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betsy2013 04-20-2016 10:52 AM

Middle of the week already?! Wow, with these sunny days that we've been having, time just seems to be flying along. Of course, this time of year has so much house and yard maintenance/planting/clean up work that there's not a chance of having a long day.

Cindy -- You are so right about not stressing out over the little ups and downs that we have with our eating plans. In fact, I feel like stressing about it actually makes me retain weight -- don't know that there's any scientific reasoning for that, just my observation. I remember Fi mentioning her weight chart once and that we needed to picture it because there were ups and downs along the way, but looked at in its entirety, it was a downward line. Even though you ended up on the rocks, sounds like it was a great day to just be outside.

Teena -- So glad that you are enjoying this wonderful weather we've been having. Your post was so positive and uplifting.

Fi -- So glad that you had a good session with Mike. You haven't given a report lately, but I hope that you're continuing to notice improvement in your walking.

Calda -- Wow -- I always read the posts first thing in the morning, and your post just really lifted me up. It gave me food for thought as well in terms of how I think about staying on plan.

More yard work today and then I'm taking a girlfriend out for her birthday supper tonight. We're going to a new restaurant, so I'm sure that I'll be off plan at least for one meal today. As long as I don't go hog wild, it should be fine.

Hope everyone has a great day.

the_magpie 04-20-2016 04:04 PM

Hey, everybody!

It's interesting, I gained a couple of pounds right around the weekend, too. I'm attributing it to slacking on my water intake, but honestly, I don't know. They came back off, as of this morning, and I still feel fine.

For the folks not following a particular plan, you all know about My Fitness Pal, right? You can put in your weight and your goal (which they phrase in terms of pounds lost per week, I think -- 2 is about the most a woman can aim for, safely and consistently, while some men can lose closer to 3). And then it tells you how many calories to aim for in a day--and it tries to break them up into where nutritionists think we should be, in terms of carbs/protein/fat -- but you can adjust the ratios for your own plan. It's super useful to go in and log what you're eating, every now and then, just so you know where you are, calorie-wise. It's even more useful if you wear one of those fitness trackers--or just go in and log your activities, so it updates your calorie needs.

Going WAY UNDER your calorie goal is just as bad for your weight loss as going WAY OVER, which I think a lot of people don't realize. And MFP will let you know if you're not eating enough (or eating too much), which is super valuable.

Bit of a disclaimer, I guess: I couldn't use it for very long at a time, because it didn't match up great with my personality. I would obsess when I wasn't within their calorie range. And I would obsess if I didn't know exactly how many servings my recipes made, or which particular version of "pad thai" I should log, if I went out to eat, or whatever. So, I use it to check in, sometimes, but I can't use it day-to-day.

LOTS of people do, though, with lots of success! So don't let my weirdness be discouraging.

(Side note: I thought Weight Watchers would be the same thing for me (not that a point is exactly analogous to some number of calories, just the counting, you know?). And, yeah, going out to eat at non-chain restaurants can introduce some questions. But I was surprised and pleased to find out that the weekly points make all the difference for me. That and not having to measure fruits or most vegetables. ... I'm not trying to sell anyone on WW, just telling you how the experience is going for me. I'm finding it very doable.)

Betsy - I'm glad my comments about Alaska and the Alcan were helpful and not annoying. :) I'm excited for you! Every time I've done the Alcan I've been in some sort of rush--and I didn't have an RV to sleep in. I'd love to do a leisurely trip. Take lots of photos! Alaska and British Columbia are both super beautiful!

SamIAm86 04-20-2016 07:23 PM

Hi everyone

Still trying to get better and watch my eating. Last night was bad bad bad. I ate nutella straight from the container...I just kept shoveling it in and didn't even care. I couldn't stop myself. That's something I haven't done in a long time. This morning I threw it away and didn't even care how much was left. I can't keep that stuff in my house. I just have no willpower to keep it out of my mouth or watch portions.

My neck isn't too bad. I know it will be awhile before I will be able to lift weights again but I'm going to give myself the rest of the week to rest it and give it the attention it needs to heal but next week I plan to get back to exercising. Close to the end of the day today my neck started burning again. Just when I thought I was past that it flared again. I took some naproxen and ran my errands. I'm home now. Just had pork tenderloin and cucumber salad...simple yet just what I need.

