3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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thinthinker 05-11-2005 06:04 PM

300+ And Ready To Try Again....#714

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have a bi-weekly 2x2 Challenge.
Our goal is to lose 2 lbs in 2 weeks.
We have a long term goal of losing 300+ lbs within our 300+ group in 2005.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


I know you'll all agree that we are really thankful for the free services here at 3FC. The sisters offer all of this support and information with no charges to us. There are a couple of ways though that we can help out.

If you are thinking about buying anything at Amazon, why not help out 3FC at the same time? You can do this by clicking on the button for Amazon on any page in the forum, or by clicking on the button on the main 3FC page at www.3fatchicks.com . A portion of your purchase price will be given to 3FC by Amazon. It doesn't increase your price at all, but it does help out 3FC. You can use any of the Amazon.com links that you see on the site in order to help contribute to the site.

Also, BTW, in case you didn't know it, you can view the message boards "ad free" for a minimal charge. I think it's like $15 for 6 months. A very small investment to be rid of the annoying ads and make your pages load quicker.

There have been some concerns expressed by the powers that be about copyright infringement. So please, if you are directly quoting someone else or printing an article in whole or in part, please give credit where credit is due!!!!

dogpal 05-11-2005 06:19 PM

:angel: Hi everyone. You are all such angels to me! Thank you for all of the inspiration.

Hippievanlady: :lol: You crack me up. I guess the warrenty on the scales go out the window too. Thank you so much for sharing. I feel better. After I posted this afternoon I went and swam for 1 hour. I swam laps for 30 minutes straight without stopping then did water arobics the other 30 minutes.

Twinkled: I am happy for you to have a neighbor to walk with. That will be nice exercise plus you can really get to know your neighbor. Win win situation.

Sue: Oh, I know how awful that is. I was once doing Nanny work for a family and one morning I got there and it was a normal mornig. Then the police showed up. They starte questioning me about one of the children (girl 3 years old) being taken to emergency the night before because she had been penetrated with something. I had already given my two weeks notice to quit working for them prior to this happening and I only had about two days left. Praise the Lord because I was so uncomfortable in that house knowing that someone did that to that baby and they asked me all kinds of questions almost like I did it. I was not blamed because the Mom said she was fine when she got home from work and I went home. It was later after their baths that she noticed. It was very scarry and it also ended my career as a nanny. I used to love it before that but it was just to scarry. Hang in there. Thank God you had someone with you. It was probably some mixed up kid that said they saw you. Just try to keep your head up. :)

DoxieMom: Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. I have been here for one week and the inspiration is wonderful and motivating and finally I don't feel like I am the only person in the world that goes through things. You will enjoy it. Check in often and get inspired. :D

Well, my Wednesday wishlist is of coarse that I can't wait to be able to take my weight on one scale. What I am going to do about it is: be an active member of this board. Exercise every day that I am able to. Eat only if I am hungry! Pray for God to help me to get to the size he designed my body to be at!

As always, thank you all. I love you guys! :love:


Scooter 05-11-2005 06:25 PM


I am sneeking a post. Life is crazy right now :?:. Hope everyone is doing well. Hopefully it will slow done in a little bit and I can start posting again.

I just had to stop in and do this...

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I AM UNDER 300!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

:cb: :cb: :cb: :cb: :cb: :cb: :cb: :cb: :cb: :cb:

SueMarie301 05-11-2005 07:39 PM

Dogpal - well if it was a student, the security guard will be in trouble for sure because he did not go through the proper channels. If it was another adult, perhaps not as much trouble, be he still should have gone through the proper channels. My concern is what if this child goes home and says "guess what mom and dad, a security officer said that this happened when I went to the restroom with this person" so then his parents freak out and then they contact that school and then it's gonna go into havoc mode. :( I gonna talk to the principal tommorrow to see if anything was found out.

Scooter - I'm SOOOOOO jealous! Congrats!!!! I can't wait til I get to that mark!

