3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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nonamesleft 11-07-2006 09:29 AM

Good morning Chicas! Hope everyone is having a lovely morning/day/evening (whatever it is in your part of the world). So far my day is going alright. DD is still sick & super clingy & crabby. :bb: Which leaves me mentally & physcially exhausted. :tired: Who knew kids were so much work ??? :lol:

I have read all of the posts thus far but just don't have the time to do personals. I hate getting behind & not having time to catch up. Welcome to all the new & new again people. Congrats to all the losses & nsv's lately. Keep at it to those who are still struggling. My thoughts & prayers to those who are dealing with deaths, sicknesses, accidents, etc.

Ammi: wanted to mention real quick that Richard does have atleast one shorter workout. The Blast off To the Sixties program is only 30 mins. I use that one more often the his others because its over quicker. Also I use a Weightlifting for Dummies dvd and its great. Its about 45 mins which includes alot of talking & explaining. The exercises take about 35 mins. There are 12 exercises (including legs,arms,abs) and its a really good workout. I like the "For Dummies" series because its easy to follow.

Sandy: I agree with Wyllenn that your Red Lobster experience was probably just stupidity and didn't have anything to do with your size. When we are self concious of our size we tend to think that everyone else is too, which isn't neccessarily the case. People are just dumb & rude sometimes. Sorry that you had that experience & I would definately report it. hmmmm.... endless shrimp, yum! Last time we had that was when I was pregnant. :preg: Me & DH ate alot of shrimp! But I left feeling very sick. :barf:

I watched Oprah yesterday & Kirstie Alley looked fabulous. So happy for her. She looks great for her age too. I didn't really like that story about the girl that had bypass surgery though. She looked great but didn't seem like she had really dealt with the emotional stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if she gained some of that weight back because of old emotional eating habits. Thats the problem with weight loss surgeries, the person doesn't have a chance to work through all the emotional crap that comes along with being overweight. I wish her all the luck though.

I also saw a commerical that bothered me last night. Its for a local trailer home company, so I doubt that any of you have seen it before. Its two little girls around 10 or so. They were acting like grownups, one being the sales lady explaining all the stuff about the mobile home, etc & the other being the customer. Fine, cute & got the point across that "its so easy that even a child can understand it." But my problem with it that both of these little girls were very overweight. I would guess 30-50 lbs each (hard to estimate on a child). First I felt sad for these little girls. I am very sensitive to overweight children. Being a fat kid was hard on me, especially being a girl. I hate to see that these litlle girls will have to go through that. I hope that their parents help get this under control before its too late. But then the whole symbolism of the commerical rubbed me the wrong way. These little girls were meant to portray adults, adult women & they were overweight. Something about that bothered me. I dunno. :chin:

On to lighter (no pun intended) news.... I took my measurements today, took them one month ago also. I have lost alot of inches! 31" from 8 different places! Yay, I am shrinking! :woohoo:

mechell81 11-07-2006 11:00 AM

Hey everyone- I missed a whole thread! I will try to do a few personals.

:welcome: to all of the new people and people that have returned!

Jill~sorry you having to go through all of that! All that insurance stuff can be so annoying or take forever! Hope it all works out soon!:hug: And sorry you didn't see a loss...but sounds like you are doing great with the exercise!

Zelma~Yeah this weather does make me nervous. I really hate to go out and drive if we having blowing snow. And polar bears...yeah they are the size of car and weigh 2000! I hate spiders but I don't think a spider can eat me!:lol: Sorry you had a bad week last week! Maybe like you said not exercising so hard may help. Hope you have a better week!:)

MISTI~Sorry you had to experience that. I have had a similar experience. Its just so sad! I guess all we can do is pray for the family. Hope you are ok!:hug:

ANGEL~That DvD sounds fun! I hear ya about the lipomas. I was told I have a bunch of them on my side. I am sort of nervous because how can they be so sure they are lipomas. I have some on my ribs so they always hurt when I do floor exercises.

