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Onmyway 06-18-2009 07:28 AM

40 something NSV's
I am at a point where the weight is not coming off like it used to. Rather than beat myself up about a number on the scale, I'm trying to focus on the other benefits of my loss. Post yours so we can celebrate together!


No more plus size shopping!
Walking uphill or climbing stairs without being winded.
Being able to sit crossed legged on the floor.
Sitting in patio chairs without having the sides dig into my legs.
Shorts that don't ride up when I walk.
Spending less at the grocery, buying healthy food is less expensive than processed food.
Going to the pool and not feeling like I am the biggest one there.
Lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels!
Not feeling like I have to eat every bite, I can feel when I am satisfied.
Those looks and compliments from my husband that tells me he is so proud of me. (Never once in the 24 years that we have been married did he ever say he thought I should lose weight)
Just overall feeling better in my own body!

newleaf123 06-18-2009 08:19 AM

Here are some of mine:
  • My children are reading nutrition labels.
  • I have a large wardrobe (of old clothes) and didn't spend a penny.
  • I don't get winded walking up the steep hills in our neighborhood.
  • I feel in control.
  • I have only bought candy for myself once in 17 weeks.
  • I can't imagine seeing the numbers I used to see on the scale; my brain has been retrained.
  • I only eat food that I love; I don't feel deprived.

Beemer 06-18-2009 08:31 AM

Fun topic!! Here are mine:

*Thighs don't rub together now-first annoyance when I gained the weight

*My son and daughter have both told me I was skinny-funny story was that my daughter told me I sure was skinny for my age, LOL!! I guess she thinks once you hit 40 you are automatically bigger.

*I can run which is something I had never dreamed I would be doing!!

*I eat better than I have in my whole life

*I have found some new foods that I absolutely love

*I am in a size 4!!!! Even though I am heavier than I used to be in my size 4's, I am way more toned so they fit nicely.

*This time of losing weight just feels right and has become my way of life!!

*I have met some wonderful and encouraging people right here who are in this journey together with me, thanks everyone!!

ICUwishing 06-18-2009 01:20 PM

I think I'll have a lot more to say by the end of the summer. So far, all I've actually done is return to a weight that I've been at for 7 years, on the metrics, but I CAN say I've gotten back here with a much richer strategy!

dancerindenver 06-19-2009 10:37 AM

For now, it's fitting back into the skinnier clothes that I was keeping in the spare room closet - free shopping!

saef 06-19-2009 10:52 AM

- When the general conversation turns to exercise, I don't shrink back & hope not to make eye contact with anyone, or change the subject, or engage in self-deprecating jokes about my level of physical fitness.

- I have really improved my knowledge of food, the range of food I've eaten and regularly eat, and my cooking skills. I am turning into a "foodie." When I think of food preparation & my meals, I think more in terms of quality & interesting-ness than I do of quantity, ease & speed. When I talk about food, I no longer feel vaguely ashamed, as if shouldn't admit to eating, ever. (See No. 1, above.)

- I'm going to interview with a Co-op Board next week, which has to approve me before I can close on an apartment I am buying in their building. Yeah, I'm nervous. But I don't feel a sort of abject fear over being judged. I feel much more like the kind of person they'd like to have living among them -- more vital & self-confident.

- I've realized that, in this recession, if I were laid off by my company, I would definitely grieve leaving a place I've worked for more than 10 years, and I wouldn't like starting over again at my age. But I'd feel fine about going out & buying a new suit to interview in and I'd be okay with presenting myself as I am to prospective employers.

- When I am walking around SoHo on the weekends, I no longer feel vaguely apologetic for my intrusion on the youthful fashion parade. I don't look at the expensive boutiques on the side streets & think automatically, "That's not for the likes of me & never will be." I think, "Hmmm, if they are having a sale, maybe I should take a look at the racks."

- In general, I don't cringe. I don't shrink. I don't feel abject or apologetic. I feel like a fully vested citizen. I feel so much better in public. I don't exactly like what that implies about my self-esteem previously, but I want to be honest here. I must have been in a bad way before, much worse than I'd realized.

