Quilters, Crafters, and Chatters for Weight Loss

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  • Hi Everyone

    Never could get on 3fc's after last post either. Glad it's fixed.

    Turns out having a plan really works. I had a great day yesterday. I followed my plan to fixed one plate of a little bit of everything I liked with the idea that I could go back for seconds and didn't have to go back for the seconds. I followed the IE rules and ate until satisfied not stuffed and not full. I was so pleased. Sent most of the food home with the guests and saved only enough for one meal today. Saved some dessert for supper and sent the rest with them. I am happy to say there is no desserts in the house. I forgot to tell them to take home all the dressing so I threw out what they left so I wouldn't eat it. I'm up about a lb, but that is only because the homemade noodles was cooked in store bought broth and had way more salt than I ever eat. That should come back down tomorrow. I am really thrilled with the way things went including my eating.

    Jane Sounds like you had one of those memorable T'day. I remember when the kids were little and Bill and I had some friends coming for dinner. My stove was really bad back then and it caught on fire. Can't remember how we got it finished, but some how we got it done and ended we all laughed and had a lot of fun. No black Friday shopping for me. Did shopping on black Friday one time with Tony's daughter and decided I wouldn't do it again.

    Hope everyone had a good day.

    Y'all have a great weekend.
  • Good morning,

    Trish - I'm so glad this WOE is working for you, and am so proud of your T'giving success. I had the kids over last night to finish most of the T'giving leftovers. There is nothing too tempting in the house, but tonight we're having pizza with Neal's brother Paul. I'm fixing a big green salad to go with it, though.

    Penguin - I hope you see this before long, either at your sister's house, or because your own computer is up and running.

    A big hello to Linda, MBN, Institches, Dee, Kris, and anyone else reading this.

    I've got some grocery shopping to do today, and need to clean a bit before Neal's brother gets here. We haven't put our Christmas decorations out yet, and I'm not sure when we'll do that. Maybe tomorrow.

    Have a good Saturday!
  • Hello Everyone,

    I was excited this morning to see that I'm back down to where I was before T'day. I even had lost half a pound. So I came out of this really good. I am pleased.

    Jane I don't have any tempting foods either. I do have some candied sweet potatoes that I like and I think I'll try washing off all the sweet stuff so I don't have to ditch them. Good luck with the pizza. I don't think 1 or 2 pieces will hurt. I always try to eat no more than 2 and then eat a big salad to fill me up. I don't have my decorations out either, but hope to get that done this week end or early next week. Bill and I used to do outdoors as well, but Tony doesn't like to do that so we never have. Now I find it a struggle to do just the indoors. My back makes everything harder these days.

    Penguin You are missed.

    Linda, MBN, Institches, Dee, Kris, and anyone else I missed and Lurkers and I hope you are having a great T'day week end.
  • Hi Everyone,
    Hope everyone had a great day-I tried something new!! Well New for me, I did not have any goodies or regular TD leftovers, and guess what??? My tummy was so happy with me, not that I over did it the last two days, I just thought I could have one regular meal the last two days, just to clean up the little bit of leftovers that I didn't ship out with the kids when they left. DH asked me to save HIM some pumpkin pie and pumkin cookies, and leftover turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and gravy. Well I said "what could it hurt" so that's what I had for dinner, again, last night, and then, had a tiny piece of p.pie and 1 cookie, my tummy grumbled, all last night, and this morning my digestive tract was very unhappy with me. So.....long story short, I guess only 1 day off track is all my tummy will handle. Today there's a skip in my step and all's right with the world. Just wanted to say, I think eating healthy is whats for me. Not that I did any damage, weight wise, actually lost a pound this week, and that was with eating 2 "unhealthy meals" and some desserts that were full fat. I just think I will stick with what works, as for the desserts, they no longer hold any power over me, and they just don't taste as good as I thought they did, all that butter and white stuff, makes my body feel really yucky!! So DH can have the rest with my blessing!

