3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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-   -   300+ And Ready to Try again #634 (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/300-club/52041-300-ready-try-again-634-a.html)

ageoldie 01-17-2005 07:32 PM

300+ And Ready to Try again #634
We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have a bi-weekly 2x2 Challenge.
Our goal is to lose 2 lbs in 2 weeks.
We have a long term goal of losing 300+ lbs within our 300+ group in 2005.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


Qadira 01-17-2005 07:59 PM

Beautiful, Barb!

I'm feeling a whole lot better and just wanted to thank everyone for their positive words and thoughts. You're right, of course! Support is so important - not just when we're doing well, but when we're feeling down, too!

So... Thank you!

~Kerri~ 01-17-2005 08:09 PM

Ageoldie-- Love that clipart! How do you get a pic in there without it showing as an attachment? Am I missing something?

Angela_aka_Alice 01-17-2005 08:34 PM

Sigh, wish I could report a loss for the first 2x2, but no such luck… I’ve been maintaining since the beginning of the year. Count me in for the next two weeks, though, surely I’ll have to do better if I recommit.

2cute – Boy, do you ever sound committed! Good for you. You’re a great role model; I’ve been so glad to have you around ever since I got here.

Iwillbe, Debbie – Welcome! Everyone here has been really helpful to me.

Terri – Good work with the exercise. It’s frigid here in central Illinois, too, so I really felt for you going out to walk the dog.

Barb and Marcie – WTG, ladies!!!! It's great that January's been so motivational for you. I'm jealous but I want to imitate rather than envy!

Qadira – I'm glad you're feeling better, but I still wanted to say that you should be proud of yourself for making a commitment and working at changing bad habits. Those are good things in themselves. You should feel GREAT about that.

Terri in MO 01-17-2005 09:42 PM

Good evening ladies!

I just lost my previous post. For some reason my mouse quits every now and then and the only thing to do is shut it down. Damn laptop.

We've lost a total of 42.8 pounds for this challenge. :bravo: That is so awesome. Make that 46.8 'cause I missed Bliss's four pounds.

No worries to anyone who cannot officially weigh-in. You can still join in with the spirit of the challenge which is really to focus for a small period of time on doing the things you know you need to do to lose 2 pounds. Take your measurements and use those as a guide.

Roll Call for the 2x2 challenge ending 1/31

Qadira - I'm glad to see that you're feeling better. That scale can cause such havoc on our emotions. Good for you for not throwing in the towel. Get your new scale and use that as your starting point - even if its higher. Scales are different.

Barb.G - You are doing awesome with that new plan. I don't think I've heard of it but it seems to be something you enjoy. You are sounding so much more upbeat about following a plan and doing your exercise this year. :cp: I'm so excited for you. Good :drill: about the scale. ;)

I am going to post this and then edit just so I don't lose this again.

Marcie - Great loss! Good job on controlling yourself around the pizza. That's one of my red flag foods.

Mary - You had a great loss too. How's the gang doing on treadmill at work?

Ruby - Good points about the exercise. I feel crappy too when I don't exercise. No sticky for the 2x2's. We have the weigh-in thread for those who want to have a place for regular weigh-in's and accountability or we have the monthly challenge thread. Post your 2x2 results in the regular thread is fine. I understand about work. Just check in when you can.

Kerri - The food sounds good. Wow, that is awesome about avoiding the soda for so long. A tough habit to kick! :cp:

Iwillbe - I included your numbers in with the group total. You started about the same time we did so now you're part of the group! I am a bread/starchy carb freak too (sorry, not that you're a freak :o ) but had trouble staying within my WW point range because of too much bread stuffs on a regular basis. The SBD helps me be able to have healthy breads (whole wheats) and better able to stay within my point range. I've been losing more consistently since I've going to this combo plan. But whatever works for each and keeps you satisfied is key.

CD - Good luck with all the school mess!

Mary.B - My gyno scared me a few years ago about how many cancers that I'm a higher risk for! Not a pleasant thought.

2Cute - How did the exercise go today? I've added blueberries and raspberries to my diet by adding frozen ones to my breakfast smoothies. Excellent antioxidants.

Thin - There's a difference in being :drill: (which I am) and "playing" :drill: (that would be you!) :lol3: :rofl: Thanks because sometimes the ole :drill: needs a boost too. You're right, I did feel better for having walked the dog. Cold but good.

Blissful - :cp: for your loss! Someone mentioned the Core from WW. Sometimes we just have to get over the annoyances of what we have to do to lose the weight. I use the eyeball method until I am plateauing and need to get a grip again on portion sizes. Find what works so that you won't quit!

I'm off to watch Oprah. Nate the decorator is a tsunami survivor. His partner is still missing. I'm off to pay attention to the show.

