3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Terri in MO 01-29-2004 08:02 AM

300+ And Ready To Try Again...#482
God Bless America!

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

We chat on Wednesday and Sunday at 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST.

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.


Terri in MO 01-29-2004 08:11 AM

Good morning! :wave:

Its frigid cold here. Not as bad as Alberta but for our area, its cold. Maybe more snow today. It is winter after all.

I just saw that there are all kinds of pretty colors available if you just scroll down on the color drop box. Bummer that they are so light, they are almost unreadable. :(

Since I slacked off last night, I got up and did 20 minutes on the airdyne. My back is a little stiff but that didn't make it hurt so I kept at it. I've slathered on a nice coating of bengay so I'll smell nice for work! :lol:

Jen - Great job on tackling the bike again. And then doing Tae bo! Keep at it.

Enjoy your day! Toodles!

Jehari 01-29-2004 08:32 AM

I ended up on page 3 of the last thread, so I'm just going to copy and paste it here. I finally got around to individual replies so i don't want anyone to miss it. Who knows when it will happen again. :^:

Mornin' chickies! I'm here for my morning report. I feel like I have to be accountable to someone or I'll slack off, so thanks for bearing with my ramblings .

EXERCISE: I made it 15 minutes on the bike this morning, and then my 4 year old wanted to do Tae Bo so we just did the 8 minute work out. I wasn't up for the half hour one. So that's done for today!

I'm trying desperately to shake the carb addiction. It's almost as bad as quitting smoking. Once you've started up again it's just as hard to quit the second time. I went without carbs for months after the surgery, but now that they've crept back up on me, I can't imagine not having them again. I've been working on Fitday.com to log all the foods that I have in the house to eat. I've realized that I really have no concept of what I eat unless I journal it. I hate journaling, but last time I did it, it was a real eye opener.
I've found myself plotting a way to eat my sweets. If I can stay away from carbs all day, I can have a Snickers Ice Cream Bar for a treat (only 18 carbs!!). You suppose that's a non-productive line of thinking???

Duckie: All I can say is BRRRR GIRL!!!

Michelle: Good luck on that job!! Sounds great! Swimming is one form of exercise I just love, but it's just my luck to live on one of the few bases with no pool.

Barb: WOW!! I'm impressed! I don't know if I could have passed up the popcorn.

Kat: Can't wait to see what your WI results are! I hope I have the will power to make it through the carb withdrawls .

gmalil: If there's anything you want to know about Idaho, you can ask me!! I lived there from the time I was four years old until my DH joined the army and we moved here to Germany last year. I'm from Boise, but I've been all over Idaho. Where are you going to be?

ageoldie: Thanks for posting that link! I wanted to know about the South Beach diet, but didn't want to pay to find out. I'm a cheapskate.

Pheonix: I went to an Ikea for the first time here in Germany. I don't know if it's the same there as it is here, but I literally got LOST in that store!! I couldn't find the exit for the longest time! Not to mention that I don't speak much German, got to the checkout with no Euros and they wouldn't take my Visa card. How embarrassing! Got that place pretty well figured out now though.

2Cute: You said you be back after cleaning the house. How messy is it woman??? Where are you??? LOL

determined to succeed: I never could watch American Idol while my husband was here. He couldn't stand it. I just like to watch because Simon can crack me up, but at the same time really make me mad. I hope that bike of mine gives me some definition in these cottage cheese legs!

Sandy: You and barb cracked me up with your post-a-thon!!

Hello to Syn, Tina, chequitagirl, and everyone else I didn't get to.

I have to get off my duff and take a shower. It's gonna be a looooong day. I have TONS of stuff to do and the kids are home because they declared it a snow day! What a bunch of wimps. We've got 3 inches on the ground tops! I was all ready to take them to school when my neighbor told me there was no school. I couldn't believe that they would cancel for that little snow, but I listened to the radio and sure enough, schools were closed. We're supposed to get another few inches today and tonight, so I'm probably doomed for tomorrow too AND they have monday off. WAAAHH!!! I love my kids, but I really love it when they go to school and I have some time to myself.

