3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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-   -   300+ and Ready To Try Again... #501 (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/300-club/37750-300-ready-try-again-501-a.html)

2cute2Bfat 03-09-2004 11:38 PM

300+ and Ready To Try Again... #501

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

We chat on Wednesday and Sunday at 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST.

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.


2cute2Bfat 03-09-2004 11:39 PM

Figure I better at least get the posting started in case a newcomer is the first to read. Anyone and everyone is welcome to share... I am just not able to at this time. I will be back soon.

2cute2Bfat 03-10-2004 01:06 AM

It has been over an hour and a half and no one else has posted yet. :(

Did anyone else watch American Idol ?? I am soooo addicted to that show. :o
I won't even answer the phone because I don't want to miss a single minute of it. :lol: My husband thinks I am nuts... and I probably am. :lol: Actually... he is sitting there next to me every week. LOL My favorites tonight were #5 and #8. I don't remember their names right now... only the number because I had to call and VOTE. LOL

The weather here is BEAUTIFUL !!!! The daffodils are in bloom plus the RedBud trees. I sure hope we don't get a late freeze. But it is not unusual to get a late freeze and/or snow here in March.

I had a good day today. I was glad to get out of the house and run around a bit.
My food was pretty good too. Sane and reasonable .... but not perfect yet.
I wanted to share some good news. My sisters cancer is in remission AGAIN. :cp:
She still needs surgery because of continuous blood problems... but not because of cancer. She is very worried because she is a plus size woman too. Surgery on obese people are always more risky. Please add her to any prayer lists any of you do. Thanks

Did any of you see Better Midler on David Letterman tonight.?
She has lost a LOT of weight. She looked GOOD.

Only have time for a few quick replies.....

BarbPA ... I have cleaned off my rocker.... it is here waiting for you. We can curl up for awhile and just cuddle. It won't fix anything... but it can sure help deal with it. :grouphug:

Audrey... you don't post as often I as wish you would.. but you ALWAYS post support when anyone needs it. Here is a hug for you too. {{{ HUG }}}

Kat ... I hope you are feeling better too. My rocker is big enough for two. I still have time to listen to your woes of yesterday. ;)

Andria... You are such a busy girl. I can't even ask you to post more without feeling bad. You have soooo much on your plate. I am just happy you still make time for us too. Grab those naps when you can. Gotta keep yourself healthy with your schedule.

Ingrid... You shared how much you appreciate our posting and keeping this thread active. Well ... we appreciate your posting too. :yes: If we can all remember how much we appreciate even the smallest and shortest posts... maybe we would be easier on ourselves and post mini posts more too. (Did that make sense?)
Congratulations on your 9 week roll. :bravo: 25 lbs is awesome ... but the 9 weeks is even more awesome. Sometimes we can be on program and NOT LOSE... so persistence is a great accomplishment to me.

Duckie... I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you. :crossed: I hope it all works out the best for YOU.

Kantsing/Judy... Now if I can keep remembering who is who. :lol: I think I also get confused on a few rare occasions when you call Blue ... KAT ... since we have a Kat too and I often read your log name as Katsing. :dizzy: I SWEAR my memory is going FAST !!!
I "think" I will be in OKC at the end of this month.
If possible maybe we can meet. :cofdate: It is not definite... and I may be with a small group. Otherwise it will be June before I am there again soon. I am busy planning a wedding and a expecting out of town company 4 times between now and the wedding. I will let you know once I know. LOL

Okay.... gotta go... all other replies will have to wait. It is after midnight and I was on here way tooooooooooo late last night.

2cute2Bfat 03-10-2004 01:20 AM

I forgot to add Andria to our roll call. Let's fill it up with those still not posting and end it after this thread. We are still missing a few family members here.

7 ....Pat/paperdoll
9 ....Jen
20 ...

Copy and paste and then your name at the end of the list and let us know you are alive and still kicking.

Jehari 03-10-2004 06:42 AM

Thought I'd better come keep 2Cute company since she's all alone on the thread! :lol:

I missed the entire 500th thread. :o My bad! I can't believe we're over 500. WOW!

As for me, so far so good. I am struggling with the exercise. I'm getting it done about every other day, and on the days that I don't, I eat less calories to try to make up for it.

