3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Radiojane 01-20-2014 12:41 PM

Welcome Mulse & Terra!

Merstopher I too have a small kitty that likes to make typing impossible. She also thinks she is a dog or a guinea pig, depending on who she's hanging out with at any given day. Congrats on breaking 300! I do like that I don't have to shovel, but our condo is a convert from an 80's apartment, bought on the spur of the moment by my boyfriend and his ex, and it's starting to fall apart.

Sam I do love that I can swim, although it is starting to get expensive for a monthly pass. I could walk the mall I work in for free, but I never seem to want to do that.

Betsey It will be a very dark orange, yes. I'd like to be able to actually sleep in the room :)

Thanks for all your kind words about my window stress. My house has been in such a state since august that it is getting increasingly frustrating to deal with the mess. I'm really hoping to be able to at least put my living room back together this weekend!

I'm still having trouble losing, so starting today I'm going to do a few weeks of isofemme shakes and a small meal at dinner. Easier to know for sure exactly how many calories I'm consuming. Hope it will help!

I'm off for my swim now! Have a great day everyone!

betsy2013 01-20-2014 12:56 PM

Good morning all. First, welcome to Mulse, Nightkatt, and Terra -- it's a great group, very supportive, and lots of good info gets shared.

Running late (again) this morning. The retreat was........OK. And, Fi, I share your thoughts about the stress from this isn't helping the diet plan. Still trying to work on just letting go of things, but I'm not sure now is a good time to be trying to change yet another behavior.

Sorry for this being such a non-personal post, but just wanted to say good morning. Sounds like most of us are in the groove with a couple of us struggling (that would be moi). But, instead of just giving up, I keep coming back to this thread each day because you all are keeping the desire and will to get back on track alive for me. THANKS!!!!!

silentarctic 01-20-2014 01:27 PM

Betsy - we can do this :)

Jane - You're a brave gal, hope your plan works for you. I am still unsure about meal-replacement plans . At least for me I don't know how satisfied I'd feel doing that. I like "whole" foods. :)

Fi - Lucky friends with those detailed post cards your making :)

Mulse & Terra- Welcome

Sam - Hey once in a while we have treats definitely not worth beating yourself up about. Hope the excercise goes well.

time - protein definitely helps sate hunger :)

pjv - hope the gardening adventures go well :)

Night - You are rockin - over 100lbs lost, amazing! Getting started is nearly always the hardest part. I'm sure you can ROCK the 6.5km and 5km walks.

merstopher - cute movie, watched it a while ago. I do try to stay positive mostly.

Ubee - Hope you are feeling better soon.

Larry - just keep doing what you're doing, :)

Still coughing , annoyed by that but what can you do its a monday. Went to the pot luck and probably ate too much, same with yesterday cooked dinner for a friends birthday so ate that, plus she had cake for her birthday and it was just the two of us so I felt obligated to join in. I definitely didn't have the best numbers this AM because of all that. Hopefully its just mostly water retention from the sugar and water.

I mean to work out this week. Not sure whats going on with other commitments though so might not get into it. But I really want to TRY.

Ubee 01-20-2014 02:23 PM

Good Afternnon!
Silent, I would have had cake too. I find it hard to strike a balance some days. Have anything exciting going on this week for Betsy and I to think about?
Betsy, sometimes I wonder if we ever really do change our behaviors. I always seem to go back to them in times of weakness. I am glad you keep coming back to this thread. I know if I stop the scale goes way up.
Jane I have to give you so much credit! I hope the shakes shake things up for you!
Terra, thanks for sharing more about yourself. Yup, we all have to change because our habits are what got us into this club. Wow you read the whole thread!
Time4me, last night I decided I have a lot to be grateful for also and I really need to focus on that.
Sam, big macs happen. It is good when they happen only once a year. You are doing great. I really like how you post often.
Mulse, many of us are not here for vanity but for our health. Vanity reasons are just a bonus. I hope you get your bundle of joy and good health soon. I have trouble staying motivated. I like to think of it as a commitment.
Fi, I had to laugh at Chris asking about the peanut butter... I thought with a spoon silly. (Sorry Chris!) What you said about stress is so true! Less stress, less weight.
Pam you are on one heck of a roll! Keep it up!
Katt, I am so happy you joined us! Good job on the 100 pounds! At the top of the 300+ site is a biggest loser thread. Heather posts your info there. Would you consider sharing your story so far. It would be very motivating for a lot of people. Many of us have been told we would need surgery to lose weight and your story would help those who don't feel it is right for them. Also you have been here a while and stuck to it.
Chris I love your kitty pictures!
Hi Larry & Andrea!
I need a kick in the butt! My portion control is MIA!