Anyhoo, I'm off!
Talk at ya later,


2cute2Bfat 01-29-2004 11:31 AM

NEVER FEAR ..... 2Cute is HERE !!!! :dancer: :lol:

Jen... believe it or not.. My house was not THAT messy... :lol: and it STILL IS. :rolleyes: I HATE HOUSECLEANING !!!! I don't care how hard you work... hours later it is messy AGAIN!!! I would be totally happy NEVER cooking ... then I would never have to clean up afterwards. :yes: You clean it... and then you have to cook AGAIN. Grrrr

Terri... you mentioned Bengay. That is closely related to Vicks Vapor Rub.
Did you know that if you have those ugly toe nails that they talk about on TV commercials and if you rub VVR on them every night for 2-3 months... it is suppose to heal them and new healthy nails will grow. Just thought you might want to know. One of my FYI moments. :smug: LOL

Today is THANKFUL THURSDAY What is everyone thankful for?
Attitude is EVERYTHING !!!! What is your Attitude? Are you grateful for the opportunity to eat healthy? Are you grateful for the ability to ride those exercise bikes or walk the dog? Today is the day to STOP and be thankful for all of those things we often take for granted... or even dread.

So you are giving up sugar... are you grateful for sugar free substitutes??
So you are giving up carbs... are you grateful for the abundance of low carb foods.?? Let's hear it... What are you THANKFUL for this Thursday.??

I woke up disappointed because I chose today to do my running... the weatherman told us yesterday that today would be in the upper 50s.
BUT today they now say it will only reach FREEZING instead. :mad:
So today I have to be THANKFUl that it is not going to snow or sleet instead of mad that it is cold instead of warm.
Life is full of disappointments.... it is not the disappointments that make your day.... it is YOUR ATTITUDE that can make any day a good day verses a bad day.

Okay... I am headed out the door to ENJOY this brisk morning. :)
And when I get home... I am going to have to SMILE at the opportunity to cook dinner ... AGAIN. lol

2cute2Bfat 01-29-2004 11:39 AM

did anyone read the article in Oprah magazine?? here is a post from another person about it... then followed by a poster reply. Just wanted to share it.
This Ought to be Required Reading
My colleague, who has been watching me go through this transformation over the past 10 months, brought in an article for me from the January 2004 "O" (Oprah) magazine. The title is "From Fat to Thin" and it's an excerpt from a book called Passing for Thin by Frances Kuffel that comes out in January. It's on page 110 of the magazine.

Kuffel went from 338 lbs to 170 lbs, working with a 12-step program. The article doesn't touch much on her eating plan, though it does address food addiction, but focuses more on the transformation that weight loss brought about. I was STUNNED by how eloquently she captured the experience of being very overweight and the struggles that you go through to change your self-image and your self-awareness as you become thinner. I absolutely can't wait for the book to come out and I've already put a hold on it at my local library, though I have a feeling this might be one book I want to own.

My colleague (who started low-carbing with me, though she only wanted/needed to lose about 40 lbs) said it really helped her understand what my life was/is like (I've been trying to explain it to her, but I'm not describing it nearly as well). This book (or at least this article) may be something I share with my friends and family to help them understand what I'm going through. Not to oversell it, but the article is THAT GOOD at expressing the experience.

Here is the posters reply... I really like it.
Great article!!
There are so many truths in what she says. It makes me understand better, WHY this time I've been so damn sure I was going to finally succeed at this for good. At some point I apparently accepted that the way I was living sucked (pardon the lanquage, but that's the truth) in comparison to the life I could have if I was just willing to pay the price.
How many times have we all thought to ourselves....."I'd give anything to be thin." Apparently, no matter how many times I had thought that before.....the truth was I WASN'T willing to "DO ANYTHING" to be thin. I WASN'T willing to pay the price....to DO the work.
Sometime last January.....Something changed. I accepted that I had been fooling myself......and got to work


That poster has lost almost 100lbs

Anyone here read either ???

chequitagirl 01-29-2004 11:40 AM

2 cute i have so much to be thankful. first of all my God, my husband, my kids, and the fact that we have all made a healthy lifestyle change with God's help. if i listed everything that i have to be thankful for i would be here for days. enjoy the brisk weather.

peekabooangel 01-29-2004 12:40 PM

Hi there chicklets,
I was here earlier and tried to do a post but for some unknown reason my computer here and at work has been doing screwy things for the past 2 days. I have run the norton anti virus and everything seems okay....anyways, I just wanted to say....


