3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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dogpal 03-31-2006 02:40 AM

300+ And Ready To Try Again...#873

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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dogpal 03-31-2006 02:41 AM

Lilion: Wonderful for your 16 minutes on the eliptical. You are awesome.

Wyllenn: You are so close to your mini goal! Keep up the great work.

Brenda: You can do it, come on, get back on track!

Garnetfairy: Congrats on minus 7! At least it isn't a zero like you said or worse yet, a gain!

Blessings to you all,

JuleeCeeS 03-31-2006 02:56 AM

Lilion: I'm actually only about 5'4"...not tall at all. I've always had a lot of trouble with everything being too long on me.

Brenda: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...glad I could help!!! Every now and then I get all prolific...mostly it's to help myself rememebr what I need to and typing it out gives me that visual reminder as well.

Tea: Let me know if anything changes with the wrap/shrug :)

Lonnggggggggg day at work today. I was in a budget meeting for 3 hours trying to fix years of sloppy mistakes by my former executive director who just kept telling me to not worry and that everything was fine. We found some major flaws in the set up whch we tried to fix and then had to creatre a whole new section. SO FRUSTRATING and I felt like a jumbo moron. Oh well.

Tomorrow I am helping my friend move all day. Actually I am unpacking her kitchen, closets and bathroom while she is at work and then she will be over later in the day to bring over her bigger furniture. Now it is time for bed!

Good night and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!

princesspuffypants 03-31-2006 03:58 AM

NSV for today - i pulled out my favorite pair of old navy corduroy pants, and they FIT, and not only did they fit, they arent even tight - they are stretch, but they are BAGGY!!!


in other news, and KAYLEY, you will love this, i got booked as an extra for saturday - playing a goth kid....

NoLifeWithoutHorses 03-31-2006 06:24 AM

Only minutes - seconds - to post, and there are many of you I truly want to respond to but can't. I do need to say BRAVO to JULEE on the 90 milestone! And Thanks for that great post! LILION, AWESOME job on the 16 minutes on the I.M.!!! And CONGRATULATIONS to PRINCESS BAGGY BRITCHES! Luan - cool NSV on the loose pants!

You ladies are such a wonderful lifeline!!!

kayleystar 03-31-2006 07:34 AM

Nancy - When I get upset/discouraged, I tend to ***** to everyone in sight as well...must be a...womanly instinct?

Maria - So glad you're feeling better today! :) You've done so much exercise, you are rockin!

Brenda - I hopped back on Phase 1 as well, to rid myself of the plateau. I sorta miss my whole grains again...

Garnet - So sorry to hear about the death in your family, but glad that she's no longer in pain/misery/what have you. :hug: And HEY! YOU STILL LOST 7 POUNDS, AND THAT'S GREAT!!! I only lost 5 this month, so you're 2 up on me!

Tracey - The Teababy! I loved that! Hope the Teababy gets better SOON!

Lilion - Looks like you are CONQUERING that infernal machine!!!

Julee - I'm only 5'6, and I have that problem, too...all my jeans are about 5 inches TOO LONG on me. I hate it. Sounds like another long day is in store for you! Should be a good workout, though! :)

Luan - Ooooh! Congrats on your NSV!!! Love that! A goth kid, you say? You should tell them to change you to an Industrial kid...they are way cooler! You get fun accessories, and you don't wear ALL BLACK! And you don't get flack for wearing glitter! HAHA...yeah, I'm a dork........meh....LOL

Valerie - Thanks so much for the PM! :hug: Be safe out there on the road!!!!

