3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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rdoyle225 12-17-2016 04:30 AM

Where to start
Here goes nothing. Hi my name is Rachel Doyle. I am from South Louisiana. The weight gain stated to happen around puberty. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome in 2003. It eplain most of the weight gain. It got bad after birth control. I was put on that to help with POS it just made it really bad. I dont remember my weight back then I think I was 22/24. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2012. The DR told me it was not IF you get it it is When you get. I have diabetes on both my sides of my family. POS does not help with it eather. POS affect your hormones and most of you all know insulin is a hormone. I would lose weight then gain it back lose some gain more. Then I just started to gain. Then depression set in. I finally got a real good DR he diagnose me with eating disorder binge eating. It really never occurred to me that I was even doing that. So he prescribed medicine called Vyvanse which is an ADHD medicine but has now been approved for binge eating what it does is it cut your appetite. It is help me resist my craving to eat. I eat my meals. I have been earing 3 times aday, but i get fuller fast so I dont eat that much. As of September I have drop 12 pounds. In January A1C was 9.3. In July I had droped it to 7.0 As of December it is now 6.7 normal A1C os 6.5. I really dont have a set goal I never was one to set goals.

Scotsgal 12-17-2016 01:56 PM

First of all WELCOME! :D

I think you have a lot of different things going on just now that cause a little bit of stress and chaos. The depression is one that that needs to have control over first of all. When you have a clear mind, you can make better decisions. Do you talk to people about any of your problems that you have mentioned? have you thought about listing what makes you want to eat? and what foods do you go to when you feel like eating? When you start to understand, it makes things feel a little more manageable. For example: when I eat alone in the house.... I can't be bothered cooking, so I want take out. I also know that at around 8pm I want something sweet. I also MUST have eggs in the morning or I will feel hungry after an hour, if I have a carby Breakfast. It is all things that I just now manage in a different way, but I had to take a step back to learn about it first off.

If you don't already have the app, then I would advice to download My Fitness Pal. Have a look at it, play around with it, and find out on average how many calories a day you eat normally. Then you can see if you eat a high carb, high protein or high fat diet. It took me a while to stop lying to myself and weigh everything I ate, so that I knew I was tracking properly to start off with. From there you can the learn about your own diet and reduce the calories to start to see a weight loss.

Second thing I would say is to make goals, Humans are goal striving people. Many of us who don't make goals, do so because they are either afraid they won't hit them, or because they have subconsciously made a "goal" to be a bad thing due to previous goals missed. The feeling you get when you hit a goal is amazing!!! The problem people have, is they made unrealistic goals. This year I wanted to lose 1lb a week, so that on the 13th of January 2017 I would be 52lbs lighter, that is 52lbs more than If I decided to sit on my butt and not change my ways. I am on week 48 and I have lost 42.7lbs, so I am a little behind which is frustrating, but I HAVE LOST 42.7lbs :D how can I be mad at that? My main goal is to look great at 30 (in January 2019), before then I have 4 Weddings. My 2 best friends are this year in June and in November, then my sister marries in Italy in april 2018 and probably my brother in December 2018. I am using these as milestones to help me along the way, I want to of lost 20lbs between January and June next year, then another 20 for the November wedding. They help keep me motivated and remind me why I am on this journey and why I wanted it in the first place.

Sometimes life gives you a little shake and you realise that you want more than what you have. I believe that you are strong enough to be able to hit any goal that you want. It won't happen overnight, and you will need to work really hard for it, but I believe that you can work through all the potholes.

I hope you have the will power to stick around and crack on with losing some weight :D

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