    Well got the chance to post earlier tonight, I'm usually not on-line until at least midnight, when DH goes to work, but since he's taking a little nap, before he goes in, thought I would pop on to say Hi. Tonight I'm going to make myself a cup of green tea, and cross stitch, the night away. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
  • Institches21 there's nothing like eating healthy. Congratulations. Looks like most of us have come through TD very well.
  • Hi all,

    - whoo hoo for the 1/2 pound loss! You're doing great! About the decorations, we hang those big fat multi-colored bulbs all the way around the roof, but don't do much else. I used to tie red bows to the bare branches of the forsythia bush, but the arthritis in my right hand keeps me from doing that now. I put out my living room decorations today, all except the tree. Lucy would make short work of tearing the balls off, and tearing the presents up.

    - yep, I agree that our bodies respond so much better to healthy foods. It amazes me how much more energy I have when I eat well. How's the cross stitch coming along?

    My crafty side today was fixing up a dull Christmas wall hanging. Nothing worth taking a picture of, though.

    My weight loss plan for the rest of the year is to maintain what I've lost, and to increase the exercise. With a December vacation, and all the parties, I think this is the best goal for me right now. Since I usually gain over the holidays, maintaining will be a big step in the right direction.

  • Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well.

    Not much new on my planet.

    I'm with you, Jane....maintaining would be good. A loss would be excellent!

    The last couple days I've been a bit out of control with eating - actually had cookies yesterday and I haven't 'done a line of cookies' in a long long time. Today it's back on track. Started my day with a trip to the gym for some heavy lifting and boxing. I had to wait for one of the guys to get done with the boxing bag for what felt like forever but it was worth the wait. I continue to amaze myself at how much I love boxing!

    I'm attaching a little eye candy for you....my friend sent me this piece of fabric. It's called deconstructed dying. I love it. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. Right now I'm just enjoying looking at it and thinking up ideas.


  • FOUND YA! I love the search feature on this site!

    Just mark'n my spot - need to and get some things done!
    I'm NEW here, finding my way around :books2:

    See ya Lighter!
  • Hi all,

    Kris - wow, I LOVE that fabric! The possibilities are endless! Are those unattached squares, or what? I think boxing would be fun, especially if a person had some stress to vent, lol.

    Kim - to our little corner of 3FC. This is a very small group, and most of us are challenged right now by the busy Christmas season, but please let us know more about yourself. What kind of crafting are you interested in? What weight loss program have you been doing?

    Penguin - I'll sure be glad when you have your own computer back!

    Trish - how's everything going for you?

    Hello to MBN, Institches, Linda, Dee, and anyone else reading this.

    My crafting endeavor the past couple of days has been baking cookies for Christmas. Yesterday it was Neal's favorite - oatmeal raisin cookies, and making the dough to chill for Christmas cookies. Today I made 7 dozen of those in shapes of stars, Christmas trees, wreaths, bells, and included hearts and teddy bears just for the fun of it. The grandkids will be here on the 19th to decorate them. For now, the cookies are frozen, and out of my reach. I didn't eat a one of them today, although they sure smelled good!

    I got some walking in today, and have been doing my recumbent bike, but I need to get the hand weights going, too.

    Have a good weekend!
  • Quote: Kim - to our little corner of 3FC. This is a very small group, and most of us are challenged right now by the busy Christmas season, but please let us know more about yourself. What kind of crafting are you interested in? What weight loss program have you been doing?

    Hi Jane and everyone!
    I LV small groups! NEW here to 3FC's and finding my way around, but when I found this group (and then found it again) I knew I just had to come and join in!

    I enjoy quilting, paper crafts (Big Shot, rubber stamping, scrap booking) and punch needle. I have done MANY other crafts in the past - but has had to narrow it down to what I have room and time for.

    The program I will be starting on Monday is called "Crack the Fat Loss Code" by Wendy Chant. It is a wonderful, very successful plan that many women my age (almost 55) are finding very successful at getting rid of the plateau in their WOE and loosing the middle age spread (belly fat). If you want to know more about it, just Google the title and you will find it.

    I am really excited about finding Wendy's program and then the bonus - finding 3 Fat Chicks! This is really a GREAT site!

    Thanks for welcoming me to the group! Have a GREAT day everyone!
  • Hi Everyone,

    A quick flyby as it is late and I've got to get to bed.

    Kim Glad to have you here. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Jane You must be excited about your trip. When do you leave?