Well everyone, I just got back from my dr appt. My lab work gave me a lot of info. No diabetes, no high cholesterol, matter of fact it's lower than was expected. Liver function is good, everything was great, except I had a high uric acid level, but that was because I had to wait for them to draw the blood and I was holding it in hehehe. Also my Triglycerides were high. I believe it was 171 when the high max should be 140. So I have to watch my fat intake.

She said other than that, once I lose weight, that should come down.

So I'm good to go. She yelled at me tho for not getting my yearl paps so I scheduled that and go in next month. Other than I feel better. Still have that major headache from crying earlier :( but I will know more tommorrow when I talk to the principal.

Take care everyone...


Angela_aka_Alice 05-11-2005 11:50 PM

Scooter--yippee!! :dance: :cb: :jig: :dancer: :jig: :high: :cheer: :bravo:

Angela_aka_Alice 05-11-2005 11:51 PM

Sue Marie--Hope all goes well.

Mochahontas 05-11-2005 11:56 PM

I wasn't going to recommend this book until I was sure for myself wether the messages worked. I too am tired of reading books that offer no help. But I have read exerpts from the book from Christianbooks.com on the day that I gave my weight worries completely over to God. I found this book called The Lord's Table by Mike Cleveland. I was totally ecpecting God to show me something and I stumbled on this book just before I was about to shut the computer off and go to sleep--thinking that God may not have heard me. If you can, please look on the web site for this book. Amazon gives it a 5 out of 5. Everyone who's read this book has lost lots of weight and most of all has gained a tighter relationship with God. I have ordered the book and the Lord's Table Leader guide. Both cost a little under $30. I think it's worth it-- you're worth it to God. If this doesn't work... I don't know what else to do God. SO I'm trusting that this will work for me and those who buy or borrow this book. Amen.


pebs410 05-12-2005 03:28 AM


Just a quickie post. I'm here. I just don't find time to pop on the site and get the messages. I'm lucky if I get to check my e-mail.....LOL

Anyhow, Congrats to everyone who lost weight...YAY!! And those who didn't lose any this week...KEEP IT UP! I haven't lost any in 2 weeks, BUT I haven't gained........

Take care, talk to ya'all soon!

TwinkledPink 05-12-2005 03:51 AM

Confession Time
Hello Friends,
I have to confess. I have totally lost it today! Not only did I lie to myself..I lied to you guys. I am so mad and disappointed with myself. I posted earlier and stated that I was no longer going to go to fast food for two weeks. It was almost as if someone dared me...As soon as I made that post..I went to take my brother to a job interview and I dropped him off and said I would be right back and I went straight to Burger King because the little girl I am babysitting was hungry and I thought I would buy her some chicken tenders...so what did I do? I bought myself something too. BUT...I looked in my WW book of "dining out" and looked up Burger King and found that the chicken ceaser salad was only 3 points. So, I ordered a ranch dressing and a fat free dressing...I ended up using the fat free...but I did add the croutons. Anyhow, I guess I could have done worse...but I was content with the thought that I had gotten the salad instead of anything else. Well, then I did ok...ended up going to my mother in laws for dinner...BIG MISTAKE. My downfall is her house! ...HOW DO I AVOID THAT ONE? She is one that is known to cook for an army and to top it off...she makes like three to four meat dishes because "everyone likes different stuff"...i say let them eat what there is or forget it. SO...she made...fried potatoes with corned beef in it ...fried steak...corn w/butter...baked bbq chicken legs...and to top it off..she had a store bought swirl cake with whipped cream frosting that she recieved from her daughter for mothers day. SO...I tried a little of each..I only had 1 point left for the day because I had eaten badly as I mention in my previous post ...and there I sat...i ATE AND ATE...it was like i had been starving! I ate two plates and then went and got two huge pieces of cake. When i left there...i felt miserable..so miserable that i thought i was going to throw up! and then the dissappointment set in..so whatever satisfaction i thought i was going to get out of it...just went right down the drain. I have been mad at myself all night so much that it is now 12:43 in the morning and i cant sleep...thinking of how much more dissappointed i will be at my next weigh in. I cant handle seeing that i gained back any of that five i lost. i mean, i know i still have 5 days til i weigh in again..but can i do anything before then that will take away the damage i did tonight?
I AM SO MAD AT MYSELF! I CANT BELIEVE I DID THAT! And i am so afraid that it will happen again. i mean, its my mother in laws home and she is one of those mother in laws that wont do things just because you ask her..like make a special exception on the night that i may be coming for dinner..even though everyone "likes different things". honestly i believe its because she doesnt know how to cook any different than the way she always has. she is an awesome cook...but more for someone who needs to gain weight ;)
I dont know...and now that i have whined and complained all i can..i feel like i shouldnt even send this post because you all are doing so good and i dont want to be the downer for anyone! i just need some suggestions though...i feel like i am just going to spend the entire night crying because i dont know what to do and i am so frustrated with myself. :(
If anyone has any suggestions ...please tell me...
sorry to be such a downer... i just dont know what to do. :?:
But thank you to all who did read this mile long post! You guys are great. i just needed some venting space and i am so glad i can do that here. i will try and be more posotive next time..thanks everyone!

