3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Karrine 01-24-2016 06:46 PM

Way to go Denver and Payton Manning. Close game. Will do personals in the morning....I'm off to watch TV in bed now.

maryea 01-24-2016 06:55 PM

Ready to go to church, so thought I'd post now. I think its in the 40s this am. Haven't seen the sun yet but it looks bright out. I'm still a little sore and stiff from the weights I 've been using at the gym. Funny, the first day I did ones for my lower body (legs/knees) and my thighs were sore, last time I did ones for my upper body and now my arms are sore.

Looked up drugs causing memory loss/confusion and one type I take is the statins. It advises if your cholesterol isn't too bad, to take B12 sublingually, B6 and folic acid. I take all these except the B12 I take right now isn't taken sublingually, and I don't take nearly as high doses of B6 or folic acid. I messaged my doctor to see what he thinks about this. At my recent visit he did say next time he wants to check my B12 values, so think he might be thinking along the same lines. Today I also spoke to a friend who's dh has recently been diagnosed with dementia (poss alz) and asked about how it came on. His symptoms are mostly different than mine but there are similarities. However that could be just because no one noticed the very early signs and he might have not thought much about them. I can see how that could happen. I am usually very alert to changes in my body.

Glynne/Sandy - While it is kind of scary when these incidents happen, I honestly do not feel I am very anxious about this memory thing...It's just that I am the type that is interested in any symptoms I experience and like to address the issue head on to hopefully prevent future decline or whatever. So I am thinking about this the same way. I do not believe in ignoring symptoms. I prefer to recognize the possibility and do what I can to help myself or at least prepare myself and my family for what may happen. Not now (for fam) but if and when that time should come. I know there are meds that they use now and my friend's dh is so far helped by one of them. I am also very aware that whatever the future is, while I might not like where that is, God will be there when I get there and will help me through it.

Glynne - Hope your son's back problem is only temporary. It's hard when you hurt and have to work. Has he tried laying on the floor with ice under his back? Ten min at a time. Also I was told to keep my body in proper alignment, with a pillow under the curve on my neck. That helps me if I do it a few times when I'm in pain. I think that might be good idea ...that one meal a month where you can eat something different. Your dh is certainly disciplined...I don't think even my dh could do that unless he just really liked that kind of food and he's pretty disciplined, but he doesn't like to stick to someone else's plan.

Carol Sue -:bday2you: Hope you are having a good day...wait, you are going to the funeral home on your birthday! That doesn't sound so good. Well do the best you can.:) I don't consider 70s elderly, Carol, to me they are the "youth" of old age...80s are the middle and 90s are definitely elderly! ;)
Of course it does depend on how healthy we are. My sister in her 80s seems to feel very elderly. I think it is because her back and feet hurt her so much and she now has to use a walker when she goes out which isn't often.

Karrine - We eat out abt once a week, occasionally more, like this week. Too often for someone trying to lose weight! Today we ate in the same diner and I ordered the same hamburger, but no french fries, instead I had a side of tomato slices. However I did share a few fries that dh got with his fish n chips. At least I didn't eat as many that way. They did make a mistake and put one slice of cheese on my burger, but I ate it anyway...figured it only added 50-70 cals. at least I hope. I ordered a diet coke and noticed they had flavorings for the sodas ...haven't had that in a very long time so I asked for sugar free cherry flavoring in my coke. It was so good...would have been even better in a regular coke, but I can't have everything I guess.:^:

AKhome - Welcome to our group! As you can tell we talk of many things not just weight. I look forward to getting to know you.

Sandy - I'm thinking of doing cross word puzzles cause I've heard that helps. suppose there are sites where you can do them...I prefer to do things online. I do jig-saw puzzles (online) fairly often and even just being online you would think is a way of using your brain. I also read. I notice following a recipe is harder for me than it used to be...I often miss a step or an ingredient. Usually doesn't hurt though.;) Like you say memory can be funny (tricky)...most of the time I think my mind is still pretty sharp..then suddenly something wierd happens.

