I'm back for the 20th time!

  • Hey everyone I am finally done having babies and now I need to get my butt in shape so I can keep up with my little boys. I have lost some weight from my high when I had my last son but I seem to be stuck right around 355. I teach part time and leave my house around 6:30 in the morning. Does anyone have any filling breakfast ideas that can be made in advance? I end up rushing out of the house and eating junk on my way to work. Thanks for having me back. I look forward to getting to know everyone!
  • Welcome back Amberp!
    The advice would depend on what kind of eating plan you are following.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • Hello welcome back, congrats on the babies! How about you give a brief point by point of your regular day of eating and I'll see how I can help

  • I would say probably just low fat and calorie is where I am at. I usually do a protein shake or oatmeal when I am on plan but I find myself getting the munchies around 9:30. I get off work at 11 and rush to get my boys from the sitter and home to get them lunch. If I have it already made I have a salad. if its not made I generally have what they are having. Mac and cheese or peanut butter and jelly. Neither of which is on plan!!!! then I feel like a bump on a log all afternoon because I eat a crappy lunch and have no energy. Then I get angry with myself for not sticking on plan. It's like a vicious cycle. Then I get frustrated because I am not just doing it! Sorry to babble I am just feel frustrated
  • I'm not a breakfast person I'm happy with coffee, so I'm not much help there, when I do eat breakfast sometimes I make quinoa up with almond or soy milk added, and eat it like hot cereal. (like otameal) making a batch up and freezing it then all you have to do is microwave it to warm it up while you shower and eat it before your quickly dash out the door. That said I pretty much consume coffee and maybe have a peace of fruit and a greek yoghurt as a snack half way through the morning. I don't know why but I find eating right after I've woken up hard.
  • My ideas so far are boiled eggs, greek yogurt, cheeses sticks, nuts, baked oatmeal made with proteins can be made in a big batch on Sunday and will still be safe to eat on Friday morning, ... these are all things that should stick with you so you are not so hungry later in the morning.
    I make omlete bags and keep them in the freezer and take them out the night before. The bags have fried onions, peppers, mushrooms, bacon,... In the morning I toss it in the frypan and add eggs and we all have a healthy breakfast and are not hungry until lunch.
    For lunch you can prepare salad toppings on Sunday that will last all week. Cut up meat, have eggs boiled, buy shredded cheese, keep nuts and seeds in the pantry. You can do this. You are worth taking the time to plan.
    How about feeding your kids healthy foods too? Trust me if they are hungry they will eat it. They will learn to love it.
  • Welcome Back
  • I often bake up a big 9x13 of eggs, veggies, maybe some type of meat like sausage or ham or bacon, & seasonings, and I cut it into meal-sized portions for the week and just heat up a slice for a minute in the microwave, maybe add some cheese first, and eat. That way, it takes me a whole minute to make breakfast. I've also been known to thaw some frozen peppers and onions and then mix in eggs & a bit of milk and microwave that for a minute for a quick meal.

    I most often eat leftovers from dinner the night before for breakfast because I'm not much of a breakfast-food fan.

    Welcome back!!
  • Thanks everyone! I like the egg bake ideas. I think I am going to mix it up between egg bakes, oatmeal and protein shakes. Hopefully that will help keep me moving in the right direction