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WormwoodDoll 01-04-2009 12:10 AM

Hiya Faerie! :wave: I didn't make any resolutions per say. Just some things I want to change and make habits this year!

Things have been really good changing life styles with my fiance. He is being a really big help. I am just having trouble getting him enough calories. I think I am just going to add more to his meals/snacks (fruits/vegs/nuts). And also give him 2 portions of chicken/other meat with dinner. This is my first time doing my monthly planning for two...so hopefully next month will be easier. :dizzy:

Anyways. If you love Clint Eastwood, then I'd go see Gran Torino. It was A-MAZ-ING.

Lovely 01-04-2009 11:35 AM

BP - Ahh the Fifth Element. What a crazy awesome film. The hub & I own the Fifth Element, and yet every time it's on TV I'm always thinking "Ooooh the Fifth Element. I'll just watch this for a few."

Fumes - Cake decorating is so much fun! It's tough not to lick the frosting, but it's easy not to eat the end result because all you have to do is remind yourself that it's not your cake ;) I usually make them for friends or something. I then just tell myself "That's not my cake! Can't eat it, not for me." // <3 Roller Derby. Used to go watch it in Waterbury when I lived in CT.

Heya Wormwood :wave: It's all trial & error. You're taking on a big task with helping the fiance eat right, too. I'm sure it'll all start fitting into place. I've never been a big Clint Eastwood fan, but I must admit I'm curious about his new film. I may just have to grab the hub & go see it this coming weekend.

So I've been searching for gyms in my area close to home, and I've found one that's open 24/7/365 so I'm more than just a little interested. It's about 10-15 minutes away so not too bad. I'm going to check it out in about an hour after I get dressed. If the price is right, I'll be a new gym member. Woo-hoo! I've missed treadmilling soooo much since moving.

Oh god... the hub is sitting right next to me in our computer room & eating an entire wedge of Jarlsberg cheese. I think I'll be heading to the gym sooner than I planned. :lol:

WormwoodDoll 01-04-2009 10:53 PM

Faerie, I just joined a gym 2 seconds from my apartment. It is fantastic. It is also 24/7. Of course the 24 hour access is in the deluxe membership, but totally worth it if you like to avoid people like I do. They have the different equipment in squared off rooms, so it is really private. All of the extreme weight training is in the center of the place in the open, so all those muscular men stay out there.

And yes. It is a big task. He seems to be happy with the portions, but I know he is allowed at least 2,000 calories at his height/weight and activity level. I figured I'd add some nuts with his fruits to get the calories up in a healthy way. Also add some more side dishes to his lunch/dinner. He's a bit picky with vegetables, though. Our agreement was that he'd change his eating habits if I changed my sleeping habits. I use to go to bed at 5AM and wake up at 1-2PM. Now I'm up, at the latest, 10AM. That way I actually eat breakfast and so does he. I actually go to bed at a normal time now. It's nice and refreshing.

Lovely 01-05-2009 07:27 AM

Wormwood - That's crazy you mention your sleeping habits. I have a similar problem which I'm trying my best to change right now. My sleeping is so erratic. I woke up at 2AM this morning, and since I couldn't sleep I decided I'd stay up until 10PM tonight (force myself) so that I could try & jump start myself into a normal pattern.

That gym sounds great. A small private area to work out with still lots of equipment? Perfect. I don't have anything quite like that around here, but we'll see.

I stopped off at the gym, unfortunately while it's 24/7 they didn't have any 'sales staff' on hand. So I didn't get to see anything specific. I'll stop by today around noon to get a better look. It's a new gym, though, so that makes me happy. The equipment is new, and there weren't too many people there when I stopped by.

I have to buy myself a new sports bra & some new running shoes. So I'll stop in at Sports Authority or something today, as well.

Robot 01-05-2009 07:33 AM

I wish I could get a nice sleep schedule. Last night I got sleepy at 10 pm, but woke up at 2 am. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I'm going to force myself to stay up until tonight. Ugg. The other night, I went to bed at 5 am and got up at 1 in the afternoon. My goal for this week is to have a semi normal sleep cycle.

Lovely 01-05-2009 07:39 AM

Yeah, Robot, that sounds a lot like my schedule as of late. Oh well, here's to a new sleep cycle for us both! :hat:

ollie27 01-05-2009 12:04 PM

happy friggin new year gang. well. i'm back from my holiday for the holidays. the last couple days have been a bit harrowing. i took my eldest cat with me to the south cause i give her potassium twice a day. she has hypokalemia. and she won't let just anyone give her medicine, much less come near her and i couldn't afford boarding. anyway, she was so stressed from the trip down she quit eating which brought her potassium level down despite the medicine. now we are back home and she's not doing so hot:( i put her through that whole trip to avoid what's now wrong with her. i feel like a bad mom. and why oh why do veterinarians have to be so expensive?