Thinking of you all with the snow/cold. Hopefully spring is not too long in coming. BTW I started this post much earlier before we left for church and just finished now at 4:01.

maryea 01-24-2016 08:53 PM

Found lots of sites for crossword puzzles ..so far I like this one best.

I've never been very good at crossword but tried this one using the regular option and got 2216. Top scorer is 2256. Wonder if I can believe my score? ;)
I did look up a few but I got more myself than I expected. Maybe there's hope for this old brain yet. :)

Sandy thanks for suggesting this...

Karrine 01-25-2016 07:00 AM

Good morning,
Today is reporting day for me and I have lost 3.50 lbs. this past week which makes me so happy. They say 10 lbs. is a dress size so I have a couple more lbs. to go to get there. My ankle took a turn for the worse yesterday even though I rested it most of the day. I'm getting so darn sick of this that I'm going to call the doctor this morning. I don't know what he can do but I'll see what he has to say about it.

Carol - HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! I didn't read yesterday's personals until this morning. Welcome to the 70's club. Hope you had a good time. Take good care of your eyes. My mother was blind so I am very big on eye care and the CNIB is my favorite charity. All Canadians who like football have a favorite US football team. We don't have a big NFL franchise that I know of here in Canada but I'm big on Canadian Hockey and Baseball.

Gayle - sorry about your son's back and the trouble he is having to get comfortable. Hope it feels better today. Keep up the good work of trying to walk a bit every hour. I'm getting pretty stiff now from lack of walking. Yes, I thought a once a week eating out treat will work for me too.

Sandy - yes, I have good on my mind probably too much but I have to journal what I eat every day and plan accordingly. I'm treating this diet like a kind of "hobby" in forcing myself to journal everything. Hope you try my method of eating out once a month too as I feel we deserve it if we have been good most of the month.

Mary - good for you in going to the gym regularly. That kind of stiffness you get is a good stiffness from working out as you know you are doing something right. You bring back fond memories of my teenage years when you spoke of "cherry cokes" which were very popular here as a teenager. I'm a real homebody and don't go out as much as you do so I'm not tempted to go to a restaurant if I'm out and about near meal time. I'm going to try that crossword puzzle link you posted. Thank you as I like doing crosswords.

Have a good day everyone,

Karrine 01-25-2016 08:08 AM

Carol - correction. We do have a Canadian Football league but it doesn't hold a candle compared to the US football. I have never watched the Toronto Argos (football) play a game on TV but it is broadcast. Hope this answers your question.

love2garden 01-25-2016 11:54 AM

KarrineDenver won!!! Also NC Panthers. Both teams and each quarterback we watched on TV even when they were in college. Will be hard to choose which to cheer for.

Mary I enjoy the on line Jigsaw Puzzles, too. Tried something different yesterday. I completed a puzzle, then tried it again with a "different cut." Wow, that was a challenge I'll try again. Fun, too.
Crossword puzzles are beyond me. I simply don't think in the way they require, no matter how I try. I see shapes naturally and that is why the jigsaw puzzles work for enjoyment.

CarolSue Tell us how you feel now that you are 70. How is the sun helping melt your snow? It is helping some here, but at this rate it will be a week to get rid of some of the piles. Several of neighbor's cars were blocked in when the plow went thru on 4 occasions on Friday and Saturday and even once on Sunday. Contractor lives 2 blocks over and must drive past our home to get to main road. Lucky for us!!!

Wannabehealthy 01-25-2016 12:13 PM

My birthday went well. It wasn't bad at the funeral home. This woman who died was 97 years old. Had lived a long and fulfilling life. We hadn't seen some of the family members in a long time and it was good to see everyone in spite of the circumstances. We are friends with the woman's son.

We went out for dinner. We eat out often so it wasn't anything special. We ate at a local restaurant that has good food. I still want to go to Texas Roadhouse one day this week. We don't like to go there on weekends because it gets crowded.