BIGGIRL27 05-12-2005 03:59 AM

Let's Try This Again...
Right. I'll try and salvage what I can of what I lost yesterday... if I can remember everything that is!

Yesterday I had a 'bad' day. I felt soooo lazy. I woke up feeling tired. Hubby grinds his teeth at night and tries to take over the bed so sometimes my first two hours of sleep are a matter of wrestling with him and cringeing because all my life my one and only non-negotiable pet peeve has been teeth grinding!!! It just goes through me... and of course the love of my life is a CHAMP. It's like clockwork... he begins cuddling with me, then he rolls over to his stomach, then his side, then his back and the grinding begins... my nights begin by trying to force myself to sleep as he plows through his positions :lol: And, he definitely holds his breath for long periods of time so I'm sure he probably has sleep apnea as well... How does one go about getting tested for this?

Anyway I felt so lazy in the morning that I had to force myself to make a bowl of porridge for breakfast. Then I fell asleep on the couch around 12, woke up at 1, had a snack of low fat cheese, grapes, and crackers because I thought it would give me energy!!! Next thing I know I woke up at 4!! Then I started scrambling to tidy up, make salads and stuff for dinner because we had a movie date. When hubby got home I buckled down showered and did some exercise. I did feel better but was disappointed in myself for 'wasting a day.'

On a more positive note... We went to see Kingdom of Heaven and thoroughly enjoyed it! The first good movie I've seen in a long time... We go almost everyone wednesday and I've been sooo disappointed in movies! Oh, I ate almost a whole small bag of popcorn, but I didn't feel that bad since it wasn't an impulse buy. I was good all day because I knew I wanted to get some popcorn - haven't had it in months! (and my snack was my lunch. I had tuna, salad, and a wholemeal pita for dinner).

Anyway... I just read everyone's updates... Sue marie, I am soooo sorry that happened to you! I'm sure the wierdness will go away soon and hopefully the ignorant person who said that about you will be reprimanded for going about it the absolute wrong way!

Dixiemom, Welcome!!! The short time that I have been posting here has been so rewarding I can't even tell you... keeps you from falling through the cracks... I hope you enjoy posting here and reading about our diverse and crazy lives...

Scooter, A BIG CONGRATS TO YOU!!! You go girl!!!

I know I wrote all sorts about sweating, weighing, exercising blah blah blah but I can't remember it... lol

Thankful Thursday blurb: I'm thankful to find this board for support and I'm thankful that I woke up and decided to change my life around for good!!!

Love you girls.. good luck everyone!!!