Hope I didn't miss anyone! Good night!

blissful 01-17-2005 09:45 PM

so does the new 2x2 week start today!? I am down 4 lbs from last week, so I am starting a fresh week today, like everyone else right?! Good luck everyone!

Terri in MO 01-17-2005 10:09 PM

Bliss - We were posting at the same time. Yep, the last challenge ended this morning and the new one begins immediately!!

hippygoddess 01-17-2005 10:30 PM

Oh my goodness!!!! I just got my prize for the Christmas Challenge - and I just about fell over! :) Thank you 2Cute - its SO CUTE!! Definitely brought a smile to my face!! :)
My youngest (10 yr old) is standing next to me with a huge smile on his face too!
Thank you for letting this Aussie join in :)

Angela_aka_Alice 01-17-2005 10:58 PM

Cool new avatar, Leanne.

Okay, I'm on it for the next challenge, folks. I really, really need to see some downward movement!

Roll Call for the 2x2 challenge ending 1/31

ageoldie 01-17-2005 11:08 PM

Roll Call for the 2x2 challenge ending 1/31

Kerri I posted instructions for posting the graphic in an earlier thread, I'll see if I can find it for you.

edited to add Kerri, the insturctions on how to post graphics are in thread #627 the date was 1/6/95. After you read through that, if you have any other questions, I'll try to answer them for you.

2cute2Bfat 01-18-2005 01:17 AM

I have several short posts. Thin... maybe a Sticky Thread for "instructions" would be a good idea.
Instructions to post pics, to edit posts, etc. It is just an idea because every newcomer wants to learn to do all of the fun things.. and to undo mistakes. LOL
Whenever someone comes up with a new request we can put them on the "Instructions Information Thread" .. or call it the "How to do it Thread" LOL Barbg could share where to "find" those cute pics too. ;)

Terri.... You need to add my 3 lbs lost to our 2x2 totals !!!
I want to CONGRATULATE everyone for such a great new start to our new year !!!
I want to be added to the next 2x2 challenge too. :yes:

2x2 Challenge

I am going to post my half way totals for the Snowflake Challenge on that thread.

Now for a needed request.....

I have been hard at work on the NEW FEBRUARY Challenge.
For the newcomers... I made challenges for the months of Nov and Dec.
I slipped up on Jan but we have kept the tradition going without the work sheets.
I am not computer literate ... so I do it the old fashion way....
Hand made. :write:

Anyway... we have many newcomers and have lost some oldtimers...so I need to find out who wants me to mail them the new Feb challenge ?? :dunno:
I need addresses from the newcomers if you want to participate. Please send them to me via PM. I do NOT give this information out to anyone else. I do not recommend anyone posting their private info on an public forum.

If you were part of the Christmas Card exchange or challenge I already have your address but need to know you want to participate too. ;)
Here is my summary of who I need addresses for.

NEW .... no address
Jibbelle ... Marcie
Angela aka Alice
Kari Berry

If I missed you ... please let me know. It is hard to remember everyone.
Please let me know who wants to join in. Everyone is invited.
THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT of belonging to this group. It is strictly voluntary and for FUN !!! We just don't want to leave anyone out that wants to join in. :D If you want to see a sample of old challenges just go look at the threads titled Thanksgiving Challenge and Christmas Challenge.
The basics stay pretty much the same... just new bonus points and new score sheets. This new one will be different than anything we have done yet. It will tie in some Spring Fling theme along with fun for those not going to the fling.

Leanne... I am happy you and your family are enjoying your prize from the last challenge. I thought it was a hoot. :lol: No promises the next prize will be as fun.

thinthinker 01-18-2005 01:37 AM

Hi all! :wave: Guess I didn't quite make it to bed by midnight tonight, but then again last night I was in by 12:30 and laid awake to see 2:00 AM. Sure felt like a waste of time to me! :rolleyes: But I stayed in bed and tried to force myself to sleep. Well that didn't work too well. So tonight I decided to fast forward through my soap from today while writing to you all and THEN I'll go to bed. It will be the same difference. Either way, I'm awake until 2!!

Everyone did so well with the 2X2 Challenge. I'm afraid you'll have to chalk me up for just the 1.4 pounds that I was down earlier this week. I wasn't able to get past that. :(

2cute: I'm sure decluttering is the best idea, but I get so overwhelmed with all the crap I've saved all these years that it's hard to know where to start. :shrug:

MaryB: I've been very heavy for alot of years and never really had any of the typical health problems associated with being a heavyweight. Then when I turned 50 last year, I was diagnosed with high cholestrol, and slightly elevated sugar. Later in the year she added high blood pressure to the list. I'm guessing we can't be immune to these things forever. They catch up with us sooner or later.