Also, my eyes are OK. I think it was just from reading those magazines. Magazine pages are shiny and could have caused some strain. I wear glasses when I read the magazines but not when I'm on the computer. I can usually see the computer screen better without them. I probably spend a lot more time online than I should.

, I was glad NE didn't win because of the couple times they were accused of cheating, and I was glad Carolina won the other game because they haven't gone to the Super Bowl for a long time. I don't like when it's the same teams over and over.

Gayle I hope your son gets some relief for this back other than muscle relaxers. I think there should be some type of therapy other than just pills. Also, he should be able to have more time off.

What types of foods would you like to have in addition to the vegetables you eat? Maybe there is some way you could fit small portions into your diet. Not everyone is suited to that plan.

Sandy, I hope your DH is careful with the shoveling. That's very hard work. DH mostly uses a snowblower, but it doesn't work in some places and he needs to shovel. I always worry about him.

Mary, I have been having forgetful moments for years. I forget people's names. One time I was introducing DH to someone and I forgot his name. My mind just went blank. He realized it right away and stuck out his hand to shake hands and said "Jerry" so the people didn't realize I forgot. I was only in my 40s when that happened. LOL I think when you have dementia it is more than you don't recognize a person that you know very well, and don't remember their relationship to you. I guess the beginning symptoms are more subtle. I know they have meds that slow down the progression.

maryea 01-25-2016 01:51 PM

We are expecting a tech again to work on our dishwasher which stopped working entirely. I have never had so much trouble with a dishwasher as with this one. Dh went fishing this morning. Halo has been giving us trouble at night again. She whines to go out and stays out a long time barking. Dh says our new neighbors have a dog but that dog doesn't bark, only Halo! Dh has had to go out the last two nights to bring her in. Last night he was up with her almost an hour. If this keeps up, we will not be able to keep her because our neighbors will start complaining again and I don't blame them.

Carol - Glad your birthday went well. LOL about forgetting your dh's name. I have always been bad at remembering names and I've had a similar thing happen to me. This is different. It isn't just names, there are other things...it's not the same all the time. Some are funny but strange, others are very strange and more concerning. Too much to tell here. Glad your eyes seem ok now but like Sandy said, I recommend a thorough checkup by an ophthalmologist, esp since you have diabetes if you haven't had one in a while. Because of our diabetes and my history of iritis and dh's glaucoma our insurance covers our visits.

Karrine - 3.5# in one week is wonderful!! So happy for you! I was going to change my weigh-in day back to Sunday, but yesterday I forgot to weigh. Today I was .5# down...not much but if it stays I'll be happy to take it. And my bs is much better. I did well with my eating yesterday and so far today.
I track all my food too and at the end of a day's entry in MFP, it will tell you what your weight would be in 5 weeks if you ate the same every day. That sorta motivates me either to be more careful or to more persistent. Yes I remember drinking both cherry and chocolate cokes in my teens even after I was married and had a couple smaller kids. I introduced them to them! :dizzy: I esp loved the chocolate ones. Now that I'm drinking diet coke I wasn't sure how the chocolate would taste in it and also I think it's not sugar free. They also had vanilla but I don't know if I'd like that.

Sandy - Hope your snow is gone soon. Bet it is pretty though. Glad your dd is helping with it too. Our son took some things up to the attic for us when he visited on Sat. He doesn't like his dad going up there anymore, but we also are concerned about him (son) falling too. He still has to work for a living.

Well need to get to work before the service man comes and sees my dirty house. ;)

glynne 01-25-2016 04:19 PM

Good afternoon GG's,

Slightly sunny today and warmer ~ in the 60's.

I did the walking yesterday (5 minutes each hour). I aimed for 6 times, but my sister called and I was talking to her when the last one was due and missed it. I planned to do it later, but my knee started hurting, I didn't want to push it, so I only made it to 5 times, but I felt good about that.