ANDIE~Sorry your DD is so sick! I hope she gets wells soon! I watched Oprah yesterday. Kirstie Alley does not look 55! And I agree about the girl that had the weight loss surgery. I mean if thats what she wanted to do then fine. But her Dad seemed like a jerk. And she was just like it was a wake up call. Your dad should treat you with respect and love you no matter what size you are. It just sounded like to me they didn't even really deal with it. I hate seeing really overweight kids. Brings back memories. That commercial sounds strange in general! Congrats on losing so many inches!:cp: :cheer2:

Well not much going on. It has been really nasty outside. We have had really bad blowing snow. Technically a blizzard. And its getting so gloomy! The sun rises at 11am and sets at 5 pm. Its so weird! Anyways...I have been doing well the last few days. I am taking a break from working out today. I figure if I can at least just work out 5 days a week I am doing good!

A nice NSV-A month ago I tried on some pants I had stuffed away in my closet. They weren't really a different size or anything. But they were cut smaller than my normal jeans/pants. Well I could barely button them a month ago. And today they fit! I was so happy! I am going to bring them to Anchorage with me. :D

Well I hope you all have a wonderful day! Take care!:hug:

NoLifeWithoutHorses 11-07-2006 11:37 AM

Hello chicks!

Just checking in briefly. I've missed several days and can't catch right now, but I did want to say I'm glad to see XENA back, thrilled that HEATHER has achieved that goal, and ANNIE, dear Annie, I'm so sorry about your brother. I'm heart stricken and don't know what I could say to make it better. A thousand warm hugs and prayers to you.

I haven't even glanced at the last few threads, but will try to later.

The job is amazing. (If you don't know already, I'm driving a petroleum tanker with gas, diesel, etc.) It's so hard, the hours are so long and it's so much more than I bargained for, but quitting isn't an option. I get furious at the thought of quitting. Stubborn old broad, aren't I? I think most, if not all of the people there expect me to quit. I appreciate my trainer even more for being willing to give me a fair shake, no matter what. If I didn't mention it, I'm the only women to even TRY this. One other fluff-chick started, but only made it a week. He told me that there are some things I simply won't be able to do. I asked like what? He said like on rare occasions you have to throw the hoses OVER the truck. :?: Hmmm. Nope, I can't do that. :chin: But I bet I could get cloths-line type rope over the truck and PULL the hoses over. I think I'll try it Thursday morning and have them sitting on there when he arrives Thursday morning. :) He also asked if I'm afraid of heights. (Um, Yup!) Turns out that you have to be able to climb up on top of the truck, too. :o I think I'll just get over it and be sitting up there on top WITH those hoses. :D I tell you, where there's a will, there's a way! And where there's a woman with a brain, who needs a man with a.... um, just muscles?

The fourth day, Sunday, was a breaking point for me. It felt hormonal, (and come to think of it my trainer's name IS TOM :lol3: ) but between the long hours and the dogs & phone waking me, I haven't had nearly enough sleep all week. I started the day Sunday with a great attitude, and started my first fuel drop like a pro. Then things just seemed to go to heck. I couldn't do anything right. By the end of the drop I felt crushed and truly just wanted to cry. Truck drivers don't cry, Fluff-chicks cry. At that time and in that place, I was a truckdriver, not a fluff-chick! I wasn't going to snivel in front of this guy or look weak. I wasn't going to give him any cry-baby stories to tell the rest of the guys that work there. I found my backbone and went on with the day, and things got better. I've had to except that I'm not the quickest trainee he ever had. I've had to except my own limitations, and let me tell you, I'm not liking it ONE LITTLE BIT! But I am fierce in my determination... besides, I have the next two years of paychecks mentally spent already - ha!