No personals tonight but I read everyone's kind words and it just makes me love this group that much more. Everyone here is so sweet, kind and supporting with anything even if it's not something weight loss related. I'm not going anywhere. You guys are truly amazing people and I am so honored to know you.

Promise to keep you updated and in the loop. Take care loves :wave:

Teena 04-20-2016 11:01 PM

Today was our warmest day yet. When I got home at 3 today it was 83 already. I love this weather. It is supposed to be down to 59 with rain by Sunday.

Someone noticed i have been losing weight. They said they could take a pic so I could see it. I politely said thanks for the thought but no. My mental picture of myself right now is better then what would be reflected in the picture and it would really bring me down. We are our own worst critics.

Food is the same. I have not strayed very far. I did indulge in 3 servings of grains today. I had some whole grain oats in my yogurt, half a slice of whole grain bread on my sandwich and the 1/2 a sweet potato with dinner. Not bad but I do try to limit it to only 1 or 2 servings a grain and some days none. I guess it balances out. I don't plan on making it a habit though.

I may have found a fishing buddy. I have not gone fishing in about 8 years. None of my friends really like to fish. I am excited. If I keep getting this weight off and I can get around better, I am going to reward myself with a license and a new pole.

Its been a busy day. I am off to bed. I will catch up more tomorrow.

caldawg89 04-21-2016 01:05 AM

Thanks Fi and Betsy, I have been getting better at reflecting on what I am doing and how my most substantial progress I have made is nowhere near a number on a scale, but in a significant shift in my mental state, a sense of routine, my emotional state and my sense of self. I have a long way to go, but for the first time ever, I feel like eventually, I can lose the weight and keep it off. I am constantly compared to my mother, I look like a clone of her. People have always told me that I have little hope of losing a substantial amount of weight because I have her genes, and she is a biggish woman. I have used that as an excuse for poor choices millions of times in the past, and I am not going to do it anymore. I may be predisposed to certain conditions, like carrying additional weight, however I refuse to let it define me or control my future or lifestyle choices.

Teena, I love fishing! I drive my partner mad sometimes, he isn't as keen as I am, but I just love it! I hope you enjoy your outing, keep us posted on how you go!

betsy2013 04-21-2016 12:40 PM

Wow -- what a difference a day can make. Cooler, overcast, and rain expected for the next three days. I'm glad I got started on the yard work and the rain will make it easier to do more planting next week.

Magpie -- I use MFP all the time for tracking what I'm eating. I don't use their goals section so much other than to determine my ratios for protein, carbs, and fat. Even when I have to do a guesstimate, it helps me to know what I can (and can't) have and is definitely helping me with learning what foods are healthy. It sounds like WW is working for you so well. That's the challenge that each of us faces is finding a plan that really works and learning that we will need to eat that way going forward. I'm getting more into the trip planning. I've been to BC and Alberta before and am looking forward to the drive. I should have been a trucker as much as I love driving.

Sam -- :hug::hug::hug: You are going through so much right now with not being able to exercise and the neck problems. All of us have had nutella days (did I mention the week where I ate 3 bags of potato chips......the family sized bags!), but throwing away the rest was a great decision. I know that you don't like wasting things so doing that was a gift to yourself. You'll do this Sam and dinner sounded like it was a good healthy meal. And, of course, we're all worried about you -- this group is great with giving the love and support that's needed.

Teena -- I actually turned on the AC yesterday although I need to go switch it to auto so it can flip back and forth between heat and cool since we seem to be in that mode right now! Glad you found a fishing buddy -- that makes it so enjoyable and I'm always surprised at how hard it is sometimes to find a friend who enjoys the same things I do. The grains you had all sound in the healthy category, but I understand trying to limit.

Calda -- Yes, genes do play a role in what we weigh, but they are not the final determining factor (unless there's a medical condition involved). We are the determining factor and your spirit and outlook are wonderful. Your comments turned on a light bulb for me. Before I was in the mindset of "I have to lose weight to be healthy -- ugh!" Now I'm beginning to think of it in terms of "I'm losing weight to do something for myself." It's just an entirely different feeling. I can't say that it takes all the cravings away or the 60+ years of bad eating habits, but it does seem to make it easier to say no to going off plan. Thanks so much for your insights.