I'm off to a good start today with my plan to walk. After the knee hurting yesterday (still hurts a little today, but I did the walk anyway) I thought maybe it was walking in the kitchen and back and forth and turning lots of times, that maybe that bothered my knee. Maybe I kind of twisted it a little or did some movement that aggravated it, so I decided maybe I just need to bite the bullet and do it on the treadmill. Maybe that is better anyway ~ I can go a little faster that way. I kind of shied away from the treadmill, because I wanted to watch TV while I was on there, but if I am only gonna do it in 5 minute chunks, by the time I find a program and get it going, I could have had that 5 minutes done. So, I thought I would just use that time for praying.

I kind of half watched the football playoff games yesterday. My son was disappointed that his favorite team (the New England Patriots) didn't win.

I had the nicest visit with my grandson last night via the instant message. I sent him the link to a video of a machine that had been invented that could solve a rubiks cube in 1 second. (He is a cubing nut.) He shared one then of the kid who holds the worlds record for solving in 4.9 seconds. I asked Corbin what was his fastest time ~ he said 8.6 seconds. That may not be the world record, but it still impressive to me. He goes to cube solving tournaments.

Then he took a trip down memory lane ~ asked me if I remembered ~ when he first learned to solve it. He said he was 12, I thought he was younger. It was summer time and he was staying overnight here. He found a video on Youtube that taught how to solve the cube and he stayed up all night working on it until he taught himself how to do it. Since that time, he has just kept working and working and improving his time.

He is a senior this year and is planning on going to college, but doesn't know yet “what he wants to be when he grows up”. He said he didn't wanna grow up ~ feels kind of scared. It is scary, but he is a smart kid, so I am sure he will do well what ever he decides to be.

Carol Sue ~ I feel the same way as you about the same teams winning all the time ~ I know my son was disappointed that his favorite team didn't win, but I thought to myself that now someone else would have a chance.

About the food ~ the other day, I went through Fuhrman's cook book and made a list of the things that Steve might find questionable as ingredients in a recipe, but I felt like ~ if they were in Fuhrman's recipe book ~ how could he argue with that. The Fuhrman diet has two versions ~ vegetarian for aggressive weight loss, and a non-vegetarian version. Steve has reached his weight, so I feel like he could loosen up and eat some of the non-vegetarian recipes ~ he doesn't need aggressive weight loss at this point (didn't need it really before ~ in my opinion. To look at him you wouldn't have thought he had any cardiac problem/vessel blockage ~ but it is the genetics of his family, not a weight problem). The only thing I can think of as to why he is so rigid about this diet is that when he had that blockage and how he felt that day he came in from lawn mowing and laid down on the floor ~ feeling all weak and everything and then having to go through that stent procedure ~ is that it scared him and so he wants to follow it to the letter in hopes that he won't have more problems.

For myself, I follow the diet, but not as carefully as Steve ~ I think in order for me to make any progress, I have to bend the rules a little ~ while still trying to make healthy choices most of the time. It has to be something I can like the things I am eating, or I will have trouble sticking to it. For instance, yogurt isn't on this diet, but I eat yogurt occasionally ~ not because I crave it, but because I am hungry, I like it, and it is a better choice than some other things I would rather have. I don't feel like I am harming myself or being “BAD” by doing that. Or a sprinkle of shredded cheddar cheese on a salad ~ it makes it look so pretty and fresh and appetizing to me. The reason for me to follow it is to lose this weight. So, if I follow it mostly, and am losing weight ~ that is a good thing ~ and I feel like even if I bend the rules a bit but eat right most of the time ~ I am still better off than if I was just eating what ever I pleased and didn't even try at all.

Sandy ~ glad you got to enjoy the games yesterday. I enjoy the online jig saw puzzles too. The site I go to, you can use pictures you find there, or make puzzles out of pictures you find yourself. And there are settings where you can choose how many pieces it is going to have and what shape you want the pieces to be and if you want to have to rotate the pieces or not. I get in a mood to do those, then kind of want something else and so maybe the coloring I mentioned back along, some crocheting or some other project.

Sara stopped over yesterday and brought stuff for a project she wants me to work on. Sofa pillows. I had made her some before, but her dogs got sick on them, so she had to throw them away.