That night I had a good tantrum, sniveled and cryed when I got home. I wanted to rant at my husband on the phone for saying "You'll catch on." CATCH ON? CATCH ON!?!?! Like there was just some little KNACK that I hadn't gotten yet? This is the hardest thing I've ever done in my LIFE! It's HARD, D***IT! I know he was trying to encourage me, but he really doesn't get it. It felt like he just had no appreciation for what I'm trying to do and learn. Which he doesn't, because he's never done it before either. When I had told trainer Tom that DH expected me to be on my own off the trainer truck in a week, he busted up laughing. (Training is 3 weeks minimum.) He said 'There's no way he gets what this job is, because he hasn't done it. There's no point trying to explain it to him, because he'll never understand unless he does it himself.'

Thank God for my friend Barb. She listened while I whimpered & ranted, patted my back, and when I furiously said "Why ME?! :stress: Why do I have to be the woman that does this job and shows the guys!? Why do I have to do this??" She just said "Because YOU are Valerie Grant." Do you know, the way she said it implied such respect, such expectations of me, such a belief in my strength - I don't know, it just stopped me cold. I was amazed at seeing myself the way she was seeing me. She shuffled me off to bed after that, and I've been better ever since.

Besides the money (which I'm constantly calculating and estimating :D ), this job has had a really positive effect on my weight & health. Outside of the sporadic demands for physical strength, I do a lot of sitting, but when the fuel is dropping into the ground tanks, I figet and find inconspicuous ways to keep using muscles. I carry almost all of my food with me, except for yesterday when the day got so long (17 hours) due to unusual circumstances that I was hungry and had nothing to eat. (Yes, sadly McDonalds fed me a chicken sandwich, fried not grilled, and one pumpkin pie. Now that was a victory: they charged the same for either one or two pies, and it almost killed me, but I made them take the second pie back out of the bag. Of course a real victory would have been grilled chicken or a salad and NO pie.) Anyway, the end result so far is that I've weighed in consistantly low enough for 3 days to change my ticker to 267! (I was in the 270-273 range a week ago.)

I've been on-line too long already, but at least I can get back here today and tomorrow. I need to fill out some paperwork for the new job, and go buys some weights and, of course, a clothesline. It will be our little secret what the line is for. ;)

kayleystar 11-07-2006 12:19 PM

Just a quick post here from work...everyone's on lunch, and there's NOTHING to do. I used to go out EVERYDAY that I worked for lunch, but for the last 3 weeks, I've been really good about packing my lunch. I only buy my lunch on Fridays...since I get a whole hour for lunch, and I usually have to go and cash my check anyhow...but even then, I'm good. I usually get a salad from Quiznos. :)

Andie - Like you, I was an overweight child, and because of all the teasing and tormenting, I have a lot of emotional baggage...and to this day, if I get made fun of, I will cry. It's horrible, and I wish I could just "get over it". I refuse to cry in front of them, but once I'm alone...it always happens.

Val - I get pretty emotional around that TOM, too...it's good that you have such a good friend in your life. Glad you are LOVING the job! I'm so happy!!! :)

seattlegrrl 11-07-2006 12:24 PM

Hi all,

I joined you all last night, although I joined you in spirit one week ago.

While I realized a long time ago I needed to lose weight, a recent hospital event and the length of time it took to heal my body really pushed me over the edge to say, "Hey - buck up and lose your weight girly!"

I quit smoking in early October, and have been eating healthy(er) for about a month. Last week I started exercising, and that has it's ups and downs.

Currently I'm doing:

20 minutes treadmill
30 minutes stationary bicycle
2 miles WATP video (in the afternoon)

I haven't lost much of anything, but I'm keeping my chin up.

Talk to you all soon.

kayleystar 11-07-2006 01:30 PM

Seattlegrrl - Hello & WELCOME to the forum!!! Bravo to you for choosing to do this...we are all in it together, and you'll find this is a wonderful place for inspriation and support! It looks like you're already on your way, and are doing exercise! There's an exercise thread you might want to check out...it's stickied at the top of the 300+ section, and it really motivated me to exercise back in January. Unfortunately, I don't have much time due to school/work/etc. to be active on it, but I hope to be able to soon!!!