Well, this week DRAGGED by, but it's FINALLY Friday! :) That means tonight, my friend Ashley is going to come over, and I'm going to put the blue highlights in her hair, and get my roots the neon green. Once Mom gets up, we're heading over to this plant place to look for more fruit trees. She wants a few more apple trees, as the ones we have right now (were here when we moved in about 7 years ago) only have really mealy apples. We have awesome pears, but she wants apples we can USE. Then, we gotta stop by the hardware store, and pick up a vinyl patch kit for our air mattress. After Andrew gets off work, he's going to come sleep in our living room, so that we can get up in the morning, and head out after breakfast straight from here. I've gotta wash some clothes today, and pack everything I'm going to need. It's a rainy day so far, so it'll be a good day for it! I'm off to make some breakfast, and I hope you chicks have a great OP Friday!

sandrea91483 03-31-2006 12:13 PM

Hey everyone! Unfortunately, it's hard to keep up with the boards with school and everything, but I wanted to poke my head in and see how everyone was doing!

kayleystar 03-31-2006 03:59 PM

Andrea - Hey there, and welcome back! :) It's nice to see you again!!! :) Looks like you're rocking with the weight loss! And your wedding is getting so close!!!

In a pretty dang good mood today! It was rainy and dreary when I woke up, but it cleared up and got nice by the time Mom and I went to the garden center...fit into some jeans I haven't worn since about...8th or 9th grade...wore em! The garden center ended up not being open, which figures, because most places don't open until April 1st for the season. Came back here, and went for about a mile walk...mostly uphill with winds 25 mph! Definately feeling it in my legs! Cleaned out my car for the trip tomorrow, and I've got a bunch of clothes in the washer. Going to pack soon, and give Ashley a call and see what time she's coming by. :) It clouded up again, but it's still about 65 degrees out...and actually, it just started raining a bit. SPRING IS HERE!

kayleystar 03-31-2006 05:49 PM

Haha, I finally got a pic of my bleached hair...it looks crazy!

Xena2005 03-31-2006 08:16 PM

Ahhhh....finally Friday. And I am on vacation this week, so 9 whole days to do as I please! I am hoping to use this week to get back on track. Have been WAY off for 2 weeks and while I have not weighed myself (skipped the last 2 weeks WW meetings) I can tell in my clothes that I have gained. No suprise, I have really been bingeing. Oh well, tomorrow's a new day.

I was supposed to be getting a new fence put up this coming week but it appears that a hold up with the approval from my home-owner's association is going to make that impossible. I just submitted my approval form earlier this week only to learn they have a 30 period in which to do the approval. Cheese and rice! How can it take 30 days to approve a fence? I am trying to find phone numbers for the committee people and see if there is anything I can do to speed it along, but I have a feeling it's just going to be tough noogies for me getting a fence this week. I hate HOA's. I understand their purpose, but it feels just plain silly for me to have to wait 30 days for permission to do something to my own property with my own money. :mad:

My plans for this evening are to watch some movies and read. Then to bed early. Tomorrow I want to get up and do 30 minutes on the treadmill. It's April 1 after all and time to get crackin' on my April exercise goal! :woops:

Julee - a big congrats to you on losing 90 pounds. That is amazing! :cheer:

Nancy - I own and have read all of Geneen Roth's books. I think I need to dig them out of whatever box they are in and read them again! You mentioned you had a trainer. How long have you been working with him/her? I've always wondered if a trainer would help me at all. I'd love to hear your thoughts when you have time.

dogpal - Thanks for your encouragement. :)

Maria - Keep hanging in there and know that I understand what you are going through.

kayley - I love your funky hair. I just wish I had the guts to do something wild like that. :fr:

princess puffy pants - Congratulations on the baggy pants!!!!:carrot:

JuleeCeeS 03-31-2006 08:38 PM

OK ladies...here is what I learned today. If you are going to ask your friends to help you move..for the love of God be PACKED when it's time to get started. This has ben the most chaotic and unorganized move ever. I love my friend very dearly...but what a mess! Our friend Eric came today and helped me in her new place...where there wasn't a ton I could do..but it got done. I just can't do any lifting..which is what tonight will be. Renting a U-Haul with no reservation on the last day of the month when it's a weekend....OY VEY!!! They have to have the truck back by tomorrow morning at 7am. Fortunately there is an after-hours drop off for keys.

Tonight I am going to have a relaxing dinner with my friend Matt while his GF and Jason (separately) have their own plans. I am sooooooooooooooooo sore right now. UGH!