Since the weather has turned, I'll do a little house cleaning, get back to doing my yoga, and begin working on getting my salt and pepper collected moved to trays that I can easily take down for cleaning every few months instead of trying to individually move a couple of hundred sets of them. Don't know why I didn't think of this a long time ago! I need to get the remainder of the veggies that I will plant put between wet newspaper so they can begin to germinate prior to planting. And and and.

I went out to eat last night and didn't have any weight gain this morning. Back on plan today. My new trick is to chew sugarless gum. It seems to get me over the hump when the cravings set in. Plus it's just sweet enough to satisfy the sugar yens as well.

Time for coffee and crossword. Hope everyone has a great day.

Teena 04-21-2016 09:00 PM

Betsy: How many S/P shakers do you have? I used to take care of a lady who collected them. OMGoodness, did she have a lot. She said she had 1500 of them. I believe it. The weather is going to be wet this weekend. I guess we need it for the summer heat. I sure do not want the fires we had last summer.

Calda: I hear you on the family weight issues. My family is short round Italians who love good food and lots of it. It is an uphill battle trying to be a healthy weight. I love your determination and attitude.

Sam: I am so glad you hang in there with us. You are correct the support and encouragement here are outstanding. I know I have not been here long but everyone has made me feel like I have. We all need each other. You are part of that.

Magpie: I agree that too few calories can be just as bad as too many. Although, every time I see a gain, I start thinking of cutting back. It is the way we are taught and a hard habit to break. So glad to hear WW is working so well for you.

Hmmm, my friends. It seems like each one of my friends is like a piece of me. If that makes sense. One friend likes the crafty stuff. One friend likes movies and visiting. One likes to meet up for breakfast on occasion (we work together so we see each other all the time). One of my friends likes the sewing, crocheting and the SCA. (But I have not been able to participate in the later because I can't get around nor set up my encampment.) But none of them like to fish. I am going to love having a fishing pal. Now to find someone who paints.... and willing to teach me a thing or two and I will be all set.

Today was uneventful. I did leave the walker at my desk and ventured a little further then I usually go without it. It felt so good to walk to my supervisors desk and back to mine with out that cumbersome thing. I truly appreciate it but hate it at the same time. I am hoping that someday I can graduate to a cane maybe and then nothing. It is one of my mini goals.

I have the crockpot full of chicken breasts cooking up to keep on had for salads, sandwiches, meals... It is so nice to have it already cooked. I also boiled up a bunch of eggs to for the same reason. Speaking of which, I should start dinner. Toodles.

betsy2013 04-22-2016 10:32 AM

Rain has arrived but in dribs and drabs. It's what I refer to as the joke's on you rain because it will clear up so I go outside to do yard work and then the rain comes. And, yes, the weather can change in literally 5 minutes here.

Teena -- I've got about 150 pairs. I only collect animals, and I can't even imagine 1500 pairs. I like collecting them, but keeping them clean and dusting underneath them -- ugh! Good news on walking around a little more. Sounds like you've got a lot of friends in your life and that's great. Find that fishing buddy and you're all set.

Quiet on here right now. My BIL and I went to get flowers yesterday even though we're about 3 weeks early in doing so. I was so surprised because evidently everyone else is going 3 weeks early as well -- things were already pretty picked over. Maybe I'll get the pots planted early next week -- things need to harden first.

Not a particularly good eating day yesterday, but no weight gain. Today is a 500 calorie day (I'm on 5:2 right now) and those days are actually very easy to get through. In fact, it's easier sometimes than the "normal eating" days.

Time for coffee and the gym. Hope everyone has a good day and a great weekend.

Fiona W 04-22-2016 01:31 PM

Once again, I don't feel much like writing, but I thought I'd check in. I've run out of my cannabinoid pain reliever—not pot and not THC, but rather a compound that hits a different receptor. I can't afford to buy another prescription for it retail, and meanwhile my insurance company—the one that covers for mail-order—is still making my doctor, my doctor's receptionist, and me, crazy with frustration.

My knees and my right thigh are hurting a lot right now. I sure wish I had that medication. It's not like it wipes out the pain, not at all, but it makes it bearable.

I'm so angry about all these hassles with my insurance company, I could scream bloody murder—and have done so, more than once, recently.