Karrine ~ way to go with the 3.5 pound loss. I'm sorry that your ankle is still giving you troubles. Glad you are gonna go get it checked out. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best for you.

Mary ~ good job getting back into the swing of going to the gym. The online crossword puzzles sound fun. My dad used to do the one in his paper every day. I would cut them out of my paper and send him a whole big bunch of them every once in a while, as they were different ones in my paper than his. I play that Words with Friends thing with my sister ~ I'm not very good at it ~ she and a couple other people I play with ~ woop the pants off me, but it is fun to try ~ I have learned some new words.

Mary and Karrine ~ My son's back problem has been going on for a while. A few years back, he had some kind of treatments that helped it, but was told that after a few years, the helpful effects of it would wear off. He actually has had a couple more years than they said. The trouble is the kind of work he does ~ back breaking work. He is a loader of trucks in a warehouse. The loading is done with some kind of fork lift type thing, but then there are other parts that he has to do. Other places have a machine that wraps pallets so a person doesn't have to ~ because it is very hard physically on a person to do it. The place he was working at closed it's warehouse and he had to take a job with another place. I think he said he was told that they would not have to wrap pallets, but when he got in there ~ what they said and how it really was were two different things. To wrap a pallet ~ the person has to have this big roll of shrink wrap and go (walking) round and round the pallet until it is wrapped ~ and do it while bending over. And the walking is more like hurrying ~ because they are paid by how many cases of a product they load on the trucks. I have seen how he would do it ~ while he was wrapping furniture when he moved. No wonder his work has taken a toll on his back. He is a very hard concienous worker and puts his all into doing a good job. Years of working like this and age ~ it has caught up to him.

I guess I am hoping some doctor will say that he can no longer do this type of work, and then he could maybe get help to retrain for some other kind of work. He is limited in what kind of work he can do, because unfortunately, he quit high school and never graduated and has not gotten a GED either. There is a vocational rehab place and I think they have programs that train people who are no longer able to do their jobs ~ so that they can find some kind of employment and continue to work and support themselves. From talking with them before, I think they said he had to get the GED first. That has been a stumbling block for him ~ he struggles to learn. I think the lady I talked to before said there is some kind of testing they can do to determine if a person has a learning disability and then there would be some other step instead of a GED. I need to help Jason find out more about that.

Well, I've done it again. Wrote a book ~ I'm sorry. I guess my writing here ~ for me is like visiting with friends. Also, as I am doing this, it keeps my mind off things that make me sad or worried. And helps me to keep my hands out of the food. Thank you for helping me in this way.

Hope you all have had a good day.

AKhomegirl 01-25-2016 10:35 PM

Thanks for the welcome to the forum. I live in the woods of Alaska. We make our own electric ( no phone or electric lines here) and heat with wood and coal. I am sure it is not the grizzly adams version of Alaska the TV shows even with reality shows. We work seasonally and do stuff at home in the winter. I came here 35 years ago and have had 3 children in Alaska (had the oldest before we came) its a good life and I LOVE the people. I'm tend to be a free thinker and a lover of my freedom. So thats me.

Gayle- My oldest has trouble learning too and at 35 still doesn't have her GED but I think there is lots more help now with learning disabilites than there used to be. He is lucky to have a mom who is willing to look for help.

Carol Sue- You are to be admired still watching your weight at 70. I want to be you.

Karrine- Nice weight loss. Hope your ankle is better soon.

glynne 01-25-2016 11:34 PM

Hello again Homegirl. I enjoyed reading what you have shared with us ~ a little about you and your life. It is fun to get to know new people and always interesting learning about life in other areas of the country.

Karrine 01-26-2016 06:20 AM

Good morning,
I bit the bullet yesterday and called the doctor. I have an appointment this morning. I really don't know what else he can do for me but it will be good to get his opinion. I'm having 4 slices of crisp bacon; 1 egg and 1 toast for supper tonight. Sure am looking forward to that bacon as I haven't had any for a long time. The other thing I really miss on this diet is I have a McDonald's only 3 blocks away and I often went over for their sausage egg McMuffin rather than make my own breakfast. I can have anything I want as long as I keep within my daily point range.

