3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Bobbolink 03-07-2012 10:52 AM

Lynn...oops, I missed your post.

Maybe we could see who wants to join & then pick some equi-distant place for each of us to aim at. NOTE: in our last thread, we used a formula of 1 minute = 1 mile. So, if you exercised for 30 minutes, you earned 30 miles.
For those asking questions about this, we made it much more interesting by posting a mini history and pictures of the spot we stopped in for the night. Not only did it inspire me to exercise but I learned some history about the area I traveled through.

AnnieDrews 03-07-2012 11:02 AM

Hello ladies! Happy Hump Day!! I took off work yesterday afternoon to get my lawn in order. I wasn't home this weekend and the weeds were literally so tall that I had to weedeat them before my son could mow. Expecting several days of possible rain, so wanted to get it done yesterday. Did that and put down weed/feed. So scary, on my last pass with the spreader a dead limb fell out a tree onto the path I had just walked 30 seconds earlier and where son had been mowing, too. (We had TERRIBLE winds yesterday, today, too) So thankful neither of us were hurt, because it was really heavy.

Food is going pretty well. Treated myself to a small soft-serve frozen yogurt yesterday. It tasted SO good!!

I've done 3 miles of WATP each day this week so far. Slowly trying to add in more arm work.:carrot:

jess1 03-07-2012 11:41 AM

Quick Good Morning, All...

Bobbi - there wasn't much else to say about Marie except that she did fine, was spending the night in the hospital, and was planning to go home to her furbaby family today.

PT/Zoe - have you done this radical one-meal-per-day regimen before? It just seems so extreme... but if you're feeling okay on it (no dizziness!), then I guess it's okay. You're a big girl and can make your own decisions (I guess). Just be well!

Lynn - I remember when all of you did your walking tour of the country; I really enjoyed reading about everything! I say... do it again! It was really interesting...

Gayle - I hooted about your head being too heavy for your neck... oh, good grief, girlie! You have the patience of a saint!

Rie - glad you stayed off the roads yesterday!

Marie - hope today is the first of many very good days.

Gotta run... Rosey, Freda, Isabella, Mary, everyone that I missed... well, everyone, have a good rest of the day!!! :hug::hug:

Bobbolink 03-07-2012 12:35 PM

Annie...I'd say the angels were looking after you and son!:angel::angel: We have large limbs down all over our place, chalk that up to March winds all over the country.

akrosey49 03-07-2012 01:26 PM

Hi everyone,i'm on dh puter,my lap top has amind of its own. Its "POOF" day.payday in other words poof its here and poof its gone :dizzy: need to run errands and dh has adr apt. Bobbi you mentioned wanting to read wilbur smith.go to his web page as he has several diff series of books,the courtneys and the ballentines,and several singles. i think my favorite was the Burning Shore. happy reading. i also play scrabble to keep the mind sharp but i play in pogo. glynne i used that machine when i was in rehab. i liked it but harder than it looks as my legs and feet where dead wgt.wtg on finding that you can without pain. Hoping marie is home with her fur babies. well hes up so must get going hope your day is awsome. ttfn rosey :wave:

atkins protein bar

sm green salad with tuna

coffee mocha
just the cheese snack

moose hamb goulash 1 c

autodidact 03-07-2012 02:14 PM

Hello, I am new here,

I live in Christchurch New Zealand, and i did my intro on my other post on the 50+ forum.

This thread moves fast, and I shall have to get to know everyone. It seems the most important thing at the moment is to send good wishes to Marie. I don't know here, but it sounds like she has had surgery and will be home soon. I look forward to getting to know you Marie, take care during your recovery.

I am also a 1 meal a day person, at the moment. It suits me fine. I got into it by accident. I had a week, 2 weeks ago when i was home alone for the week for the first time in over 22 years. I decided i would eat only when i got hungry, not when it fitted in with other peoples activities. It turned out I ate once a day. Very interesting.

I have taken up running this week, and have entered a 5k race on 20th May. Today will be my third day of running.

So hello all, and good luck with your weight loss.


retiredone 03-07-2012 02:24 PM

Rie, I think you were quite wise to stay off the roads when they are full of snow. Even if you are a careful and prudent driver there are always drivers who "own the road" even on a bad day. I just creep along if I'm on a snow covered road. And listening to your co-worker was probably better than any old meeting.

Mary, I do remember your bad back awhile ago. I'm trying to rest as much as possible. I've dug out mom's walking stick to help getting up and down. I don't know what starts my back in spasms, either. I can be doing nothing more strenuous than picking up a toothbrush and it can start up. It's worse today because I should have rested yesterday but wanted so badly to shop for the knobs and handles for the cupboards.

Lynn, I'm all for walking/biking across country. I loved doing that. I can't walk right now but I'm on the bike most days. (Not today, back too sore.)

Carol Sue, I love left-overs and often purposely cook more so we can have them again. Soup, in particular, is much better the next day. Your DH and I would be at logger heads if we were married. LOL My DH will eat the same thing all week and seldom complain. He has other downfalls but I'll discuss those as they tick me off. :D

Gayle, you should buy your husband a brand new mop, wrap it up and give it to him as his very own. Maybe, he'd take care of his knees better if he had his very own mop. If his knees give out he'll gladly use a mop. So nice of him to do the cleaning, though. My DH does floors all the time but with a mop. That cross trainer looks interesting. Wouldn't mind trying that out.

