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brandnewme 09-08-2005 12:10 PM

300+ And Ready To Try Again.. #756

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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SicknTired 09-08-2005 01:57 PM

Thanks for explaining everything!! My guys are younger than your girls. My oldest is 5. They are all pretty good climbers, but I think we will wait a few more years before we make the bunk bed switch!

Wow you have been through so much!! I am so sorry that you had to endure all of that pain and suffering! You are an amazing woman! You think I have been through a lot? My problems are nothing comapred to yours, my dear and what you have been through! Plus you have 2 teenage girls??? I cringe at the thought when my kiddles are all teenagers! OY VEY!!! LOL

Hope you had a good day! SOunds like you "exercised" quite a bit! Good for you! Hey if you need more to clean, come on over across the Atlantic to my house! You will never finish! LOL Have agreat night!! {{HUGS}} PJ

SicknTired 09-08-2005 02:02 PM

Drink some extra water to help with that bfast!!! Go lightly for lunch! Good job on reducing that gain!! So that is a 4 pound loss for the week! Great job!!! Don't let the scale get you down! Youa re doing great!

I too will have to get a new license pic if I lose a lot fo weight, which we all will! Here is to ouer new licenses!!

SicknTired 09-08-2005 02:07 PM

2 Pm Est
Well Ladies, it is about that time that I wake up the kiddles from their naps! Hate to do that, but it will be for the best for tonight! Maybe I will take them to the playground again since we have no therapists coming this afternoon! HOORAY!! I had an awesome sandwich today for lunch that I wanted to share with you all! It was turkey and fresh mozzarella on whole wheat with pickles, lettuce, tomato and red onion!! YUMMY! I could go for another one, but won't. I can wait for it tomorrow! Already drank about 60 oz of water too. Going to float away! Need to be near a potty! LOL I will hopefully be back on tonight! ENjoy what ever you all have left opf your day!! {{HUGS}} PJ

AmmiUK 09-08-2005 04:29 PM

Hi All,

Thursday night here and all is well, I don't know where I would be if I couldn't come here and 'chat' with you all. It really does help keep me motivated. Thank you all :grouphug:

PJ - four kids under 5, you must be run ragged. They are all boys though aren't they, so hopefully they won't be as bad as girls when they get to be teenagers lol :lol: When my two are due 'on' what a nightmare. They both have issues too, Beth because her dad keeps running me down to her, and Caleigh because her mother wants nothing to do with her. It's quite stressful. By the way, I got Beth her first set of bunks when she was 7. She slept up the top a couple of times, but believe it or not she prefers the bottom one.

I love the sound of the sandwich you had, well if you take out the tomato that is lol. It's nice when you find something nice, but hard work waiting til you can have it again lol.

Julee - your low rise jeans sound great, NOBODY wears them like Kim lol. It must be such a buzz too to buy nice underwear and get rid of the old granny ones. I will always have to wear granny ones no matter what size because they hold my ostomy bag firm against my tummy. I might be able to get prettier ones though when I am a smaller size!

Take care all, and again, thanks for being here,



CatherineM 09-08-2005 06:39 PM

Florida doesn't put weight on the driver's licenses. It was a really neat thing when we moved here. I had lied on my Oklahoma license for years. I told myself that I always weighed more than I looked like. Now I have the other problem. My picture on my license has like 3 double chins, and seriously does not look like me anymore. I have to get a new one before my trip to Canada. I don't want to get into a long disgussion with a foreign cop or border guard that I am really who I say I am.

brandnewme 09-08-2005 06:41 PM

Thanks for the well wishes ladies! Right now we're getting for JCAHO (those of you who work in the medical profession know what kind of nightmare that is), and we're shorthanded, so we're all being worked quite a bit. Before, I really didn't mind since Chris worked evenings anyway. Now, it's a pain in the butt to not get home when he does.

Congrats to those who've lost. You all deserve big kudos! Congrats to those who have minimalized the damage too. That takes just as much work as losing to begin with!

Happy birthday/belated birthday to those who are or have celebrated a birthday lately.