Mary - I went to the crossword puzzle site you posted but I would have to pay in US dollars for a membership. I found another site that is free which I played yesterday and enjoyed it. Good for you in losing 1/2 lb...that is better than nothing and I know it is harder for you because of the meds you take. I'm drinking diet coke now too since starting this diet along with a 1 point bag of Smart Pop Popcorn each afternoon. Sorry about your dishwasher being out of order. Hope it got fixed yesterday.

Gayle - Once again, GFY on keeping up with your walking but don't push your knee too hard until the pain goes away. Wow that your grandson can solve rubiks cube in 8.6 seconds. I agree with you in that bending the rules a bit on your diet that it won't hurt if you still lose weight with the small change. It's too bad your son's employer dosen't have less strenuous jobs for it's employees who need it.

Akhomegirl - how impressive that you make your own electric and heat with wood and coal. You sure so have a very interesting life without all the conveniences we all have. Tell us more. How close are your neighbours?

Have a good day everyone,

Wannabehealthy 01-26-2016 10:12 AM

Our cable provider just eliminated 2 stations from our secondary TV and now we can only get them on the main TV. They are stations I go into the bedroom to watch when DH is watching car programs on the main TV. I don't watch much TV, but they removed the stations I do watch! DH is going to call and complain. I think if enough customers complain they might bring them back. If they don't, then I might as well give up the box for the secondary TV.

, I hope you are not developing dementia. I was reading online the early symptoms. Most of them I don't have, but I do have one. Occasionally I will be talking and I will forget what I'm saying in the middle of a sentence, and I forget common words for things. I don't do that often, but it happens. They explained the symptom and then gave a similar example of typical aging.

Gayle, my husband did the same job as your DS does. He did that for 33 years until the warehouse closed. I asked him if they had to manually shrink wrap the pallets and he said yes. He was 50 when it closed. Then he went to work in the parts department of a car dealership until he was old enough to retire. He got paid a lot less money there, but it was close to home and he enjoyed it. When my step-daughter was in grade school they hinted that they thought she had a learning disability but she was never tested. She graduated, but by the skin of her teeth. She works as a cashier in the same car dealership that DH worked in. She wants to find a job that pays more but can't. She has had trouble at other jobs and even got fired from one, so we want her to just stay where she is because she does the job well, and we think she will have a job forever.

I don't think there should be a problem with you eating yogurt or small portions of cheese now and then because they are healthy foods. If I were you I would just do it and eventually your husband will get accustomed to you doing it.

I don't have a problem with your long posts, because I am long winded, too.

AKhomegirl, your life is a little bit like the show we watch, so I understand. How do you get internet? I think if you live that way all your life it's normal to you.

I don't know how old everyone is on this thread, but I know there are a couple who are older than I am and they are still watching their weight. I think when you have a weight problem, it's a life long thing. I have heard in the past that older people forget to eat. I am wondering when that will start. LOL

Sandy, I really don't feel any different being 70, except for knowing that I lived longer than the rest of my family. Medicine is much farther advanced now than it was back then. My father died at 60, my mother at 64, one brother died in his 50s and the other in his 40s. He had severe medical problems. I also had a half-sister but I never counted her as immediate family because she didn't live with us. She lived to the age of 85. She must have taken after her mother.

Karrine, I like the McDonald's Sausage and Egg Biscuit, too. In fact, that's the only thing I like from McDonald's. DH goes to get breakfast for us once a week. I have started getting the Big Breakfast though and I only eat the eggs and sausage. DH eats my hashbrowns and we give the biscuits to the birds. This week I bought some bacon so I will have some in the morning with my eggs. Bacon is an occasional treat, not every day.

love2garden 01-26-2016 03:28 PM

CarolSue I'm laughing at your suggestion that anyone who is older could forget to eat. I'll never live that long. Occasionally if I was really engaged in something I enjoyed, I went past hunger, but that was rare.