Happy weekend. Kayley..the hair is wild..that's awesome. Luan...I wish I had the time to do extra work..I think it would be a lot of fun.

Must go take an Advil.

2LosinIt 03-31-2006 09:37 PM

Jules... I hear ya about the move! I helped some friends not too long ago and hheeeeeesh..... they had NOTHING prepared, and way too many helpers so we were all in each other's way. I was so freakishly chaotic that I wanted to just leave but felt too guilty to. They were so gushing over how grateful they were it felt so petty to just say "umm.... never mind" ahhhh...friendship...what are ya gonna do? :D

Kayley.. have a GREEEEAT time in Chi-town! Hope the concert is everything you're hoping for and more.

I'm also heading out tomorrow... yup... traveling yet again. All business this time again. Will be in Orlando, which sounds GREAT, but will be in meetings ALL day long so I might as well be in nowhere's ville for all I'm gonna see. But... that's the beauty of going on vacation a month ago in Orlando I guess. ALready got to do all the fun stuff, so I'm hoping I can concentrate on the work at hand :p Maybe I can find just a little while to slip outside and soak in a little sun. :cool:

I'm also finally getting what so many of you had--- whatever this cold/flu yuckiness is. It was inevitable... when you live with one person who is sick and you work with another who is sick..... you're bound to get it eventually. I really though I was safe and made it through, but the scratchy throat started yesterday and today with the achiness--a bit feverish. yeah... I'm looking REALLY forward to flying tomorrow and working my but off for the next three days while living out of a suitcase. not.
:^: sigh......

AH well.... what are ya gonna do?

I really really am hoping at least SOMEONE notices I've lost some weight. I'm not HUGELY optimistic, but hopeful. I'll try not to be too disappointed if they don't...and just look forward to the fall meeting when I see them again--by then I should look very different if I behave myself :dancer:

Got HUGE storms here this evening.. it was such a nice spring afternoon, the wind started picking up. Then, you oculd just hear some thunder off in the distance and, suddently, it started pouring and hailing like mad with lots of big winds. Apparently there was a tornado touchdown not too far from here. It didn't last long but it was powerful.

well... my eyeballs are telling me it's time to not be on the computer and I need to curl up with a blanket... I'm so cold.

I'll try to pop in if I can while in Orlando... if not... I'll be back Tuesday.

Have a great night/day/weekend!!!


VioletSwerve 03-31-2006 09:45 PM

I wasnt on yesterday so some of this might be outdated:
Amber--Wooo hooo on the size smaller shoes! I have big feet--a size 10 :rolleyes: . Those Tae-Bo tapes sound awesome and anything for $5 (especially something you have been wanting) is a friend of mine :yes: ! Good for you for making mini goals, even if you are going to come up a little short of meeting the one by 4/1. I cant seem to make mini-goals--I want all this weight gone NOW :tantrum: !! It sounds like you have a good plan to get back on track. Journaling and making other mini-goals is definitely good for ya and an easy way to make progress a little a time. I have faith in you :hug: ! OH and glad to hear your tummy bug or whatever it was is ok and you are tolerating the veggies better now! I definitely think its about impossible to diet w/o veggies. I also totally agree w/you on the summer clothes thing. I, like you, always say "Dont like it? Dont look!". It took me a long time to come to terms w/my flab-tastic :D arms but now I wear tanks and sleeveless shirts freely. Arm liberation!! :dancer:

Xena--I try to be funny but sometimes I'm just glad anyone gets my humor at all :lol: . Thanks for your support on my little diet indescretions :o . I'm back to trying and that's what counts! Seems like it is always easy for me to tell other people "get back on the horse; if you want it, do it!" but hard for me to take that advice, too :rolleyes: . I'm sorry to hear you are struggling w/staying OP. Hey, let's make a deal--if you take my advice to "stick w/it" I promise to take yours!! :D That is so awesome that you teach an ESL class! I wish I spoke 2 languages. I took 3 yrs of Spanish in HS so I have a pretty good understanding of the language, but I'm not functional in speaking it at all. My boyfriend Nat and I agreed that we really need to get fluent in Spanish as that is a very valuable tool, not only in society, but in the working world, as well. I dont know how many times I've seen a Spanish-speaking person trying to explain something to like a cashier and wanted so badly to be able to walk up and offer to interpret, just to help out in any way I can. Sucks on the waiting period for the fence! That sounds very frustrating, I'm sorry. Oh, and ENJOY your vacation! Yeah! :beach:

MariaLucia--This line from your post "My body and my spirit feel ALMOST defeated" literally made me frown in sadness for you :( . I'm SO sorry. I know that was posted a couple days ago and everyone's probably already said "chin up, you rule, feel better" but let me be the 40th person to say it, as well :D . Chin up. You RULE :yes: . FEEL BETTER (or try to ;)). But I realize for you its a little different, because I suffer from the same type of overeating. When I do it its like I'm "stuffing" my feelings down with food. Have a sh*tty day? Have a whopper. Have 4, what the heck! Start to feel sick from eating too much? Stuff that down w/more food, you can do it :no: ! Its such a sick cycle and a lot of people cant understand it. But I think a lot of us here can. Its like going back to that comfortable spot in your mind--eating whatever you want, not having to count it, not having to work at it. Stuffing whatever is hurting or bothering you. I believe in you and I am proud of you for getting help via a therapist. And you know why you started this journey. You know those reasons kick the sh*t of out any amt of food. You can DO this. You only fail when you stop trying!! And I have the UTMOST faith in you that you CAN do the 60 min in 2 days. And if for some reason you dont? Do what you can. At least then you'll know you tried. And I dont blame you for skipping your WI. Why add insult to injury at this point?

wyllenn--SO COOL on the baggy t-shirt that didnt fit last summer! You have done SO well thus far. I have so much faith in you that you can keep going. You kick that mini-goal's BUTT, girl! I KNOW you can do it, and YOU do too. More flowers: :flow1: :flow1: :flow1: just cuz you deserve it!

Kayley--SHOOOSH with this "blob" talk! Stop it right now young lady! :nono: If you're a blob, what are the rest of us that weight MORE than YOU do?? I aint no blob :lol: !! And you know YOU arent either. But I know how those "fat" days feel. Sometimes I'll put on a shirt that I swore looked really good on me last week, but this week I'll just look at myself and go "ug, what was I thinking??" The next week? The shirt looks fine. I think our mirrors get distorted from time to time, making us see things that really arent there :rolleyes: . Sounds like you are feeling better now, though, w/your "new" pants! It sounds like you are doing well keeping up w/school, that is impressive. And about having the summer off--you will appreciate that summer off more than any other summer vacation from school in your life! The 1st or 2nd yr of college can be a bear and that first extended break feels SO good :D ! I am getting so excited for you and your concert! No wonder the week seemed to drag for you! You are going to have a blast and you totally deserve it. Your hair looks really cool--cant wait to see it w/the color in it. Oh, and NO FAIR on the 65 degree weather! :stress:

Crockett--SORRY! :doh: I have Weight Watchers on the brain like 24/7 so any WW is always Weight Watchers in my head, or so it seems :D ! But yeah--I'd like to know the content or what brand they are AND if they are any good. I dont like a whole lot of wheat tortillas or pasta, a situation I'd like to remedy.