Radiojane 01-20-2014 02:46 PM

silentarctic - I would much prefer to be doing whole foods, but every once in a while my body just needs a major kick in the butt to do what it's supposed to. I'm monitoring my hunger. The shakes are only 115 calories, so I did have a garden salad for lunch along with that. I actually find that with ice and occasionally mixed berries blended in, they can be quite filling.

Betsey We can struggle together. I'm starting to feel like that awesome progress I was making was a million years ago. I'm starting to miss buying smaller clothes all the time!

Terra1984 01-20-2014 03:05 PM

Hi silentarctic,betsy2013,Radiojane

Ubee ~ Yeah I read the whole thread, It all very interesting

My day has been going pretty good. I walked this morning for 45 mins and then I'll do it again at 2:30 pm and then I'll do it for the last time after 6:30 pm and then I'll wake up and do it all over again tomorrow.

Fiona W 01-20-2014 07:09 PM

Hey guys, I have a NSV (non-scale victory) to report: I fit in, and am wearing, the black silk pyjamas I got on the occasion of my 50th birthday (I'm almost 59 now). And silk's not a stretchy material! They're a tad snug, but wearing them motivates me, because I'm looking forward to when they're looser. They're charmeuse silk (that's the satiny kind) and oh so luxurious. Surprisingly warm, too! :)

merstopher 01-20-2014 08:58 PM

Well lots happening in my world this week, but I had good healthy start toda, on plan. I am working across town right now in the chronic pain clinic, so no time to get a workout in between work and my Monday evening recovery group, so Monday is a day off exercising, and that's OK!

I'll make up for it tomorrow.

Fi - that's awesome! I have lots of clothes I can't wait to fit back into. ;). Mine aren't silk though.

Terra - three 45 minute walks? Way to go! That should be a good burn. It's 80% "what you eat" though, so be careful of the appetite you will work up.

I'll just send out a group shout out to everyone else. Have some things to do.

Peanut butter with a spoon? Sheesh... I love peanut butter, but never thought about eating it with a spoon on it's own! ;)

Terra1984 01-20-2014 09:29 PM

merstopher ~ Yeah I normally walk 3 times a day for 45 mins each time but today I only walked twice for 45 mins but twice is better then nothing but I'll be sure to walk 3 times for 45 mins tomorrow and of course every day after that.

SamIAm86 01-20-2014 10:06 PM

Hey everyone!

It's getting close to bed time but I wanted to check in and tell you guys about my day. I'm so used to posting here now that I feel like I almost have to tell you guys about my day because you're my little family :)

Today I got off work and met up with a friend at the book store. We looked at magazines and talked. He's a special effects makeup artist so I get to geek out with him about makeup haha. I had a small skinny vanilla latte with sugar free syrup while we were there, but I figured I would take that as my afternoon snack since I didn't eat any snacks today. I don't know why, but today I haven't felt as hungry as the previous week. Maybe that's a good sign? After we left the book store we came back to my apartment and my BIL, him, and I all chatted up and caught up with each other and different things while I had my dinner. I had probably half of the portion I had at dinner last night of the same thing. I thought to myself when I made it that there was no way that was going to be enough food, but I actually finished it quite satisfied.

After my friend left my BIL and I were talking about how I'm trying to make changes in my life to be a better person, lose weight, get healthy, etc. I told him that I haven't really told anyone other than the friend who was here earlier, and DH and why. I just don't have much of a good support system here. My BIL is probably at the most 130 lbs soaking wet. He's quite small in size, and we're around the same age and get along well. Well to my surprised he asked me if I wanted to go on a walk. I had previously explained I didn't like to go walking at night alone with the history of the recent girls gone missing here. Before we left he showed me a few easy exercises I can do just to get my blood moving in the morning before work and things like that. We walked from one end of the apartment complex and back. It was about a 30 minute walk and he definitely had me moving! He's a really good motivator and I thought it was really nice of him to help motivate me. I honestly probably would not have gone for a walk or done any type of exercising if he hadn't brought up going. I've kind of been dreading starting to exercise because, ugh, you know...But I've gotta start somewhere! When we got back, we have to walk up a flight of stairs to get into our apartment so he had me do a dip up each step. Boy was that hard!!! I was really tired and he made me stretch when we got in, which was a good thing because my calves hurt so bad. Stupid me didn't stretch before we left. I'm glad I am starting to move, and with him being a good motivator maybe I'll get somewhere with this whole exercise thing. I think he's going to be my good support system here since DH isn't much help right now.

