3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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thinthinker 06-01-2005 11:10 PM

300+ And Ready To Try Again...#724

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have a bi-weekly 2x2 Challenge.
Our goal is to lose 2 lbs in 2 weeks.
The challenges start every other Monday. There will be a sign-up started by someone on the thread and then you report in 2 weeks later with your losses!
Once the one challenge ends, a new one begins the same day.
We have a long term goal of losing 300+ lbs within our 300+ group in 2005.

(NOTE: We DID IT, We DID IT....and it's only the end of May!!!)

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


I know you'll all agree that we are really thankful for the free services here at 3FC. The sisters offer all of this support and information with no charges to us. There are a couple of ways though that we can help out.

If you are thinking about buying anything at Amazon, why not help out 3FC at the same time? You can do this by clicking on the button for Amazon on any page in the forum, or by clicking on the button on the main 3FC page at www.3fatchicks.com . A portion of your purchase price will be given to 3FC by Amazon. It doesn't increase your price at all, but it does help out 3FC. You can use any of the Amazon.com links that you see on the site in order to help contribute to the site.

Also, BTW, in case you didn't know it, you can view the message boards "ad free" for a minimal charge. I think it's like $15 for 6 months. A very small investment to be rid of the annoying ads and make your pages load quicker.

There have been some concerns expressed by the powers that be about copyright infringement. So please, if you are directly quoting someone else or printing an article in whole or in part, please give credit where credit is due!!!!

Terri in MO 06-01-2005 11:33 PM


Is Thin writing a long post? Can I get this in there before she posts? :s:

Thin, you know the posting police rules. No starting a new thread and not leaving a post. :lol:

:wave: to everyone else. I'm doing okay foodwise. Tonight's exercise was to work all four horses on halter training. That meant walking and lots of trotting. I'm trying to get my horses to trot beside me on command. I'd not like to repeat the last show we were in when Tanyah refused to trot and I wanted to beat her. Lots of starts and stops. Then I walked the dog after dinner. Hopefully we'll avoid having him wake me up like last night. Three times!!!! Once with a sock in his mouth thinking we should play. At 1 am. The mama dog was NOT happy. Especially when he wanted out again at 4 am. I fell asleep on the couch waiting for him to knock on the door to get back in but must have died because I didn't wake up again until 5:30. I hope we all sleep better tonight.

Any old farts watch the Eagles Farewell Tour? Oh wow, can't get much better music than the Eagles. Well maybe Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, Rolling Stones, Elvis, Bob Seger (THE man!), Eric Clapton, Tom Petty, John Cougar and John Mellancamp. Can you tell I was a 70's teen?

I'm off to bed. :wave:

Tinker 06-02-2005 01:55 AM

Hello Everyone!!

I just figured I would come in here and ramble a bit... this seems like the place to do it :D

Im so happy that I found this site! I had just decided that I needed to recommit to my healthier lifestyle and maybe some new friends could help me out with that! :) I already posted my bio, but I guess Ill post a bit about myself... Im Amie and Im 27. I have one small kiddo that is 4 and a big kiddo that I have been married to for 6 years...lol. Right now Im a SAHM, but I think when kiddo starts school Ill be looking for a job to stay busy. I started my "get healthy lifestyle change" in December, and when I started I was really commited, but like most people... the initial motivation I had has kind of puttered out. So I broke my trusty old Dr Phil book out and I have started reading it again. Plus, I really hope this 30 minutes of exercise every day in June will really help keep me on track too!

I joined our local TOPS chapter in December and I really believe it was one of the best things I could have ever done... I know one of the reasons I have done as well as I have is because I have to weigh in every week and Im being held accountable. Plus, the ladies there are great... they are very supportive. Lately though, I tend to do awful all weekend and then start working really hard on Monday and stressing about weighing in on Thursdays. I hate that I do that, and I know that things wouldnt be so stressful if I would just start being consistant with my efforts, but no matter how many times I tell myself that, when the weekend comes I slack off. So I decided to recommit June 1st. 95% of all junk food is out of my house (which is pretty good with a 4 year old in the house! ) And Im going to commit myself to working out at least 30 minutes every day this month as well. So I think Im ready!

