Weight loss over 50-in for the long haul

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  • Being 62 ,the big thing for me is realizing that the years go by so fast and if I had just accepted the stalls and slow losses from past attempts, I would now be where I am heading. The turtle really does win the race.

    I have a husband who lives me, folds and all, wonderful kids and grandkids and I can make this happen. I am relatively healthy (just take a low dose BP med and the weakest statin out there and hope to be off the statin in October and off the BP med by January if not earlier (morning BP right now is 113/70). So my goal is health and also after caring for my overweight mother, I want to go into my 70s and 80s as lean as possible!
  • Just stopping by to say hello...

    I've had some challenges lately, (understatement), and have gone completely off the rails. Isn't that the way it goes? Best laid plans and all of that. I am hoping to get back on track in the next week or so. I hope everyone is doing well!
  • Hello! I think you're right. Hormones change for many of us of a certain age (I'm 66). When I was younger, say, up to the age of 50 or so, it was easier for me to keep my weight down.
  • Me, too. Good luck!
  • A carrot and a celery stick help me. I do not prefer those to junk food, but I notice that if I can make myself "OPT" for those my munchie craving goes away. The problem is "making myself" opt for those. I have them, but I tend to grab something else (junk) instead.
  • DISCLAIMER: I am not 50+

    Just wanted to come in and say how much I admire you guys. I wish everyone in your age wanted and strived to improve themselves, much like you do.

  • Hello to anyone passing through:

    Today is the day I will begin (yet) again. I have gained 20lb in just a couple of months. This is a pattern, but I seem to fall into the same trap over and over and over. I start Atkins, lose rapidly, become exhausted to the point where I cannot even climb stairs, abandon Atkins, and gain 10lb above my previous high weight. You know, the definition of stupid is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". I have finally accepted that although I had a great deal of success in years past, losing around 50 pounds that I gained while on Paxil in my late 30's and keeping it off for years, my mid 50's are a completely different animal. I intend to go back to "The Best Life" diet, which focuses on whole foods and increasing activity. It's effective, but I usually abandon it because it's slow. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

    I weighed yesterday. I will not weigh for a month. Thus begins "Phase I"
  • Musings and Contemplations:

    I've been considering where to go from here. This is the heaviest I've ever been, with the exception of my third pregnancy, at which time I weighed just over 200 pounds the week I delivered.

    I think it will help to have a few goals:

    Down 20 pounds by Jan 1, 2018
    Walk with my Jack Russel daily before work.
    Wear my fitbit
    Record dietary intake in MyFitnessPal
    Out of bed by 930a.m. (I work 2nd shift and often don't get home until 1am)
    Eliminate household clutter by Jan 1, 2018
    Stop eating at by 7pm
    Daily Bible study/journaling

    These should be easily accomplished. Logging in MFP may have to wait until I receive my replacement cell phone. I broke my existing phone a week age. I haven't tried logging in MFP by lap top before.

    Anyone else out there with some pre-new year resolutions?
  • Hi I’m new here. I just lost 82 lbs on Ideal Protein and I am very proud of myself. It has been a challenging journey as I am a long haul trucker so I only get to step on a scale once a month. This is the largest weight loss in my life!! I just started phase 4 maintenance 3 weeks ago. I had bad bad weekend what with pre Christmas celebrations etc and I admit not understanding and believing that I will always have to watch my weight, I have put on 6 lbs. I know I have to go back to phase 1, but how long do I stay on phase 1 and do I move into phases 2 and 3 as before, before starting phase 4 maintenance again? I would ask these questions of my Coach but she is away on vacation and I’m starting to panic. Does anyone have any thoughts???
  • Quote: Hello Mygoalz:

    I'm going to adopt your "no food in the Jeep" rule. I will sip chamomile tea on my way home from work and invest the money I save on junk food in some music cd's or audio cd's of ministers I enjoy.