Anyway, it's about bed time here so I'm off! I hope everyone had a great day! I read up on everyone's day, glad there's some new people here! The family just keeps getting bigger guys!!! :) <3

edoetsch1 01-20-2014 10:28 PM

:wave: Hello everyone! I have been posting over in the calorie counters area of the board for a few weeks and thought I should join in over here also. So here I am! I am currently calorie counting with the help of My Fitness Pal and have a 1800 calorie daily limit. I try hard to keep it at 1500 though. Due to my size I have not been doing much physical exercise though, but can not wait till this cold weather goes away so I can get out and do some walking. I have not weighed my self in 3 weeks due to not having a scale to support me. (I got my 1st weight at work before I quit 3 weeks ago) I have a new scale coming tomorrow though, so I am excited to see what/if I have made any progress.

Nightkatt 01-21-2014 03:20 AM

Hi all ..

UBEE - Happy to share my story .. I did consider getting the op as I was really not having any luck in losing and keeping it gone forever ... until I signed up here and acknowledged my actual weight I kept thinking it wasn't too bad ... but I think that is something we tell ourselves to just make our choices easier to accept. I still have a way to go ... but I will never be the "ideal" weight or BMI or whatever .. and that is not me being negative ... I just know how I felt when I got to my lowest adult weight (about 205 pounds) I didn't feel good in my skin .. I didn't like what I saw either .. and I was still about 40 pounds from my ideal lol .. but with bones already sticking out and looking gaunt I figured their calculators were screwy lol .. so Im just going down to where I feel good .. not just how I feel .. but about how I look. Whether my 220 is where I will stop to maintain or not I really don't know .. but it has definitely been a really educational journey I have been on lol. But anyway .. yes .. I am happy to share my story lol.

Well last night I had a terrible attack (I get extreme reflux sometimes) and it wiped me out today recovering from it ... hate it when that happens .. so have been taking it easy most of today. Had to pop out to get a few things for the dogs and and some vegetables for dinner etc .... also finally found some Coconut Sugar & Organic Dark Cane Sugar for my baking (both lower in calories than white/brown but as they are sweeter I don't need to use as much :) ).

Weather is crappy today ... so much for summer lol .. but it has given me an excuse to make a Cottage pie for dinner .. and it was lovely .... then I baked a small batch of cookies for us to have for supper ... so now going to enjoy some Judge Judy then try to get an earlier pain-free night lol

mountain walker 01-21-2014 06:31 AM

Hello everybody, I am sorry I have not been around for a week. Had a terrible week last week on the marital front....nearly didn't make it. But we are starting afresh and dieting has been the last thing on my mind.
Walked the dog throughout so at least I got a bit of exercise.
Hope everybody is well, I may be a bit quiet for a week or two but I am thinking of everybody and I will be back!!
God Bless

pjvw34 01-21-2014 07:08 AM

I had a good day yesterday... I should have walked but I didn't... I am going to change that today... I have a meeting/training to go to all day... it's going to be a wonderful day... I have decided that if I keep telling myself that it will come to pass.... LOL....

Mountain - keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...

Merstopher - what a cute kitty... I have 6 if you would like another... lol...

Katt - I so understand wanting to feel good in your skin... you have to do what is right for you...

Edo & Terra - for me walking seems to be the very best exercise ever... and Terra doing it 2-3x @ 45 minutes each a day is even better... you should see awesome results in no time... I am so ready to get back at it... If the weather is nice today I think I will fit it in when I get home from work

Sam - so glad you had/have your BIL to walk with you... he does sound like a great motivator...

Fi - awesome NSV... before long those PJs will be falling off you... LOL

Silent - hope you are soon done with the coughing... I just hate when I get sick like that... I dont want to do anything...

Ubee - Girl... you can do this... you can get a handle on that portion control... I have faith in you!!!

I am sure I have missed some of you... I have to get my butt in gear and get to work... I hope everyone has a POP day!!!!

Ubee 01-21-2014 09:01 AM

Good Morning!
Silent my pretty friend, where is your picture?
Jane I see you posting more here and in other threads also. I always do that when I am getting my mojo back. Hope it is true for you!
Terra, good job with the walking. Do you take your dog with you?
Sam, that is excellent that your BIL is there for you! Keep it up!
Welcome edoetsh! :welcome2:I am so happy to have you join us! Please feel free to share more when you are ready.
Katt, thank you for being willing to share your story. I feel it is so important to help all our 300+ friends! Your cooking stories are really helping to broaden my world. What is cottage pie? Also I think many of us get the "We will know when we are at goal." way of doing things.
Donna, :hug: sorry to hear of your troubles. I was thinking of you last night. Thank you for checking in.
Pam what kind of coffee do you drink? You sure are busy! Keep at it!
Chris do not even put one spoon of peanut butter in your mouth. It will be the end of your weight loss!
Fi your silk jammies sound so wonderful. You will have to start looking for a smaller pair soon. Way to go!
Hi to everyone else!
Busy day today. Shopping (food of course), lunch out with hubby, and off to see the doc. Must make coffee!
Have a good day!

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