Today was pretty good I guess, but I still expect a gain tomorrow at weigh in... darn aunt flo!!! I did take my measurements day before yesterday and I hope that even if the scale doesnt move much this month, the numbers will go down. Im trying really hard to stay positive about everything... thinking of this as trying to get healthy not trying to get thin and I think that has helped me a lot this time around as well. I always thought it was a bunch of bull when people would say that things just "clicked" for them when it was time for them to lose weight, but I guess that is what happened to me this time around. I cant really say why its diffrent this time, I just know that it is. :)

Well, I guess I have rambled long enough tonight. If you guys would like to see my little work-in-progress webpage its Here Its pretty cheezy, but it has a couple of pictures and my weight progress chart and stuff :) And on that note, I think Ill say goodnight! I cant wait to get to know you guys better!! :D

JuleeCeeS 06-02-2005 03:00 AM

Well.....just when I thought I was regular again, TOM is back a week early.. AGAIN...which irks me, but I still posted a nice loss tonight so I am happy. Plus I went shopping today at LB and bought an 18/20 skirt...that according to the salesgirl "is running really small"...so I was psyched..even if the pants I bought are still 24's...but who cares...their sizes are wacky anyways.

The next week is mucho stressful but I will survive!!! I spent the whole day running errands and I slept in which was bliss.

Our WW leader gave us each a postcard tonight which we have to bring back to her addressed to ourselves. We have to write down our Labor Day goal and the steps we will take to get there. I need to think about this one carefully...especially since I have a full month of vacation in there and I do not want to get Off-Program because I am off my regular routine.so I am going to create a new routine...I hope.

More work to do before I hit the hay...

Buenos Noches!

Tashabella 06-02-2005 07:47 AM

It's Thankful Thursday and I'm thankful I've been OP for FIVE days!!! :cp:

MOM OF 5 ~ Is there a support group you can join for families of children with disabilities? Our county offers such programs and some nonprofit groups do too. It might provide a good outlet for you.

I know the stress makes you eat. My husband has a disability, and while he lives a pretty active life, he is still very needy. I have gained 60 pounds during our marriage (mostly right at the start and I was big to begin with). It is very draining to have someone, no matter how much you love them, who needs you so much.

I'm learning to try to do other things than eat. It's been a very, very long process and don't know if I'll ever have it licked, but I have to keep trying. You know why? 'Cause the stress is never going to go away. So, since I can't change the situation, I have to change.

I'm here for you if you need me! I don't have the same exact situation, but I can try to help. :^: Hang in there!

Lilion 06-02-2005 09:26 AM

Good Morning Ladies! (have we lost our Gentleman?)

Well, here's hoping today is a better day. We managed to get the kids home yesterday and the daughter is taking it well. My friend was thoroughly drugged at the hostipal to keep her from going nuts from not smoking...and slept most of the day. Not necessarily a bad thing. Today, we'll wait and see.

Huggy: Glad to see you back but so sorry you're having to go thru this crisis. I agree, some sort of support group is the way to go. Maybe some sort of respite care? There are programs where folks can take disabled kids for a short time so the parent's can "get away from it all" for a few hours now and then. I wish I had other suggestions. Hang in there! ((huggs))

Leanne: Glad to see you back too. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your daughter. I can't believe that people are so rude as to make comments like third-graders about a persons appearance. I can't say this has ever happened to me....maybe I'm just too self-absorbed to notice? I'm always horrified when I hear this kind of thing. Good attitude for you! I'd have probably caused a scene and ruined my own day.

Julee: Good for you! Congrats on the loss!

Well, I know I'm not responding to everyone by any means. No time. But I'm reading and thinking about all you ladies!

Have a happy, healthy OP day!

jillybean720 06-02-2005 12:56 PM

Good afternoon, all!

I found out yesterday I'm getting a BIG raise at work effective July 8. It's actually approximately a 26% raise, which is almost unheard of around here (average raise is 4%), but since I told them I was going to find a higher-paying job elsewhere, they did what they could to keep me. It worked :D So hopefully once that goes into effect, I can stop working 4 nights a week at the restaurant and actually have some TIME to sleep and breath--imagine that :p

My weight is definitely UP from the holiday--in an effort not to discourage myself too much, I am not going to officially weigh-in today as I normally would. I'll just watch myself more closely this weekend, drink tons of water, and see how it goes next week.

Well, don't have time to reply to everyone--i have one more hour here in the office, then to my dr's office, then to job #2 for the day, then home to SLEEP and do it all again tomorrow :dizzy: Hope everyone's having a great day!

DoxieMom 06-02-2005 12:57 PM

Hello All!
Had a slow minute at work and thought I would pop in. Have done very well OP this week, but stepped on the scale this morning (yes, it's a BAD habit and I shouldn't weigh myself so often) and it showed I was UP a pound.:( I was shocked, disappointed and down right PO'd. I have been SO good - not one slip this week and I have been walking, walking and walking. I'm hoping it is the humdity. I vowed not to get back on the scales until I go to my WW meeting at Saturday morning.

Tinker - Welcome to the wonderful world of 3FChicks! This is a great forum and I hope you find the encouragment and motivation these lovely ladies are so good at giving.

