I promised to help a friend who's moving - she's got a 6 yr old, a 2 yr old, is 8 mos pregnant and is moving to another state. Exactly the same boat I was in 2 yrs ago - the poor sap.

    Oh, here's a motivation tip for incredibly lazy people like me: write down everything you consume. You see, I'm so lazy that just the idea of having to write it down keeps me from eating. Sad, huh?
  • OH, Ellis - I have to tell you that your Brandeis quote is a favorite around here. DH uses it quite often.
  • Hey kids...

    Welcome cheez...gosh, we ARE a bright, funny, sophisticated, beautiful, sexy group of chicks, aren't we?

    Ruth...umm...the onions and the pepper squash didn't go on the cereal TOO, did they?

    Wildfire...okey dokey...bend over!

    Virginia... don't tell ellis, but let's all surprise her and just show up on her doorstep, with our sleeping bags!

    Well...there is an anxious 16 year old, pacing outside my door here, waiting, just waiting for me to surrender the she doesn't monopolize the thing most days! She won't ask, though, so, ***** that I am, I've been deliberately hogging it this afternoon. She's been a bit tempermental lately for some reason and I have decided NOT to fight, just let her have to swallow her pride and ask for what she needs...instead of me being "Mommy on the Spot" and ready to jump when she needs a ride, $$, or whatever. I'm learning...slowly...

    Awww...she's out there filling out college a year's time, I'll be missing her so much ...I TRY, but I can't stay mad for too long!

    Have a good weekend all...
  • HI everone!

    Welcome back Punkinseed and Wildwire, missed you both!

    Welcome Cheez, glad you could join us!

    Phew! I had a very busy weekend, as usual
    Wahhh I don't want to go to work tomorrow! I have now put my resume into two government job pools so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will call me and give me a job

    I am with you Jinxii- I want to lose 10 lbs before December 1st.
  • Okay, I'm not really here, but I just wanted to welcome cheez. Glad to hear I'm not the only corp basher around here.

    I would LOVE you all to come to my house. If there's one thing I hate more than company, it's travelling to BE company! Just let me know the date... there's lots of room.
    We'll walk down to see the Parliament buildings and get up to make fudge in the middle of the night.

    love to all...