3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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thinthinker 02-08-2006 03:49 PM

300+ And Ready To Try Again....#828

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


I know you'll all agree that we are really thankful for the free services here at 3FC. The sisters offer all of this support and information with no charges to us. There are a couple of ways though that we can help out.

If you are thinking about buying anything at Amazon, why not help out 3FC at the same time? You can do this by clicking on the button for Amazon on any page in the forum, or by clicking on the button on the main 3FC page at www.3fatchicks.com . A portion of your purchase price will be given to 3FC by Amazon. It doesn't increase your price at all, but it does help out 3FC. You can use any of the Amazon.com links that you see on the site in order to help contribute to the site.

Also, BTW, in case you didn't know it, you can view the message boards "ad free" for a minimal charge. I think it's like $15 for 6 months. A very small investment to be rid of the annoying ads and make your pages load quicker.

There have been some concerns expressed by the powers that be about copyright infringement. So please, if you are directly quoting someone else or printing an article in whole or in part, please give credit where credit is due!!!!

dogpal 02-08-2006 04:54 PM

Hi everyone,

Just a quick post and a big hello to the new people. To everyone loosing, Yea! To those of us who seem to be stuck, don't give up.

Blessings all,

going to lose 200 02-08-2006 05:51 PM

Crock ~ I bought the good carbs bad carbs book tonight too. What a wonderful useful tool THAT is going to be...

Kayley my dear, you MUST buy this one if nothing else.

My lunch buddies are so interested in this diet. They can't wait till I show up each day to see what I have brought to eat *L* I have to search around this evening before I go out and see what I can throw together for tomorrow :) Hubby is doing ok with it now. The creamed cauliflower didn't fly with him, but he LOVES caesar salad so he can fill up on that minus the croutons

Kayley and Crock ( and any one else doing SB or low carb) ~ do the carb cravings "really" go away??? *L* I went and picked up groceries tonight and man, I wanted to fill my cart with wonderful goodies :( but alas the cart was filled with meat, chicken, eggs, veg and good ole SF jello *L*

Brenda :wave:

MsCrockett 02-08-2006 06:14 PM

Helllooooo Roooom!
BRENDA: I am,, At this time , not having any cravings, I find out that there are sooo much foods you can eat on this SB that I stay satisfied,,But my weakness is bread,, it is really hard to eat eggs without it, sooo, i went to boiled eggs, i am not in a habit of eating bread with boiled eggs,,,What have you found and made that is good,, I need some breakfast ideas,, pm or thread it,,,, need some input.. THE BOOKS ARE GREAT HUH?, btw, I added some sf jello powder to the plaing ickey yougurt,,,,,, it is good.. i like it.

PUFFY: Thanks for the advice on the drink, I am going to look into that, I agree, on skipping breakfast,,,,,, I CAN eat breakfast foods all the time, why in the world do I find it so hard to have it at breakfast:?: ahhhh who knows..thanks for your input, any helps......... take care .

I have done well the past three days of my life change,, just still learning how to change stuff,,,,,,,

JuleeCeeS 02-08-2006 06:53 PM

Did anyone ever start the thread for the clothing exchange? I have pictures of a decent amount of stuff..and am going to add more pics soon. I can send you the link if you are interested. I can be reached on AOL or AIM using this same screenname.

MsCrockett 02-08-2006 07:02 PM

Hey there chickie, go back and check the threads, page 2 of 826 ,, about the clothes exchange,, this may help..

"Quote from thinthinker"
This is probably a good time to make note that clothing exchanges/sales or the like are not condoned by 3FC's whether money is exchanged or not. I see there has been some recent conversation here about that type of thing and I thought before anyone exerts too much time on the matter it would be prudent to mention the rules.
Thinthinker in Michigan

going to lose 200 02-08-2006 08:03 PM

Crock ~ Hubby and I really like the bacon and egg muffin cups. Check the 3fc food,south beach, breakfast phase 1 thread. They are super easy and delish! I make up a bunch every couple of days and nuke them in the micro in the am before work. SO fast and yumm! We also enjoyed the meat crust pizza. You use ground beef for the base and add all your veg to the top, sprinkle with cheese and bake. I think that is steve's favorite :) Tomorrow night I am making chicken cordon bleu and spinich salad :D

I remember when I first moved out on my own, I would never cook the same thing twice. I REALLY am enjoying actually "planning" my meals and using recipes again. I stopped when Steven and I moved in together cause he is a fussy bugger *L* but since he is on SB he knows that he can't just complain and have a PB sandwich anymore :) and I refuse to cook 2 meals anymore.