TwinkledPink 05-12-2005 04:22 AM

Testing For Sleep Apnea
I was reading your post and you asked about sleep apnea..how to test for it...well, I have sleep apnea as well. The way i was tested was that i went to my regular physician and explained my symptoms to her and she referred me to the sleep center * cant remember the exact name of it right now. anyhow, they have you come to the hospital and stay the night. The place that i stayed at had a nice room..not a hospital bed..dont worry. and a tv etc. however, noone is allowed to stay with you..obviously. They hooked up some sticky things..like they use on your chest at times...they have several so your hair is just peachy in the morning..lol. anyhow, you have these things hooked up and you finally go to sleep and they begin monitoring you. They have a camera watching you at all times and they can hear everything in your room. (Dont eat beans before going ;) )
The doctor then will schedule an appt. to discuss his findings of the test and will schedule a second sleepover which you will be using the CPAP machine. They are very accomidating and nice while you are there.
I have to say it is a wonderful thing! I get used to it and think..oh i hate this thing and go without it for a while..then when i decide to put it on and try it to see if it is making any difference really..i realize i dont know everything like i think i do. lol.
It is defenately worth every second of getting it checked out! Good luck and hope this helps. :)

Tashabella 05-12-2005 07:27 AM

Still here
Sue Marie ~ I'm sure that was traumatic for you. I hope things will go well with the principal. I can only imagine how you felt.

Scooter ~ So happy for you! Go 200s!

Catherine ~ I think you should consider writing a book. You describe our experience so accurately. I think you could open a lot of people's eyes and help us get more understanding in the world.

As for me, I blew it yesterday with a binge. I am PMSing and I went to McDonalds and took it out on a chicken sandwich and fries and...

I'm back OP today, but annoyed with myself because now I probably won't see a loss. I sabotaged myself again. Along with PMS (I have horrible mood swings and depression during this time of the month), work sucks and my family always gets on my nerves. I have a tendency to medicate myself with food, which I did. I could eat a horse -- and a couple of his friends -- right about now! But I won't. :(

I'm still trying.

BIGGIRL27 05-12-2005 08:30 AM

Twinledpink, Don't You Give Up!!!!!
Twinkled, I'm so sorry you're having a rough time of things. Don't feel bad for having a hard time and writing a long post - that's what they're there for. I do read all the posts and try to provide support when someone needs it because Lord knows I have been supported here!

HM... here I am feeling down on myself because I've had the munchies and eaten some extra fruit and nuts... reading other people's experiences is a real reality check!!!

Twinkled, I would ask you to

1. take some time to read the Success stories board - and to read the weigh in boards - those are real boosters for me when I am not doing too well.

2. Another thing you could do is try to stop yourself while you are still thinking of eating something off plan and ask yourself how you think you might be feeling about that 5 minutes after it's over AND how you might feel about that on weigh in day. That usually stops you.

3. Carry a small notebook with you wherever you go. When you have an impulse to eat something you shouldn't, write in you 'journal' about why you want to eat it, what the consequences are, and what's happening in your life that day. You will probably see a trend. My trend is stress! And, by stopping and writing you are taking the time to distract yourself which will also help you determine if you really want to make that points sacrifice or if you're just stressed or tired or PMSing.

4. As for your mother in law... this is a tricky one, but I think it could be easily handled. Could you come over and help mom-in-law prepare when you're invited to dinner? That way, you could set your portions of meat aside and cook them in a healthier fashion? For example, if she's making fried steak, you could cut the fat off your piece and flash fry it in water and olive oil with veg for a steak stir fry...? You could also bring a salad with you...

I have a difficult question about the mom in law issue actually... Do you feel that you *want to be tempted* when you go over for dinner? I ask because she sounds the way my mom was when I was growing up... she had no idea about 'healthy eating' Most of our veg were steeped in oil or cooked to death with meat - and it was fabulous!!! She is such a terrific cook! Anyway, when I was in College my dieting always fell apart when I went home to visit because I knew what the situation was, but I never prepared before hand (and I had no idea about nutrition and healthy options). I always imagined myself just eating a plain salad while the family scarfed down collard greens, fried chicken, steak, mashed potatos, chocolate fudge cake, etc.. needless to say, I would soon find myself joining them. AND THEN I WOULD BLAME MY MOM!!!