And it's official.....Dr.'s scale confirmed....I'm in the 100 pound club!! :cb: :cb: :cb: I weighed in at 156. We also talked about getting all the hangy skin removed from my abdomen. He says I've got about 6 to 8 pounds of skin just hanging there. We took pics of it :fr: :fr: and that was totally scary to look at!! But, since there is now an actual Army Dr. in Wurzburg that does the plastic surgery, my odds are WAY better of getting it done than if I had to get approval from TriCare to go to a surgeon on the economy here. Not to mention I'd just feel better having it done at a US facility. My fingers are crossed and I'm hoping to hear back from the doc soon. I told the doc I could deal with the bat wings, I'd just never wear a tank top. I can deal with the sad, deflated boobs thanks to the wonder bra. I can deal with the wrinkly thighs and just always wear long pants or shorts long enough to cover them. But all this...this... STUFF hanging from my stomach!!! It's just GOTTA GO!!! I finally feel there is hope!! If I can get that removed, and lose another 11 pounds to make my goal, I may actually feel good about how I look for the first time ever. I wonder what that will be like ?????

Anyhoo, enough about that.

2Cute: I'm soooooo jealous of your lovely weather!! It's been alternating between snow and rain here for days and it's soooo cold. I'm sick to death of it and REALLY ready for some spring weather.

Well, just wanted to pop in while I'm on a little break. I've been down in the basement tagging the zillions of things I'm putting in the yard sale next week. Can't wait until that's over. I'd better get back down there before I lose the motivation to get it done. I have about an hour to work on it before I go get the little ones at school.

Talk at ya later,

ageoldie 03-10-2004 08:57 AM

Jen Congrats on making the Century Club!!! I know that must feel great. Lots of luck on getting the Plastic surgery approved. My DH's doc has told him he is lucky, he developed a hernia in his abdomen, and he says that because of that the insurance will approve his PS, but when he decides to get it done is the big question. He seems in no hurry, but I can't wait! of course it's him being cut on not me! Anyway lots of luck on getting there!

:dancer: :cb: :cp: This being Weight In Wednesday, I am happy to report that I have done my Oxycise every night for a whole week :cb: :dancer: :cp: and I have lost 1.5 pounds without changing my eating habits at all. Just think what I could do if I could get my eating under control

Gotta get ready to go to the health club, have a great day everyone!

chequitagirl 03-10-2004 09:54 AM

CONGRATS barb on the loss. you rock girl. keep up the good work.
jehari, CONGRATS, what an accomplishment. i can hardly wait til i can become part of that club. and i am definately on my way.
2cute, your sister is in my prayers and just let her know my God can do anything. just look at her cancer being in remission. our weather was nice last week, so our flowers are blooming, but of course it is back to freezing temps this week. i am afraid the cold will kill off all of our beautiful flowers, maybe not. my children are going to alabama next week for spring break, so dh and i are all alone. don't know if we will be able to find anything to do. at least with the girls gone for the week i know that my food will be much better than normal. my dh is not a big eater and will eat whatever i have and with not having to cook for the girls i won't be having much. well i have a dentist appt. in about an hour so i will post more later. hope everyone has a great wed.

VermontChick 03-10-2004 11:04 AM

Hello, how are you ladies doing this fine morning? Sadly, I have gone off of the strict phase of South Beach, I found my body could not handle it. People say I look like I've lost weight, but unfortunately my scale doesn't go beyond 300, so I am not quite sure how much I lost :( I'm just crossing my fingers until I'm in 'twoterville' (I was there over the summer, so I assume it's not THAT far away, lol).

Today's food has been great so far. I had a whole wheat pita with american cheese and a glass of juice (hey, I know it's not south beach friendly but I'm counting the points...one point for the pita, and 2 points for each slice of cheese..)

My mini goal is to be under 300 by my birthday (April 1st).

One day at a time...

Duckie25 03-10-2004 11:40 AM

Still no news on the job situation yet, should know sometime today. I wish they would hurry up and get here the suspense is killing me.
Went to TOPS last night and as they say I Turtled ( stayed the same weight as last week) so that's okay, cause I ate like a pig. I did start excersising so I guess that helped. Will have to carry on. Were having a cool contest at TOPS were playing the survivor game, If you lose your star stays on the Island, If you Turtle your safe, but if you gain, and did not excersice 3 times through out the week you get kicked off the island. Your allowed 2 imunities so if you gain but excersice your get an imunity, and a dot added to your star, if you get 3 dots your off the island. I think this will be fun, and will help us keep motivated exspecially us who are survivor fans. I want to be the last star on the island.
Meliss, I found that SBD didn't do me very good after the first week so I have just started eating healthy, and watching the complex white carbs. Hey we have the same Birthday, you fool. Ha, Ha, I can say it cause I'm one to.