Terri - You bet I watched those Eagles, and loved every minute of it. I think I have practically all of their CDs, and their **** Freezes Over tour video. And I totally agree with you - Bob Seger is THE MAIN MAN!! Yep, I'm a 70's teenager myself. I turned the hubby on to his first Seger concert when we were dating. He is very musically inclined and played in a band for years and I always told him, whatever you do, don't do any Bob - no one can imitate THE MAN!!

Momof5 - I agree with Tashabella. Check into your town/county services. Or if you live in a small town and they don't offer any, is there a family member or neighbor that could give you a break at least once a week? You really deserve one. I know I'm probably not much help, but hang in there!

JuleeCees - Congrats on your loss! Way to go.

To everyone else, have a great day!

Lilion 06-02-2005 02:16 PM

Doxiemom: Don't be too discouraged about that WI. I've weighed 4.5 lbs different from one day to the next, depending on how much water I drink or retain. It's really amazing and so I never ever put faith in anything except my "official" once-a-week WI.

BIGGIRL27 06-02-2005 04:32 PM

Helllooo Ladies! :wave:

First some replies...

Julee CONGRATS on that loss! (and during TOM too... great things are to come!)

Tinker, WELCOME! I found this site just about the day I decided to turn my life around and it has been a godsend! Hubby is very supportive, but thin and greedy! lol He doesn't even think about food and gets upset when I 'obsess' as he calls it, so it's nice to come to a place and read all about people who are sharing that battle with you. And it's great to have a few hundred ears to turn to when you need support as well. I hope you feel comfortable here!

Jill, I'm still beaming from hearing about your raise - AGAIN! You go Girl!

Tashabell and momof5, I commend you women for all your hard work and dedication! Good luck. I'll be thinking about you...

Doxiemom, unfortunately, I weigh in just about every day, but I only chart and follow my real WI day weight. I have found that my body 'knows' weigh in day and will sometimes hold onto a pound or two throughout the week and ta daaa! on weigh in day its gone. So, give yourself a break and know that even if the numbers aren't right on WI day, you're doing some fantastic things for your health AND it could be muscle tipping the scales and NOT FAT!

Lilion, I hope your friend is alright. That's a wonderful thing you're doing... taking care of her daughter and being there for support. ;)

As for me... well... so/so :) I allowed myself to have some treats during TOM because I was doing so well AND because DH, MIL and I went to a fabulous European market over the holiday weekend and I was starting to feel like not having cheese and cookies and stuff would depress me - HUGE MISTAKE!! I am maintaining like a CHAMP! Problem is I was probably going to maintain anyway because 17 lbs dropped off quite quickly in like the first 4 weeks. It's been hard getting back on track, but I'm slowly getting there today. Oddly, I forgot to have breakfast (porridge/oatmeal and 2 cups of water) and my supplements. I didn't realise until around 10 when I was at work. Well, around 12:30 I still wasn't hungry but went to get lunch anyway. I had a turkey and salad sandwhich (w/ 2 slices of wholemeal - I normally only have an open faced sandwich w/ 1 slice). I thought well, not bad because I didn't eat breakfast. Well, when I got home around 6 I had a bowl of bran flakes for my snack. And now I've just had a really good OP dinner. Still struggling with getting all my water in for the day.

I don't understand how one stupid weekend has managed to kill my drive? And on top of that, I injured my already busted leg (sciatica, arthritis, broke my foot last year and had an operation on my calf bone (what's that called?) about 17 years ago) during my weekly 6 mile walk, so I've been 'light on exercise' this week. I'm trying to snap back into reality because I'm on holiday starting next week AND I am scared because all my friends and family are OBSESSED (right along with me) with deliscious fattening carb ridden foods and I just know that I will give in at some point! I'll be at my mom's house AND my best friend is getting married that Saturday. I ordered salmon for my meal though - yay! But, her gift to the guests will be individual groom's cakes in a tiffany box - uggghh! I have to say though... I am proud of myself for NOT GAINING, so I must be doing something right...

*ahhhh... that vent felt good. Now, somebody whip me back into shape here! My June 15 goal is in SERIOUS jeopardy! I will have to revise it! :rofl:

OK, gotta go and peel hubby off the couch, sleeping in his work clothes again... :)

Have a great OP day everyone!

dogpal 06-02-2005 06:27 PM

Hi everyone,

I have read all the posts and have to tell you my congrats are with all of you who are loosing and staying op. For the ladies that are new, a huge welcome hug. You will love it here. To all that are having problems with stress and illness of friends and family members, I will be praying for you. Gotta run, I'm late for class.