    I am going to start walking in the morning before work, beginning tomorrow, eat a biggish brunch, and pack something conveniently portable for work (an egg sandwich on Ezekiel flaxseed sprouted bread, maybe a few carrot sticks, etc) and then take a walk during my dinner break (around 6pm). I will eat nothing after dinner. When I come home, I will GO TO BED. My goal is to be in bed by 1AM and up by 8:30AM. I will log all food/drink into MFP and wear my fitbit. They sync easily and give great feedback. I will not consciously restrict carbs to <50g/day, but I will make wise choices regarding the quality of the carbs I allow myself to eat. No white flour. Nothing that isn't real food gets passed my lips.

    I am going to start "The Purpose Driven Life" in the morning. It's 40 days of reading and reflection. I will also keep a journal.

    I am going to spend time on relationships instead of lying in bed or aimlessly clicking on this laptop. I will call my mother at least three times a week. That will make her very happy and is much more worthwhile than my clickaholic tendencies.

    I will pick one small area to de-clutter each day. A drawer....the laundry area.....a closet.....a cupboard......and if an area takes longer than a day, that's ok too. Eventually, the whole house will be de-cluttered. No more ostrich with her head in the sand!

    Okay....this is my plan going forward. I will weigh in tomorrow, and then not again for a month. I will be 54 next month. On my birthday, I will look back and see how I'm doing with this plan. I hope it will be habit by then. At that point, I will tweak if I need to. Figure out adding some strength training, etc. I'm excited!

    Have a great Monday!
  • Quote: Hi I’m new here. I just lost 82 lbs on Ideal Protein and I am very proud of myself. It has been a challenging journey as I am a long haul trucker so I only get to step on a scale once a month. This is the largest weight loss in my life!! I just started phase 4 maintenance 3 weeks ago. I had bad bad weekend what with pre Christmas celebrations etc and I admit not understanding and believing that I will always have to watch my weight, I have put on 6 lbs. I know I have to go back to phase 1, but how long do I stay on phase 1 and do I move into phases 2 and 3 as before, before starting phase 4 maintenance again? I would ask these questions of my Coach but she is away on vacation and I’m starting to panic. Does anyone have any thoughts???
    Maybe you should ask in the ideal protein forum and not the over 50 forum?
  • New to Forum
    Hello 😊. I appreciate your post. I have found the same thing to be true. I have been reading about intermittent fasting and have seen amazing results for people, even over 50! So today I started with the 16/8 intermittent fast. You only eat in an 8 hour window of time. I was amazed at how easy it was! So i was looking for someone else who'd like to try it with me. I thought it would be good for staying motivated.☺

    Quote: Hello!

    One thing I've noticed is that the weight loss strategies which were effective in my younger years are effective no longer. Or as my DH often says, "I used to could".

    I think, for me at least, it's important to acknowledge that things are different. That's not to say that things are bad, or hopeless. Just different. Accepting it is the first step in moving forward. I will no longer expect to see rapid results, and I will refuse to become discouraged by the seemingly imperceptible downward movements of the scale. It's overall wellbeing that matters: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual. To become obsessed with weight loss is detrimental to my being as a whole. I will strive for balance and recognize that I am so much more than a number on a scale.

    There is a certain freedom that comes with age. I think these can be the best years of our lives!

    I'm interested to hear what the rest of you "over 50's" think...
  • Hi mimsmiles!

    I'm Sorry, I forgot I had started this thread as there has been very little activity here, save my musings, navel gazing and hand wringing! I am trying IF and am seriously considering WW or maybe even OA...

    I will remember to check back here more often. There are some very active threads, too!

    Happy New Years Eve to you!
  • Hey all,

    Another 50+ person here! I think I'm in menopause (long story short, finished my last round of BCP as I didn't have a refill and figured I'd take a pulse check to see if I don't actually need them anymore). Have been on a successful weight loss journey for a year, but I think this hormonal shift may affect things, so I thought I'd pop by to see how others are doing.

    Hope there is more posting here, but I understand if there isn't. I see people I recognize from other threads.
  • Hi there, 50+ here and yes, weight loss is more difficult post menopause, but I think portion control will help me (I am using WW with some success.) I tried lo-carb but found it didn't sit well with other health conditions I have. Slow and steady will help, I have found!