Terri: "A whopping 23 is predicted." You think THAT's cold!!! Huh!!! That would be a heat wave here. It was supposed to get to 12 degrees today, and it got to 15 at 5:00 PM. It was down to 8 at 8:00 PM and they're saying 0 to -5 overnight. YIKES!!! * "There's a difference in being and "playing"! :lol: You noticed that, did ya??? Ain't no foolin' YOU!!! ;)

Barbg: GREAT loss! Keep up the good work! * The new welcome is your prettiest one yet! IMHO. Love it and the coordinating signature. :D

Marcie: You did WONDERFUL too! Keep it up!

CD: Concentrate on getting your school work started. Then we expect you to be back here to take care of the 'getting healthy' part of your life.

Qadira: I'm sure that you are really losing and/or building muscle. It's just hard to know when you don't know where you started. Keep up the good work and I just know that you are going to see an amazing difference real soon. I do know how you felt when you got on DH's scale. That's how I feel everytime I go to the Dr.'s office. Her scale and mine are not calibrated the same. Hers is much higher. And I can't really figure it out either. My home scale and the one at WW, which is just like the Dr.'s scale are exactly the same, but hers is different. :shrug: Hang in there. You'll see real differences, REAL soon. [[[hugs]]]

Iwillbe: Sure you've been around long enough to post your lost. We'll always take another 7 Pounds in our tally. ;) You've done great. Keep up the good work.

Kerri: The whole thing about them assuming the little boy had cancer was so sad, it was funny! I love that particular story line on Desparate Housewives because I can see so many moms in her particular situation.

Ruby: Nope, no "sticky" for the 2X2. Probably because some people....ME.....only have time to read one thread and we'd all have to be on a 1/2 dozen when we do the Weigh IN thread and the Challenge thread and all the rest. :o Just add your name to the 2X2 Roll Call each week and your results to the ending Roll Call.

Mary: 7 pounds is GREAT! See how much that treadmill is helping?

Marcie: Good job passing on the pizza and going home for something more "friendly". That's real willpower!

Angela: Both of us will do better on this next 2x2, won't we??? * I noticed that your "tracker" is only showing up in code. Make sure you copy/paste the second set of codes once you've created your tracker. Those are the ones you need for this particular forum.

Blissful: Great job on the challenge! You go, girl!!!

Leanne: Congrats, again for winning the Christmas Challenge!!!

2x2 Challenge ending January 31st.

I went looking for hotels for Spring Fling 2. I will make a decision by next Monday night at the very latest. I did hear something interesting today that you may want to check out. I heard that at midnight on Tuesday, every week, Northwest Airlines reduces their fares for a half hour. I'm told that it can be significant, or as little as $10. The story I was told was that someone had gone on and booked a flight and it was reduced during that time by $10 and then just for the heck of it, they went in the next morning and that same flight was $100 more. It might be something you'll want to check out tomorrow night. Not like you have to book anything, but you could see if it's true. :shrug:

I also sent an email to Sandy and Tina. I don't know what's happened to Tina since her PawPaw passed away, but I haven't heard back from her. And Sandy says she has been through just a horrible time this past month or so, personal issues and death as well and she will return as soon as she is able, but she wanted me to tell you all that she thinks of you often.

Well, it's 1:35 AM so I'm thinking I better climb in bed. Honey and #1 Son took the day off tomorrow and are going to the Auto Show in the afternoon. I have a lunch date. I'm going to leave my reports for the morning. Probably a BIG mistake, but I'll have to deal with it. :o

Gonna run. Love :love: ya bunches!

Jibbelle 01-18-2005 07:14 AM

Count me in!

2x2 Challenge ending January 31st.

Airlines change there prices 100s of times a week. It is absolutely crazy. I do A LOT of traveling (had had periods of time where I was gone 52 weeks a year)...so I know. : )

Also...TO ALL...I just wanted to say thanks for all of the support and words of encouragement I have received over the last few weeks. I am glad I found such a great group of ladies to face this challenge with!!!

Terri in MO 01-18-2005 08:04 AM

Good morning ladies!

Make our total 51.2 pounds. I am blown away. We won't hit that amount every challenge but this is a great start towards our overall goal.

Now, our goal is to keep those pounds off and lose new ones.

Thin - 1.4 is great so don't be moping about them. Anything lost is great.

2Cute - Add me to the list for the Feb challenge.

I've done 30 minutes of pilates this morning. I got out the upper body DVD and did that after I had done the back flexibility exercises. Geez, those are such a challenge. This dork guy at work once made a comment about pilates being yoga for wusses. Don't think so. I thought my arms would fall off and I was using one pound weights.

Time for work! Have a great day! Make it OP and activity filled!

Grannie39074 01-18-2005 08:43 AM

2x2 Challenge ending January 31st.

The seminar started Fri night and ended Sat afternoon. I did speak Fri night but not long. I was asked to be the incoming President in May.

I went to a Lee Jackson Banquet last night I ate way too much it was potluck.

It's back to work today after the holiday yesterday.

All times are GMT -4. The time now is 12:06 AM.

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