SueMarie301 06-02-2005 08:11 PM

Okie ladies... I haven't weighed myself in a while and today I did... ummm, I guess I shouldn't be suprised, I haven't been monitoring my food very well, tho I haven't been pigging out either. However, I did gain 2lbs... I'm hoping it's because I think aunt flo is going to be here soon. I have a major headache, however, I'm going to go do some more yard work and try to get some stuffed bagged and maybe rip up some sprinkler heads. OOHH!! And we have our dirt being delivered tommorrow so I gotta make sure we have a space laid out for it to be dumped in our yard lol... add that to the list ;)

Sorry for no replies, it's been rather hectic here and I'm trying to keep up with my posting because I know if I stop, I'll go haywire. You ladies keep me on my toes!

Okie I'm outta here... take care everyone!


Lilion 06-03-2005 01:01 PM

Hello my Dear Ladies!

Wow! Can't believe I'm the first to post today and it's nearly noon! Everyone must be busy, busy, today.

Just got back from a somewhat disapointing WI. :( 288.5 - only 1/2 a lb down. But 1/2 down is better than 1/2 up - so I'll take it! ;) I also think it's misleading today, because I can tell I'm retaining a ton of water. Usually when I type, my rings spin around on my fingers and 1/2 the time my watch faces down...not today. Not to mention that my boobs are about 1/2 again the usual size! :o Isn't PMS fun?

The disapointing part is I didn't make the 2x2, since this is my last official WI. Only 1 1/2 x 2....This is the first time I didn't make it. :( And, unless I show a HUGE loss next week, not too likely I'll make my 4th of July goal...but I'm going to keep trying!

Sue: With all the yard work, I expect you'll be getting enough exercise to get those pounds off quick! Hope it's going well.

BigGirl: Temptation City for you next week, huh? Maybe you could start by asking your friend to give you the box, but not the cake??? She could fill it with something fat free. I bet she'd understand. It's sooo hard to be around it and not eat it! I always do pretty good until I hit the bbq's and parties - or DH and I decide to go out to dinner someplace "quick" which usually means a buffet. :ink: He suggested that yesterday, but I said "no" because I know I always eat too much there. We ended up with Italian, which was pretty good, and I have 1/2 of it left for lunch today. Anyway, I hope you have a good time with your family, try not to obsess too much, and maybe your family will learn something from you this week!

Oh BTW, my friend is home now. They are going to do a stress test and maybe a cardiac cath later....scary for a 38 year old woman!

Jill: I fogot to congratulate you on the raise! :bravo: I'm glad you'll be able to get some down time! You deserve it!

Tinker: I also forgot to welcome you - Welcome! :wave: I'm sure you'll like it here!

Well, that left-over dinner that probably caused this water retention is calling me... :p

Have a happy, healthy, OP day everyone!

animequeen 06-03-2005 06:05 PM

Hello everyone.

I have to tell all of you how happy I was to find this site. I was actually searching for WW recipes and found it.

You all sound so wonderful and supportive.

I filled out a profile but I would love to get to know you ladies so I figure I'll tell you a little about myself.

I've been overweight since childhood and have always fluctuated up and down. I am a single mother - my son is 7 - and for about the last six years I have been 300+.

I started WW in January 2005 and I'm doing well with it, but you all know everyday is a new struggle. Last week was really bad for me because we didn't have a weigh in on tuesday so I took it as a free wekk and just let loose. This week I'm trying to reign myself back in and get back on track. I've already used 18 flex points that I usually save for the weekend. So it's definetly to the gym today.

Well I look forward to exchanging posts with all of you.

Have a great weekend!


dolfingirl2000 06-03-2005 07:33 PM

Hi Everybody! :)

LOL--All I can picture is Dr. Nick from The Simpsons right now. Anyway, I haven't posted for the past 2 days :(--I've been feeling bummed out and I thought I had gained weight and I didn't want to weigh myself to see. :rolleyes: I'm such a wimp sometimes. So today, I woke up and decided to just get over it--I weighed in at 350.8 lbs. :dance: It's only a 2.4 loss in 2 weeks, but I'll take it. I thought that I had gained so I'm ecstatic. I weighed myself twice just to make sure that I heard it right. And I've started Atkins again and I just feel like this time it's right. I drank 5 glasses of water so far today, which is a record for me, and I'm sure I can get the last 3 glasses in by bedtime. I am so excited and happy. You are all such an inspiration to me.

I dyed my hair the other night. I'm normally what my boyfriend called "mousey brown" (those were his exact words :censored: ) and now I'm medium auburn. He doesn't like it red--lol. I also had it cut last night. My friend Rob came over and he cut about 6 inches off. My hair used to be halfway down my back and now it is just under my shoulders. It's a little bit shorter than I like, but my mother was over and she kept saying, "It should be shorter." and just aggravating me. It needed to be cut, but to tell you the truth I wish there were more layers. It kind of looks the same way minus the 6 inches. :( It is healthier though.

Jill: CONGRATULATIONS on getting such a wonderful raise. Your company must want to keep you around which says a lot about you. Yay!