Gotta go, don't want the new boss's catching me on the computer already.

Stinger766 03-10-2004 11:49 AM

Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday. :)

Jerhari, you must feel so great! I've thought a lot about how I'll either need a tummy tuck or a mid body lift when this is all over. I'm sure my insurance won't cover it but I'm going to have it done if I need to either way. I've always planned to have a breast lift at some point too. Mine are huge and saggy and I'm sure after losing weight they won't be looking too pretty. lol. Does anyone know what percentage of people losing our amount of weight need tummy tucks etc. Is there ever a case where you don't have loose, hanging skin?? I had 180 lbs to lose when I started so I'm sure I'll need it. I'm prepared and can't get there soon enough in my opinion. lol. I think you've done a spectacular job. The most I've ever lost is 70 lbs so my hat is definitely off to you. :)

Can anyone tell me what kind of exercise they are doing? I'm afraid to exercise because 1) I have high blood pressure 2) I'm afraid of the strain on my joints. I don't have access to a pool so I can't swim. Any other ideas at my weight?

Thanks and talk to you all soon.



ageoldie 03-10-2004 12:23 PM

I'm NOT advertising as I dont get anything from the sale, but check out the sites of the "AEROBIC BREATHING" plans. I chose Oxycise because the breathing seem more natural to me than some of the others, but what they do is combine deep breathing with isometric exercise positions. The three most popular ones, (and all of these have web sites, just use your search feature.) Oxycise, BODYFLEX, and Lifelift Check them out and if you want to see if they will wowrk for you,you can always buy the videos on ebay.

VermontChick 03-10-2004 12:29 PM

Ingrid -
Since skin is really elastic, I guess it depends on certain things (age, localized fat etc). But I dont think many people actually have to get tummy tucks. Although we (or anyone over 300) are clinically considered dangerously obese, I think sagging skin is an exception, and not the norm. One thing you can do is to make sure you are doing toning exercises, supposedly that helps.

Duckie -
Yeah, after a week I was feeling ill. So I'm now combining weight watchers and S. Beach (also watching the refined 'bad' carbs)..it works..the only downfall is that it's hard to keep your carb intake in check..I'm still trying to lean more on the proteins and fruits because carbs are what make me gain weight.

VermontChick 03-10-2004 12:33 PM

I've been doing Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone, they come in tons of varieties (1,2, and 3 mile walking systems)...I also do Ab exercises, and my own variety of freewights).

thinthinker 03-10-2004 12:45 PM

Hi all! Just a quick stop here, that I shouldn't be making! :o I'm so late getting on the road today it's not even funny.

I was up until 3:45 this morning getting my first items on eBay. YIKES!!! I wish I would have found the video tutorial sooner! :rolleyes: I would have been done a week ago. Anyway, I've gotten started now and that's all that matters. Now Honey can get off my case about SELLING something instead of BUYING all the time! :yes: MEN!!!!

There are a ton of things I want to say to different people but just don't have the time right now. I'm off to try and get some of a 10 'bank job' project done. Plus I have a couple of other places to run. Unfortuneately, the banks are only open til 4:00, 4:30 or 5:00 on weekdays and I'll be hard pressed to get too many done since it's already going on 1:00. :eek:

Glad you guys mentioned birthdays coming up. I hadn't updated that thread in awhile with all of our newbies. I just did it, so I think it's up to date. If I missed anyone, or put the wrong date in, please let me know so I can change it. BTW, we need to pick up some new folks that were born in October. October is the only 'lonely' month with no one in it. :lol:

See you all later. Love :love: ya bunches.

ageoldie 03-10-2004 02:39 PM

Ingrid: foot note about extra skin: Jen and my DH ole'Alvin had WLS (weight loss surgery) and lost weight an an unusually fast rate. Must too fast for the skin to shrink with the pounds, so most WLS patients do need to have plastic surgery to remove the extra skin, but those of us who loose by less calories and more exercise are usually okay.

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