3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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kayleystar 04-07-2006 06:46 PM

300+ And Ready To Try Again...#878


We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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going to lose 200 04-07-2006 07:25 PM

Kayley ~ Sorry to hear about your friend. Losing someone so young is always so hard :hug:

Xena2005 04-07-2006 07:41 PM

Kayley - I am so sorry you lost your friend. :hug:

Brenda - How is your sister doing?

teahoney - Still haven't heard from you since teababy was ill. I hope everything is going OK for you guys.

As for me, tomorrow is Saturday, my WW weigh in day. I have skipped my last 3 weigh-ins. I simply MUST go tomorrow and face the scale and the embarrassment no matter what. I am just going to ask them not to tell me what it says. I'd rather just go into the meeting and try to refocus rather than sit there and think about all the weight I have gained back. I'll look at my results after the meeting. I am also going to be a total weenie and go to the 7:30AM meeting instead of my normal 9:30 one I go to with a friend from work. I just can't face having to tell him my results.

I have to turn this around. I want to make it to goal this time. I love being able to come here and share with you guys and read how you all are doing. But I just can't help but wish I had some support in "real" life. Ya know? I really don't. And I think it's one of few things that is eating at me.

ThisGirlsLosing 04-07-2006 10:24 PM

OOPS! Sorry about the poll being posted twice - I didnt' mean to post it ONCE!!!! I wrote the darn thing and then changed my mind! Jeez! Who moderates this here list? I'd love those polls deleted, pretty please! :::: embarassed smile ::::

So, you know how I was wondering about an accurate BMI measurement? Well, I just bought "The Ultimate Fit or Fat" by Covert Bailey. In there, he has what he calls a "tape measure" way of measuring the % of fat you are carrying around, from there you can calculate your lean body mass (current weight - calories from fat) and then you can figure out what your ideal weight should be (lean body mass X 22% body fat for women). He says the formula is accurate + or - 2%, compared to the water immersion test they do in universities. The 2% inaccuracy is fine with me if it saves me a ton of money!

Anyway, the GOOD news is that now I have all the info I ALWAYS wanted.

The bad news? Weeeeeell, here's the hard truth:

Current % of body fat: 47.2% (Eeeeek!)
Current weight: 340 pounds
Current pounds of fat I'm carrying around: 160!!!!!!!! (Oh, I almost lost my mind when I saw that!)
Total Lean body mass: 180 pounds (I must say this is NOT a surprise as I have HUGE bones and a propensity to put on lots of muscle. think Latina amazon at 5'8 tall! LOL)
Ideal weight at 22% body fat: 180/.78 = 230 lbs

Now, that last number is the only good news!!! Now I can move my ticker up 30 lbs.

Still, I am daunted by the amount of work I have left to do.

ThisGirlsLosing 04-07-2006 10:51 PM

p.s. For those of you who have Excel, I've put together a spreadsheet you can use. All you have to do is plug in your measurements and your current weight and it does the work for you. Yeah, I'm a geek like that! LOL Let me know via PM if you want it! I'll be happy to email it to you.

I just need your email.

thinthinker 04-08-2006 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by ThisGirlsLosing
Jeez! Who moderates this here list? I'd love those polls deleted, pretty please! :::: embarassed smile ::::

Ok, MariaLucia, apparently you missed the PM I sent you when you first started posting over here where I introduced myself as the 300+ Moderator. And I guess it didn't dawn on you when I wrote you the PM this evening to say I had merged the two poll threads you posted and deleted the second posting. But nonetheless, your wish is my command. :wizard: Poof! There it goes. Your poll is gone.

going to lose 200 04-08-2006 09:43 AM

Hi everyone!

I am SO happy that it is Saturday! What a terribly long week it was!

My sis seems to be doing OK. I haven't talked to her yet but my other sis has. She is planning on going back to work on Monday. She is at a place now where she just wants to move on. I think this is probably a GOOD thing since she is a "thinker" and work will allow her some distraction. She works in a vet clinic so it is pretty high pace.

On a "lighter" ;) note. Today was official weigh day for me. I am down a total of five lbs this week :carrot: :jig: :cp: :dancer: :cheer: If I do say so myself! haha Let's see what I can do THIS week!

Hubby set up my weight bench last night finally. It has been sitting in the gym for 3 weeks now in the box. I am anxious to try it out. I also bought the biggest loser workout. Has anyone tried this? I haven't put it in yet to watch but I am sure it will kick my butt too *L*

Today will be a challenge. Once again it is bake sale time this week. I am going to be creating goodies all day. Right now I am looking in my Martha Stewart baking handbook. She is my idol I would say. (except the whole prison thing :lol: )

So I will return later when I need a break and do a few personals :) Have a great morning/afternoon ladies!