    I am doing great with my eating. It has all come together for me. I always did good with low carb but try as I would, I couldn't get past 3 or 4 days. Any way, I've been doing Carbohydrate Addicts and bouncing between 232.5 to 234.5 even got up higher a few times. Any way I found some info on Protein Power here on 3fc Low carb thread and decided to check it out. I found on another site a url to 2 articles on it and decided to give it a try. I am amazed and excited. I started yesterday and this morning I had dropped 3 lbs from 234.5 to 231.5. That is fantastic, but even greater than that is that I am not hungry. I have needed or craved sweets or chocolate. I guess because I was sorta lcing with CAD, I'm not having any of the problems they said people usually have when getting on Atkins or Protein Power. I am absolutely amazed. I am been able to very easily combine Intuitive Eating and Protein Power. I really believe that I have found the way that I can not only lose weight, but I can eat this way the rest of my life. Jane, you know how I have struggled with this. I'm still doing the Beck cards we learned to do and it has all come together for me. I am sooooo thankful. I just had to share.

    Everyone else

    Y'all have a great Sunday.
  • Quote: Kim Glad to have you here. I look forward to getting to know you.

    I am doing great with my eating...
    ...Any way I found some info on Protein Power here on 3fc Low carb thread and decided to check it out. I found on another site a url to 2 articles on it and decided to give it a try. I am amazed and excited. I started yesterday and this morning I had dropped 3 lbs from 234.5 to 231.5. That is fantastic, but even greater than that is that I am not hungry...
    ...I am been able to very easily combine Intuitive Eating and Protein Power. I really believe that I have found the way that I can not only lose weight, but I can eat this way the rest of my life...
    ...I'm still doing the Beck cards we learned to do and it has all come together for me. I am sooooo thankful. I just had to share.
    for the Welcome Pattygirl63! It's GREAT being here!

    I have a few questions -
    1. I think I have the book Protein Power in my LIBRARY :O of past diets, might just pull that out and give it a review. :reading:

    2. What is Intuitive Eating?

    3. What is Beck Cards?

    You really seem to be excited! It is rubbing off on me! Tomorrow I will officially start "Crack the Fat Loss Code" by Wendy Chant. It focuses on getting your OFF the Carb Craving Roller Coaster! The first week is VERY strict in counting Carbs, then after that, no more counting carbs, you count BAD FATS for the next 7 weeks. Basically an 8 week program that sets your body up for life!

    Let me know when you can - I'll let you know too!

    See ya Lighter!
  • Hi Kim Intuitive Eating says when you are hungry, eat what you really want and eat it slowly and savor every bite and stop when you start to feel full. They teach that there are no good food bad foods. However, I have to watch my carbs. Since I like the concept of eating what I really like and want, enjoy it and stop when I start to feel full (I like the word satisfied), I decided to count my carbs keeping them between 20 to 40 carbs and use the Intuitive Eating rules. On an IE thread on another site many of the ladies do other diets and one of them made up what she called 4 Golden Rules from her diet... #1 When you are hungry; eat. #2 Eat what you want not what you think you should eat. #3 Eat slow and enjoy every bite. #4 Stop eating when you start to feel full. Those are the rules I am applying to Proten Power and it is working for me.

    Under General diets here on 3fc there is a thread called Beck Complete Diet Solutions. You can read some things on that thread. Jane and I got the book and learned to follow some of the Skills that Dr. Beck suggested doing to help stay focused. I changed some of mine and don't call them what she did. You learn to make what she calls Response Cards and an Advantage Deck and other skills that you read some everyday and some things when you need them to help you stay mindful of what you are accomplishing and why. The book we got was the newer book, but if I had known more about it I think I would have gotten the original Beck Solutions. When she wrote the new book she added a calorie counting diet. The original book did not have a diet because the skills will work with any diet you follow. The skills that I do have helped me a lot.
    To me the original PP book was complicated. I ordered the new one Protein Power Life Plan. Also ordered another new book of the Eades on a 6 week plan to get rid of the Middle aged belly fat. I've been reading posts by those on another site who are doing it. I plan to switch to it January 1st.

    I'm curious what is "BreaK the Fat Loss Code"?