Anyway, if you really want to do this, take control of the situation and you will see a change. It becomes easier the more you do it. Now, STOP beating yourself up. This was just one day. You can change your life around in one day. Tomorrow is your day. Take it one hour at a time, if you have to.

Lilion 05-12-2005 10:29 AM

Twinkledpink: Don't you give up! We ALL have times like this. You weren't here for my fajita rant! http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/show...012#post797012
I assure you...I thought I'd gain about a dozen pounds from that! But you know what, I lost! Having one "bad" day is NOT going to make you stop losing weight unless you give up and start doing it every day. I regularly have had "bad" days since starting this in February. Haven't gained once. Had one week where I stayed the same, lost all the others. Burger King wasn't cheating if you had the points to cover it. MIL's house, well, that may have been a slip, but these things happen. Heck, on Mother's day I ended up at a family BBQ. Had some kind of potato cassarole, seven-layer salad and a chicken breast AND a hamburger. Did I need the hamburger? NO. Did I have the points for it? Probably not. Did I destroy my diet with it? NO, I started over the next day and have been good all week. My WI is tomorrow. It's entirely possible I'll see the results of last weeks not-so-good eating. I hope not, but if so I'll know that I simply have to be more careful.

You CAN do this! If MIL is so hot to cook what people like, try to get her to cook something special for you! My MIL is the exact same way. However, I'm lucky because they both have cholestrol problems and FIL is diabetic so she works toward healthy. But I assure you, if I were on a necessary high-fat, high-carb diet...she'd make me something special. I bet yours would do it for you if you tried asking. The rest is up to you. You have to be the person who decides the number and sizes of portions. And I'm sure you CAN do this.

Since you mention points, you must be on WW. Try carrying your books with you so you can look stuff up and your journal so you'll write down everything. This is one time that obsession with food is a good thing! ;)

Hang in there!

JuleeCeeS 05-12-2005 10:34 AM

Lost .5 last night..or at least that's what the scale said. But then after the meeting I had to go to the bathroom again...I had felt a little bloated before I weighed in...so I got back on the scale (sneaky me) afterwards and it had gone down...so yay!

Our leader told us about the new Boca Chili Bowl...150 calories, 1 gram fat, 12 grams fiber, 20 grams protein...2 points for the whole shebang and she said it tasted yummy. I know they are carrying it here at gelson's but it might be worth looking into.

Twinkled: Is there anything you can do to undo the damage you did at dinner last night? No...nothing healthy anyways. But you knew that. All you can do is start over again today and not do it again. We will all overeat eventually. That is the difference between a lifestyle change and a diet. When you change your lifestyle you have the wiggle room to indulge now and then and still be fine. With a diet, it's about deprivation and punishment. We tell ourselves that we have to be perfect, and when we do something less than perfect (overeating on yummy MIL foods) we punish ourselves...often by continuing to eat. So....you identifid her cooking as a trigger..that was step 1. If she is so willing to cook ots of stuff so that everyone will be happy, it sounds like she will be willing to be accomodating to your efforts and preferences too. Sometimes we eat certain foods because there is no alternative. Maybe next time, she will put out a nice fruit salad...so that when everyone else is eating their cake, you can also have a sweet dessert...that is helthy!


Doxie: Welcome!

I have to run...need a quick shower before my nail appointment.

Oh...AI commentary....thank you America for finally getting it right. Whew. I was going to hurt the TV set if Anthony stole Vonzell or Carrie's votes and became the next Nicki McKibben. At this point, I still love bo but no longer care who wins because the correct people are in the top 3. Ta-ta Anthony..have fun in coach.

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