Julee--"Did you gain a compliment? A glimpse in the mirror where you smiled and loved it? A smaller pants size? A night at the movies where you fit into the seat? Did you make a conscious choice to get a small and not a large? Did you drag the groceries(or yourself) up the stairs without huffing and puffing?..let us all be kind to ourselves"<---this is SO true. Thank you for reminding ALL of us that many (in fact, most) successes in life cannot be measured w/any tool, much less a scale. We've all already reached a goal some people havent--being awesome human beings. Thanks for this special post. AND WOOOO HOOO on the 90 lbs!! Yeah!! :dancer: :cb: :high: Hey, forget the nightie--I'm sure your hubby thinks you're damn fine w/o it! BTW--you look like you are like 5' 10" in your pic--I was surprised to find out you are 5' 4"! You are a good friend to help your friend move and do a lot of unpacking for her. Whenever I move my friends are always mysteriously busy....:chin: And I am always packed on moving day, too!! :D

Sharon--I just wanted to say that I loved what you said to Kayley about the sculpture and picking up something that weighs 50 lbs to see what it feels like. That is so true! "Little chips" coming off--that is the way I really need to start seeing it! Oh, and keep it coming w/the Brit-lingo--I totally dig it! :D

Luan--An extra on a TV show?!??! Living in NE, I've only been on TV once in my life (no, not explaining what the tornado looked like--I'm not that much of a redneck!) and that was on the news to talk about the pending lay-offs at my old job :rolleyes: . I am so impressed! That is SO COOL!! Yeah!! Congrats on the NSV. That is outstanding! WOOO HOOO!! :high: :cloud9:

Lilion--Good for you for rewarding yourself a little bit :) . I know we're not supposed to do it w/food, but sounds like you did pretty well just eating 1/2 the fajitas and putting the rest on salad. Fajitas cant be that bad for you w/o all the sour cream and cheese and stuff. And hey--that is a sweet NSV!! You should've totally told that lady you had no idea who she was--it probably would've made her day, in a weird way! :dizzy: And GOOD JOB on the elip! Backwards is HARD, it takes more coordination, I think.

Nancy--I think its ok to feel bad about not seeing much of a loss for the month. That can be really frustrating. But just look at how much good you've already done! I know it seems like a small consolation, but you know you can DO this because you have! And get a new scale, dangit!! That thing will drive you batty before long! :dizzy: Good for you for writing out all your accomplishments--I think that might help put things in perspective.

Tracey--I hope you daughter feels better! UTIs can be miserable. I really dont think I could handle a sick kid--or a well one for that matter--at this stage in my life. That's why I admire parents so much! :cp: Oh, and good to hear you found a cool dress! Shall we be seeing some pictures of you in it???

2losinit--Wooo hooo on your 3 lbs loss!! :dance: :bravo: You are doing tremendously!! 27 lbs is a lot--good for you for keeping it in perspective and measuring just how much that really is w/the pet food, etc.

Dolphingirl--You are doing really well on your weight loss! Forgive me for not looking at everyone's tickers that closely--I just noticed that you have lost 94 lbs overall! Yeah! I hope to be in your shoes someday :crossed: . And congrats on your recent loss! Yeah! :woo:

Dogpal--Thanks, you hang in there, too! :D

Brenda--I'm sorry you are feeling down. :hug: Good for you for deciding to start back on Phase 1. You can do it!

Garnet--"The main thing is we still have tomorrow..."<---that is SO true! 7 lbs in a mo is still really good! I'm proud of you. :goodluck: for next month. I'm sorry to hear your aunt died :hug: . I hope you and your mother are coping ok.

Valerie--"PRINCESS BAGGY BRITCHES" You are TOO funny :lol3: !

Andrea--HI!! My sister's name is Andrea and she posts on here, too, so I had to glance twice to see if you were her! :D

Jiminy Crickets, that's the last day I take a day off from the board! :lol:

As for me, today was pretty good. On plan all day, even with it being food day at work :fr: . I was going to bring some baked chips or something just so I could participate, but then decided that 1. Baked chips are too expensive to buy for people who probably wont eat 'em, and 2. If I dont bring anything I wont eat anything anyone else brought. So I didnt eat anything from the food table, except like 5 grapes :D. My friend at work that sometimes comes to Curves w/me was heading over to the food table as I was walking by it, and I stopped for a minute...then I just muttered "I cant, I cant..." and just walked off. Yes, friends and neighbors, sometimes dieters are, in fact, crazy :dizzy: . Bad thing is that I think I made her feel bad for not walking away...but oh well :dunno: . If she felt bad its for her own reasons, not because of me. I just dont want to be one of those self-righteous dieters who acts all high in mighty because I can resist it this time :queen: . Next time I might not be able to, as I am not perfect.