Brenda :wave:

Xena2005 04-08-2006 10:57 AM

Well, I was up 5.2 at WW this morning. Honestly, I thought it would be much worse considering the bingeing I have been doing the past couple of weeks. I have mixed feelings. First I am disappointed in myself for letting myself get so out of control but I am also happy that I am still down 17 pounds from where I started. I think I just get so overwhelmed at how much I have to lose it freaks me out. So I am now only focusing on SMALL goals. What a novel concept! :p I am even getting rid of my long term goal tickers and only having a short term goal ticker to reinforce this. So, for now my only focus is to lose 8 pounds. That will put me at 25 and I will get my 25 pound magnet from WW.

Brenda - Being a "thinker" myself, I can understand why your sis wants to go back to work. While we don't want to avoid our issues or pain, sometimes being "in your head" too much just makes things worse. My thoughts continue to be with your family. Great job losing 5 pounds! That is awesome. :bravo:

MariaLucia - I love Covert Bailey. I read his Fit or Fat books several years ago. I still have them. Maybe I need to break them out again. I understand feeling daunted. All I can say is just try to focus on the small goals and eventually all the small goals will bring you to your big goal

going to lose 200 04-08-2006 11:20 AM

Xena ~ I know how you feel about being overwhelmed. I have a long way still to go. Try to stay upbeat about it though. You are still 17lbs closer than you were!!!! I started this a whole 100lbs heavier than you are. There is no doubt in my mind that I will lose all that I want. I keep telling myself i AM doing this. I WILL reach my goal. The minute I stop talking like that, I feel defeated. We will all have our binges.... all falter from our plan... but if you talk yourself out of doing it tomorrow, you can be successful!

Brenda :wave:

NotTheCheat 04-08-2006 12:16 PM

Amy – I hope you have a great time in KC. I definitely agree that my most dangerous times are when I let myself get too hungry – I will then reach for the first thing in sight. A little snack just might be the trick, although you might want to try and get some type of protein in there too because all carbs might make you super ravenous when you get out of Curves.

Melanie – Just when you were saying that you shouldn’t complain about traveling, you had an experience like that! Glad you made it home, and hopefully your bag has arrived now.

Julee – I just love Target too. I am so excited to almost be able to shop there again. I think I will at least be able to do tops for my trip in May, but I am heavier on the bottom so it will be a little while longer til I am out of the 4x range. I am with you on the outcome of bathing suit shopping. I have to be in a VERY good place to go, otherwise I am a total wreck.

Maria Lucia – I am glad you found a new therapist. I am so lucky that my gym is friendly, but even so the first few times I went my heart was beating so fast I thought I would pass out. Regarding the BMI thing, you may end up losing some of that muscle as you lose weight because your body won't need so much to be able to support all of the fat. It would be interesting to recalculate those numbers every once and awhile to see how they change.

Xena – Oh no with the paint! I did that once – tipped over a whole roller pan onto the floor – luckily I was using plastic and it wasn’t too bad. I don’t know what it is, but I have a magnetic attraction to things like paint. I spent a small bit of time helping out a friend who painted houses for a living, and she stopped asking for me to help because I would end up with more paint on me than on the walls. I don’t know what else to call it but a talent. :) Glad to hear your gain wasn't as much as you had feared.

Sharon – Can you look at your bank transactions online? If there is fraud you will want to report it immediately. I am kind of paranoid about that stuff. I check my balance almost every day online and always take the same amount of cash out of the bank, so if it is different amount I would know it wasn’t me.

Zelma – That is so nice that you helped those parents out and watched several kids after the official close of school. That is not something everyone would do.

Kayley - That is horrible news about your friend. I had a co-worker die a few years ago from complications of a car accident and it was so shocking and tragic. Glad to hear you found a suit you liked.

Lilion – Sorry to hear the whole move thing is stressing you out so much. It doesn’t sound like such a great deal. Starting over is one thing, but not if it is just going to cause a lot of stress. I am always shocked – you can buy a house in MO for $100K? You couldn’t buy a shoebox here in NY for that. OK – maybe a studio or 1 bedroom condo in a questionable neighborhood, but houses start in the $300’s. That is one reason I want to get out of here and move somewhere else, besides the fact it is so darn cold!

Brenda - Congrats on being down 5 pounds! That is fantastic. You are doing South Beach, right? I might need to try that if things don't pick up for me soon.