Big Girl: Good luck with all of your temptations. Just do your best--that's all anyone can ask. I'll be thinking of you.

Well, Good luck to the rest of you! I'll stop by tomorrow.


DoxieMom 06-03-2005 10:59 PM

Not many posts tonight. Thank you to all who gave me words of encouragement on the scale cautostrophe. Well, I have still stayed OP to the tee this week, and I still feel fat. :( I'm going to be so disappointed if I gain tomorrow after all my hard work this week, but will really do me best not to get so discouraged I binge.

Lilion - I agree with you. As your in the midwest too, I think it's something to do with our weather. I swear when the barometric pressure went up, so did my water retention. Oh well, have to accept it and keep moving forward.

Biggirl - Temtation is really hard when you're out at a function with your friends and family and you're the only one "making a life-style change" with food. Just try to do the best you can and keep a positive attitude! :D

Jilly - HUGE Congrats on your raise. That is wonderful that you won't have to work so many jobs anymore. You can finally give yourself the break you deserve. Go celebrate and pamper yourself!

Animequeen - A big welcome to you. :wave: You have done wonderful so far on WW, so get right back on track and keep going!! I too am doing WW and have done well so far (we'll see tomorrow). The ladies on this forum are wonderful. This is the place to come to find support, encouragement and inspiration.

dolfingirl - Congrats to you!! Losing 2.4 is SO much better than gaining 2.4. A loss, is a loss, is a loss... take it and run with it. :cb: :cp:

Time for the hubby to call from work, so need to run. To everyone I missed, take care and have a great weekend.

SueMarie301 06-04-2005 01:24 AM

Hey everyone :)

Lilion – yes, I’m hoping that with all the yard work I will drop those pounds off! I should get one of those scales that do the .5’s and .3’s and stuff, mine is just a dial scale. I have been looking for a digital one, just cant find one that is not to expensive heheh.

Animequeen – WELCOME :) :grouphug:

Dolfingirl – I know what you mean about the hair. I cut off 10 inches back in September, and I was soo upset with myself for doing it, but I cannot believe how much lighter my head felt LOL… it was down to my waist (just above) now it’s about mid back. So it is growing back. My mom was the same way, first she said I love your hair long, now she’s like CUT IT ALL OFF. Like duh make up yer mind heheh.

I’m excited!!! Tommorrow we get our tractor hehehe, we got our sand delivered, but tommorrow I get to see James drive around on a tractor with his cheesy grin on his face. He’s already gone out and bought one of those hay hats. Just call him farmer James :lol: Now all he needs are some overalls hehehe and a piece of hay to chew on.

I promise pictures! I will set up a small quick and simple website so I can post update pictures. I also promised pictures of my baby monster, Heidi for Mertz and Doxiemom hehehe. Sometimes I just sit back and laugh at her…. My brown tabby, Mali, seems to tolerate her well. Heidi is her shadow. Everywhere Mali goes, there goes Heidi. Sasha on the other hand likes to smack Heidi around whenever she annoys him. So Heidi knows to not bug him. But Mali on the other hand… Heidi does this little hopping thing, and she hops circles around Mali and Mali just watches her. Must be a maternal thing hehe… :shrug: it’s cute either way hehehe.

Alrighty ladies, I’m outta here…

Take care! I promise some Farmer James pictures ;)

Ni Ni

BIGGIRL27 06-04-2005 04:53 AM

Ladies! Hello! :wave:

I hope your weekends are going well. Sue, sounds like you will cetainly be busy! lol Dolphingirl, congrats on that loss! Animequeen, WLECOME! Lilion, drink lemon with your water and that should help expell any stubborn water... not sure about if that would work in the Midwest climate, but its worth a try?

Today... :rain: it's raining or 'spitting it down' as the Brits say. We have had such fantastic weekend weather for the past month or so... ah well... Hubby says I'll be doing my 6 mile walk on my own if it's raining, so fingers crossed lol (he's asleep now. good thing b/c he'd be moaning if he were looking out the window). I really enjoy the weather here! As Angela would know form experience State College, PA (my last residence in the state) was very 'gray' - all year round. The summers were gray and humid. The winters were extreme with the amount of snow that fell (I have pictures if anyone's interested - I didn't want to ever forget so I took picture during the last snow storm of my last winter lol). And it seemed to rain heavily CONSTANTLY. The weather over here in England is quite mild in my opinion, nothing very extreme and a rainy day could turn beautiful with the blink of an eye. The sky really moves here. Anyway, my favorite thing is NO SNOW! When some flakes do fall from the sky, they're gone in an instant. I really hate the heat though... 2003 there was a freak heat wave in Europe and I about died when I was in London on vaca. Hubby still laughs about that one.