Brenda :wave:

thinthinker 02-08-2006 08:05 PM

Crock: Thanks for bringing the rule reminder over. You beat me to it. ;)

Julee: Sorry, clothing exchanges/sales/donations are not allowed on 3FC's.

princesspuffypants 02-08-2006 08:18 PM

Brenda - i was doing low carb for a while. i think that diet is all in the attitude. the first time i did it, i lasted a day. the second time i lasted about 2 weeks. i was grouchy all the time. but on that second try the first time i ate a "normal" meal with carbs it made me very sick. my stomach was upset from it. just as a thought, you may want to have one day where you eat normal again. you will probabally feel very yucky and never want to do it again. thats also how i stay away from soda. like once a month i have one and it makes me nauseous now. all that sugar. ack!

MsCrockett 02-08-2006 08:18 PM

thinthinker: AAAAAhhhhhh got to it first lol that is truely a rarity on our threads..lol

thinthinker 02-08-2006 08:21 PM

It's because I've pretty much been here all day for a change. You caught me when Honey and I were out on a dinner job. :lol:

MsCrockett 02-08-2006 08:35 PM

BRENDA: Thanks for the ideas, I am gonna try both of them, but the muffins sound really good!

princesspuffypants 02-08-2006 10:14 PM

well i guess i knew it was inevitable... i had a gain this week... damnit... it was only .2, but still. they said it was probabally due to being close to my TOM and not to worry about it.

still tho, its frustrating, but i guess it could have been worse :)

in other news, one of my cats is in heat. its ANNOYING!!! im ready to strangle her. at least its not both of them at the same time - i have 2 girls.

off to make garlic shrimp for dinner

honiangel 02-08-2006 11:03 PM

Chaos chaos and more chaos
Geez this is a wild week. I was doing okay until today, and still not soooo bad. I had fried mushrooms for lunch...*groans* but they were delic. :) Then I had to help a friend with her sons third birthday party and it was right after work when I was starved so I had one sandwich and a tiny piece of cake and a tiny bit of ice cream....geez...then when I got home and was feeding the girls I had a salad with low fat low carb dressing. I did get my water in but I haven't done a workout yet. One of the girls is asleep and when the other one is I will go straight to walking then shower and then bed. It's just been sooooo stressful, not just with the party...just a whole lot going on here.

My sister-in-law is being a witch, and says she is going to take Kaitlyn away from us. And there's a whole ordeal about income tax, and this change in hours that Matt had...I don't consider myself a "stress eater", eating isn't what I do when I'm stressed...the mushrooms were just a weakness, and the sandwich was for survivals sake...the cake and ice cream....hmmmm they were just good, but I controlled how much I ate.

On another note, I have to start eating breakfast. I think when I get paid I am going to have to buy some slim fast or south beach bars to have for breakfast. I can not handle the shakes. I have tried, but they just make me sick. I like a couple of different bars, so I will just get some of those. The mornings are sooo rushed there just isn't time to eat and then by 9 am I am absolutely starving, and no matter how much fruit I eat (that's what I take to work as a snack) I can't seem to not be starving.

Okay well this is a book, and I feel like a heel for not replying to several entries. I really don't mean to not do individuals, there just isn't time. Maybe on the weekends I can catch up with all of that.

kayleystar 02-08-2006 11:40 PM

Lilion - Maybe it's water weight? Us girls get all the fun stuff! Blech!

Jill - I like that idea! I never ate veggies! I only eat lettuce and broccoli...

Valerie - Ugh, don't you just HATE when people give away things?!?! I think you'll still SHOCK them all when they see you looking so great! I'm hoping by Easter to be able to give my Aunt a little raise in her eyebrows! LOL! And by Christmas, when I see my dad's side of the family, yeah...I want them to be like WOW. Is that completely wrong? Ugh. Glad you didn't stray too far OP with stress eating. Glad you found something HEALTHY that you'd binge on! hehe...what's all in the broccoli salad stuff you get at Walmart?

Dogpal - I'm sure you'll get out of the slump soon! :D

Brenda - Going book shopping on Friday, when I get paid!! :) As for cravings, not so much. When I first low-carbed it a couple of years ago on Atkin's, I really wanted bread. Although, I've had my moments, like last week, but that was only because the food was right there in my face! You just have to say NO, though...

Luan - I'm sure it's just TOM! Don't worry. :)

Honianangel - My goodness, it certainly seems like you are under a lot of stress! I hope everything works out for you, and that they don't take away Kaitlyn! :(

Well, it's been a long day at school. Had a test in Criminal Justice. Did my mile walk for health...very very brisk walk! She yelled at me if I couldn't keep up with those skinny little girls! UGH! But it got my heartrate up, and I even was sweating a bit. Got in 37 minutes of exercise today, when I thought I wouldn't be able to work it in. I'm over at Andrew's house, and I have about 2 1/2 hours until he gets home from work, since he's doing overtime. So I'll be about!

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