Bobbi, who are you making the Teddy Bears and Bunnies for? Your lemon tree is amazing. All I can see is snow everywhere. I've never used Myer lemons but I've read about them.
Annie, so glad you or your ds weren't hurt. But I must say I'm more than envious of people who post about gardening this time of the year. We just had a storm on Monday and the snow is piled up and glistening in the sunlight but not a green blade (grass or weed) to be seen.

Donna, hope your day is going well.

, loved your description of payday- "Poof day". So funny but so true.

Hi Marie. Are you able to read anything today or are you sleeping it off? Hope you don't have too much pain.

Well, I'm off plan for today. Not in food but in exercise. My back is sore and so is my stomach. It seems that when my back spasms all the middle body muscles get involved. I find myself holding everything tight and that makes my stomach muscles get sore from unusual usage.

Last night I cooked a small package of mixed whole grain rice for use today and later on. I'm glad I did as I wasn't in much condition to do much cooking today. I had cooked and seasoned lentils in the freezer so that and the rice were the basis for dinner today. I chopped salad vegetables while sitting and made Mazidra. I could eat that several times a week. Other than that I'm surfing the web, channel surfing and generally lolling around. Hope this back gets better soon as we're travelling the weekend to DGS's 3rd birthday party and that's a 4 hour trip both ways. I can always take pain killers until I feel no pain but I'd rather it just went away.

DH put the window framing back up today. That makes the window look much nicer. The walls are looking good but the pink counter top is glaringly ugly next to the orange walls. LOL Can't wait to get the new top installed.

Well, I'm gone to stare mindlessly at the TV. Have a great day.

Karen31 03-07-2012 02:49 PM

Hello eveyrone! Sounds like everybody is very busy...

Marie, I hope you are feeling better and don't try to push yourself too fast!! Relax and enjoy being pampered for a little bit--

Annie-- glad that you and your son weren't hurt. The wind has been terrible here the past few days too. The temp is nice but the wind could go away and I wouldn't miss it at all.

Welcome Auto--- jump in and grab a chair. We look forward to getting to know you.

Rosey-- did you get your new "puter" yet? I love mine and would be lost without both my desktop and my laptop!

Isabella-- you have definetly ran off and left me in the dirt for our 1000 miles in 2012! I just got so sidetracked and haven't been doing much of anything but "waiting" Grrr! Not much longer.

Bobbi, we are all waiting to see pics of th new kitchen.. Sounds like hubby is getting ready to move on to his next project. My sister and her hubby have a 56 chevy that belonged to his Dad, they had it about 75% restored and drivable when it was in the garage sitting next to a new Lexus when the tornado came in May. The house, garage and the Lexus were destroyed, the 56' was damaged but is already well on its way to being back to where it was.

Donna, how is GM doing? I keep meaning to ask and always go off on some other subject. Still haven't heard anymore on FIL yet but see a trip to Mass. in the very near future.

Gayle, I bought one of those H20 steam mops and I LOVE IT!! The floor feels so great when I use it and no chemicals at all that I need to worry about Ginger and Sissy walking on----plus no "sticky"

Rie, I don't drive at all in the snow!! If it looks like it is going to snow and I'm out-- I head home fast! Or if I haven't left to go anywhere --- I don't! Just call me chicken!!! I know-- how did I ever survive in the mountains in Colorado?? Stayed home a lot!!!

I know I have missed so many but I need to get clothes out of the dryer --AGAIN!!

Everyone have a good day!

Karen31 03-07-2012 02:50 PM

Zoe--- meant to ask how you are doing? Are you in countdown mode yet? PARTY!!!!

Wannabehealthy 03-07-2012 03:05 PM

Yes, Bobbi, DH is a very picky eater. This is the reason why we eat out so often, because we can each choose what we want to eat. The things that I cook that he likes are very limited. In the restaurants we go to the waitresses almost know what he's going to order before he orders. LOL

Karen31 03-07-2012 03:19 PM

Our house deaal is done! YAY!! We close next week and will be moving!

maryea 03-07-2012 03:32 PM

Don't have much time to post today but wanted to check in at least. Went to the gym this morning. I walk but doubt I'll do the walking thing you are discussing...sounds great but probably too much for me to post these days.

Isabella - Sorry to hear your back is still bothering you. What you describe sounds exactly like mine!

No time for more personals today. I need to do some grocery shopping and lots of other things. Hope you all have a great day!

ETA: I ended up with nine prizes in Feb and have already received them all.

ladyinweighting 03-07-2012 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Karen31 (Post 4244726)
Our house deaal is done! YAY!! We close next week and will be moving!


DoInG tHe HaPpY dAnCe for you!


ladyinweighting 03-07-2012 05:04 PM

OK Goldens,

I am posting a message in the 50+ site to recruit people to our "walk to somewhere" challenge. If you want to join, let me know there & we will try to figure out a destination.


jess1 03-07-2012 05:26 PM

CK - GOOD-O!!!!!!!!!!!!

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