TamiL 06-19-2009 11:23 AM

-I like the way I look in my new bathing suit, I haven't been able to say that in many years. Yes I still have really big boobs but now my belly is a lot smaller and my hips have shrunk a lot.

-I am wearing really short shorts again and a sleeveless exercise shirt (tight fitting) today, I feel wonderful in it!

-I can wear regular clothes instead of baggy Tshirts and I don't look pregnant 24/7.

-I get up at 4 am every day and go for a walk with my big dog (I wouldn't do this without the dog, BTW).

-I haven't had any sugary candy since February! This is a big one for me, I normally carried a big purse filled with goodies....now if only I could get rid of the Marlboros....another day maybe.

p7eggyc 06-19-2009 01:38 PM

I wasn't eating very clean this winter/spring and my fingernails were breaking and a general mess. I have noticed that in a few short weeks of eating cleaner, my nails are much healthier!!! :)


ICUwishing 06-20-2009 08:19 PM

I always thought I was an insomniac. But now that I've cleaned up my food (and reduced the quantity), and cut back the alcohol, I've discovered that I can sleep a full night. Definitely a big piece in just plain feeling lots better.

newleaf123 06-20-2009 11:35 PM

I'm not sure if this is an NSV per se, but it struck me this morning because I ate crap for dinner last night (Quaker Steak & Lube). By eating healthy all the time, I don't wake up with my mouth feeling gross. All the salt from a meal last night, or all the sugar from when I used to eat a ton of candy -- I would always wake up with my mouth feeling really awful. Not any more!! (except on a reminder morning like today)

ICUwishing 06-25-2009 08:26 AM

Got a new one - might boomerang on me come winter - but it's been "pure Michigan" summer these last two days (hot and STICKY humid) and I'm tolerating the heat much, much better than last summer and 15# ago.

Beemer 06-25-2009 11:46 AM

Send some of those heat tolerating vibes to me ICU!! I am dying over here on the other side of the state, LOL!

Marie 07-26-2009 03:17 PM

Like all my friends here at 3FC, there have been many NSV in the journey. This morning I think I had my most interesting one...

Today was "day of rest", aka no elliptical day, and I came up with a great idea to drive to town for a bike ride. I really love my "Ruby Red Rider", but an accident 2 years ago and the rollerblade accident make me a little nervous. It was the first time on the trail since the broke wrist 3 months ago. But it was a glorious morning I remember how much I loved my bike a decade ago. I can't get rid of the feeling but it's never been as fun as before we moved to Oregon because my butt hurt so much. I've bought two different "women's" saddles to no avail.

So the NSV - - apparently the saddle wasn't to blame, it was the additional 57 pounds. We rode 12 miles, had a blast, and my butt doesn't hurt in any way. How cool is that? Ruby Red Rider and I will be going on weekends even while DH is away because I finally recaptured what I had 10 years ago on my bike. Really, it turned into a glorious day!

inthemidst 07-26-2009 04:16 PM

I needed this thread today. The weight's not coming off like it used too. Trying to get used to that. But....

I wake up and I am not swollen and bloated.
I am more in control of my food intake than I have been in years. (I am feeling the twinges of craving today and because I said (on a challenge thread) I would only eat when I am hungry today - I have not succumb to the cravings.)

Thanks for the thread!

anitra416 07-29-2009 11:10 AM

Yeah I am struggling with motivation for the last 10-15, been at a standstill for some months now. But on the positive side:

1) I'm 5'11'' and now wear heels when I want to and walk tall!! I'm no longer crouching to try to make myself disappear.

2) I choose clothes that fit better - I'm willing to save $$ to buy better quality stuff, not just any old thing that "fits".

3) I am a more mindful eater - no eating while making dinner!!

4) For some reason, my periods are less painful and my feet hurt less from my collapsed arches.

5) My mother-in-law says I look great!! haha!

6) The most important thing is knowing I have the will and confidence to accomplish this journey.

Thanks for the thread!

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