~~September Golden Girls~~

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  • Wow, Bobbi - that room is HUGE... and I love that you have "private quarters".
  • Quote: Hola, Lynn - we're making progress. He's eating, finally! I poured a little salmon juice on his turkey bits, and he turned his nose up. I held him, which he loves, and put little chunks into his mouth. Once he swallowed a couple of them, he agreed to eat off his plate, and he's pretty much cleaned it up. I was getting worried, since it's been over 48 hours. Still no peeping or pooping, but I'll keep an eye on him for the next couple of hours and make sure that he navigates to the box in the basement. Ooooh, this is so exciting!! And I do seem to remember that one of your furbabies is all white. Does your guy have blue eyes, too? This fellow sleeps a lot! I don't think he'll miss me at all while I'm at work. Drat! I thought I had the perfect reason to retire tomorrow... alas!
    When I first got Harry & Hermione, she was the lap cat and he kept his distance. Now, he is on/next to me more than she is. I feed them Fancy Feast - Turkey Classic. My vet told me to NOT vary their diet. Neither of them eats a lot. I often have to remember to give them more food bc they don't "ask" for it.

    I leave out Science Diet dry food and water. Neither is fat but they are pretty active.
  • Lynn - my big concern is that he doesn't seem to be peeing. There was a little bit of poop in the box this morning, and I haven't seen any signs that he's going where he shouldn't be.... And he's not acting sickly. Any suggestions?
  • Good morning GG’s,

    Been visiting here, but not able to post. I was in Ohio visiting my parents, sister and to attend my 40th high school class reunion. I had my tablet and phone with me. I could follow along and read here, but trying to post is difficult on those devices.

    Had a nice visit with mom and dad, sister, nieces, nephews and one of the cousins who all live right around that same area.

    Reunion was fun ~ got to see a few of the girls I was friends with. I’m not good at mingling and small talk so just visited with the few that I was closest with.

    Glad to be back home. My dad used to tell me when he and mom came to visit the various places we lived, that he was glad to get to visit, but glad to go back home. I never understood that, but I sure do now.

    Well, I’d better quit fooling around here, gotta unpack my suitcase and do some laundry. Hopefully will get some personals done later.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    Take care
  • Gayle - good to hear from you, and I'm glad you had a good time! Did your DH go with you or did you visit the relatives alone?

    What about the job search? When the hospital downsized and eliminated your ward, I take it that you were laid off? Did they at least give you some sort of severance? Have you had any bites from any of your job applications? What about your other work cohorts? Are they also out in the cold? Nasty, nasty situation!! Good thoughts for you!

    Rosey - are you preparing for the surgery on, what? Friday? Please let us know the timetable and PLEASE have one of the DD let us know ASAP how you are, where you are, and etc., etc. We worry about our sweet Rosey!

    Samson is now fully functional! YAY!

    Everyone, have a good Wednesday. Later, lovelies.... no time for personals now. Gotta get ready for work.
  • Hello everyone! Got to the gym this morning, but I didn't use the weight machines, just got in my 30 min of cardio (walking and biking) and did 6 min on the hand bike for my shoulder/back. It all felt good. Stopped for groceries on the way home and now I'm resting. BS is pretty good...diabetic normal range right now and my weight is coming down again, just hope I can keep to my eating plan and not allow it to go up again.

    Rosey - Thinking of you and hoping everything goes well.

    Donna - Hope your new cat starts cooperating the in the output dept soon.

    Glynne - Glad you had a good time. I understand being glad to be home...no matter now much I enjoy being away, I'm always glad when I get home.

    Karen31 - Glad you enjoyed the concert. He's a good singer.

    Bobbi - I'm the opposite of you! I'm almost always warm, and sweat frequently. Usually not stinky sweat, mostly around my hairline, chest, under breasts and inside arms but now and then I get a whiff of odor, so I'm always trying to keep clean and dry. Never used to sweat when I was young. Now sometimes I don't even have the tingly part of the flash, just the heat and sweat. Strange...wish it would just go away, I'm too old for this. I'm sure it's not fun being cold all the time though too.