I was OP yesterday, too, and worked out yesterday night. I couldnt work out tonight because Curves closes early on Fridays, but I'll be there tomorrow morning. I feel like I'm back on top. Yay! :carrot: :D :dance:

OH! They finally moved me out of "the hole" (as I oh-so-lovingly refer to it :rolleyes: ) at work. They had me sitting clear off the in corner by myself with no neighbors because, I am convinced, my boss wanted to punish me for having bad stats. Its kinda hard to deny when he talks to me about my stats in one breath and tells me they are moving me to the corner in another :mad: . They were going to move me to another hole which was actually worse because it was completely blocked in w/walls (my old hole was at least open and spacious). BUT my Lead (who is one step below my supervisor) told him to move me somewhere else. I'm still kinda walled in but at least I am back in w/the "general population". The embarassing thing is that I think the entire call center knew why my boss sat me off in no-man's land to begin with (a call center is like a small town :rolleyes: ) and now my moving out of the hole is like I've served my time in the proverbial (and literal) "corner" and now I'm allowed to play w/the others again. I hate my f-ing job :mad: :bomb: . But at least I'm out of the hole.

dogpal 03-31-2006 10:08 PM

Hi guys,

I wasn't going to share this because I am sooo mad at myself and soooo ashamed of myself. I have been crying all day long since I weighed this morning. I knew I gained because I have been eating like an out of control animal. When I have my panic attacks I have gone to food to sooth myself. I just got finished speaking with my dh about how depressed and scared I feel about my weight. I have gained back every single pound of my original weight loss except 7 pounds. I have been trying for so long to do this on my own. I mean with your encouragement etc. I feel trapped and really truly afraid for my well being. I haven't been this depressed in a long time. I grew up with just a dad and have no idea what is proper eating etc. I need to join something that can show me how much I should be eating of what things. I am going to try out Weight watchers i suppose. I don't know what else there is to do. I'm so sorry if I'm bringing any of you down but I really just wanted to vent a bit to someone who may understand what I'm going through all because of my own self.

I am so happy for all of you that are doing well and I long with all my heart to have some nsv and sv's for myself to share with you all. Hopefully this will be the first day of the rest of my life in a good way. I called on WW and the meetings are tomorrow. If you pray, please pray that I will have the courage to go out of my house and go there. I am seriously agoraphobic and I need the prayers. Again, sorry to be so negative. I have changed my weight slider to reflect my failure. I want to be on truthful grounds. If I am able to make it tomorrow to ww and It is different then I will change it for better or worse. You guys can boot me to the curb for a while if I am bringing you down. I swear I won't be angry if you do it until I can come back with a better attitude etc. Thanks for listening.
Blessings to you all,
Dogpal (Annie)

brandnewme 03-31-2006 10:09 PM

I'm not going to be able to do personal replies until Sunday, but I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know how it's going.

Congrats to all the losers! Yay!

Welcome to all the newcomers. It's always nice to have people join in!

For those who aren't feeling well, struggling, or just having a hard time in general, my thoughts are with you. Things will get better. Just remember how far you've come - most of you have come a very long ways in a short period of time.

I'm having issues with regaining weight. My official weigh-in date will be changing to Sunday, because I'm picking up where I left off (rather than starting again ;)). I regained up to 326 in a very short period of time. I'm thinking quite a bit of it is water weight, and I have gained a lot of muscle, but I know I haven't done as well as I should be doing.

I got past that 300lb mark and all was well. I thought I'd never see the 300s again. But, I started working nights and all bets were off. Hubby hasn't been helping.. he has been bringing home chocolate of some sort and soda of some sort every freakin' evening, then making me feel bad when I don't take it. I've given in for the last time!

Anyhow, will definitely catch up with the personal replies Sunday. Take care ladies!

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