OK, enough about the weather. My scale says I've lost another 1.25 lbs which would give me a running total of 2.25 so far this week (quietly... yay!) WI day is Tuesday, so we're going to remain calm and quiet and see what the scale gods reveal.

The best thing is I have managed to slowly get myself back on track with food and with my sore hamstring. It was rough but chilling out on aerobics and increasing my stretching this week was the best I could do for myself. Patience is something I struggle to learn.

Guys, thanks to everyone who has been cheering me on! I'll get through this vaca and I hope to come home with a loss! After all, walking is one of the easiest exercises and can be fun! Also, I'm sure I can allow myself some treats here and there and still eat sensibly. I'll just have to remember maintenance **** whenever somebody orders 10 pancakes from IHOP!

So, hubby :devil: and I :?: had a stupid argument last night. All our arguments are stupid. We never seem to argue about 'real or important' things lol This time around it was b/c I referred to a friend of mine as 'rich' and he had to go on and on about how he's not rich b/c it's his parents. And I said, well we just have different definitions of rich, so drop it, but nooooooo.... he was on a 'you're wrong!' kick... then I guess to punish me, he changed out of his walking gear announced he was tired and went to bed around 9 (we were all ready to go ona 2 mile walk) ugghhh... I wanted to strangle him, but I just started writing, calmed down, went on my own 1.5 mile walk around 10.30 pm, came back, did some aerobics, wrote to a friend, and tidied up. I was so energetic! He woke up around 1 am, in a wierd mood, but I was nothing but kind until I went to bed around 2. This whole 'issue' has two elements: 1. whenever we are going to spend some time apart, he seems to get irritable and starts an argument about something completely unrelated which screws up the few days we have together before being apart. I hate that. Every time... it never fails! I think he has attachment issues. 2 I love and adore my husband and I love and adore one of my best buds 'C' but they don't really 'click' and being around them both makes things awkward, so in the past all I could think to do was keep them separate as much as I could. Well the tension hasn't gone anywhere (even though I'm 3,000 miles away from C). The friend who I said is rich is C's husband 'J.' If I even mention C or J around hubby, oh the mood! I feel like I'm walking a tight rope here... Any suggestions? The worst thing is, I don't really like hubby's friends, but I just leave it at that. Whenever he mentions them I say, 'that's nice' and I encourage him to spend time with his buds. Why isn't he able to do the same for me?

jillybean720 06-04-2005 09:56 AM

Thanks for all the congratulations, ladies! I had to keep telling myself, though, that getting a raise is no reason to go out and splurge on a celebration dinner :devil: We went out for Italian last night (Fridays are my night out normally anyway), and we each got soup, plus we split an appetizer, plus they brought us bread. By the time our actual meals came, we each literally only took about 3 bites. There was a time when I would have eaten the whole thing just because it was GOOD and it was there, ya know? So knowing that I have most of the entree in a doggy bag in my fridge right now really makes me feel pretty good :)

animequeen--I have just got to say WOW to all the weight you have lost just since January! I was 310.5 in January, and here I am hangin' out around 297 now, so you're definitely an inspiration, telling me I could be doing much better. You go!

biggirl27--I'm not sure how to deal with the hubby vs. friends issue, but on the matter of hubby fighting with you before a separation, I can say it's probably his defense to help him not miss you so much while he's gone, ya know? While he's away, he can be stronger by thinking, jeez all we ever did was fight anyway, but then when he comes back, everything will be fine again. It sucks, I know--my sister went through much of the same thing when she was married to a man in the Navy. It doesn't make a whole lot of common sense, but it certainly isn't completely unheard of. Be strong and know that it's just his separation anxiety acting up!

esmaraude 06-04-2005 10:04 AM

I posted up my official "before pics" on the picture thread. I know I should have taken them before I lost those 29 lbs., but I don't really look much different now than I did then. They were taken this past weekend; I'm wearing my new shirt that I got at Lake Geneva.

I'm psyching myself up to a new committment. I talked to a lady at the Y yesterday about the idea my friend and I had there a few years ago for starting a support group. I told her that I know from experience that a lot of members will quickly lose interest in the Y because being around all those hard bodies can be somewhat intimidating.

She told me that a lot of women are afraid to push themselves with certain machines because they are afraid of bulking up. I told her right away that I'm not at all concerned with that; I know that's nothing to worry about. Besides, if she ever watched me when I work out she'd see that I lift weights. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing that every day like I should.

I told her I think I know enough about nutrition and exercise, it's just a matter of staying motivated and making myself do it. I've been in a low place recently, but things are looking better.

