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HippieMomma 02-05-2006 10:59 PM

My baby is very sick. Prayers desperately needed!
Owen was born Friday morning at 8:30. He was very tiny and very sick. 3 lb 5 oz, 15 in. long. They had to take him almost immediately to Indianapolis to be admitted to a N.I.C.U. He has severe pulmonary hypertension. We had no indication anything would be wrong throughout my pregnancy.. this is such a shock. They believe he was restricted in the womb and could not grow properly. During surgery my doctor was very surprised to find a massive amount of scar tissue built up. Owen was very confined and also disproportionate. His head is bigger than his body, and at the time had some swelling... at first they were thinking he might have hydrocephalous but that was, thankfully, not the issue. They also discovered mercronium in the uterus. He had had a bowel movement sometime in the last 12-24 hours he was inside of me. He had breathed some of this in so his lungs are weakened as well. Dave (husband/father) followed him directly to Indy but I had to stay behind to recover from surgery. I was discharged very early from the hospital (yesterday afternoon) after a call from Owen's doctor telling me he had been getting progressively worse throughout the day and that she feared he was not going to pull through and they knew I needed to get down there. After I did arrive he had thankfully stabilized a bit more and ended up having a good night. Owen has had many ups and downs already... today was a rollercoaster. They need him to stay stable- his heartrate, oxygen, and blood pressure are all fluctuating. He needs to remain stable for a few days for him to have a chance... Tonight we drove back home, north of Indianapolis so I can get a decent night's sleep and have my doctor write out a prescription I need. We're headed back to be with him tomorrow and will stay the night again.
My baby is fighting for his life and it is really up to him and God now. They are utilizing all the technology they have and are giving him the maximized treatments they can. I believe it is in God's hands now and all we can do is pray that Owen is given a chance to live... if he is given a chance that he has not suffered damage to his brain or organs.... we just have to pray that whatever is best for Owen happens. I know many of you probably believe in the power of prayer and I wanted to take the time to tell you what has happened and ask you to pray for us and for Owen. I need some sleep... there are more details and medical stuff I want to look up... I want to have a very clear understanding of what Owen is facing now. The doctors and nurses at the N.I.C.U. are incredible, amazing... and they have really gone out of their way to make help us understand what they are doing for him. Anyways, thank you in advance for your prayers and thoughts... if many, many people are thinking of Owen maybe he will fight his way through this. I will be back sometime for an update, though I don't know when. BTW, he is a beautiful boy with a head full of dark hair!

NotTheCheat 02-05-2006 11:05 PM

OMG - HippieMomma - I don't know what to say except :hug: and my prayers are with you and your son.

jen1121 02-05-2006 11:13 PM

I am so sorry about your son, Owen. As for my prayers, just remember that there is a reason for everything. if you need someone to talk to, im here. :grouphug:

Bunnababy 02-05-2006 11:15 PM

:hug: :hug: and prayers for Owen and for you and dh.

Lilion 02-05-2006 11:33 PM

I am so, so sorry to hear of this. You and your baby are in my thoughts and in my prayers. :hug:

thinthinker 02-05-2006 11:41 PM

Thoughts and prayers are coming your way! :hug:

sandrea91483 02-06-2006 02:29 AM

Even though I don't know you, it saddens me to hear that you are going through such a difficult time. I will keep little Owen in my thoughts and my prayers! Just remember that all hope is NOT lost! I hope you can keep us updated on your little sweetheart's progress. :)

2cute2Bfat 02-06-2006 02:55 AM

Congratulations on the birth of you son Owen. I am so sorry for the struggle both you and Owen have gone through. You can add more prayers coming your way. {{{ HUGS }}}

ZedAus 02-06-2006 03:28 AM

Congratulations to you and hubby on the birth of Owen, who sounds simply adorable. I am sorry you are facing such trauma at the moment.

I will certainly be sending positive thoughts your way. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you and I truly hope to be hearing something positive soon.

Please take care of yourself at this time, and remember that we are here to share and care.

Take care,


dogpal 02-06-2006 04:10 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with Owen and you and your family. Hang in there.


NemesisClaws 02-06-2006 06:41 AM

Hang in there! Owen sounds like a fighter all the way, so don't count him out! Praying hard for you all!

voodoo1 02-06-2006 07:29 AM

Hi, I don't usually pray but for both Owen and you I am praying really hard that you both come through this together.

ageoldie 02-06-2006 08:11 AM

Add my prayers to thee list. I will be checking back to see how he is progressing.

kayleystar 02-06-2006 11:08 AM

I don't pray per say, but I'm hoping for the best for Owen (and for you.) Sending positive vibes toward your little angel.

christineu 02-06-2006 12:06 PM

I'll be thinking of Owen & you- and your family :hug:

NICU nurses are some of the best people in the world- they work on such the tiniest little angels, all the while educating & counseling parents who've been thrown into the confusing world of medicine. Is there somewhere near the hospital you can stay? A lot of hospitals have low cost accomodation for families if you ask or they might be able to put you in touch with some organizations so you don't have to keep driving back & forth- especially since you're recovering from the C-section and all too. Remember to take care of yourself too- okay?

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