Funny All my siblings are half sister or half brother, but I always counted them as simply my brother or sister. Only Shirley lived with us, Mom's daughter. As long as they were alive we got together at least monthly except when my brother moved across country to San Diego. He still would visit when they came east.

My brother had heart attack in his mid 50's and died immediatly. His heart always gave him problems but his sons, Dan and Greg are still going strong in their late 60's.

All my sisters made it above 80. Both parents were healthy until Mom began to spray pesticides on her roses so often, without a mask, and those chemicals damaged her lungs AND her bones. She still lived to 83. Younges sister, only 12 years older, had diabetes and multiple car crashes and each time would heal so well. Last time she fell in shower, broke her neck and even healed from that injury. THank goodness I was just retired and could go to help her at times.

Shirley, my sister, was a best friend who took care of me when I was born and Mom went back to work (Which she loved and was far better at her job than in taking care of a baby or a teenager, either.)

Mom was a controlling person. I lived a mile from High School and was given so many minutes to put books in locker then walk rapidly home with her waiting at the front door for me. Probably was a blessing because the kids that hung around town sometimes were in trouble.

Remember I told how she picked out my clothes thru high school, sewing most of them, and certainly sending me back to change if I didn't suit her.
Even for my wedding, she mad my gorgeous dress, but the dress she chose for my "going away" trip to a park in Virginia (swiming, hiking, 36 hour honeymoon) was a lined sundress with HEELS!!!.

My wonderful Mother in Law whispered and told me to go to her bedroom 8 miles away, and put on some comfortable shorts and sandels She would protect my dress.

Poor Mom, she never could see things from anyone else's viewpoint, and was terrified that someone might think bad of her.

Thank goodness, I didn't inherit either trate.

HomeGal Do tell us how on earth you manage without all the utilities and helps we have become so dependent upon? How to you keep warm? How do you survive the hours of darkness? How do you sleep in summer with so few hours of dark?

Karrine What did the doctor tell you? Sure hope you heal quickly.

Mary No wonder your husband is strong!

Sandy (Carol Sue and you thought you were talkative )

maryea 01-26-2016 04:40 PM

Went to the gym, then stopped at Kohls to return a watch I bought a few weeks ago. It never worked, got a new battery for it and still didn't work. She said they don't sell Pulsar anymore and that is why I got such a good deal on it. I had a feeling that was the case. It was a pretty watch though. After that we stopped to see the gc for a few minutes. Now resting before starting my housework. Yesterday the service man fixed our dishwasher...the computer part of it where the lights are was out. The part they sent wasn't right so he had to pick one up and came back at the end of his day to install it. Glad to have it working again.

Dh told me just yesterday how bad his peripheral vision is in his right eye. I always remind him to turn his head both ways when driving but I did not realize it was so bad. It got worse after his last surgery on it and his eyes always (esp the right) feel so tired. He regrets having the glaucoma surgery. I reminded him the doctor did say his vision would continue to worsen for I think he said three more years (its been about two I think), and then should stop. He also said though he would not have to use drops after the surgery but he soon had to go back to using them because his pressure started climbing again. We think also that it was the glaucoma surgery that caused his intraoccular lens to drop requiring yet another surgery. I know this is all very discouraging to him.
My concern is that soon he may not be allowed to have a drivers licences...I want him (and others) to be safe of course, but know what a blow that will be to him.

Carol - That's too bad about the TV shows you like, esp as you don't watch much. I hope they will change that. We only have one TV and it's in our family room. It's a 42 inch. When the tech was here doing the upgrade on our package, he recommended if we buy a new TV we should get a Samsung 55 inch. He said it would be just right for the distance to dh's recliner. But we instead got our current TV repaired. Maybe next time. This TV was given to us by our sil and dd for our 50th anniversary and it's the best we've ever had.