wezi1126 11-07-2006 01:59 PM

just got back from voting and did my wi. :goodscale i am one happy camper! i didn't move my ticker last week cuz i had gained two pounds, but this week i lost 3!!! :cb: so even though i only get to move my ticker down one pound, i really feel great for having lost 3 pounds in one week after having gained 2 the week before! those challenges to myself and being accountable on here are really helping!!

endthereign--where are you moving to in missouri? i just moved here about 8 years ago and love it! i'll be glad to know there's someone else close by who knows what it's like to be on this journey!

pochita--love your tinkerbell avatar! my husband and i love disney!!!

jilly--sorry things aren't going well with the insurance. last time i got hit (rear ended at a stoplight), the girl that hit me and myself both had state farm. someone came out to inspect the damage on my car the next day and i had a check by the next week. hope things go that easy for you!

crittle--i just started doing coresecrets with gunner also! i've been doing weights on an exercise ball for a little while, but i'd had the dvd's for a long time and just finally started putting them in. i'm doing 25 minutes twice a week, abs once, buns once, and 45 minutes once. this is the first week i've done them and i'm glad tomorrow and thursday are my off days cuz i am feeling it today!!!

nonames--big, huge wtg on your inches lost!!! that is amazing! :cp:

seattlegrrl--:wel3fc: glad you found us! this is a great place!

well, i'm going to change my ticker, do a little dance of joy!!, then get back to work! that laundry isn't going to wash itself (though i wish it would!!). have a great day, ladies! lori

pochita 11-07-2006 02:08 PM

Hello Everyone,

Valerie - So glad you love your job. Sounds really hard but you also sound very determined and strong so no problem there.

Seattlegirl - Welcome, I know what you mean about joining in spirit. I did the same thing for a while, just reading and not posting, seemed to really help though.

Andie - Sorry your DD is sick. With all the love and attention you are giving her she will be better in no time. And your right they are so much work but well worth it...after all where else do we get that unconditional type of love.

Misti - Sorry you had to see that, it does however make you stop and be thankful for being okay. I tend to sometimes feel sorry for myself for struggling with my weight or with life in general but an experience like that really puts things in perspective. The person in the accident and you will be in my prayers.

Andie and Kayley - I was also overweight as a child and the one thing that I had to absolutely do was forgive those people. I had to stop making it about me. I forgave them for being ignorant by judging me for what I looked like rather than getting to know me and figure out that I may or may not be a good person. It actually help me a lot I still do that right now. I know that it is easier said than done but if you choose to ignore (we know that does not work) then we are just cheating ourselves, if we choose to confront (who needs the drama) then we are giving in to being like them and saying things that may cause hurt. But if we choose to acknowledge what they are saying (I did not say agree!!!) and then process it and take it for what it is, an uninformed opinion, then we can have the choice to let us affect us or not, and trust me if YOU choose then it WILL NOT hurt you anymore.

Listen to me just going on and on like I do not have anything to do. Gotta get going!


Zelma - you are such an inspiration.

kayleystar 11-07-2006 02:15 PM

Wezi - CONGRATS!!! That's so great!!! :D

Teresa - It's manifested to the point where I make fun of myself, before anyone else has the chance to. Andrew hates this, and gets so aggravated because I do it. It hurts me, and I know it...:( I just have a lot of issues...heh.

Vilandra485 11-07-2006 02:26 PM

Hi Ladies - It was weigh-in day for me...2 days ago when I stepped on for logging my measurements it said I was 324 (+1), but it was 5-6 hours later than I usually do it, but...if it was accurate I'm down -1.5!! But from my TICKER weight, I'm -0.5 technically...which is good to me!! (You know you must be coming back from a crappy time when 0.5lb makes you happy, lol) So, I'm back at my arch-nemesis: 322.5 - I believe I stayed there for about a month last time, lol! Well, I've already done my goal amount of walking today, and today is an "off" day for strength training...so I can relax...I *think* I might try some yoga to stretch myself out a bit. :) Who knows, maybe more cardio? Hmmm...I won't say that's my plan, cause I don't wanna let myself down if, you know, life happens. ;) I'm off for now...stay OP chickies! :hug:


kayleystar 11-07-2006 02:56 PM

Melissa - Have you tried the Just My Size Yoga? It's so fantastic, and it's refreshing to see a plus size model doing it! :) Congrats on that loss! At this point, I'd be happy with ANYTHING! It's so frustrating that I'm doing EVERYTHING right, and I'm STUCK. 3 months! GAH!