other than kitty, my trip/holiday was pleasant. twas so good to be in the south again. thunderstorms, 70 degree weather, and random strangers engaging me in conversation about their hopes and dreams. and green! it's so weird to be back in boston now, look outside and see white. being vegan was not as bad as i thought it would be. the fam was respectful, even if my grandmother didn't really understand and kept asking me things like "but what about PEAS?!? can you eat peas? how bout potatoes?!?! *gasp* what about CANOLA OIL?!?!" everything she touched in the kitchen she'd turn around and look worried and confused about my *diet*. i tried to tell em it's a lifestyle and not a diet, but the only way they could understand was with the word 'diet.' funny, she bakes me banana nut bread every time i am home and this year was no different. she looked so proud when she told me there was no milk and i asked her if there were eggs and she smiled and said it was OK, cause they were "spread out". anyway, this was my first holiday that i had absolutely no sweets, so the weight gain wasn't bad. there were cakes, cookies, candies EVERYWHERE, but i not only didn't have any, i couldn't. i kept lots of dark chocolate to nibble off of the whole time and i went the whole trip without any exercise so i still feel kind of blah.

and you all have heard about my husband that's lost close to forty pounds just from living with me, right? well, over the holidays he ate anything and everything:cheese, sour cream, beef chili, etc. etc. i watched him with big eyes thinking when we got home and weighed he had to of at least gained 5 or 6 pounds. **** i would have if i ate like he did. so we got home and weighed. i gained 2 pounds and he gained: A HALF OF A POUND. men and their metabolism, sheesh.

i think every year one of my new year resolutions is to become an early riser and i am still no early riser. if left alone, i'll sleep til 10, and that's when i go to bed at midnight. i just have one of those bodies that wants to sleep for ten hours. i'm never really big on resolutions although one year, i think 3 years ago maybe, i decided to give up dr. peppers. and i was a one-a-dayer. at least. it worked. now i just drink one at most once every few months. so resolutions can be good for something. a new beginning. this year, i have it in mind to try to avoid "MADE IN CHINA." i'm so sick of seeing that on everything i pick up, use, or own. i usually try to avoid it anyway, but i think i am going to become more strict with it and have a zero tolerance policy. just to try and see how hard it is.

so i think this has turned into a novella. :blah: again, happy new year gang. hope tis a good un. :grouphug:

p.s. i,too, LOVE fifth element.

bopeep 01-05-2009 01:07 PM

ollie - please don't feel like a bad mom!! You did what you thought best, and with a kitty with health issues, that's a really hard call to make! He probably would have done poorly if you had forked over the cash and boarded him, since fussy kitties often don't eat then either. Do you know how to do assisted feeding?

I'm so sorry your g'ma didn't get your 'diet', but I had to laugh about the eggs. Spread out!?! :rofl: I was a vegetarian for years and years (had to start eating some meat because I don't absorb protein well from legumes - got pretty sick :(), and my family thought adding chicken stock was fine, and that I could just pick out the meat from a dish.

There seem to be a lot of insomniac night owls here! In the winter I tend to go to bed at 4AM and get up at noon if I manage to sleep through the night. I often wake up after about 4 hours of sleep and can't get back, so I nap the afternoon away. I'm better at keeping a 'reasonable' bedtime of midnight to 2AM in the summer for some reason.


Robot 01-05-2009 01:54 PM

Ollie, I hope kitty cat gets better. Your "made in China" resolution reminds me of my friend who stood in front of the Gap with a sign that said, "6 year old Chinese child approved." He was my hero that day, unfortunately the mall cops didn't enjoy it as much as I did.

WormwoodDoll 01-05-2009 10:07 PM

ollie27, I hate the fact that my boyfriend maintains his weight no matter what he eats. He has been at 245ish for almost 2 years eating whatever he pleases! His goal is to be 200 at the moment. He is 6" and has a very big build. I think he could be good at 180, but he really wants to build lots of muscle.

bopeep, we are night owls! :eek: I am really working hard at getting on a decent schedule. At the latest I go to bed at 2AM but get up at 10AM. I think eating breakfast really helps with my days and I have more time to get to the gym.

Anyways. We visited Kenny's family since I had off from work. And we went out to eat 2x in one day. :( Of course they didn't have the healthiest food. And I was so far away from the gym. I feel absolutely terrible. I am kicking my butt right now because I don't want this to just be a "thing". I want this for life and I'm sick of not being able to control myself. :mad: I really wanted to cry earlier. But tomorrow is a new day and I am really going to push this new lifestyle.

ollie27 01-06-2009 08:58 AM

wormwood - dude, if you've lost 28 lbs. since september you're kicking arse! anything for life takes time and you're doing so well! no tears, just diligence.

thanks for the kitty well wishes guys. she's doing better. bopeep, after reading your post i went and got some kitty formula and i've been squirting it down her throat. not fun, but she's on the up.

school starts back next week and i feel i've had anything but a break. i'd like to squeeze an entire break into this coming up weekend as the rest of this week is frilled with unpacking and cleaning. any suggestions? what are y'alls ideas of what constitutes relaxing weekend? i no longer know the meaning of the word.