I've not done much weight-wise lately. I'm not feeling too badly about it though. I go through spurts here and there where I just need a break. I get back on it and start busting butt again and all is (usually) well with the world again. It's a weird cycle, but it works for me.

Re: weight on licenses - Wyoming does have it on theirs. Mine has lied for most of the years I've had it :lol:

SicknTired 09-08-2005 09:19 PM


Actually I have 2 boys and 2 girls. My oldest is a girl and she is 5 and then the other three are all 2. They are triplets. So I will be goinbg through similar times as you with the ladies in the house but have some time to prepare. I will probably be going through menopause by then! OY! I am sorry that the girls have their problems. I am afraid to find out what I will be dealing with my 4. There is an ugly history in my family so I have to prepare for the worst. {{HUGS}}

blissful 09-09-2005 12:19 AM

Hi everyone, glad to see you all still kickin!!! I am down 4 and feel fab!!!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend, and treat your self well!!!

JuleeCeeS 09-09-2005 01:46 AM

Ammi...Lane Bryant makes my all time favorite undies..they are seamless (no VPL) and made of the soft microfiber material. I get the hi-cut and they are nice anf full coverage but come in pretty colors and don't stretch out too much. They might be something work looking into if you want some undies to help hold your ostomy bag nice and snug. I think they are called Smooth Performanc, but I do not remember. I just know that I love them and they are soft and comfy and still feminine and pretty.

I left my water bottle at work before I left for my 2 meetings...argh. I don't want to have to go in tomorrow to get it but I might need to. Tomorrow I am going to look at some dining chairs I found on Craig's List...hopefully they will be as nice in person as they were in the pictures.if so then I get all 4 for about $70...and I saw ones like them for $60 each at Target. I just have to shlep my old chairs down to the dumpster. I am leaving them there in the hopes that someone will take them away.

My friend had her car towed tonight before our dinner meeting. She was in one of the restaurant's marked parking spaces, had sat in her car doing prep work for the meeting for about 45 minutes, got out for 10 minutes to go to the drugstore and when she got back...no car. So she talked to the manager and owner and they made arrangements for her to get the car back at no charge...then they comped us appetizers, drinks and ...dessert. It was a gorgeously sinful looking piece of tiramisu cake (devil!) and I turned it down and made her take the whole thing home. So we went to the other meeting and then I took her to get her car..and all was well. Thank goodness too..it was going to cost her close to $300 to get the car out of impound...yikes!

So now I am home and happy it's almost the weekend...I need to rest but I actually have a LOT of work to do...bah!

Enjoy yours :)

voodoo1 09-09-2005 05:09 AM

Hi everyone, I was too down yesterday to post my weight, I gained 1/2lb, not much BUT I was good, following the plan no cheating, exercise every day, I know I got my period but I NEVER gain when I'm good. :?:

Got home and gorged myself at lunch and dinner time, back on the waggon this week, I was so sure that I would be SLIMMER OF THE WEEK, pride goes before a fall does'nt it?! :o

Juleecee you have so much willpower, I might have had a taste of the tirimisu, it's my fave! :devil:


jillybean720 09-09-2005 06:45 AM

I weighed in at TOPS last night with a 1/4-pound gain. Not bad considering I was up 6 pounds on Monday morning after this past weekend's food orgy :dizzy: My TOPS book still says 279.25, so I'm still below 280 :)

While I might pop in to check up on y'all over the weekend, you probably won't be hearing from me for a while. I fly out of BWI on Sunday evening to go to Raleigh, NC for an EPA conference for work, and I won't be home till late Wednesday night, so I probably won't post again until Thursday morning. The conference will probably be pretty dull, but hey, if I can get paid to be out of the office, I will do it! Plus I get to see my boss who just quit at the beginning of August to go to grad school in NC--we're meeting up for dinner while we're down there (the Graphics Manager, who used to share an office with my boss, is going, too), so that should be a great time! I will have to be very careful with what I eat--just because the company is paying for my food does NOT mean I can eat whatever I want!

Julee--I LOVE craigslist! I have been scouring it daily to try to find new living room furniture (hopefully a couch and chair)...my only problem is that Jeff and I both drive Civics, so if we found something we like, we would still have to find a way to get it to our apartment!