Oh, and I've finally started up an account with DeviantArt, and the little bit of feedback I've been getting has helped my self-esteem a bit, I think. Not much to look at as of yet, just a couple of [tasteful] nudes and another life drawing I did in college, a gel pen drawing of my character, a photo of the doll I've already posted here, and one piece each of Disney and anime fan art. More to come soon! My gallery can be seen here. Hmm. . . maybe I'll add that link to my siggy.

thinthinker 06-04-2005 11:45 AM

Howdy, everyone! How's life where you are this fine Saturday morning?

Honey and I are off so I can play "showgirl" today and tomorrow. I'm doing counts for Cinderella Man this week and next. I had a bunch of trailer checks to get done as well and did a bunch yesterday so I just have to finish up today while I'm there.

I've been working real hard to get back on track. Mother Nature is playing games with me this month so I'm not sure if the TOM bloat thing will disappear or not. :shrug:

My life has been pretty boring lately. Just working and existing mostly. Nothing terribly fun OR disasterous happening at this end. Honey still has not found out if he got the promotion or not.....very frustrating for both of us.

My knees have been killing me. I was on Bextra until they took it off the market. Then the Dr. put me on Celebrex and it just does not work for me. So I've been playing roulette with all the different remedies that I have around here. I've even been taking a Bextra on days when I know I'll be really busy. I talked with a pharmacist and they said that the deadly side effects associated with Bextra were VERY rare. I know, it would be my luck that I'M the one that would have them, but I just have to have some relief once in awhile.

It seems I have not had time for personal replies in so long. It's the best I can do to get here and read and post just a few lines. Hopefully you all will forgive me. And hopefully one day I'll be back in full swing.

I did want to say to SueMarie: YOU TOO can drive the tractor! ;) It's not just a boy's sport anymore! :lol: Have fun. Sounds like you guys have a real project ahead of you. I hope it all works out like you've planned.

And Esmaraude: Your drawings are beautiful! :yes: You have such a talent. Thanks for sharing your gallery with us.

To all the rest of you, I love ya, just can't stay to chat right now. Speaking of chat, is anyone interested in trying to get together to chat again? Maybe Monday night? Maybe like 8:00 EDT? I know that would make it like 5:00 on the west coast, but maybe you girls can join us as you get in from work and school. People usually hang out in chat for an hour or so. Would that work for anyone? I'm just throwing it out there in case anyone is interested. I know it's the weekend so there might not be alot of response to the question, but we'll see.

Anyway, gotta go. Love :love: ya bunches.

DoxieMom 06-04-2005 12:16 PM

Well, I had my official WI this morning, and I stayed the same. :mad: I am so damn angry. First, I do know that staying the same is SO much better than gaining, but I worked so very, very hard this week. I stayed OP all through the holiday weekend, and walked my butt off every night. I almost didn't stay for class I wa so upset, but made myself do it, and I'm glad. It was a good class about staying positive and how to deal with the "hand that you're dealt" and how to change up the cards to get a better and improved hand. It really made me realize that staying the same is okay, and although I'm still PO'd, I'm not giving up. I made myself go ahead and go to my morning water aerobics class and naturally I'm glad I did. As you all know, hubby is doing WW with me, although he only had about 30 pounds to lose in the first place. He was up when I got back from WI and knew how disappointed I was. When I got back from water aerobics and he met me at the door with a big hug and a smile and I could tell by the look in his eye what he was going to say. I just couldn't take it. I told him if he was going to tell me he lost weight this week after eating like a complete and total P-I-G over the holiday, I flat didn't want to hear it. I ranted and raved about it not being fair, and was not happy with my little pity party attitude. He said he'd be happy for me if it was the other way around. Goodie for him - I definitely wasn't happy. I stormed outside and set on the deck by myself and wallowed in my pity, but as usual, I finally got up and went back in and apologized and told him I was happy for him, and then offered to bake him nice fattening cake! I just couldn't help myself!!

Okay, I have to take my son to his vocal lessons, so I after all my ranting and raving, I don't have time to respond to everyone else. We are suppose to have some pretty severe storms later, so if it's not lightening, I will get on later and respond to all you wonderul ladies who have kept me sane lately!!

Take care.

SueMarie301 06-04-2005 12:24 PM

Morning Fellow Chicky-Doodles!

I’ve been up since 6:30 am *GASP* and on a weekend too :lol: We’re waiting for the tractor to be dropped off… they said between 8:30 and 9:30 so it should be here soon. I called them just to make sure (paranoia set in *blush* ) but it will definitely be here, said we were next on the list. Heheheh….

I’m excited to finally get this backyard going… been waiting for years. All this planning and not gas to get it going. I’m not looking towards paying the bill for it tho :-p hehehe.

Biggirl27 – Thank you, yes definitely got a busy weekend ahead of us. I’m hoping to get this backyard done by the end of summer. :crossfinger: 6 mile walk?? WOW!