Lovely 01-06-2009 10:03 AM

Ollie - Glad the kitty is doing a little better. About the weekend... okay sadly a relaxing weekend for me is just doing anything at home. Be it laundry, or just organizing a little. Probably watching a movie at night with some popcorn in my lap & the hub next to me. I'd say it's still doing things, but just doing things that aren't strenuous.

Wormwood - Please don't let one less-than-perfect day get you down! Yes, you probably could've made better choices, but it was one day. EVERYONE on this board has made choices that they want to kick themselves about. You ARE doing this for life, because you've recognized that while those meals weren't the greatest you're still continuing forward with better choices today! In the year and 9 months that I've been losing weight I can tell you that I have made some simply AWFUL choices. Some of which that lasted for days or weeks (I do not recommend following that :lol:) but I'm still here, and I'm still down a significant amount of lbs. And so are you! Don't hang onto the guilt too long. Get through your next meal and feel good about making a healthy choice.

BP & Robot - :wave:


I'm super proud of myself. :twirly: I joined the local gym last evening, and I went treadmilling for 35 minutes this morning. I haven't gotten on a treadmill in months, and I missed it sorely. I loved the walking, and my legs were all like "Hey I remember this!" It felt terrific.

I've been waffling the last few months (really since October). While I've pretty much maintained, without exercise I find that it's difficult to lose and my body always feels "blah". Also, I could almost see the difference that 3 months without exercise made, as I'm sure I was beginning to lose some muscle. And I DEFINITELY wanted to stop that.

Anyways, no exciting plans today. Have good days, chickies :)

Quote of the Day (from my calendar that my FIL got for me)
"Great floods have flown from simple sources." - W. Shakespeare

bopeep 01-06-2009 12:08 PM

ollie - I'm so glad your kitty is doing better!! Assisted feeding is not much fun for you or the kitty, but a cat that doesn't eat is at risk for hepatic lipidosis (a liver problem), and that's sometimes treatable if you catch it early, and have boatloads of cash. Vets sell a high calorie food called Hills AD that's often good for cats going through a low appetite period - you can add water to the canned food and syringe it down. Then go bandage up all your battle wounds and have a stiff drink! :D

I have to take one of my kitties in to the vet today. I think Miss Beast has a urinary/vaginal tract infrction. At least she's easy to give medications to - she will NEVER turn down food, no matter what's hidden in it! And she's a good patient - no biting or fussing, and the vets love her to bits because she's a cute little special needs kitty (she's handicapped and can't walk very well).

Wormwood - definitely don't beat yourself up over your fall from the wagon! I'm another one that's done it as well. Every time it happens I try to fix in my memory how I felt afterwards, and it seems to help - everytime I get the urge to pig out, I bring the memory back up and most times I'm able to be reasonable about quantities.

farie - Yay for you! It feels soooo good to move doesn't it? Those muscles will buid back up in no time! I've been wishy-washy on exercise over the past month since I had a cold, and my asthma acted up, and my dance class was over, and I was busy (and, and, and... too many excuses!). I was able to get back in the exarcise mindset this past weekend and wow, do I feel like I can fly! :D

Hopefully I'll be back from the vet in time to run my errands - I want to go sign up for my dance classes again (start in a couple of weeks! Yay!), and I have some grocery shopping. I've got my priorities set in the right order at least - kitty, dance, then food! :rofl:

WormwoodDoll 01-06-2009 02:17 PM

Thank you, ladies!

I just feel so out of control when I'm not home. I was talking to Kenny and decided if we stay more then one day, I will be preparing meals (possibly just leftovers from dinners) and taking them with me. And if we do go out to eat, try and eat as healthy as possible. One difference, though, is we no longer go to the food store at 11PM and buy snacks to pig out on. That's an improvement. I'm just sick of coming home and getting on the scale and seeing that RISE. I weighed myself this afternoon, since I was scared to last night, and it read 224. So things aren't too bad.

Congrats, Faerie! I love going to the gym. I will be heading over there after work and dinner tonight. I absolutely love the 24/7 option. It really helps when I work nights.

ollie27, I like just sitting home, taking a nice warm bubble bath, getting in my jammies and watching movies. I do this one weekend night of the week. I usually make a healthy pizza (I love Earth's Pride) with a small cucumber salad on the side.

mauvaisroux 01-06-2009 10:07 PM

ollie - glad your kitty is doing better!

Faerie - congrats on joining the gym!

I feel pretty good this week - I cleaned my house( post holiday mess) up for Jan 1 and paid up all my bills etc so I am starting the New Year off right! :)

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