My BF is working again today so I am home alone – not sure what I will get up to. I really should be reading my fibroid books since I have my big test on Friday (they will be pumping me full of saline to do sonogram of my uterus). I need to be informed and ready to understand the ramifications of whatever they find on Friday. I need to get this taken care of though – I am so tired of bleeding all the time!

Not much else is going on with me except that I took it easy for the past two days and did minimal amounts of exercise. I also have a lot of stress at work right now over cash flow issues. That’s kind of ongoing though, and there isn’t much I can do about it. What I definitely need to do today – clean! The house is a bit of a mess. I haven’t felt like doing much the last few days and it really shows.

teahoney 04-08-2006 02:49 PM

Xena - Thanks for thinking of me and Mikayla. Actually the teababy is doing much better and back to her old antics once again.

I haven't been around much this week, mostly lurking although I posted in a thread or two. I'm been going through a funk that doesn't seem to be going away. Doesn't help that TOM has just arrived which I am sure adds to the depression. I haven't exercised at all this week and even I know that when I don't exercise and eat well, it is so much easier to be depressed. Then I have this formal coming up next Saturday and I swear if it wasn't for the fact that I already paid, I wouldn't even go. I ordered a dress from this great site that Julee suggested. It got here and I need to lose at least 20-25 pounds for it to even remotely look good on me. The dress itself was only $19.99 and to wear it I would have to spend a lot of money for a decent girdle. So yesterday I went shopping to try and find something else and it was so discouraging. I'm at a size now where if I keep going at this rate, I'll only be able to order clothes online. I'm definitely a 26/28. I've never been this big in my whole life and it is becoming quite depressing. I'm in the store trying on stuff and I just could cry. What makes matters worse is that I have been talking to an old friend of mine over the phone for the past couple of months. He's expressed interest in me but I haven't got the guts to let him know that I don't look like how he remembers me. It's been about five years since the last time I saw him. I was probably about a size 18/20 back then and was about 70 pounds lighter. I keep putting off him seeing me. And I guess all of this stuff together has been feeling like complete and utter crap.

ThisGirlsLosing 04-08-2006 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by teahoney
I ordered a dress from this great site that Julee suggested. It got here and I need to lose at least 20-25 pounds for it to even remotely look good on me. The dress itself was only $19.99 and to wear it I would have to spend a lot of money for a decent girdle. So yesterday I went shopping to try and find something else and it was so discouraging. I'm at a size now where if I keep going at this rate, I'll only be able to order clothes online. I'm definitely a 26/28.

Hey sweetie! I got the same dress and found the same thing - it's too tight since it's a TIGHT knit fabric (one should use a less tight weave for plus-sized girls - had they used a different knit, the dress would fit both of us gloriously!). BUT, depending on how tall you are and your proportions (I too am a size 28) you can try to use the dress as a skirt (those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, trust me, this dress you could use as a skirt). Then all you need is a pretty blouse and, if it's sleeveless, a wrap. Try it! I swear it makes a prettier skirt than a dress. Let me know what you think.

Regarding your friend, have you considered that he too can look different? Or that he may not care if you are 70lbs overweight? Some guys actually like meat on a girl's bones. Heck, I get hit on alot regardless of how fat I am. It's about the way you carry yourself and your self-confidence! And, a sexy low-cut blouse and blood-red lipstick sure don't hurt! LOL

If you absolutely want to warn him, then don't make it an issue. I think you should send him a friendly email telling him what's new in your life and include some recent pictures (ala, "and this is me and my niece at So and So's wedding," "here's my puppy making a sweet face"). I bet you anything he'd still want to see you. And if not, then he's not worth it!!! :-)

teahoney 04-08-2006 03:41 PM

Maria Lucia - Well, I know he likes meat on the bones. I was probably about 220 the last time I saw him but that's a big difference from almost 300. But I probably won't say anything. Just wait and see what happens.

NotTheCheat 04-08-2006 07:07 PM

Zelma - I was just on another area of the boards and noticed your ticker. Last time I remember you were trying to maintain. Have you lost recently? I thought I remembered you being at 190 pounds lost, and now it is 192, and only 11 pounds to go.

Tracey - I'm sorry that you are feeling so depressed about things lately. :hug: That is rough that the dress didn't fit and you need to look for something else. With the guy, is there any way to bring it up subtly? Maybe send him a picture of you and your daughter or something? If he is the kind of guy who won't want to see you because of it, then it is probably best to know that sooner rather than later.

Sandi D 04-08-2006 07:32 PM

HI I would like to Join too,
I want so much to get out of the 300's and its not working lol

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