Jillybean – hey I gotta learn some of that control you have… The teachers got a 2% raise and it was retro back to July, so I got a nice chunk of extra money in my last paycheck. What do I do? I got out shopping. GRR! Hehehe… MUST STOP!

Esmaraude - :wave: Hi!!! It’s nice to put a face to the picture :) I have some before and after pics, but man… that first 30lbs seems so long ago that I might take it down. I’m only about 4lbs above that initial loss, but with everything going on the way it has been, I haven’t had much time to even breathe.

Thinthinker – OOHH! Yeah I know… I’ll get my turn on it! LOL I’ll have to definitely get some pictures of that as well :rofl: I think I’d be interested in the Chat. That would be 5pm pst. As long as I am not doing any calculus and loose track of time :)

Take care everyone!

esmaraude 06-04-2005 02:02 PM

Ok, real quick here. . .

I got bored a little earlier today and started messing around with one of my before pics. . . I was curious to see if I could figure out what I might look like if I were closer to my goal. It's not a real picture then, just a composite I did. You can see it in the picture page here with a little more explanation.

I repeat, this is not a real pic! Compare it to the pic I posted above it; that first set is how I really look right now.

So maybe I have a positive visual image of myself to work toward. Hey, whatever helps, right?

futurediva 06-04-2005 03:12 PM

hi everyone! just wanted to pop in and say, im still here! i havent posted in a few days because i have been super busy, but i am doing well with food and excersise. I hope everyone is good. I will write a little more later, im suppossed to be working:)

thinthinker 06-04-2005 11:38 PM

Accckkkkk! I missed it!
Sorry Syn/Kerri, if you're still peeking in, I missed your birthday. So here's to you, a little belated. Happy Birthday to YOU!!! Hope you had a nice day!

Tinker 06-05-2005 01:13 AM

Hi everyone!

Sorry I havent had a chance to pop in and say hello for a couple of days... I have had company. My friend is here until Wednesday or so, so I probably wont be able to be on too much till after that. :)

Im really trying to hold myself accountable, so I felt like I needed to come in and vent/confess a little bit about my weigh in on Thursday. :( I dont know how I managed it, but I ended up gaining 4.75 pounds!! :o I have NEVER had such a huge gain and Im just really dissapointed in myself. I know I didnt do so well with my eating last week, but I exercised my butt off!

In my defense, it was that TOM, and Im really hopeful that some of that gain was muscle (at least thats what Im telling myself to make me feel better...lol.) I guess I recommited at just the right time. I have been writing EVERYTHING I eat down in a spiral, along with exercise I have done, if I got my 64oz of water in, and left a little space for comments about how Im feeling that day and all. I really hope that it helps.

Well... I just wanted to get that off my chest. Im totally ashamed to even fill in my weight chart this week :( I hope all of you are doing well this week... and if your not, please let me serve as a gruesome reminder of what can happen when you go off your plan!! LOL!! :lol:

Take care everyone! Think Healthy!!!

BIGGIRL27 06-05-2005 02:48 AM

Hi Tinker, during TOM it is possible that you show a gain even larger than 4 lbs. I weigh myself every day and only count and chart my Tuesday WI. This month I gained about 3 lbs during TOM. The week after (now) I'm down 2 real lbs so far plus the 3 that was most likely water at that time of the month. Also, no doubt if you're exercising a lot, muscle could be a factor! Don't feel bad! Keep going! :cheer:

esmeraude I keep forgetting to tell you that you are a fantastic artist - and your composite, computer assisted, 'thin you' looks like the perfect motivational tool! How creative! :)

Terri in MO 06-05-2005 08:32 AM

Good morning ladies!

We had set a goal back at the first of the year to lose 300 pounds this year as a group. We have met that goal well before the end of the year. I was tracking the 2x2 losses towards that goal. Since we met that goal, we either set a new goal to be working towards or set a new challenge. I am turning the tracking to whomever wants to take up the task.

I am just so busy these days that I don't always have time to check in or offer anything to the group.

Be creative and be OP!

Tashabella 06-05-2005 08:51 AM

Well... I counted calories and stayed OP for the last week (I haven't been able to do this successfully for a really long time!)

I weighed this morning and... I LOST 6 POUNDS!!!

:cp: YEA!!! :cp:

(Please don't anyone say anything about it being flluid! :nono: I need my victory. Besides, I'm on fluid pills so it ain't fluid anyway! :lol: LOL.)

It's especially a victory because I've been really sick for the last three days and I still stayed OP!

I wouldn't have been able to do it without you guys! Your help and support have made a huge difference! THANK YOU!!! :cheers:


thinthinker 06-05-2005 11:24 AM

Do NOT post here. Please follow us to 300+ And Ready to Try Again....#725. See you there!

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