AmmiUK 09-09-2005 10:23 AM

Hello All,

I am late turning on the PC today, in fact the whole of today has been different to what I planned. I didn't sleep well last night, so I didn't bother getting up to do my hour of housework, I slept, and carried on sleeping until 2 pm when I got up to eat lunch. That done, I am here now. Can't believe it's Friday already!

PJ - wow triplets, now I KNOW you have lots to deal with. 3 babies all the same age, and a 5 year old. Does she like to try help out with the babies? Sorry I misinterpreted your other posts and thought you only had boys. I guess you will have that awful teenage girls time to come! I won't delve into your statement about your family having an ugly history, I just hope that your kids don't necessarily follow suit.

Julee - thank you for telling me about Lane Bryant, I will see if I can find their website after I have finished here. That underwear does sound beautiful. WELL DONE on turning down that Tiramisu cake, that would have taken a lot of will power I am sure!!

Blissful - glad to see you and hope you have a great weekend.

Jill - that is fantastic that your gain wasn't even 1 lb, you really did pull it altogether to get over the food 'orgy' you had had. I hope all goes well in NC, that you make the right food choices, but let yourself have the occasional treat too. I look forward to seeing you back on Thursday.

Sharon - I am really sorry that you felt so down about having that small gain. But don't worry, I know that any gain, especially when you have been a dieting angel, seems like a huge one. That is the reason I only weigh once a month, those scales are too darn depressing. How can a person possibly gain weight when they have done everything right - it's stupid. So keep your chin up and remember that although the scales might be recording a gain, I bet your meaurements will have gone down.

Take care all and have a great weekend,



shadiepurple 09-09-2005 12:44 PM

Good Friday ladies :D . Hope everyone has some kind of fun planned for the weekend :beach: . Nothing grand planned here. :kickcan:

Hey P.J, wow, :fr: too many two year olds at once for me.. :joker: .lol I took care of twins when I was 18 as a live in nanny :dizzy: I think I had 3 hours of sleep solid at the most. I hope your able to get the rest you need to keep your matabolizum running well. Fatigue and weight gain :o go hand in hand. Great huh :nono: ? I'm too tired to exercise, and too fat not too. Hmmm just where do we buy that magic pill to do it ALL. :lol: LOL. Good luck and stay strong. :strong:

Thank you all :angel: ever sooooo much for the great birthday wishes and the congrats on my busting the stuckness :jig: I really needed the boost of support. It has motivated me in a new way again. I need a new boost :dance: every so often. I am a little down because aunt flow is keeping me out of the pool this week and then the pool is closed for maitanance for the rest of the month.. :stress: I'm just no good at the sweating thing. :ebike: I'll have to figure something out because thats too long to wait. Oh well, I'm doing great with my food so I hope that shows in the end. :wl:

:woo: Enjoy your life and find something to make you smile today. Then find someone to share it with. :grouphug:


dogpal 09-09-2005 02:12 PM

:hb: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons:

Happy, Happy Birthday Late Dear Shadie!!!! So sorry I missed your special Day. I have been in WA state with my hubby. Moving is so hectic. I hope that your birthday was spectacular!!! Congrats on loosing more weight.

Hello to everyone else. Sorry to have been so sporadic. It makes it so hard to keep up with everyone but, I'll try my best. Here is an update on what has been going on.

We signed papers yesterday for our house selling. We have a closing date of on or before October 7th. This weekend we are going to get a storage and start putting our stuff in there because we don't yet have a home to move in to in Northern Idaho. Hubby finally got the job offer over the email and accepted it. They want him up there so badly that they are willing to rent us a house, apartment or motel for as long as it takes for our house to sell. So, he gave notice on the job he was working here for two weeks. He will be going up there by himself (scarry for me) and picking out a place to live for us. I have a few things on paper of what I am hoping for in a rental home. First and foremost is a safe place for the puppies. I have changed my tracker to reflect my recent binging to include the 6 pounds I have gained. Praise God it isn't more. I am feeling back on track now.

Blessings to you all and I will try to post more often.

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