I don't have all the early symptoms either, but have some although not just like they describe. Like following recipes is harder for me now, I often miss something even after I think I've read it carefully or I simply forget to add something. However what I read says "familiar recipes" and these are not usual familiar recipes. It maybe more like I just can't focus well or long enough to read carefully. I have stopped taking the Pravastatin...I do not like those statin drugs and right now my cholesterol is fine. Today I will start taking more Vit B and Folic Acid. My doctor said it's ok to try it for two months but he doesn't recommend more than 50 mg of Vit B, so I will stick to to that. The article recommended 200 mg. I googled it and found that toxicity has occurred at 1000 mg and occasionally even at 100-200, so I will be careful. Right now I'm only getting 2mg so even 50 will be quite a bit more.

Yeah, I wish I could forget to eat sometimes...I mean I want to be healthy but food is constantly on my mind usually. Maybe I'm just not busy enough.
Dh forgets to eat sometimes and he says he doesn't have much appetite anymore.

Carol/Glynn - I'm glad they are more aware of learning disabilities. Two of my gc have learning disabilities. They are getting special education right now, the youngest (3) just started, but the oldest (5) has benefited from it I think. He talks much better...of course it is possible that would have improved anyway but I think the special classes helped. Sometimes I still can't understand him but mostly I can now. I notice though that he still can't
identify numbers. At that age, my kids were playing board games even Monopoly so this is strange to me. They understand what we say though and play with others ok. It's concerning because we want our children/gc to do well in life after we are gone.

Your family members have sure died young, Carol, glad you are alert to health issues and try to take care of them. My mom died at 64 also but most in my family lived a long time. I had one cousin though that died about 35 from breast cancer with mets to the bone.

Karrine - I don't understand about having to join AARP to do the puzzles. I do not belong to AARP, but do the puzzles for free. Glad you found another site though. If I go by when I started the FL diet, today would be my weigh-in day and I dropped another 1/2#, but I haven't actually been following that plan recently. I'm back to just counting calories using MFP, so I don't know what day to consider my weigh-in day. I've heard Wed is the lowest weight day for most people so that's a good encouraging day to weight.;) But I don't know whether that's true for me. I think I prefer Sun mainly because we often eat out that day and I can weigh before that and have time to work it off before the next Sun. ;) Anyway I was 172 this morning, but I'm not changing my sig yet. I have been riding my stationary bike I have (at home) for about 15 min on the rolling hills program. I sometimes pedal really fast and I feel like I get a better work out on it than at the gym even though on that program it does not go up as high on intensity....think it goes from 4-8, but it's the hills that do it I guess. I hope the doctor can help you. You've suffered long enough.

AKHomegirl - Thanks for sharing more about your life...sure sounds interesting and a lot of work. I'm probably not strong enough for your way of life, but think it's great you can do it. There is another GG, Rosey, who lives in Alaska and they hunt for their meat. I am not sure how they heat their log cabin. We visited Alaska last summer and really liked it. The weather was great at the time. Don't think I'd like the winter even though I'm sure it's pretty. We were able to visit Rosey while we were up there. She is really a nice lady. She hasn't posted here for a long while but perhaps she is lurking and will see your post.

Glynn - I'm glad you are exercising still. I know it's not always easy for you. I'm thinking I may get a treadclimber next year. It's kind of a combination of a treadmill and an eliptical. Too expensive right now but if my son can get it for me at a deep discount after they've been on the market a while, I might get one. They are not so long so won't take up so much space as my bike or a regular treadmill. Halo always wants to hang around me and kiss me while I'm biking. The other day I accidentally hit her in the head with the pedal! She's ok but she ran fast and hopefully will be more careful of the bike now. I like to bike while watching TV too. I thought I would read but can't see well enough in that room. Glad you had a nice chat with our gs. I rarely talk to my grown gc but sure enjoy when they on rare occasions come to visit. Some of them text now and then too.

ETA: Dh hooked up one of those long leashes for Halo...the kind that as they go out further it extends...for her to use at night, so if she gets to enjoying being out there too long we won't have to look for her. Last night it worked fine and she did not bark probably cause she wasn't out there long.

Well I've typed my "book," so better get off and get some work done now.

Sandy, hope you're doing well, where are you fluffy?

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