RavenElizabeth87 11-07-2006 03:23 PM

Hello ladies~
Well im not in a good mood today. I gained weight this morning and it really makes me sad. Ive been working out and eating good, but I know things like this happen. :?: I just dont understand it. Im also going through a hard time because I miss my family back in Texas. I really want to move but Im staying one more year so I can get enough money together. The weather and the people here drive me crazy sometime. And now my stepdad thinks Im a lesbian!!! Why do parents have to be so blah sometimes?? The reason he thinks that is because i have an myspace account and he went to my page and started reading my about me section. Well in there i put that i hate guys right now because they are stupid. Especially at my age(they are really stupid) Then i wrote that im not a lesbian or anything but i wouldnt care either way and he is freaking out now and saying it is his fault and im just like leave me alone. I just need to be alone i guess and relax. :kickcan: Anyways on a lighter note....Im going to work out again and it is going to be great!!

Ammi-Well i dont feel sexy just yet but hopefully one day i will be comfortable in my own skin. :) How is everything with you?

Xena- How are you today? Yeah i do the bellydancing with a dvd. I bought it off amazon.com. The name is Bellydance Fitness for Beginners: Basic moves and Fat burning. There are a couple dvds after this one but I havent gotten them yet. It really does get you going. I enjoy it alot. If you get it and use it let me know if ya like it. :D

Futurediva- How are you? I really enjoy reading all the posts as well. It gives me something to do if i cant sleep and i like reading about all the success from each person. ;)

Andie- Congrats on losing all the INCHES. Thats amazing!! I bet your looking great! Keep up the good work!:bravo:

Jill- Im sorry that all the car stuff is a pain in the butt. I understand where your coming from. When my car was hit she tried to tell me someone else did it and then that it shouldnt be that much damage. WEll come to find out she didnt have insurance so i had to pay the deductible of 200.00 and then my insurance paid the rest 1100.00. I really hope everything works out for ya though. :)

Well have a good day and i will talk to you all later.


kayleystar 11-07-2006 04:11 PM

Raven - GREAT attitude!!! It'll pick up, and watch it...maybe you'll lose a HUGE amount one week! I love it when I have a good weigh in like that. :)

Well, ladies, I'm almost done here at work, so I'll catch you all in the AM, hopefully! Have a great night!

NotTheCheat 11-07-2006 04:33 PM

Another busy day! I should have time to do replys tonight since my BF is working late.

Hope everyone is having a good day and please remember to send prayers/ good thoughts to Annie (dogpal) - she is having back surgery today.

ZedAus 11-07-2006 04:58 PM

I HAVE to tell you about my dream last night… or in the early hours of this morning to be more accurate.

In my dream Sharon and Ammi came to visit me!!!!!!

This dream was SO vivid. I always dream in colour (although I have heard that some people dream in black and white) and the images and colours were SO clear. The dream seemed to go for such a long time, and we talked a LOT, which would surprise many of you I am sure.LOL

Sharon visited first. Neil and I met her at the airport and we recognized each other straight away. She had come on her own, so I didn’t get to meet her hubby or kids. We went back to my place and just got talking. Then there was a knock at the door and it was Ammi with her kids (can’t remember if hubby was with them or not). She had THREE kids. Two older ones and a younger girl about 9 or 10 years old. I think she introduced her as her new daughter and I pictured her as having been adopted. (This could be news for you, Ammi)

Anyway, all I remember after that is us just talking and talking. I can’t remember much of the conversation, just snippets here and there.

I just felt SOOOOO good after this dream. What a lovely way to wake up, with memories like that.

Thank you Sharon and Ammi for visiting me in my sleep.

Take care,


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