    I weighed this morning and was down another .5 lb. This is so unusual for me. I'm keeping my carbs around 20 to 30 grams a day. Didn't plan it that way. It just seems to be all I need. The end of my 3rd day and still no cravings. Yahoo!!!!
  • Hello all,

    Kim - I have no clue what Big Shot is. Please tell me more about it. I know just what you mean about having to decide which craft to spend our time on. There aren't enough hours in the day for all the things we want to do! You are a very welcome addition to this site, and I'm so glad you've joined us!

    Trish - whoo hoo on the .5 loss! Way to go!! Yes, I am very excited about our trip. We leave early Wednesday morning, and get back late Saturday. I like short vacations, and get homesick if I'm gone too long. Neal is excited, too, and we're like a couple of kids, going off to summer camp, or something, lol.

    I had the best weekend with family. We celebrated Neal's and John's birthdays, and all the kids and grandkids were here. It was so much fun, but it all ended too soon so the grands could get home and in bed.

    We've got snow here!! I've been waiting and waiting for it, and finally, here it is! Makes me feel so much more in the Christmas spirit. Today I'm making a raisin nut loaf to freeze for Christmas, and maybe I'll even get some presents wrapped.

    Have a good day, ladies.
  • Quote: Hi Kim Intuitive Eating says when you are hungry, eat what you really want and eat it slowly and savor every bite and stop when you start to feel full. They teach that there are no good food bad foods...

    ...4 Golden Rules from her diet... #1 When you are hungry; eat. #2 Eat what you want not what you think you should eat. #3 Eat slow and enjoy every bite. #4 Stop eating when you start to feel full.

    Under General diets here on 3fc there is a thread called Beck Complete Diet Solutions.

    I'm curious what is "BreaK the Fat Loss Code"?
    for the GREAT info Pattygirl63!

    Since I am a NEW member here, I really should not post any links until I PROVE myself, so - on the "Crack the Fat Loss Code" by Wendy Chant, you will just have to Google the information. It is a fantastic program that is working for many MIDDLE aged women with Menopause and Thyroid conditions.

    So - today I have officially STARTED the "CRACK" program again
    I started it on 11/30/09. I had weighed 227 the day after Thanksgiving. When I started the program on 11/30/09, I weighed 224, but was only on the program for 2 days until my neck went out (BAD Chiropractor) and my hubby was diagnosed with having a stroke at some time (eye doctor found it - vision really dropped in one eye).

    Well excuses, excuses - I was go'na put off my program until 1/4/09 (great rotation type program to start on Mondays). Well, a wonderful member here at 3FC's responded to my thread with this...

    Quote: Hiya Kim. It's great you have a plan, and I'm happy you are excited to get started, but please remember that there will be a national, religious, or regional holiday or birthday approx. every month of the year. You will have aches and pains and your spouse and family members will have many of their own issues for the rest of their lives. I hope you don't postpone your journey every time something comes up...because life is full of suprises.

    In the month you are waiting to start, you could be 10-15 (or more) pounds lighter. Why not start tomorrow or (next monday if it is truly better to start your particular plan on a Monday for some reason). If you really want to enjoy the holidays, (2 days that are several weeks away yet), splurge a little on those 2 days and get right back to it. Losing weight is a lifestyle change...and I can tell you that without a doubt, that last year was the best Holiday season I ever had...EVER and I know it was because I felt GOOD about myself...because I was well on my way to getting healthy. I didn't need food to enjoy it. Sticking to a healthy diet does not take the "fun away" from an already wonderful time of year.

    I found your starting weight interesting!!...222. I started out at 333, a whole 111 pounds heavier. That last 111 came on rather quickly, while I was "waiting" to start a plan.

    Please reconcider starting now. In the words of another 3FC member: "Don't wait, your life is calling you!"

    Anyway, I really hope all goes well for you.
    SO! I am starting the plan today - BUT - for some strange reason, I am down to 220 now! Doesn't make sense - I've been eating us out of house and home!
    THAT is a 7 pound loss since the day after Thanksgiving!
    I know that this will catch up with me - but for now - I'm roll'n with the punches!

    Quote: Hello all,
    Kim - I have no clue what Big Shot is...
    ...You are a very welcome addition to this site, and I'm so glad you've joined us!
    Jane! for the Welcome!
    A Big Shot is a paper die cutter machine made by Ellison. Really cool!

    Well everyone! Hope you all have a FANTASTIC day!
    Got to get mov'n!

    See ya Lighter!