    On our anniversary we went to Black Angus for dinner. I'd even forgotten we still had one as it's downtown and I rarely go there. I had also forgotten how good their food is! I ordered a 12 oz ribeye steak, fully loaded (but on the side...not sure what difference as I ended up using it all! LOL) baked potato, and steamed broccoli. It was all SO yummy but I was careful and I left a little more than 1/2 my steak, and 1/3 of my potato. Then we shared a peach upside down cake with caramel sauce and a scoop of Breyers vanilla ice cream on top! It was so good!I probably got slightly more than 1/2 as dh gave up before me as usual. We brought some food home but I haven't eaten it yet. I gained almost a pound but quickly dropped down and have lost more since then. Nothing new though...just trying to get back down to my sig weight...
  • Hi everyone thankyou for all the good thoughts,im excited and nervous all at the same time. i will call befor we leave to make sure im on schedule for friday am. i will recover at my dd sarahs home. being lazy today. steves brothers are moving mil on friday into the nursing home. am so glad they got it arranged but am sure she is going to be unhappy for awhile. its where she needs to be tho. i'll get my kids to update you all or jess you can call the #'s i gave you. to all.love you bunches rosey
  • Quote: Lynn - my big concern is that he doesn't seem to be peeing. There was a little bit of poop in the box this morning, and I haven't seen any signs that he's going where he shouldn't be.... And he's not acting sickly. Any suggestions?
    Have you seen him drinking water? Is there any chance he's peeing in the toilet or tub or outside?

  • snort snort...OMG Lynn you just gave me the wildest mind pictures. Samson sitting regally on the throne...k3
  • I thought the same thing!! That is a funny image!!!

    Donna, glad that he started going on his own.

    Rosey, Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.. We will all be anxiously waiting to hear from you!!!

    Just finished supper and watching some TV-- today has been kind of a lost day...Oh well, I'll find it tomorrow. Tim has started with a scratchy throat yesterday and is just miserable today.. Men are such babies!! He doesn't want you asking if he needs anything but wants to make sure you know he isn't feeling good---MOAN!!! Feel sorry for me. But don't ask me if I need anything!! I'm already looking forward to being gone for a few hours tomorrow afternoon!!!
  • Lynn - peeps, poops, and purrs are all in good working order! Thanks for asking....

    Rosey - to be clear, the surgery is on Friday, not Saturday, correct?
  • Hi as far as i know friday is the day,i will call their office in the morning (thursday) befor we even leave the house to make sure it all set up right. if its still a go we will go to dd house and then have to be back in anch friday morning at 5:30 am. they said it would be a 5 hr surg. and then recovery so i will have my dd's keep you informed. i can feel your good vibes rosey
  • Jess, thank you. I hope I can stick to my healthy eating plan. I think I’ve been a little negligent in keeping track of what/how much I’m eating the last two days AND the batteries of my scale died this morning. I’m a little worried.

    Carol Sue, thanks for sharing about your second career. I think that would be relaxing after so many years in a high pressure career like accounting. I’m thinking maybe a receptionist position for a very small company would allow me to earn some money, get out of the house, and stay in touch with the world would be good. Part-time would be even better. This is too soon to declare, but I’m really thinking about starting a handmade soap business. I’d like to make it a family collaboration so my daughters could continue the business (if they want) when I bow out.

    Thank you, Mary! I’m not sure how ambitious I am either, but I’ve always either worked or attended school and it’s all I know. I’m sure you’re not lazy. 

    Bobbi, I live in Missouri. I’ve never lived farther than 25 miles from where I was born. It’s really a beautiful state, with four seasons, lots of trees and hills, and wonderful people.

    Thanks to all of you for reaching out to me via this forum. Such a warm group of new friends.

  • Rytre--- where in MO. do live? I am in the Joplin area...