I was sitting here at my desk thinking...hummm what could I have for lunch. I could go to subway, that would cost me 6 pts or more, or I could eat my soup and carrots that I brought to work with me. Subway was weighing in hard, not that that is a bad thing, but I would have had to leave work and that ment putting temptation in my way by the chips and stuff at Subway. So I came here I read what 2cute posted and decided "I AM WILLING"

I was also wondering if anyone ever did the 12 step program with food? I am asumming it is kind of like AA? Only OA?

Hugs to all, Im off to heat my soup.

chequitagirl 01-29-2004 12:47 PM

good for you sandy. keep it up.

SusieH 01-29-2004 01:52 PM

Day 13
Hello all.

I only have a second, but I wanted to pop in. I haven't read anything in a few days, so I can't respond to anyone.

Day 13 OP, one day to go until weigh in.

Got to run.


gmalil 01-29-2004 02:06 PM

I'm thankful..
...for Friends and for 2nd chances (and 3rd and 4th etc.)
WOW JEN, Small world! Emmett is where we are looking! just 25 mi or so from Boise, which is where we have kids, grand kids, and GREAT grand kids!

I've been cleaning kitchen this morning, procrastinating about my walk, but will go do that right after I post this!
I had a great OP day yesterday! endied up with 8 points left last night for a snack. I fixed a WW chocolate Smoothie and added some Peanut Butter. DELISH the only thing to improve it, would be adding 1/2 banana, but was out of them so...settled for Delish!
I just realized this morning, (yes, I am slooow)
that I REALLY need to be drinking more water. I have totally weaned myself from diet pepsi, so have to make up for those fluids! Well, hosnestly, I do allow myself 1 a day if I am out, but will not bring anymore into the house!!! 1 doctor said that excess caffeinne could have caused the fibrillation that sent me to the hospital. I have also heard that caffeine will inhibit weight loss. so, water and decaf it is! i have a 25 oz water bottle sitting by my computer right now, 1/3 gone!

I'm off to get my walking shoes on! see ya later!

gmalil 01-29-2004 06:07 PM

Copy n paste
Somehow I ended up on the wrong thread, sorry, so have copied and pasted my message from the last thread. :dizzy:

Congrats, Michelle on a second interview!!
And goodness gracious girl! what do you do in your 'spare time'! as if you have any!! 3 midterms!!! Good luck on them!!

I thought I would try the WW aerobic DVD that came with the Fast track, instead of wlaking today....well, I got part way into the warm up and decided that was more work than I was ready for!! "WHEW!!" so out the door I went for .4 mile...much easier, I will try the dvd again when I get more in shape.


Stepping Out 01-29-2004 06:13 PM

Good Evening Ladies
Just a quick post. I was "lurking" here again, and Sandy's post just jumped out at me. :)

To your first question: There's an e-mail worm out there called "MyDoom". The instructions on how to detect it on your system are available at www.microsoft.com/security/antivirus/mydoom.asp.

There's also a forum for Overeaters Anonymous here at 3FC. OA also has online meetings several times a day. I've been to a few, and they've been an encouragement.

P.S. I'm sorry to hear about your DH's granddad. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Hoping everyone has a wonderful evening!
Good night :moo:

QueenB 01-29-2004 08:11 PM

Sandy: Hey darlin.... just wanted to say I am very sorry about your loss and sorry I'm just now saying so. You know I love you and if you need me, give me a call. :grouphug:

Hi to everyone else.

I'm fine and OP.

See you tomorrow!

katrinabgood 01-29-2004 08:28 PM

Hey! Michelle!
Whattya mean...


Only bad part is it is in New Jersey
Just kidding...hope you get it, it sounds great!

Day 7 OP...I'm feeling the need for some BREAD! Or a potato! Ohhhhh, some lovely mashed potatoes would be so nice! Down girl...one more week.

Gotta run, I need to exercise before work tonight....after tonight, I'm off for 3 blessed days. I'm having my hair cut and colored tomorrow and on Sunday, my sister and I are going for the "Super Bowl Special" at her salon...we're having facials done...I can't wait!
I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!!

see you tomorrow...official 1 week WI (not Wisconsin!)


paperdoll 01-29-2004 08:59 PM

i am thankful for my family, friends. my job and you all.new friends.

i have had a bad week. fell off my diet. i am back on/

my car won't start[31- this morning.

then to top it off we had manditory inservice and they served pizza [sure smelled good.

enough of this i did exercise. hope everyone is warm. pat

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