My 16-yr-old great niece Grace is coming over today. We haven't seen each other in several weeks, because of her having rehearsals for drama productions, her parents insisting she do something for them (clean house!) instead of making what used to be our usual Friday night date... and other stuff. I'm not going to cancel on Grace just because I've been crying all day. She's mature enough to understand the situation with my painful legs. I even have an art project planned for us to do.

ageoldie 04-22-2016 05:07 PM

I'm hanging in there. I've had a pretty good week. I feel like I've made pretty good decisions from the choices I've had. I got word that my husband will be getting to come home from rehab next Wednesday so maybe our life can get back to normal.
I've enjoyed reading from each of you and hopefully soon I'll be familiar enough wit you all to get personal.

caldawg89 04-23-2016 04:15 AM

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having an excellent weekend! Just thought I would check in and share a big win I have had today. Today, for the first time in my entire adult life, I was able to pull my jeans right up over my belly AND they fit properly AND I didn't have a muffin top! I caught up with a friend I hadn't seen in ages and she noticed I had lost weight which made me feel good; how vain is that?! I also had to buy a new belt, because my old one is now too big to wear without putting additional holes in it. I know it sounds pretty vain/shallow, but the changes I have seen have mostly been within myself and this is the first big time I have noticed a major physical change in myself. So happy!

Cindylh 04-23-2016 09:45 AM

Hi everyone.

I've had a few ups and downs with eating the last few days, and yes it shows on the scale. But I am okay with it. I feel like my attitude towards losing weight is changing. I know already that it's going to take me years to lose all the weight I want to lose, if I ever do. I accept that I may never be a size 10 and that's okay too. I love eating healthy because of the way it makes me feel, but I also love pizza, wings, chips, etc. and I don't want to go through life never having them again, or feeling guilty when I do. I know that doesn't mean I can have them all the time. That's how I got to this weight in the first place, but I'm starting to accept that these foods will be a part of my life always because I enjoy them. I don't want to go out to dinner and agonize over what I can and can't have. I don't want to avoid the cake at a birthday party because I shouldn't have it or feel guilty if I do. I've thought about this a lot the past few days while I've been eating some of these things, and have discovered that the more I try to tell myself I shouldn't have something the more I want it, so I decided to change my attitude about it and found that when I give myself permission to have something I tend to not eat as much of it as I do when I think of it as forbidden, and if I know I can have it again in the future I feel like I don't have to eat it all now. I know this isn't a new concept but it feels new for me. Anyway, back on plan today with a new attitude.

My BIL has been back in the hospital and isn't doing well. He has an infection in his leg where they took the veins for his bypass. They are treating it but it is getting worse instead of better. He also has a blood clot in his arm, and is feeling pretty weak. They've done a bone marrow biopsy but won't have the results until Monday, and they've had to give him two more units of blood. I think that makes eight since this all started. We're all worried about him.

I'm so glad you're all here. I hope you're enjoying your weekend.

caldawg89 04-24-2016 05:12 AM

Cindy, I am so sorry to hear about your BIL! Sending prayers and positive healing vibes to you, your BIL and family. Also, I am hearing you about your thoughts on food. I have had similar thought processes, that have come from a combination of relentless body shaming from myself and others, and food shaming too. Weight loss is such a mental battle, and honestly, I find the mental side of things much more gruelling than any boot camp or work out! It is really hard to find a balance. I guess I don't have any advice, only sympathy. I don't trust that I have worked out the balance I need, or that I have kept my mental food demons completely at bay yet, which is why I am really strict with my diet. Until that is under control, I am so scared of completely falling off the band wagon and ending up bigger than I was to start off with.

betsy2013 04-24-2016 02:32 PM

Just a fly by this morning as it's already almost noon and I haven't even gotten the day started. We went up to spend the days with the little guys yesterday so that was fun but very tiring. Long day since it's a 3 hour drive each way plus we were there until 8:30 last night. Nothing major planned for today, but I will get a few things done and get back on plan with eating.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Fiona W 04-24-2016 07:16 PM

caldawg— So long as you keep posting here, if you do fall off the wagon, it won't be for long. Congratulations on how your jeans fit now!

Cindy— So sorry to hear about your BIL! I'll keep him in my thoughts...

I've been having a good day: lots of walking around the house!

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