What are you most looking forward to?

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  • -I want to go to a restaurant to eat and not feel like I'm being stared at.
    -I want to get rid of all the health issues from being obese.
    -I want to give myself a pedicure without having to pick up and move stomach or boob flab to reach.
    -I want to wear normal clothes, not ones made for big women, especially since I'm too big for most places 'plus-sizes.'
    -I want to be able to walk around town and not have my body puff up like an out of breath sun-burnt marshmallow. (not sure why that happens)
    -I want to be able to go out and work a full 8 hour shift at a job and not feel like I'm going to die by the end of it.
    -I want to move to Florida (my home where I grew up) and not be worried someone is going to call Greenpeace to roll the whale back into the ocean.
    -I would love to be able to wear a bikini for the first time in my life.
    -I want to not be mortified to put my picture on Facebook because I've gained 100lbs since my friends last saw me.
    -I want to stick it to the people who always told me I was fat and worthless and would always be that way.
  • I'm not even sure where to start on my list!

    I want to run a 5K. Like actually run. Without someone suggesting that I am going to give myself a black eye from all the flopping around. (I laugh, but still)

    Obviously, clothes that don't come from a special store or a special section.

    Panties and lingerie in a normal size. IDK why, just yeah. Something that doesn't have Just My Size on the waistband.

    I can't wait to not have the top roll between my boobs and my lower stomach. I HATE that roll.

    And I am most looking forward to being someone my son can be proud of. He is only 9 now and he loves me no matter what, but when he is older, I don't want him to be embarrassed by his fat mom.
  • I'm going forward to....

    Being able to put my socks on without having to use my sock thing.

    WARNING T-M-I Being able to wipe in the bathroom after using the toilet

    Being able to walk without my thigns touching each other

    Just being healthier in general

    Not having a top belly and a bottom gut

    Being able to take a hot bubble bath comfortably
  • To go into Victoria's Secret and be able to buy more than accessories (bags,flip flops) or cosmetics. The same goes for other straight size clothing stores most of which I dare not enter because I fear unspoken rejection.
    The list goes on but that was the first to come to mind.
  • I would like to be able to get out of the tub easily.
    I would like to be able to get my shoes on easily too.
    I would like to be able to get off the floor, I can't get up now....I've fallen and I can't get up, lol.
  • I know that this is an old thread, but taking a bath sounds amazing. I haven't had one in years. I look forward to that and having real pajamas. My family loves getting one new pair every year, but I haven't been able to stand them buying me clothes. So that would be fun.
  • I look forward to...
    • fitting into the car without the steeing wheel being so close
    • going to a restaurant and not worrying about seating
    • walking for an extended period of time without my feet hurting
    • feeling like getting so much done around the house
    • my thighs not rubbing together
    • not having rolls on my body
    • fitting in a chair

    I know that some may or may not have these kinds of issues but these are ones that are important to me.
  • I want to wear high heels someday. I know that they aren't good for me, but I can't help but notice how feminine ladies look in them.

    I want to wear make-up without thinking that it's futile because I wouldn't look good in the make-up anyhow. I wasn't taught how to do my hair and make-up, so that's part of it.

    My swimsuit right now is a burq-kini. I have no religious objections to normal suits, I just don't want to be seen in them. I can't wait to wear a normal suit. Maybe a bikini someday, but unlikely. I would just settle for wearing a sleeveless shirt.

    Shopping in normal stores.

    Wearing a cocktail dress. Wearing lingerie.

    Keeping up with the kids.

    Letting my spouse look at me. I only allow him to well... Do things in the dark, because I don't want him to see me.

    No seat belt extender on flights

    Being able to sit in seats without pain.

    Seeing my toes when I stand up.

    Undoing my bra in the back. I have front snap bras now.
  • Cross my legs!
    Not having to panic going to a new place and wondering if I will fit in the booths comfortably.
    No seatbelt extender and being so big that I have to keep my arms crossed while in an airplane seat so I don't take up as much room.
    Fit in amusement park rides comfortably
    More shopping choices for clothes
    Wearing tall boots
    Having space between the steering wheel and me.
    Not shy away from mirrors or having my picture taken
    Having more energy from not having to lug around so much extra weight.
  • I'm looking forward to getting rid of a whole bunch of clothes!! I didn't go over 200 pounds until I was in my 30s, and I've been yo-yo-ing ever since then. And I have a bit of a hoarding problem when it comes to clothes: I refuse to get rid of perfectly good clothes that I still like, just because I don't fit in them now.

    So what I'm really looking forward to is having a normal-sized wardrobe, not one that spans the whole range of sizes from 5X to M. (I did give away the 6X stuff.)
  • Adding to the list, I have some pictures I took when I visited Graceland (Memphis,TN) and while I am normally a pretty bold, no shame kind of girl I am not brave enough to post these pictures yet. They are just too close to home (I am around 60-70 lbs. from the weight I was when I took them, but on my size it isn't far away enough for me) I plan to post them when I hit Onederland (199.8 or smaller lol) on my facebook and here.
  • Everything sounds so familiar here. My top 3 dreams are at the moment:
    1. To be able to bend. I picked up Shindo month or so ago and it means lot's of bending and stretching. And it's the fat blob that won't let me bend, the joints are willing to co-operate.
    2. As most of us, I'd love to wear cute clothes, some vintage dresses in style of 1930's or 1950's. Tall boots... Underwear that won't hike...
    3. And most of all, I'd love to dance. And not look like a dying swan. I can dance now too, but I'll be out of breath in 10 min and sweat pouring down in half an hour.
  • (I reserve the right to come back and edit this as I think of more things. )

    The #1 thing I most desperately want is to be able to fly without a seatbelt extender, without the arm rests hurting my thighs, and without people glaring at me for having the audacity to get on an airplane at my size. (rawr)

    I'm also looking forward to exercising, which I think a lot of people would find stupid or dishonest coming from a fat girl, but it's true. I really like to go hard on the elliptical, to go fast on a bike, to walk long distances ... and this body won't let me. I'd love to have my arthritis sufficiently under control that I can do Couch to 5k, though I never really expect to be "a runner." Running a 5k would be cool, though!

    I'm looking forward to being able to wear more stylish clothes, of course. (Maybe not in style, but at least my style.)

    And, I guess just generally, I'm looking forward to fitting into the world as it is... not having to check the maximum user weight for any given piece of equipment, not worrying about small or flimsy chairs. It makes me angry that people design spaces/objects for small bodies and leave us out, but advocating for equality from a place of inequality is very difficult. So I want to get thinner, in part, to be a more effective advocate for fat people's rights.
  • - Not being scared of airplane seats
    - Not being scared of stadium seats
    - Not being scared of movie theater seat
    - Not being scared of breaking those flimsy plastic lawn chair seats
    - Not being scared of any more seats!!!

    - Being able to wear clothes not in the plus size section
    - Having a BMI not considered obese
    - Getting off my last fat person medication (cholesterol)
    - Hopfully regaining the desire to go out and do more things now that I am not always thinking about my weight or my limitations because of it.
  • I get the seat thing...because I avoid a lot of activities that I love because of seating. So...that is what I look forward to the most. I look forward to going anywhere without worrying whether or not I can fit in a seat, or sit down without possibly breaking a chair.
    I want to wear heels again.
    I want to ride my bike for miles along the coast
    I want to be able to walk into any store and buy a pair of pants
    I want to take pictures and not be ashamed
    I want to stop hiding when I see old friends out somewhere
    I want to be healthy, active, and up for anything

    Good luck everyone on reaching your goals!